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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Delinquents/yankii/banchou/sukeban are so fucking cool.

I wanted to get into delinquent manga from the 70s-80s starting with Sakigake!! Otokojuku. I torrented the whole manga's raws to practice my Japanese, as well, but I could never get around to reading it.
Likewise, even though it's not 2D (but it is adapted from manga) I torrented all of Sukeban Deka and could never watch more than 1 episode.
Unfortunately, I lost them both when my laptop broke.

Could you please recommend more delinquent stuff? Even if it's just one character in a series that's not about delinquents. If there's something like a rec chart that'd be pretty cool. If, not, we could make one.
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Sukeban to Tenkousei is a small Slice of Life manga about a Transfer Student and Delinquent girl.


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Honestly I think there may be more Sukeban works than Delinquent works and most of either are live action such as Sukeban: Taiman Shobu (1974).

It seems most of those stories also tended to come out in the 70s and 80s, with them being relegated to background stereotypes in later works as the subcultures died out.


The anime is better than the source material, because it actually has an ending that doesn't drag out. As a side note, considering how strange a concept it is, I'm extremely surprised at the lack of real R34, it's massive /d/-bait.


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>The Shocking Reality of a Loan Shark Collecting Money
Main character is an adult, but the aesthetic has big delinquent


Tokyo Revengers is about this sorta. I thought it sucked even though its pretty popular.



no moe allowed
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Rereading Goblin Slayer again and I think he's the one mc that all the girls being hot for him is justified for. Sure he's an autistic weirdo obsessed with KILLING ALL THE GOBLINS but at least as far as the standards of the setting are concerned that's really not all that bad.


If you know you know


the Violence Jack manga gets even more extreme than the OVA but 1. Nagai's simpler style makes it less disturbing 2. it's way more thoughtful than the OVAs. just in Evil Town alone it feels like Itano & whoever scripted it missed a lot of the subtext of the manga or intentionally threw it away. for some brief examples:

-in the manga the big conflict was caused by a coward playing to both sides (and giving them false info) save his ass

-the rape gangs metaphorically morphing into beasts and the really inventive drawings used when Jack slaughtered them were gotten rid of to have a more straightforward hentai rape scene and more straightforward & realistic "xxxtreme gore" after it

-the arc villain cannibalizing his dead trans gf was meant to be fucked up & pathetic: he completely lost his mind under extreme anger & desperation, so he did something completely unhinged, animalistic and nonsensical. in the OVA it looks like he legit gains a demonic transformation & super powers from it which makes no sense. you could say that was metaphorical too but given they didn't adapt the earlier nonliteral beastly transformations it doesn't read that way + even as a metaphor it doesn't make sense since he was more of a pathetic desperate cornered animal than a badass demon.


This is also called GAR
For anyone that doesn't know


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obvious Golden Kamuy is obvious


How the FUCK is it possible that there’s no general thread for quite possibly the most well-written and even leftist-oriented Shounen serial of the 2000s?

Wanted to make a general because I been tearing up listening to shit like this

Best anime soundtrack ever imo, easily tops even Jojo’s
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Can someone remind me: Didn’t FMA pull a reverse Isekai with the movie where they travel to real world 1940s WW2 Germany? Or did I just imagine that?


Skibidi toilet is partially mecha.


you could just look it up, there are only 2 animated movies. The answer to your question is yes, Fma: conqueror of shamballa.


That belongs in the Hot Take thread >>1993


Thanks, just clarifying a muddled old memory.

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a nutritious meal of an anime
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should include the name in the title, I searched first

now this is the official thread






I wonder if Dungeon Meshi will inspire more games to incorporate mechanics for nutrition since cooking is already a common part of crafting systems.


unlikely, it would be too complicated for it to be added in to a game, cooking is just a extension of the crafting system that is often in a game just to add some “fat” charts and stats would be too “complicated” and might take attention away from the main stuff and mechanics.

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>1000 episodes
The absolute madmen. They actually did it. They made 1000 episodes of this show where literally nothing ever advances, no characters ever change, and it's not even a sitcom. Have you ever wondered what Detective Conan fans are like? How do they think? What are their hopes and dreams?
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If you truly cared. You'd find more efficient ways of getting this knowledge, rather than from a kids show. This just seems like a post-rational.



I accept your concession.


Wrong. Conan is part of the GRU spetsnaz curriculum.


The Detective Conan theme is banger.

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what do you think about RWBY as an anime
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Baalbuddy is fucking based! Fuck you!

Anyway any FRWBY enjoyers here? (2nd picrel)


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Death Battle recently released a video where they're basically saying "we're not dead, just getting new management" and I believe it, hell they might just strike out on their own again like they started with Screw Attack. That's pretty great, because love it or hate it, Death Battle is pretty iconic for being its shtick of versus crossover fights.

That being said, it just makes me even more depressed about RWBY being dead. The recent "leaks" and stuff for unreleased content by Rooster-Teeth in its dying gasps have been middling and I'm genuinely pissed off at just how badly the top management has brought low a series that started as a guilty pleasure I followed from youtube and became a story and world I genuinely fell into. Yeah the writing got worse over time, but goddamn I couldn't help liking it. Monty died too soon.


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I'm more pissed there's not proper Kali bot or a Sienna one for that matter.


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Cursed dubs yet also based


Critical support. The ideal is really having them both together and making one watch while you plow the other, then clean you both up after you finish.

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>Darling in the FranXX: Japanese anime series about fighting for the survival of humanity

>Darling in the FranXX is an original Japanese animated (anime) television series that aired between January and July 2018. It includes 24 episodes and was created by Studio Trigger under the direction of Atsushi Nishigori, who was the character designer for the popular series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagannin 2007. The series is now available on the streaming service Crunchyroll, which specializes in East Asian media.

>The series takes place in a future dystopian world where humans live in self-contained, glass-domed cities, defended by young teenagers who operate the FranXX—giant robotic weapons (mecha) that require a pair of pilots, one male and one female, to operate. The children defend the cities from klaxosaurs, a mysterious race of beings who live underground and regularly attack the cities.

>The children themselves are indoctrinated in regard to the history of humanity and the overall circumstances surrounding their service. They aspire to be “adults,” a number of whom live in the center of the cities, but with whom they never get to interact. The people in power are collectively referred to by the children as “Papa,” and they pray to them, as though to a deity, before each meal.

>The series’ main protagonist is a young pilot named Hiro, who once showed great promise, but in recent years has found himself unable to operate the machinery with success. The operation of the FranXX is associated with the onset of puberty, with the male and female crew members assuming positions within the machines that are overtly sexual.

>The principal aim of the show’s creators seems to be to examine what it means to be a human. (But how enriched and developed is their conception?) We learn that the society’s “adults” are humans who underwent a process whereby they could become immortal at the expense of their reproductive systems. They live in an advanced state of unchanging age, but no longer have interactions with each other and live sterile lives where they do not even speak.

>Anime is a complex medium, with many divisions and subdivisions. Its roots in Japan are generally traced back to the early twentieth century, but it was
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>Pink haired girl from out of town who makes a big splash the moment she arrives
>Brash and mischievous
>Has something of a tendency to just invite herself in
>Takes immediate interest in the protagonist and unlocks his own hidden power within him
>Most of the protagonist's friends are wary of her and wonder if she's even human
>Appears to be on a search for her lost boyfriend
I would throw in "has her own agenda and a lot of her antics are building towards her own secret end," but if that was ever meant to be a part of her character, it was dropped before it could flower into anything.

And as for Kamina
>"There's a whole world out there, kid. You and me were meant for greater things than this. How about the two of us getting out of this dump together?"
>Generally has a belief in the abilities of the protagonist when most people think he's useless


Can you kill yourself instead of being nothing but an annoyance to others? Pretty please with sugar on top


Yall do that to yourselves already when you dont get the idyllic young adult romance you wanted.


>she suddenly transforms to a good girl
did you watch the show? she acts the way she acts because for all her life she is led to believe that she is a monster that kills people only by opening up does she slowly change into a good person.


What do you mean, "slowly"?

She is one person in episode 15 and an entirely different person in episode 16. She doesn't merely lose her tendency to push people away, she loses all aspects of her former personality and becomes your typical anime waifu good girl.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a red-blooded Soviet mech. Say something nice about it!
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>amuro: demsoc
>bright: trot
>char: maoism
>sayla: ML
>kai: post-left
>kamille: syndie
>judau: ancom
>shiro: anarcho-pacifist
>kou: "apolitical" vaguely-shitlib centrist
>seabook: too poorly characterized to get a read on
>banagher: shitlib


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ACAB except these folks. They seem fine.


>Smol girl approaches you in backstreet
>Claims to be kaiju
>seems legit
>You turn away for a moment, and she's suddenly giant sized
>holy shit


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I wanted to make a note about the recent Ark Survival animated series. The animation aesthetic is very similar, as is the monster-island jungle environment. But I found the Ark Survival series to be a lot flatter and less interesting. I really don't get the hate that Annie gets by Godzilla / Kong fans, and I'm kinda disappointed that it's unlikely Season 2 will get made and released, let alone an S3.
As a side note I'm kinda surprised there is 0 Rule-34 for this show

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Why are ugly bastards so popular?
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I don't like seeing males in my porn at all unless they're ultra-feminine so the only reason I'm unsettled by ugly bastards is that it sometimes implies coersion like in OP. But that's obviously not exclusive to uggards.


They look funni.


>Only bisexual men, or straight men who want to self-insert as an attractive anime guy, would be able to find bishonen in hentai appealing, but they're a minority.
Why wouldn't I want to self insert as an attractive anime guy? It is my biggest fantasy.


Me too. I dont even care as much about gaining female attention as much as being happy that I possess beauty of my own.


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But are these proclivities also fascistic?

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The highest form of Japanese experimental literature, it is a disruptive, subversive entry into the incestuous world of culture.
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> It's only beginning in 14 year olds
In boys. And it varies. It starts at age 10 to 12 in girls


love YnS


incest increases in-group favoritism
in-group favoritism increases religiosity


Myself and every boy I knew back then hit puberty more around 11 and girls had already hit it around 9 or so. For girls 12 is just the average age they start having a menstrual cycle not hit puberty. You two must have been malnourished or are misremembering. As for post pubertal technically puberty never ends in some regards for example women's hips never stop getting wider and this was only recently discovered.


Stalin probably would watch cowboy media.

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