Like you know what I'm talking about
We live in a society where so much of pop culture is never ending referential
WandaVision references old ass TV that I'm sure most of it's viewer base hasn't even ever seen
I don't even think the writer's have, They're just referencing it because that's what you are supposed to do, Like references these days just seem to be self regurgitating references because references can be made, no meaningful purpose behind it, just ooo it's that thing that i saw referenced in that other thing!
Anyway back to our point,
I like comedies, so I feel pressure to watch Happy Days, Taxi, and Honey Mooners and feel like I'm missing out if I don't watch them to build up my history and culture
For e.g some of you who like comic books might feel the same way about all the various billion runs of each character
I don't even know if they'll hold up, and I've basically held the belief that something influential or the first to do it only gives it merit to the history books, Nothing more
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