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Thread for Questions and Answers that don't really belong in other threads as well as source requests.
- Questions
- Answers
- Anime/Manga sauce

Anime related series and character search site:
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I don't know the exact details but it doesn't sound true? At least for traditional animation (so anything pre-00s roughly) where you draw on paper and capture it on film, you don't have "resolution" in the conventional sense, so it doesn't make sense to say that it caps out at 720p.




I mean if it airs as 720p on Japanese live TV are they really going to render it at 1080p or just upscale it for the losers streaming?


Even if that was true, they'd upscale it with a better algorithm then whatever your video player is doing.


I was thinking more of BD releases, streaming is a crapshoot yeah. It really depends on where the download is sourcing from, I'd guess it probably is upscales of a broadcast version in most cases. I just don't think it's *always* gonna be the case.

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Just finished this show and it has become one of my favorites. On the surface this anime appears to be trash anime packed full of fan service, but on watching it the so called "trash anime" is brimming with substance. excellent character design, badass soundtrack, and one of the satisfying endings I have seen in a long time. This show can make a scene of a butt naked woman running around killing enemy's with nothing but her toe nail feel empowering and not at all exploitative and fan servicey. What are your guys opinion on the show?
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I'm gonna be honest, I remember when this show was praised by leftypol years back and all sorts of analyses were made about how it's leftist and whatever. I never got that vibe, it just felt like the story was just a generic imitation of Yuri-Action anime from decades before as an excuse to show off skin. The animation style wasn't my thing either. People love to mock the fight of Pain vs the Nine Tails, yet a lot of the fights in Kill la Kill are literally the same kind of animation, except with some seizure inducing colors flashing.


I think a good chunk of it is that it's nominally anti-fascist – as in the bad guys are literally fascists – but that aspect of it gets a bit muddled once the Elite Four are revealed to not be actual bad guys.
The "deconstruction of fanservice" aspect people talk about is dumb, KLK is quite literally the opposite, it's a show about being shameless about sex. That said this aspect of it is also muddled by the fact that the show oftentimes can't quite discern between "Ryuko shouldn't be ashamed of her body" and "Ryuko shouldn't care about all these people who keep touching her inappropriately".
I think comparing the fights with the Pain fight is a huge stretch but I do overall agree that they're very much in the generic "people stand around throwing big attacks with exaggerated animation" mold for the most part, they're actually my least favorite part of the show.
Overall KLK is just a beloved phenomenon so people want to feel like it's on their side. All political groups do this but leftists seem especially prone to it.


>Elite Four
*Student Council but w/e


>it's nominally anti-fascist – as in the bad guys are literally fascists – but that aspect of it gets a bit muddled once the Elite Four are revealed to not be actual bad guys
It can be interpreted as the rebels raising class consciousness in the military.
>leftists seem especially prone to it
/leftypol/ users do be like that.


This is probably the most unfer discussed anime/manga there is.

This kinda reminds me a bit of Naruto mixed with 1001 Arabian nights
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Anyone sympathise with Hakuryuu?


He's like a less compelling Zuko IMO.




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Don't bump unless you have something to say or include a relevant pic at the very least, FFS.


since you showed a pic of Aladdin with a serious face I'll let this vitriolic remark slide.

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Things that are not anime and manga are also okay, and communist cosplay is even better.
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"Lynyrd Skynyrd begins to play Sweet Home Alabama"


burgerpunk-japanese crosscultural kino, in several different ways


understandable, have a nice day.


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Some professional cosplays I found on 2ch.hk

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AMV thread
I know that AMVs aren't as big (or good) as they used to be, but I certainly think they're a lot of fun so lets enjoy the best of it!
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Is Coub FLOSS or is it just TikTok 2: Electric Boogaloo?


Russian TikTok


>Russian Tiktok
Not really, Coub has been around for 4 years longer, so if anything Tiktok is Chinese Coub.

You mean is it Free/Libre Open Source Software? I have no idea.


>Dancing ダンシング Sakuga MAD
>Hip-Hop Sakuga
Pretty good, though I'm surprised Naruto Dancing or DxD's Dancing isn't included.



MP4 of AMV clip and full song

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Anime Recommendation List General
Thread to recc anime for anons of leftypol and former bunkerchan to enjoy (or to avoid)
- So-bad-it's-good animu >>2551 - bad anime that can bee enjoyed ironically
- Next season anime watchlist >>346 - anime that are currently being released.
- ANIMETA thread >>10489

>"I have never watched a single Anime nor read a single Manga in my entire life. Where should I start, what are the essentials?"

Anime STARTERs examples
- Any of the Ghibli films for art and culture (See >>469 )
- Fist of the North Star & Desert Punk for post apocalyptic stuff
- Akira, Alita Battle Angel, Jin Roh & Ghost in a Shell (1 and 2) for Cyberpunk (also see >>>/hobby/1782 )
- Naruto, Bobobobo, One Piece & Rave Master for shonen adventure and action (See >>1732 >>510 )
- Gun Buster, Big O, VOTOMs, Gundam & Macross for Mecha (See >>845)
- Tiger and Bunny, One Punch Man & Astro Boy for hero stuff
- Irresponsible Captain Taylor, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, The Legend of the Galactic Heroes, & Space Pirate Captain Harlock space adventure
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Similarly comedic-action is Jubei-chan: The Ninja Girl. It's tropey as hell, but considering its from 1999, it came from a time before such tropes were beaten to death and boredom, or were as widely known.


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Recently discovered Ushio and Tora (2015). It's like a 90s anime that somehow time-traveled to the 2010s. The plot feels a bit like a mix of Jujutsu Kaisen and Shaman King.
>Ushio Aotsuki is a stubborn middle school student and son of an eccentric temple priest who goes about life without care for his father's claims regarding otherworldly monsters known as youkai. However, as he is tending to the temple while his father is away on work, his chores lead him to a shocking discovery: in the basement he finds a menacing youkai impaled by the fabled Beast Spear.
> The beast in question is Tora, infamous for his destructive power, who tries to coerce Ushio into releasing him from his five hundred year seal. Ushio puts no trust in his words and refuses to set him free. But when a sudden youkai outbreak puts his friends and home in danger, he is left with no choice but to rely on Tora, his only insurance being the ancient spear if he gets out of hand.
>Ushio and Tora's meeting is only the beginning of the unlikely duo's journey into the depths of the spiritual realm. With the legendary Beast Spear in his hands, Ushio will find out just how real and threatening the world of the supernatural can be.


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Another series I recently read is Gingitsune. I thought it was rather wholesome and in a rather under-utilized niche of non-action heavy, nor ecchi-focused modern-mythology story.



Never heard of Iké Boys before and it was pretty fun and meta


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Chambara is the heart and soul of manga.


Share your favourite ones preferably with Karaoke style subtitles to sing along with
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what is the best anime opening, and why is it naruto blue bird


Enough with good openings, lets change the subject to bad ones. The kind that immediately telegraphs the show is going to be garbage, thus sparing you wasting time watching it.


Almost every Naruto OP and ED was a banger


Closest thread for this I could find
>8-bit Music Theory
>How Cynthia's Theme Terrorized a Generation


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here you go neetsisters


>NHK with a female MC
That's just WataMote…


>>23506 (me)
Ah, wait, they put a deuteragonist on the cover? Damn, that's misleading.


I liked it a lot, the tone is quite a bit different from the original, and the characters seem healthier? I'm excited to see where it goes.

NHK1 was sorta about unhealthy individuals who for whatever reasons aren't able to keep it together in an at least conceptually functional society. The stuff added in the anime sorta shows that even the normies aren't doing so hot but they're still ultimately, individual aberrations, albeit widespread ones.

Whereas in 2 it's.. not? The conspiracy stuff is the clearest example, it's pretty fundamental to the first one, whereas in 2 it's dropped pretty early on and neither Satou nor Senpai bring it up past that, despite conspiracies being far mor mainstream now. Misaki's own issues are much more integral to her interactions with Satou, and it's quickly acknowledged that their meetings are for her benefit more than his.

idunno i feel like the characters in the first were failures whereas in this they're struggling within a society that's failing but they're actually doing alright given what they're working with
or something
anyway i like it

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Favourite anime related Youtubers? Why especially do you like them? Is there even a point in watching one of them?

Picrel and Pause and Select are definitely on of the better ones out there
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There's a lot of those 2010s Comicvine rejects that do crap like Seth.


Any recommended anishitters for 2024? I only follow zhoniin now for some one piece recaps


Craftsdwarf is the goat channel.


Honestly I love finding obscure channels that upload old anime movies and clips:
For example TCD Blazer https://www.youtube.com/@coledenny40/videos


Trash Taste is fun, Anime Man seems… fine (his takes are pretty generic though, CDawgVA has much more based takes but I don't think he has an anime channel), Mother's Basement is mega-cringe and Gigguk is mid. Honestly, I just search for anime myself, I don't need a YouTuber to hand it to me.

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is it anime even though it doesn't have the regular art style? if yes can we discuss it?

if no tell the mods to abort this post
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Yes, it is the BASIS, a SUBPLOT, but it isn't THE story, racial commentary included.
>The show is made by westerners
And Amber Noizumi, a Japanese woman.
>for a western audience
There is obviously Western cultural influence in this show, but it isn't in fact "just for Westerners" unlike schlock like current Capeshit films. It is aimed at a broad audience of people and those that aren't Western liberals or rightoids don't get asshurt by the story and don't project IRL drama into it. Racism (surprise, surprise) is not endemic to white people, who knew!?
>The only people getting emotional are the ones complaining about idpol
<I have no argument so I'm going to project with a thinly-veiled "No U!"
Fuck off liberal, that's not the argument being made. The commentary being made is a general one about xenophobia as well as specifically Western Colonial Imperialism and Japanese Nationalism along with being antithetical to the romanticized image of Imperial Japan that a lot of anime have promoted in recent years. This is not the same as the projected identity politics that Westoids project into this show. For example, one of the creators has expressed support for Israel on their twitter. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the show or its story but people still try to tie it in as a reason to get mad about it, which is toxic and poisons discourse.
>ends up reinforcing the kind of ideology it sets out to criticize
In what fucking way? How does it reinforce xenophobia or colonialism? The results of it are bloodshed and death and misery, depicted quite clearly.


Based Lucky Trips, Checked!


>mc is a "hafu"
I thought the term was Hapa? IDK I'm not caught up with all the slang.


>Hapa (/ˈhɑːpə/) is a Hawaiian word for someone of multiracial ancestry. In Hawaii, the word refers to any person of mixed ethnic heritage, regardless of the specific mixture. The term is used for any multiracial person of partial East Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific Islander mixture in California.

>The word "hapa" entered the Hawaiian language in the early 1800s, with the arrival of Christian missionaries who instituted a Hawaiian alphabet and developed curriculum for schools. It is a transliteration of the English word "half," but quickly came to mean "part," which could be combined with numbers to form fractions. For example, hapalua is half, hapahā is one-fourth, and hapanui means majority.

In Engrish it's hafu.


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Huh, I genuinely did not know that. Thanks.

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