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Which do you think is better?
Is there a silent appreciation in the black and white

I love the vibrancy of the color ones, but also think there's something lost in the enjoyment of the anime then

The colorless ones can have a certain, afternoon reading vibe to it and help enjoy the anime and manga in separate ways. I don't know much anymore, tell me your insights
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i wish we colored manga is the states

Something about color in comics really bothers me. I find it a bit irritating. One of the few exceptions is Akira (despite, as >>16832 said, it was originally published in black and white).

>Did they fully do the series?
Not only did they do the full series, but they serialized it issue by issue just like a western comic. Those 38 floppies sell for a pretty penny. Trade paperback versions also exist from Marvel's (now defunct) Epic Comics imprint as we as Kodansha so that might be cheaper if you wanna collect.

I'm a sicko, I think I ONLY liked color manga now,

Nice, Gonna read it in colour then
I've always wondered the colouring process for digital manga

It sounds easy but you'd also have to remember all the colours for each existing item for them to not have to clash

Still no excuse how DBZ is only painted upto the Freeza Saga

this; if the author is involved it can be cool but generally it's just mass produced which results in pure trash, or mediocrity at best. dragon ball for example is so huge and yet the official colorization just uses default "on-model" tones along with darker & lighter versions of the same color for lighting & shading (a surefire way to make stuff look like boring cold garbage).

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Spice and Wolf is the only good right-wing piece of Japanese media.

I wouldn't call it right wing

It's pretty much just free-market apologia. But korbo is cute so it's fine.

I love Korbo

I don't remember the market being very free at all or hailed as a great system either. Its just the mc is a trader and they drop economy 101 lesson along the way.

IIRC World End Economica was somewhat pro-capitalist because it dealt with macroeconomics.

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Pixiv added a harassment policy to their workplace after a sexual assault case occured in their Tokyo office and western otaku are flipping their shit about le woke because they can't fucking read.
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because the point of greentexting has always been reductio ad absurdum and misrepresenting the other argument

i hate liberals but damn do they rule when they trigger my enemy

Why is teaching your employees idpol (which is what "diversity training" likely is) a good apology for having an employee who molested a trans person REPETEADLY and refusing to fire him immediately? Did the guy do that cuz he wasn't taught queer acceptance enough? Don't buy that; he's just an awful person.

Even if the lessons they'll give out are reasonable, it's a dumb followup; but I'm very much willing to bet it's stupid corporate idpol & not the good humanistic kind of acceptance lessons.

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>stupid corporate idpol
that's the growing trend
>the good humanistic kind of acceptance lessons.
that's the declining trend

The left is losing that battle pretty hard, but there is no self-criticism. Just people who think doing the same ineffective strategy but harder will somehow change the result. Not to mention all the people who are still trapped in the liberal bourgeoisie political spectacle. It's disheartening.

yea I'm not saying that responding to an employee molesting a minority is bad but if you nonconsensually put your face in the crotch of someone who works under you and take photos, your issues go way beyond "not respecting trans identities". yeah the "haha you're a guy, you should be ok with this xD" made it worse cuz it added being a dick about gender to the mix but, y'know, the dude is a sex pest to begin with

if one of your employees molested a black woman at work and went "what? you negress sistaz love that shit" and your answer after refusing to fire the guy for a long time was to give everyone corporate anti-racism lessons that would be goofy too

"the rapist misgendered his victim WE NEED TO ADDRESS THIS" yea he's a rapist. you didn't immediately fire him.

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>Shocking response from the Ministry of Finance. "Real reason" to introduce the invoice system even if "real name is exposed" is unavoidable
>``names are mandatory rather than high-risk personal information such as addresses and phone numbers,''

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] What do you think about the risk of infringement of privacy regarding the problem that the real name of a sole proprietor is disclosed on the website of a qualified invoice issuing business?

[Deputy Director Nishiko, National Tax Agency] When the recipient of the invoice with the registration number confirms its validity, additional information such as the name is required. For example, if you check the registration number written on the invoice received from Mr. Sasaki, you can confirm that the registration number is valid, but you cannot judge whether it is really Mr. Sasaki's registration number. At this time, if the name is also disclosed, it can be quickly confirmed that it is Mr. Sasaki's registration number. From this point of view, we believe that disclosure of real names is necessary in practice. Names were chosen because they are effective for narrowing down the list and are not highly dangerous personal information such as addresses and phone numbers.

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] Why did you allow commercial use of the information published on the website of eligible invoice issuers?

[Deputy Director Nishiko, National Tax Agency] If there are many business partners, we assume that the accounting software vendor will create its own database and refer to it. Accounting software users refer to information downloaded by vendors. This is the operation that we assumed for commercial use.

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] I feel uncomfortable with the commercial use of personal information registered for tax purposes. Why should it be used for the benefit of a company that has nothing to do with the taxpayer himself?

[Deputy Director Nishiko, National Tax Agency] Only the minimum information, such as names, is disclosed.

>[Mr. Natsumi Koizumi] In the first place, isn't it rude to publish all the data in a form that can be downloaded all at once from all over the
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That's called kiwifarms

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>Kiwifarms, Japan

There was that Ukrainian Nazi site, partially hosted on NATOid CDNs allegedly, that sort of was KF.


IOSYS made a song about grown men livestreaming as cute girl vtubers for the rythm game muse dash and its kinda denpa and pretty funny so I translated it for you guys (took some creative liberties since its a rap). Criticism welcome, haven't consistently studied in years and some parts were pretty hard for me to transcribe.

(Fem Vocal Ver.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr1HFlA_YZ0
(Male Vocal Ver.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm-9jdOV_ng

Virtual Grown Men~
Virtual Grown Men~
I go on an adventure
About every weekend
It's like my private-time
I put on the look of a cute-girl type
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cute song


"It doesn’t matter if you understand this relationship. It only matters if this Otaku man is happy. Otaku is a person who is a manga and tech fan. Good luck to him." - Gene Simmons
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>an internet celeb that is famous due to things he saying on twitter
That's not why he's famous though, young one. That's irrelevant though, I still agree with your first post. Just don't die on this hill before you google who Gene Simmons actually is.

I read about this hologram thing (imagine using this for practicing another language!) and immediately noped out when I saw that it required a network connection. There is also a neat thing out developed as a companion for old people which kinda looks like a lamp, but again it needs a network connection. They are ALL like that.

It's not just that things like these turn into bricks when the company goes under or decides to do something else, but like Alexa it constantly sends information from the sounds inside your house to an outside party. This shit is so common it is infuriating. I wouldn't mind closed source for an assistant/toy if it made a robust impression and worked offline.

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>Being alienated to the point of indulging in a fantasy to a literal mentally ill level of delusion and simping for fictional characters is not a problem

But what does Ja Rule have to say?

You will be replaced.

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Time for your yearly Zankyou no Terror rewatch.

Remember allende

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Is there an explanation as to why so many 3d animes or animes with CGI look noticeably fucking awful? I cant possibly fathom as to how any individual can fuck up so badly on aesthetics when it comes to anime as westerners already can make plenty of 3d cartoons that look just fine with good art styles, hell even for individual artists making good looking CGI isnt hard as your essentially getting 3d squares and triangles with images stretched on them to move around a screen for several minutes and artists like Ian Hubert have proven that large budgets for good looking graphics is far from difficult or expensive, so what gives?
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we know its you Sage
>3DCG doesn't actually save money, in fact it costs a lot more to pay for the specialists
Not in this day and age, especially since outsourcing to third parties is cheaper than paying your own people, and this is all assuming they're trying to make good 3D CGI

I watched a video that touches on this a couple of weeks ago that made some good points I'll try to remember. Mostly it's about composition, and that a lot of stylistic things in anime are to keep it easy to animate that isn't so much of a problem in CGI. Anime pioneered a lot of tricks that animates what are essentially still images, like a character will be moved left and the background moves right to give it a sense of movement, but in CGI you've already modelled it all so there's no drawing or layers to move around, the hard work is already done and you have a fully modelled world to play around with, so there's no trick required.

Ironically the creator then goes on to make similar unorthodox adjustments to composition in his original work (he also remakes some 2D scenes as practice and so the composition doesn't change in those) that I don't think is as good, like for example with his subway scene a more traditional composition would be the train viewed from its side going past, I think there is a scene in Patlabor 2 that nails this. While trying to find a gif of it I stumbled on another gif I will follow up this post with.

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>>16784 follow up
This is also another trick you don't see as much nowadays and was also done in Patlabor, but making windows brightly lit with some blur is kino and cheaper
Also I went and spent ten minutes fucking around trying to turn the scene into a gif and it put a watermark on it so now I'm mad

>gets sent to anime anyways

the new DBS movie was in 3D too for some reason despite the last one being praised for it's light and fluffy style

I didn't mind it but it's very inorganic and kinda goes against what I imagine to be anime

Clay like

>however, much quicker, which is something animation studios need considering how crunched their timetables are on the best of weeks


If 3DCG doesn't overwork workers I'm okay tho

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There's something very satisfying in seeing tsundere get what's coming to them.
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objectively correct


That's what I hated about Chunibyo, I guess bullying Rikka was meant to be comedic but she looked really hurt afterwards.

What's the material explanation for tsunderes being so popular in anime?

It's a portrayal of woman who acts like she hates you but loves you immensely. So it's basically a fantasy. It maybe cause of the rate of sexual agressions in japan, and turning woman responses of rejection and disgust into love.


Isekai Ojisan / Uncle From Another World touches on this pretty early.

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