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Who the hell is even the target audience for this cringeworthy shitshow these days? I'm seriously curious.
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The Tournament of Power had so many underrated designs and badly wasted fighting that I still cringe when watching. Also privately I think DBS had a lot of furries involved, because there were SO many anthropomorphic characters.



Sounds/looks cool, vid unrelated

>Who the hell is even the target audience for this cringeworthy shitshow these days?
It may surprise you but shonen anime is aimed at 12yos. Real grown men only watch One Punch Man and Gushing Over Magical Girls. Obviously.

On a serious note, DBS is just a corporate slop that exploits the popularity of its franchise by this point. Same happens with Disney's franchises now actually, it's just capitalism.


An 80s slasher movie serial killer gets isekaied. Call it "Killing Teenagers In Another World"

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make it not just one, put the entire 80s slasher hall of fame make them all compete on killing anime teens in isekaied tokyo, all of them fighting eachother over who gets to kill all the highschoolers.

freddy kruger, leatherface, chudmask scream, white michael jackson. the balding puppet. the guy who says here's johnny. pinhead.

Now we're talking.

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A thread for communist anime girls
377 posts and 281 image replies omitted.

can any anons post a decent
prompt, model, or website for producing commie waifus?

learn to draw

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I'll exercise my right to promote the two pages I'm running.
VK-Community https://vk.com/soviet_anime_art (10 yo with large collection of tagged art, but in Russian)
Telegram-Channel https://t.me/soviet_anime_art (brand new page in English)

all the images are dead… so sad

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So much animosity towards moe here, so why not a moe thread. I like taking solace from the cruelty of the real in this.
post your favourite moe anime & manga
What i mean: Non Non Biyori, K-On!, and stuff.
I'll start with my favourites:
>1. Haibane Renmei
Very relaxing melancholic anime that alludes to the afterlife and themes of self acceptance, emotional but not dramatic.
>2. Girls' Last Tour
End of the earth slice of life, episodic and lonely but warm in spite of the cold landscape, absurdist narrative.
>3. Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Like GLT this manga is a slice of life at the end of time, but this time its only humanity that is. Set in the twilight of the human time, with a continuous accumulating decline with no grand ending whatsoever, in contrast to GLT where it's more like the lonely midnight where it's all ending soon.
>4. Game Club
Manga by the GOAT mangaka imitation crystal, transient and wistful but also cheerful, you will also feel like a game nerd reading it. Great characters, a bunch of weirdos that might have mental health issues.
>5. Sora no Woto
Like K-On! but millitary but also All Quiet on the Western Front without the traumatic experience except for flashbacks, it's very rough as a whole, messy pace too but I really like the strong theme of anti-war in it. The world building seems too detailed to be in a slice of life anime but it's also what i like about it. Bonus for good soundtrack, but all the animes i wrote here also has good soundtrack lol.
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It's a pretentious snorefest that's for sure. Babby's first "tragedy" manga.

Yuru Camp S3 was pretty good despite the artstyle change.

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I've lost my taste for the majority of these genres, but one I found quite sweet and simple was Space Family Carlvinson


I like the moekko archetype when it's not overdone but tbh I don't like CGDCT and SoL because there are no stakes and nothing interesting ever happens. You can only keep my attention with cuteness for so long. Maybe my attention span is fucked or maybe I'm allergic to sweetness overdose. Or maybe I'm just a neurotic dopamine junkie who cannot take a rest ever.

Tbh i like the ones that have more than just SoL
Like girls last tour or yokohama is inherently more interesting to me than something like Non Non Biyori

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Is it just Ayn Rand for weebs or is there a redeemable message in it?
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It's designed to be uberedgy slop, which has a certain kind of appeal. Personally I like stories with villain protagonists. Naofumi kind of tries to act like one but imo he's too much of a pussy to commit to the bit.

Egdy has its appeal, slop does not. Or I guess it does to some people, but I reserve my right to critique. Edginess is supposed to be violation of conventions, but fetishistic power fantasy is ironically the most conventional kind of clique in the industry.

>>25376 only good part was when the princess' sister got her pussy ate and it looked like she may possibly pissed herself. Other than that who cares

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>Goblin Slayer-tier dogshit.
<Denigrating Goblin-slayer to the level of that fantasy murder-rapist protag sewage.

Shields hero problem is 90% is filler
Only the start (s1) and ending (naofumi returns) matter

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I love death note. And I love light yagami as a character.

However it was very obvious that his entire worldview is extremely… reactionary I guess? Or like darwinist? Killing criminals and not trying to fix underlying problems is obvioiusly retarded. I wonder if any normalfags were able to make this obsevation
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Some people just like to watch the world burn.

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Heres a nice read on Light's mistakes:

I like batman too, but I think there is some flirtation with fascistic politics in the works depending who writes the plot. I personally think that most of the criticism could be “fixed” if batman media stopped bringing back the super villians for every days or making gotham “cursed” to be forever corrupt.

This Gwern person is such a nerd

It's worth considering that it was published in shonen jump.
It's a fun dynamic and drama but it's not supossed to be taken seriously onto a extreme

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It's going to switch staff and studio again.
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>uygha waited 2 years to post this
But yes I agree, Sylvia is best wife of the series.

Forgot we had a konosuba thread TBH >>23815 (CTRL+ F >>373 for Konosuba posts)
The Megumin spin-off series is coming soon too.

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Release date is April 24th, get ready ladz!

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The Kenosha kid is back?

Please, give this series a chance. It's hilarious.

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old news but still, we got genocide, famine, and and the blackest reaction sweeping the world right nowand yet the japanese communist partei is focused on anime thighs for some reason, lol.
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>It seems in the West the strategy for trans and LGBT promotion has been the libertine direction.
Nah, the American feminists are turning back to socially conservative policies like banning porn for example. The only major libertine American party is the Libertarian Party, and it barely gets any votes. The only reason that the Pubs and the Dems aren't as censorious is because the more censorious factions within them (like the Christian right and Hillary Clinton) can't actually get elected. The same as with JCP funnily enough.

I think putting a teapot on the Jupiter's orbit will require a lot of resources. And why would the government hide this? It's just a teapot. 😜

It's one thing to talk about anime porn, but JAV is extremely exploitative and like literally everyone knows this. Just because one person said they didn't have that experience doesn't mean it isn't underage sex trafficking for many.

I just like that their tits are huge to a fictional degree. No way to experience such honkers irl.

>huge to a fictional degree
They're not even as big as Hitomi Tanaka's tits, wdym?

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Is it the best Shonen?
I like to think so. What are your opinions about HxH and Shone in General
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1999 HXH is objectively better than the 2011 vers.

1) The art and mood building is much better
2) Kite introduced at the beginning
3) Killua and Kurapika get multiple designs
4) Characters are built upon in a meaningful way through filler
5) OP/EDs are gorgeous and use amazing music

>b-but 1999 has filler!!!11!@!

Newsflash: IF THE FILLER IS GOOD THEN WHO THE FUCK CARES? The three episode filler-arc in the middle of the hunter exam arc was masterfully done and served to develop the background characters and make us actually care about them. Kurapika also gets time to shine in a role that suits him well. The brief filler scene when Killua goes to Whale Island and tries to kill a wounded animal to "put it out of its misery" instead of trying to nurse it to health was a NECESSARY scene to show some of the fundamental differences between Killua and Gon's outlooks on life, and Killua's struggle to acclimate.

>2011 has better animation

all the character art is bland as fuck, which completely detracts from any quality animation. not to mention there's plenty of AMAZING animation in the 1999 version as well, specifically the fight between Gon and Hisoka at Heavens Arena and Kurapika vs Uvogin in the york new city arc

Post-Ryodan Arc 2011 = 1999 TV anime + Ryodan OVA >>> 2011 up to Greed Island.

This is the correct opinion.

I'll admit the series has good music at least. File ver

I honestly think the way the fandom talks about HxH gives people unreasonable expectations which leads to undeserved backlash. It's not super deep or grimdark (even "deconstruction" is a stretch), it's just a weird creative story that plays by its own rules. Also both anime versions completely screw up the pacing (as is wont for shonen adaptations) and make it harder to get into, in contrast to the manga where the first few arcs are actually very breezy and fun (that said I agree with >>25530 esp in regards to the art).
Anyway it's fucking back motherfuckers.

I love Hunter X Hunter (mainly up to the Chimera Ant arc), but the manga/anime industry is so stale, partially due to the absurd working conditions and burnout, that anything that expresses even a tiny bit of genuine creativity/depth gets elevated and praised far more than it honestly deserves. It's the same feel I get from something like Punpun, although unlike HxH I think Punpun is an irredeemable steaming pile of shit.

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KyoAni announces CITY: the Animation to air in 2025!
People were always begging for Nichijou Season 2, but really CITY's manga was much better in its setting and characters imo. Definitely Arawi's superior work.

Wait Nichijou and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid are the same studio? That's some range, but makes sense given the VFX in both.

>That's some range
??? Don't they just draw in the style of the manga?

Well that's impressive to me that they can do that

If they use the same approach (and resources) as Nichijou this might actually be AotD

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