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>the author of Welcome to the NHK turned to spiritualism after shitting on religion on his works
>also a decade of not doing anything at all later he's now making a fanservice-filled generic isekai with a hikki MC
God it feels like Berserk all over again.
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The novel is the source material, and yes it had Satou abusing drugs. The manga is kinda bad in that it destroys the character development of the main girl in a single page. You'll understand if you read it.


>You'll understand if you read it.
Refresh my memory.


>I know in the show he was sniffing glue or something when his mum walked in on him jacking off
When tf did this happen


nhk's ending was kinda spooky on it's own so i'm not surprised the author has some weird beliefs


That didn't happen in the anime adaptation. That scene was used in the manga adaptation and it wasnt glue he was snorting up drugs through a straw. It probably is in the light novel source.

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This got me thinking that I can't think of any shows where the MC has a brother besides Mob.
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He had a brother.


Protoman counts as his brother right?


I don't care that they aren't biological, they're still brothers

Also when JoJo part 7 gets animated in a decade I will post a pic of Johnny and his brother




Roy Fokker is basically Hikaru's older brother

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one funny thing about Re:Zero is Nagatsuki’s mild lolicon restrained sufficiently by taste or popularity to avoid any Made In Abyss shit manifests as one of the only medieval fantasies I’ve read to humanely represent something like Philippe Aries’ vision of premodern childhood. this vision may have been, in fact (per DeMause), a fantasy, but that makes it all the more interesting to incorporate into the idealized "Middle Ages" of a fantasy novel


"Anime/Manga is like Weimar classicism in the sense of often combining a very conservative bourgeois/feudal, even to the point of out right cozy, setting with the uncanny and the deviant. There is more of Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, in say, NGE then in anything Disney will ever produce.
It is not because Americans are “sexually repressed” (lol) or less twisted by the memories of fascistic violence (double lol).
Rather it is because both Germany and Japan, unlike America, raise(d) modernization to the level of a conscious project juxtaposed against the mental domestic home of premodern realities, and entertain(ed) the hope that somehow one could combine the mos mairorum in the very midst of the storm of technological/capitalistic becoming.
Americans, right and left, have by contrast mostly gotten by with half assed confusion of the two methods of processing reality without understanding the beauty, the charms and the tragedy of their real distinctiveness. One could qualify this that communities historically diagonal to the main civic religion of Protestant flavored deism overlaid on dollar and nuke hegemony may parallel the mental atmosphere and affective disposition of insurgent/sentry state capitalist nations.


so this person saying 1st world states(being america) kind of half ass this mentality but relate to the mentality of hanging on to the premodern while they the non-American country groomed into a capitalist nation state

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Among Us seems to be very popular in Japan, huh.
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Whoever did that one subtitle from Nagatoro that people were complaining about is now vindicated.


Sussy zun is drinking my rum.


When someone posted this on /jp/ someone responded "who are all these fucking sponsors? zun sold out!" and I died a little inside.
(For those unaware, those logos are from popular touhou doujin music bands who also participated in the stream.)


Post some sussy bakas



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Any Furuya Minoru fans here? I think /leftypol/ would like their work.

I think my favorite is Boku To Issho. Fucking hilarious. It's about these two brothers that become homeless after their parents die and then they team up with this other kid who's a veteran homeless kid and their struggles with survival.


>Tomioka Yuji is a 32-year-old night-shift guard for mall. He works completely alone, so he often slacks off, exercising and hanging out on the roof. In some ways, the job is perfect for him, as he's always been terrible with people. However, he can't help feeling incredibly lonely and wishing he had friends.
Another good one.

>Ciguatera thor of Ping Pong Club and Himizu, though less comedic than the former and less soul-crushingly depressing than the latter.


This one is kind of depressing. They made this one into a live action movie never seen it tho.

You can read here:


Gonna give it a shot


gay ur gay

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Post your 3x3 or whatever other autistic grid you have.

For everyone who doesn't engage in the anime community, a 3x3 is your 9 favourite anime (or favourite anime of a certain theme or genre or maybe even your favourite screenshots that share a colour) arranged like this. For autists on /a/ it is a holy artform.
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if you admit to enjoying anime youre less of a communist or a "coomer" or something pathological like that


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I continue to see a disingenuous narrative being pushed.


mushishi is a cheap adaption of a manga that was entirely sold on static background art, it has no animation

tatami galaxy and flcl are the best anime of all time though, dumb contrarian maymay •`π'•


>dumb contrarian maymay
its just making fun of 3x3 threads where people are supposed to share their tastes and learn from others but end up posting the same shit every time rather than the shows in it


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What do you think of the color of my 3x3? There's a theme going on here which focuses on the color yellow. This is my holy artform. I took a while to arrange them in a 3x3 format. The combinations are endless.

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Some retard tried to copyright troll yukkuris and a law office got death threats from Touhou fans, all in Japan.

>Yuzuha first claimed on Twitter that fans would have to pay 100,000 yen (about US$770) for a license agreement. She later retracted that statement, but still claimed trademark rights. However, fans criticized Yuzuha because as of October 2020, YouTube channel Touhou Danmaku Kagura staff had confirmed with the ASCII art creator, the illustrator, and ZUN that anyone could freely use "Yukkuri Chabangeki."



Based death threat enjoyers


>Subsequently, a person, who claimed that they were involved in this matter surrounding Yuzuha, sent a message to a web portal around the law office's area that read "Multiple bombs have been placed there. They will explode around 3 p.m." The Yamaman Yukarigaoka Line and the community Koala Bus were temporarily suspended on May 16 at around 2:00 p.m. The law office posted on their website that same day, "We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by not knowing that the trademark is beloved by everyone."
And they say violence doesn't solve anything.

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Why do they get made? Who are they for?
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Gotta fill airtime with something


Televised anime is rarely shorter than 12 episodes so maybe there are concerns with broadcasting or something.


How about the same 6 episodes, but twice? Ads require repetition if I've understood anything. You can put more budget into making the anime look good, and rather than stretch out a thin plot make a compelling 2 hour piece out of it. Making a rewatch more required if they rush things.


The forgettable anime I've watched are so forgettable that I've already forgot what they were


I think sometimes studio staff just want to play around for practice and to test ideas and just recycle them in a better package later.

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Take me back




What are you trying to telle me
Sir you are on the anime board


It's actually a mango.


man, one thing i always liked in bleach was the character design, principally of the shinigami.


To me Bleach felt like an MC that actually had a life before his story started.

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>tfw discovering live action for the first time
>suddenly seasonals pale in comparison



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