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I am having an obsession with Code Geass, i watched it four months ago and i keep imagining lelouch inside of my brain, because he is the most badass antihero protagonist i've seen in any anime.

what's your thoughts on this anime? is it leftist?
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I liked the scene where the glasses bitch humped that table


Post it.



hot hot hot


Best manga of the last 10 years


What do you like about it?


A historically chinese hairstyle for the girl on the cover, it must be the best manga ever.

What is it about? Could we have a link to it so we can all read it?



I like media that features pestle and mortars, I might add this to my reading list.


thanks for the recommendation, I like it a lot
theres also an anime now
love that mao mao have class consciousness, although with a name like that, how could she not ?
I like the mysteries and investigation, but I want more politicking, hope this will happen after shes in the outer palace

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Can't believe it's been 4 years. I was accepting it'd never happen forever ago. Regardless, Haru time.


hope it has a banger soundtrack again


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Damn, I didn't finish season 1 after I realized they wouldn't have time to get far into the story and assumed it was over.


Has anyone else been reading Dai Dark?



I think 86 is complete garbage. I started watching it because I like mecha anime and it has a good rating on My Anime List. First off I could not finish this anime, I only got four episodes in before I dropped it. I like the ideas behind it but the plot makes absolutely no sense, I know in mechas there is a suspension of disbelief to watch it but this show asks you to completely turn your brain off and I can't. And this completely gets in my way of enjoying this show, which is a bummer because I like some of the ideas of this show and want continue watching it but I can't because of the plot holes. The plot is essentially their this country who is at war with another country and because of racism chooses to have all the "Aryan" citizens stripped of their citizenship and forced to fight on the front lines. But if you think about this its incredibly stupid because whats to say these people refuse to fight and march on the capital demanding the "Aryans" also fight along side of them? They have the military training and mechs to do so and the government would have to do something or risk getting destroyed by the enemy. This makes the themes about racism feel a lot more hollow because it makes those oppressed groups look like willing participants in their oppression which is not something I should be thinking about in a story about how racism is bad. Now because this plot hole took me out the story the others which in better written one would normally not take me out started doing so. Like in the second episode it is revealed that the enemy robots are all autonomous and have gone rogue. Why does the government launch several EMP's to destroy them? I then started thinking about real life militaries and how the United States uses drones, then been controlled by a person several thousands miles away. This is way better because it saves both the pilots life and the skill he gains from experience. Which the government in this anime clearly doesn't value even though it should because they should want to win the war. Overall the guy who lite-novel this anime is based on clearly didn't give a shit about the plot and I in response don't care about this story either. If you can ignore the plot I would suggest checking it out because it has some interesting ideas. But if your like me and you demand the bare minimum when it comes to logic of the plot, avoid this show like this plague because it will hurt your brain. This anime's plot is Star Wars prequel's level of not maPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>But if your like me
This is an 18+ site anon


Code Geass is actually great, story gets kind of silly, but the main character carries that show.


Watching Geass now its a lot better than 86. But do Japanese people have this bug of a hate boner for British people.


Yeah just finished it. Code Geass is one my favorite animes of all time now. Lelouch Lamperouge is literally the best written character.


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>whats to say these people refuse to fight and march on the capital
One of the few things it establishes well is the structure of the military being dictated by the current state of technology.
The Republican mechs are explicitly made for mass production above all other concerns.
The "Para-RAID link" is the centerpiece of their war communications network and their only technology equal to the empire. There is also "laser communications", which likely requires extensive infrastructure at the transmitter's side.
If an 86 force were to rebel, it would either have to rely solely on local comms or potentially improvise long-range radio, that would be vulnerable to Republican snooping.
Agreed. S2 is obvious dogshit, although the child character actually acts like a child as opposed to a loli and is imo never sexualized beyond plain moe.


I just had a realization I cant think of a single bara anime, or never saw as much as a clip from one. Straight romance, yaoi or yuri is popular, and I guess the potential audience for a specifically gay men focused genre is smaller, but is it really so small it wouldnt warrant even a single one made?
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ya there is none lol



"Bara is when handsome muscular dudes."


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No because it turns into bishie anime after a while, making it in aggregate a feminization anime.


>chad Giorno
This is cursed.

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I'm like a month late but a Mawaru Penguindrum movie was announced that's going to recap the 24 ep series. What are your thoughts on Penguindrum and Ikuhara's works in general?
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An interesting take on the problem Lenin addressed as (bourg) infantilism. I tink Adorno also speaks of it in Society of the Spectacle.


I watched the Re:cycle, it was good but if I had not seen the original series there's no way I would have understood any of it.


I dont understand what is the pic trying to say.


Logo is pseudointellectual and should be ignored.


>Society of the Spectacle
Wrong writer, dude.

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Has anyone else been reading Groundless? it's a really interesting military themed manga, about a small island at war. It manly fallows a small city's militia team while fighting with the main island army against the Liberation Army. I'm only half way through but it seems to go back a forth from the different factions while focusing on the small militia. I think the depiction of the Liberation Army is interesting, it's very bare bones compared to everyone else but it's clearly suppose to be the revolutionary army. it also has a very real depiction of racism.


How does it compare to reminiscences of the Cuban revolution?


after reading all that's translated it's probably more comparable to the IRA. there main focus is independence from mainland control but again the manga's interesting because it doesn't really focus on them.


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i'm going to analysis the Liberation army in this manga cause like i said no one seems to be reading this thing. their main ideology was written you by the commanding leader Livinda Giovovich, it's very broad in terms of philosophy, if anything it's comparable to Egoism, i think it's just supposed to be a stand in for liberty which is pretty general. it feels like it's a bourgeois revolution, but none the less they are the resistance. their main problem is losing support from the public because all they say in response is "believe in the revolution", and that's not holding peoples merit. i like to think it's a comment on how leftist focus on revolution over other things. none the less the manga is not completely about them, it's about a small city vigilantly group and while they work for the mainland you get the feeling their caught in the middle. over all it's a underrated manga, and I hope more leftist would read it, cause i think there's alot to analysis.


I really love the WW2/in-between war aesthetic it has despite being a fictional world. sadly it's not fully translated and the scanlations are taking their precious time.

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Only good age-gap romance manga out there. Truly a good story.


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>romance manga
>look inside
>platonic relationship


That's how all age-gap romances should be




That's not true.
The guy who raised a child and date her was the best story because it was a stab in the back to the readers.
I haven't read it, just saw a video essay, :)


Ideal age gap romance is 30-something woman banging a teenager.

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Is reading manga off a phone really that bad, or should I just invest into a tablet.
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Whatever works for you


A huge e-ink reader is better than physical for me.


If there was an open-source alternative to Comixology's panel-by-panel view we wouldn't even have that conversation.


If it is just manga an e-ink display might actually be best but occasionally they have a few pages in colour.


It's worse in everyway except accesability, (unless it's an iphone).
Except of course if the manga is designed purely for the phone like korean mangas.

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Wait, wait, wait, so the bad guys in SpyxFamily are East Germany?
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>burgers don't get free anime
I do just not on youtube


There's something nice about watching anime on youtube. Maybe I'm biased because that's how I used to watch it back when I was first discovering what it was all about, but bumping into a series of some random older anime uploaded whole on a nobody's youtube channel always felt like discovering someone's hideout


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whats the point without annotations…


Remember what they took from you


You realize we pirate shit right

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