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I’ll start:
Pan’s Labyrinth
Blade Runner
Starship Troopers
The Thing
The Matrix
Pirates of the Caribbean
Paths of Glory
The Devil’s Backbone
Return of the Living Dead
Grave of the Fireflies
Princess Mononoke
Come and See
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How the fuck could you watch Come and See and not realize it's communist

Arguably the Navi have primitive communism… kinda?

They have a chief, and anprim isn't really communism. The movies just don't really posit an alternative to Earth's extractivist hypercapitalism, just that it's bad and needs to be fought. That's still a good message but it's not communist in itself.

Having an elected chief isn't inherently out of step with communism

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>Ctrl+f "Poor Things"
It's a very obvious metaphor for the beginnings of class consciousness in the West in the 19th Century.
The Favourite is similarly Marxist because of that final shot where the pet rabbits (us) multiply and overtake the screen.

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As promised on >>527992 although I regret to inform that it will take a bit longer for the immortal jellyfish to get tattooed as I have commissioned an original design and have also been advised to wait for this one to heal first. It will take about a week or slightly more.

The leftypol logo / coat of arms is complete, although in the pictures it is still a bit bloody, It will become clean and the colors will have greater contrast once it has fully healed.

Follow ups will be posted on this thread, in the meantime feel free to use this thread to post about tattoos, piercings and general body modifications.

>Q: Why is the background on the third picture so blurry?
<A: Privacy, as much as possible. I don't want other people to know what my wallpaper looks like.
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it looks nice, thank you for your leftypol pride

I like it, it's has a distinct stylized look

>OP actually delivers
bless you

jesus, if people I knew irl found out I browse /leftypol/ I would probably kms
great job OP

Your friend might be jelly.
>He gave comparisons of football uyghurs
I'm assuming lumpen since he watches football, so he probably thinks football players are the greatest and most successful people on this planet. Not worth bothering with.

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Does anyone else have this hobby? I've been doing it for years and especially love the older versions of places.
It feels incredible to be able to look at a frozen version of the world and go over every detail of it.
As much as I hate Google and this constant surveillance I still find a lot of joy and nostalgia looking in how everything used to be.
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R.I.P. Thread
You never actually got anyone to explore and post cool screenshots of places.

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Baidu maps street view / panorama doesn't show up anymore…
Does it work for anyone else?

Damn why is it so sluggish compared to google maps? When will it get on par? Every click drags on and takes a long time to load, rotating also takes time to load it. Zooming is painfully slow…
Why is it like this compared to google maps? Will it ever get better?

oh hell yes, i've always done this. I especially like the historical view as well. On google earth they actually have "satellite" imagery going back to the thirties. i.e. plane flyovers.

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Hey all, I was curious at to what you guys think about the SCP Foundation shared universe.
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Spiders usually only eat their mates if they're already malnourished. There are some that will actually bring females captured prey as a distraction wedding gift before mating with them.

So just learn to cook and keep your spider wife fat and happy and there's no problem.

well executed slow burner

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spidercels rise up! reject maneater thots!

This guy has a shitton of animations. Their Statue of Liberty stuff is prime for communist meme edits btw.

>by Makart

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This is quite possibly the most historical materialist science fiction novel, and in a class of it's own in scope.

Not really, it falls prey to a lot of biological and cultural determinist brainworms. Ideologically it's pretty firmly entrenched in 1920s-1930s progressivism (though arguably with a skeptical eye). Still a brilliant and unique novel


How long does it take to train for a full marathon from being a no stamina pot bellied otaku?
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You can do powerlifting or Olympic weightlifting to gain strength, the gradual addition of further weight is equivalent to greater distance in running

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it encourages femboys and mtfs to suck more cock, stop questioning it

Oh well in that case, you can do it anon, I believe in you.

Do a 5k.

I'll do a 5k first then and tell you guys how it goes

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just started getting into kava kava

any tips and tricks?

What's that?

its pseudo-melatonin made by Pacific islanders

like >>42693 its a downer from the south pacific or more specifically a shrub the the south pacific that contains chemicals called kavalactones(Nepetalactones are whats in catnip for reference) which have GABAergic and Cannabinoid effects. Its p good stuff and I would compare the experience to being crossfaded, however like other herbal drugs such as Kratom theres big problems with lack of oversight and shitty products so always research your vendor beforehand.

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Hello comrades. ITT we talk about what we are doing to improve ourselves. I'll go first:

I am trying to quit smoking. This is probably my sixth attempt but I am going to try and take it more seriously this time.

I have been cutting down for the past few months and had gotten down to 3 cigarettes a day but when I tried to quit earlier this week I ended up buying a pack at the end of the first day and smoking the whole thing that night out of anxiety about quitting.

I am a drug addict in recovery and this leaves coffee and kratom as the two substances I can use. The kratom seems to help with cigarette cravings or at least incentivizes smoking because I feel sick when I smoke on it. I might try NRT too. I am going to try and get back into running too since that helped me get off heroin the first time.
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Thanks for proving me wrong, I was tired of exclusively seeing this quote on gym walls and never finding the source. The context of the quote makes it funny.

Happy Easter, comrades.

How's the self improvement going?

I am number one best medic in TF2 gaming

In all genuine honesty, where do you find the motivation?
I'm too stupid to be a theorist, too incapable of understanding how other people talk to be an organizer, and too clumsy for combat. I have spent years of my life trying to build these skills to no avail. I cannot refute the fascist even after studying him, so I certainly cannot beat him. If one of you has this capability, all the more power to you. I realize now that the comment to "not waste my time" was meant as an act of mercy towards an inferior mind, garbage out. I don't plan to fight in the revolution anymore(should we live to see it), so I don't workout anymore. I don't take care of my body because I really, truly want to die and stop wasting food, and regret having ever dragged the people I know with me. I don't trust any of them.

Watch Jordan Shanks videos.

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Why have movies and other franchises moved away from just doing normal sequels to doing prequels and side stories so much?
I don't buy that it's simply for the sake of fan buy-in and "I know what that is!" You can put references to other stories into a new one without making them literally connected. So what gives?

It's especially weird with Mad Max, where the continuity in the older movies was always vague. The way Road Warrior and Thunderdome made it seem like they could be retellings of the same events in an oral tradition. Why is that not good enough? And what is the point of telling the backstory of a character like Furiosa when the ending of Fury Road set up a more interesting scenario? They won, they overthrew the bad guys, but we don't get to see what the victory looks like? If you still need the action scenes, you could just have some opportunistic faction show up to do a siege during the transition.

In even worse cases, you have things like the Zelda timeline or Stephen King novels, where there wasn't originally a holistic canon, but one was rationalized later. (And in the case of Zelda, the most recent entries seem to contradict the "official" canon timeline in multiple ways.) Seriously, what is added by establishing an explicit canon for all these separate products? Why can't it just be a series of thematically connected works, like Dark Souls? Or the original middle ground where Zeldas were different incarnations of the same concept, but with no specific relationship between most of them?
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Damn that's fucking sick. Thanks for posting. Wheres it from?

Supposedly the trailers used unfinished VFX which seems highly sus. Maybe the studio intentionally under-marketed it because these movies are relatively expensive and not usually that profitable so they want to kill the potential for the franchise to grow. It wouldn't be the first time they'd done something like that.

Back in my day when they wanted to make a teaser but the movie was unfinished, they just teased you with some sick visual that's not in the movie instead of showing us the whole movie in a half finished state.

>how can the titanic be sinking when there are parts of it still above water

media franchises are preferred by risk-averse executives who run the oligopolies like hollywood
that's it
it's not much deeper than that
no one's gonna bankroll the next kubrick (unless they force the project through a few dozen focus groups)

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Like you know what I'm talking about
We live in a society where so much of pop culture is never ending referential

WandaVision references old ass TV that I'm sure most of it's viewer base hasn't even ever seen

I don't even think the writer's have, They're just referencing it because that's what you are supposed to do, Like references these days just seem to be self regurgitating references because references can be made, no meaningful purpose behind it, just ooo it's that thing that i saw referenced in that other thing!

Anyway back to our point,
I like comedies, so I feel pressure to watch Happy Days, Taxi, and Honey Mooners and feel like I'm missing out if I don't watch them to build up my history and culture

For e.g some of you who like comic books might feel the same way about all the various billion runs of each character

I don't even know if they'll hold up, and I've basically held the belief that something influential or the first to do it only gives it merit to the history books, Nothing more
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>but all the classics are usually genre shattering masterpieces that did something so good or new
Right, but after a period of time the uniqueness erodes and becomes passe. At one point Elvis was a dangerous threat to society, now even the most rigid social conservatives would laugh at the idea of being offended by his music or dancing. Some classics are just version alpha, and honestly only "classic" because they were first to market. Would Plato have been so popular had his critics had just as many surviving texts? If China had colonized the americas would ancient greek philosophy be held in such high regard? Would Shakespeare be considered such mastery of english if students hadn't been told this their entire lives, before they even get a chance read it for themselves and come to an independent conclusion? If you played Flamenco Sketches for someone whose never heard jazz or heard of Miles Davis, would they have any reason to hold it in high regard? Classical canons are just academic meme warfare; the same timeless strategy of using prestige to control cultural narratives. While I recognize there is a causal chain of actions from past to present that produces media, I don't think the fecundity of a work is a valid means of measuring its quality or cultural impact.

I for one feel pressured to read marx even tho I've heard all the talking pointa a gozzilion times allready.

All the more reason you need to read if you think it's just "talking points"

I dunno I never really notice this in indie stuff.

>Schopenhauer may have been the first to realize this
why did this make me laugh lol

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