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Wish someone would libre me from this hell degeso


Thanks for the laugh, anon. Best thread on this bait-infested board in months.


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Why are anime girls always rich?
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>haha this commercial product advocates for buying things
Hobbies are as old as the sun. Purchasing goods one can obtain for free isn't related to hobbies one bit. A line advocating the opposite would scarcely make it past the censors.


i-its not a REAL hobby


You're being either disingenuous or stupid. Eitherway not worth conversing with.


nice try


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90% of Azumanga Daioh posters can't tell you who this is.


Where is the existing azomanga thread? I couldn't find it with brief search in the catalog. Reply with it and I will merge and delete this post.

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does anybody here remember the panty & stocking anime
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lol what is even this video, they showed like zero clips of the show, she was just like 'uhhh this guy is big and buff and black and the girls disrespect him, also he's into young boys, this is anti blackness' like what???


I thought it was unfunny


What made you change your mind?


The fact that it's been years so I'm not sure if I would think that if I rewatched it


it wasn't /that/ funny, but the visuals and music were cool


Did she do anything wrong comrades? She sacrificed her humanity to stop the collectors and stopped the laws of cycles for turning magical girls into witches. Foiling the plans of extraterrestrial beings that only wanted entropy.
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Some crimes can never be forgiven. She took her glasses off.


Comrade please she had to take off the glasses. How else was she supposed to save everyone from Kyuubai's Alien buddies wanting entropy to occurring using Despair.


Homura Did nothing wrong, its simple really. Uncritical support


watch another show


The Rebellion movie of the Madoka Magica series was arguably worthy to be called "based" in similar way to how movies like and ''Gone With the Wind", not to mention perhaps even several cowboy movies, could be considered to have progressive or revolutionary themes, despite that some of them might have reactionary sorts of aesthetics or nostalgia at multiple parts.

Qualitatively Akemi Homura, at the conclusion of that movie, was able to give, through her actions, to her fellow magical girls both the opportunity to have the normal life that had been taken away from them and the continued existence as magical girls who initially were to have been cast into unhappy, miserable existence, because their aforementioned "normal lives" were the cost paid, as result of their acquisition of power (feminists and communists can surely find some positive messages there) and thus invent in the "immanent reality" the better future that is not always the unreachable ideal and that is redemption and salvation that are made truly achievable. Of course in the context of the Madoka-verse the problem of the Incubators' goal to maintain the universe is still unsolved partially, so that is one of the major background contradictions likely that must be reconciled.

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Fuck I loved this show so much, I usually dislike slice of life but something about this show fucks
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The only reason is "popular" (where?) is because we have been lacking in genderbender anime, but like >>20316 says it's garbage. I was expecting a revival in the genre but I guess not. I read Ayakashi Triangle and didn't like it either so I'm not even gonna bother with the adaptation that's coming back this season.

>Messy queer story which I'm glad we're getting authors based enough to try a crack at despite backlash.
Did you start watching anime last week? Also, what backlash? Like Japanese authors are even aware of whatever westerners are saying, lmao.


>another omg-i’m-a-cute-girl-now anime
I’d rather just re-watch “Ranma ½”


>Did you start watching anime last week?
Nah just had very surface level tastes up until recent years.
>Like Japanese authors are even aware of whatever westerners are saying, lmao.
You're probably right, I'm likely overestimating the significance of spectacle stuff.


I wish I was a cute girl


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>something about this show fucks


I’m not fucking crying, you’re crying. ;-;
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this shit is straight as hell so sorry i am not interested in watching this (i lied, there's no sorriness nor shame in my decision not to watch this anime plus it is just a movie)


I was never a gamer and never cared about whatever the hell gamergate was. Libshit and idpol has always been disliked on leftypol, go back radlib.

>mundane stories can be told in animation.
True, but frankly that bores me
>Not everything realistic needs to be live action
It's not necessary, but animation works better, as you said, when it goes above realistic capacity. That's why Grave of the Fireflies is good, it is realistic, but it utilizes animation to carry across aspects that come off as more vibrant than a live action film.


>go back radlib



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Suzume? I thought it was pretty different from Your Name.


This one's kino.
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mainstream anything is pretty generic most of the time, even books


>mainstream anything is pretty generic most of the time, even books
Well, of course. That's why I'm a hipster more into niche stuff.


To be fair its basically tradition at this point to make your first project have the same basic premise as Hoshi no Koe


This one's got a lot more traction than Vapor Trail and much more consistent animation but the choreography is much worse and the story is eh. It's very impressive especially since its made by students and I'm interested in what they'll make next.


Bros… what if people were LITERALLY glued to their screens like 1985…

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I only know of seitokai yakuindomo personally


Azumanga Daioh
Pop Team Epic


Bocchi the Rock


the bocchi manga is so fucking shitty compared to the adaptation


indigenous manga drawings would not like to be colonized by the concepts of animation and soundtracks and voice actors !!important!!

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Just read this, Is the one-shot this is based on, basically the same story?


Read the first chapter, scrolled thought couple more. Feels like a uninteresting Chainsaw Man knock-off, but it does feature the hottest woman ever.


thats how oneshots that get serialized usually work, yes

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