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Why even live anons?
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>tfw no nazi girlfriend to hatefuck
so true


The first link is dead the other won't let me see without logging in.


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>no germun autistic natzi girlboss gf
this must be the worst fetish i ever had, and no amount of muscle girls have cured me yet, need help


Fuck nazis


i see what you did there

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Post ya'll's animanga 3x3's


at least half of it isnt the same fucking shit that everyone posts


What's topmost rightmost?


umibe no etranger


im guessing lain, eva, jojo and goodbye eri are the ones that people tend to post often ?



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>yfw you're filthy cinephile scum, you like anime and some of your favorite directors are anime directors but you also acknowledge there's a lot of bad anime and how obnoxious otaku culture can be, and all your weeb friends think all japanese movies and culture are like the incredibly santized view of the world that 90% of anime presents

how do I get weebs to broaden their horizons and watch like, a single kurosawa or nagisa oshima movie, let alone somebody like tsukamoto or miike? Japanese cinema when you dig deep is as rich as french or 70s hollywood stuff, but people in the anglosphere only know the kind of stuff that funko pop collectors watch
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Maybe you should tell your weebs friends to start with good live-action adaptations of manga like Maison Ikkoku.


why do you even care what your friends watch?


At anime conventions when I was a wee faggot they'd have screening rooms that jusy played Japanese movies non stop. Yojimbo, Lone Wolf And Cub, Zatoichi, saw all that shit there. I think they even had rooms for other Japanese films and media.


why do you even care what your friends watch?


>arbitrary line separating consumer (good) and consumer (bad)

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ITT: characters who did nothing wrong


hilarious and original




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Hakuryuu Ren from Magi: Labrynth Of Magic

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Is it the best Shonen?
I like to think so. What are your opinions about HxH and Shone in General
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I disagree. Anime fucks up the tone for all arcs before Greed Island. Chimera Ants narration is better in written form.


>Is (HxH) the best Shonen?
>What are your opinions about HxH and Shone in General
HxH feels too much like a video-game later on in the series and it jumps the shark a bit too much for my taste.
Shonen is fun but it's hard to do a good shonen that isn't low-brow schlock, and in general the genre gets a bad rep from pseudo-intellectual retards.


Although I don't like HxH for several aspects, its still a series from the Big Three generation, and anime/manga of that era tended to give more detail and explanation and complexity to their lore and fighting; Naruto, Bleach and One Piece have a ton of such examples. The fact that Quirks in BnHA are waved aside sa genetic mutations means it rarely happens and often doesn't make sense from a biological perspective; like Bakugou's ability to produce nitroglycerin because of his mom's quirk evolving into his makes sense and has explanation that could feasibly make sense, but how the fuck do we get characters like Cementoss? The man is a living block of cement FFS.


wake up, togashi posting new pages


wake me up when he finishes a chapter.


opinion on Gate? can it be defined as JSDF recruitment propaganda?
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I was expecting something like that at first and so it just being the Japanese Warcrimes show got really boring really fast. Like how are you supposed to think these people are heroic when they come in and gun down a bunch of basically defenseless screwheads armed with bows and arrows using apache gunships? Or when they slaughter several entire armies with HE artillery without even coming into visual contact with them. You might have had something if the empire shut the gate and you had a limited contingent of the jsdf trapped there having to make do, but instead it's just curb stomp after curb stomp.


I enjoyed it enough for what it was, but it's definitely JSDF propaganda.


>I enjoyed it enough for what it was
<inb4 "Sword Art Online wasn't so bad actually"


So the gate anime is an isekai cheat fantasy for the JSDF where their cheat ability is "commit war crimes without any repercussions."


It's pretty much Japan vs the world now. It's dumb.

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i would like to adress the reactionary monster, anime cuck porn, also known as netorare, how NTR is an absolutely terrible hentai category. It's almost worse than Gore, in my opinion.

The whole premise of Netorare is first and foremost, unfaithfulness, treason, in both reading materials and animations, the story always follow the same line, that there's this really good guy who has a beautiful girlfriend who cheats on him with someone who's usually an asshole, a rich scumbag, fucking hideous both in face and body, two of these things, or all three at the same time. And it makes no logical sense whatsoever. First of all, the really kind and emotional guy walking in on a beautiful girl he loves getting fucked by an ugly guy is completely nonsensical. In reality, relationships are complex, and if cheating or infidelity does happen, it’s not as shown in NTR, where the girl cheats with a guy who is 1000% of the time an asshole or an ugly fucker to the extreme, FUCK!, of all the men to cheat on her husband with, and she goes for the asshole in every hentai? Why would she actively choose to go for an ugly asshole to cheat with in the first place? Cuz he has a big dick? Cuz she's an asshole too? To hurt her husband even more? Or maybe it’s because the writers hates us? It's both misogynistic AND misandristic in that it portrays all women as assholes who prefer huge cocks over the good-looking and kind fellas they already fell in love with, and it portrays men that are emotional as weak and foolish while portraying the other men as ugly dickholes. Nobody wins here! Everyone is a bad person!

And why would you as a man jerk off to this? I want the women to listen to me as well, I will get to you in the next page, The Young Hegelian fuckers tell me always not to kinkshame nobody, however, I am here to do so.

what is it you like about netorare? What makes you self insert? If you want to live your sick fantasy and you’re inserting as the man who gets cucked, why is it you want your partner badly to cheat on you, and have both your girl and the asshole mock you? And if you actively want to seduce a woman and fuck her behind her man’s back, then why? Are you an asshole? Would you want this to happen to a girl you love? And if you’re just excited by the idea of a taboo setting where there is breaking of bonds and the excitment of fucking behind the cucked partener’s back,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Well OP did say doing a polyamory or sleeping around is a-okay better than cheating


Cuz society is more into fetishizing homosexuality and putting it in the pervert Section along with futas and ugly bastards than into normalizing it enough to be seen as vanilla, hence why vanilla shit always translates in their mind to heterosex only


Have you not seen the pic of the Dengist cucking anarchist? Its very revolutionary. OP got cucked once and now has turned reactionary.


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oh yeah that pic, good thing it was made by communists for communists, but it was still made with a bourge idea, cuck stuff. anarchist wasn't even into it.

i sympathize with the anarchist, cucked like that by alunya, but can he do? she chose big deng cock.

you know what convinces me cuck hentai is a tool of the fetishist capitalists? no innovation whatsoever, always the same story with someone cheating on someone with an asshole, you know what i want to see? a netorare where the guy's girlfriend is an asshole so he decided to cuck her with another guy, gay netorare, gender reversal works too, a girl whose boyfriend is an ass so she cucks him with another girl, sure it's still cucking but you'll feel okay knowing the asshole had it coming, no pun intended

and nah i ain't a reactioid, traditional relationship roles are shit, but so is hurting someone who loved you with sex


I dunno, if a person enjoys being cheated on then is there really a problem? I personally do not care, I think these sorts of issues should be sorted out in private instead of us shaming these people because we do not understand them. It's like with traditional gender norms: yeah, they're cringe and keep us in line but if a woman genuinely likes being a housewife then why not? It isn't reactionary: simply being a housewife isn't gender-normative, saying that women should be housewives is.


Post and share all of your favorite horror manga and anime. The more bizarre and disturbing the better.
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Does anyone remember this horror manga about a city that had underground eldritch creatures start coming out onto the surface and it follows a group of survivors?


Midnight City?


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>They saw a lot of them at Nanking and Hiroshima


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>a bit of black humor for ya
<pic is Terraformars


>How a dental technician became the master of modern horror

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Any fans here?

I read:
An Uncivilized Planet
Tropical Citron

years ago.

Loved them all. Be warned of adult themes.

His artstyle is so unique and amazing. I'm reading Joshi Kouhei right now. It's about some Evangelion-ish future where men pilot these giant robots from another dimension that look like Japanese schoolgirls but eventually they get psychotic and think they're actually schoolgirls.
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That's Jigoku No Alice. Forgot to mention it in the OP.

Here you go: https://manganato.com/manga-vf972914


>Also whoever wrote Humoncolous.
Yeah that one was good too. There was this scanlation group that did all the edgy seinen back in the day. Something or other wolves. That's how I found all these. Dorohedro too. Surprised they made an anime of that recently.


Yeah that's Alice in Hell, sorry for using the gaijin name. I didn't really like it that much though.


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Do you like Furuya Minoru by any chance?I tried making a thread about them before but no one had heard of them it seems:
Another of my favorite seinen authors. More comedy focused but a bit of dark stuff mixed in.


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You were about a year early to me getting into his works with that thread. I've started with Wanitokagegisu and quickly devoured most of the things he made after that. I think I couldn't find a full translation for Himeanole and Green Hill, and the j-drama adaptation of Wanitokagegisu. I'm slowly working on getting my dekiru up so I might read those in the future though. He's great at portraying comedy and hopelessness in the face of common tragedy.


Yes I know, it's an anime board. But since this board is relatively dead, how about a nice curve ball to spice it up? if worse comes to worse more the thread to /hobby/

Anyway, I just recently watched season 1 - 9 (and some one offs) and I was wondering what's your guys opinions on the show? I personally enjoyed it, with these being my top three:
1) Bart gets an F
2) Homers Enemy
3) E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)

It's pretty obvious why 1 & 3 are solid, but I don't see people talk about 2 that much. Which I don't get why.

Homers Enemy; Frank Grimes, is obviously the personification of the "dream American worker". The dream worker who in any dire situation will simply just "pull up his boot straps" and work harder to get a better life. The reality is though is that, no one actually cares about him going through those hardships. Yes, while Burns did originally try to hire him after seeing his struggle, he was predictably ignored after Burns found the next shiny thing to gawk at, and the hardships of Frank was quickly ignored by the rest of society.

Maybe it was obvious and I'm slow, but the lesson that it taught is still a great reminder, that is: a system that abandons you to unnecessary hardships is not going to care if you actually succeeded in those hardships.

This reality is hammered in further with Homer existence, one who has gotten off lucky and lived by all accounts a fairly fulfilling life. Any mess ups that Homer has cause is ignored since as long as profit is made, they don't care what he does.

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S8E14 The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show



I really liked the one where homer beats up george bush


Western anime is still anime. They added some extra syllables and called it "animation" but it's still anime.


>Western anime is still anime
>They added some extra syllables and called it "animation" but it's still anime.
10/10 shitpost

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