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So many authors that get cancelled and then their next story is something aimless like a slice-of-life manga, assuming they even get a chance to make something new. I don't even care if they "deserved" to get axed, it still sucks that trying to do something even slightly different is met with cancellation so they inevitably go for a safe route next time.

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What are some classic cute yuri animu to watch??
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Update: Just finished episode 9. The plot's kicked in hard and has introduced timey wimey stuff. I'd say more but I don't remember how spoilers work. Just wanted to say, BIG recommend. The story's a lot of fun and the characters are really growing on me.

Could use more tits to be honest, but I guess every show needs a flaw or two.


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resident evil >>9390 >>9636 >>13938


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I recently started getting back into Otherside Picnic and it's making me want to read/watch more yuri that also breaks from the mold of typical yuri (like school drama bullshit with teenagers)

anyone got any recommendations? horror/sci-fi would be particularly appreciated


Sorry for being gay mb :(

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Tomino said in a 1998 interview that fujoshis are the true gundam fans and that the male fans and model builders are little shits and fake geek boys.

Source: http://dargol.blog3.fc2.com/blog-entry-4241.html
"What I want modern day Gundam fans to understand is that Gundam wasn't nurtured by the PlaModel enthusiasts. It was young women who first came to the after recording studio, and Gundam is a work that began with their support. And it was a work that had no connection to the popularity of Gundam PlaModels. So I think the most important thing is creating a work that will attract those kind of girls to it again. I don't think movies as an entertainment industry can succeed without touching on that kind of fundamental portion."

“The very first fans of the original Gundam were young women. Definitely not the PlaModel enthusiasts. With both Gundam and Raideen, of the first fans to be active, 90% were girls. Among a gathering of 1000 fans, about 100 were boys. Around when the first cour ended, young women began to gather to the after recording studio. It took until much later for male fans make an uproar, around the time series got canceled. I thought: You’re late to the party!”

"When the movies were screening, we had many male fans who got into Gundam via Gunpla come to see it. Meanwhile, the girls who had been fans since the TV series aired got together to create their own world via fanzines. The fans, never interacting with each other, existed on separate planes."
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womenbros what happened over the years


Fujoshi means women into BL not any otaku who is a girl.


it do be like that





>Tomino said in a 1998 interview that fujoshis are the true gundam fans and that the male fans and model builders are little shits and fake geek boys.

Another parallel with Star Trek

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This black and white photo keeps being attributed (particularly on Chinese sites) as Fusako Shigenobu, founder/leader of the Japanese Red Army, but actually looks more like a photo from the set of Shoujo Commander Izumi.
Fusako Shigenobu is out of jail and in the news so here’s your reminder to stop using a production photo from Shoujo Commander Izumi when talking about her.


The only people who get it wrong are redditors and the like. Are you accusing us of being redditors? Hmmh?


people really thought it makes sense to wear a sailor uniform in the battlefield


Or wearing an ammo belt while wielding a bazooka.


form > function

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Ok so here's the personality I'm thinking about adopting. Myself, the tall blonde mysterious man with deadly skills who goes by many names and has a lot of associates that are just as mysterious. She is a quiet and timid public servant whose beauty nobody notices because she dresses down and deflects attention but is actually an assassin martial artist with a murderous streak for men that are not myself.
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You will know if you like it by watching some. I was going to pass but decided to watch things I normally wouldn't and actually have been enjoying it.


The first episode was pure kino, but it has been getting progressively worse (for me at least). My main gripe with it is how slowly the plot progresses. If you want to watch it, do keep in mind, that it isn't really a spy story, it's more like a happy, slice of life kind of show.


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Comrade Yuri, I don't see the point of deploying Kirov's to this "Loid Forger"'s location.


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Wait… he's not even a celibate like me?!


So this is an (E)RP thread yeah?

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So aren't these anime basically just following the same formula as Seth Rogen or Adam Sandler movies which are considered by the public at large to be "normalfag" "cringe"?
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I like MPDGs whether in anime or not.


You mean BPD-girls-without-the-realistic-downsides fantasies.




did you watch any random tv show that basically nobody actually watches and is just there to take time in the schedule of the channel ? you would be surprised.
anime just has a seasonal schedule for the marketing that makes it especially stand out because you basically end up seeing a glimpse of the majority of them because it's all neatly packaged and put on anime sites (like MAL),but I could throw a near endless number of movies and shows in your face if I wasted my time compiling them too.


>>15229 (me)
also,I don't mean by that that its good,infact it becomes nearly impossible to succesfully find what's actually good in the sea of thrash that's shown to you,whereas for movies you probably didn't even hear of them in the first place.

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Did you know Ufotable made a crossover OVA between Anime Tenchou and Touhou but ZUN told them to fuck off apparently?

>Due to the strong restrictions on derivate works of Touhou Project, fans were surprised about the announcement by a commercial studio. ZUN, the creator and unique developer of the games, has little confidence about commercial video game distribution. Because of that he only allows that fan-works are made by fans for fans, with any intromission from corporations. And above all, with his permission.

>The surprise about Ufotable anime caught the attention of ZUN who later stated that said animation would be just an OVA and that he wasn't involved in the project. In the same way, this incident caused ZUN to change the terms of use of his series, prohibiting his products from being sold or produced by corporations.
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idk if this is supposed to be a gotcha because almost all touhou merchandising there is out there has been made by fans, shit like figma are like a drop in the ocean


ZUN doesn't have an issue with figures because they're just figures. Stuff like anime or games by big studios would make fans to mistake it as official when he wants the canon to remain nebulous and in the hands of fan creators, and this is why it's weird that he changed his tone for a corporate mobage that came out of nowhere.
At least he included in the newer guidelines that mobage must be free-to-play, shame that he didn't prohibit microtransactions or paying to remove ads though.


Anyway, is Anime Tenchou any good?
>Director: Hideaki Anno


I'm just saying that companies have been making profits of touhou for years. It's definitely a brand that "belongs to everyone", but unfortunately this means can porkies can profit from it as well.
>At least he included in the newer guidelines that mobage must be free-to-play
laughable. Every mobage is free to play because they make mad bucks with gacha. At least the ones that manage to stay afloat.


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Afaik zun doesnt make any money from gacha and treats them like any other derivative fanwork despite being clearly corporate. Plus he still talks shit about them in omake.

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For a magical girl show Symphogear is unhinged.


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What's funny about Symphogear is that while the show is relatively tame with fanservice, official merchandise is borderline pornographic.
Chris is best girl.


Is is true this is UN but mahou shoujo?


What? No, they actually save the world unlike the UN.

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love shoujo anime from the early-mid 2010s


kek what anime is this


if saucenao fails (usually with crops or collages) yandex is fine too
source is wolf girl and black prince
half the humour is about the mc being made uncomfortable and the mc getting her expectations up and being made fun of for making assumptions


incredibly based.
would you like me to walk you on a leash op?


anon those animes just aired yesterday

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Is there any Isekai about a weeb who takes the noose portal to anime world?
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Both the top and the bottom of the catalog are plagued with shit threads. Some of those are dupes because retards can't use the catalog to find the better, bigger already-existing thread (for example, every time someone wants to complain about Eva outside the Eva thread, an old thread that everybody forgot about but would be good if anyone used the catalog and discovered it is at risk of dying).
Enforced generals is for people who actually give a shit. So I guess it's ok to leave it like this because nobody here can use the catalog.


>Some of those are dupes because retards can't use the catalog to find the better, bigger already-existing thread
Oh yeah and also because of this, sometimes you get two big threads that both have good discussion but for some reason one of them is lost because retards keep making and bumping pointless threads.


No u, seethe more necrobumper.

>necrobumping is literally a non-issue
It is if its being bumped using completely off topic nonsense and bitching.

Based take



No, but the movie Birdman has some of those themes. Same with Inception though Inception only heavily implies it. Though anime protags are isekai'd via death, the death tends to be accidental or mildly heroic, also truck based

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