Lets Predict the future, by analyzing Mass Psychology
So far we got repeating cycles of chaos and order, the shifting of mass opinion and acceptance.
We want to collect significant soykafs of the past and, what it results to in the future.
What the general public out-ruled in the 70s is now commonly popular, while old fashioned values are despised mostly.
Public opinion impact of the Vietnam war, resulting peace movements and general sentiment.
The Ukraine war, and the general shift towards polarization in the public, that means siding with either Russia or the west.
Public opinion about homosexuality back then, and its massive shift towards glorification nowadays.
Periods of darkness and dogma, Periods of enlightenment and liberation
So on, you get the point, we collect what changed and by that maybe are able to predict further changes.
Again, its just to guess and assume, for the fun. Dont eat another. Just throw in contradiction to the past, which differ from previously mainstream dogma.
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