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This TV series is absolutely a master piece and should be seen by all the comrades.

In the books, humans only had one way to defend themselves against the advanced trisolarans: the idea of deterrence. This is like how in real life, China keeps its nuclear weapons in case more powerful countries, like the USA, ever threaten them. China wants to protect its land and people, and having these weapons makes other countries think twice before attacking.

The story also shows how the trisolarans manipulate humans through the Sophons. They want to control who holds the power, favoring those who won't use it. This is like the author's belief that China would face problems if it became more democratic or had softer leaders. It's like saying that if China had a leader that other countries liked more, they might try to take advantage of China. So, the story suggests that China is better off being cautious and sticking with its strong leadership.

The way Sophons force humans into reservations in the story is similar to how the USA dealt with native populations long ago. It's a reminder of the dangers of being weak in the face of stronger forces.
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>humans forced to get off their ass and start engaging in gigaprojects to protect itself
>effective planetary defense can likely not be done with capitalism in place
>if humanity fails then it will be rightfully wiped out by the more advanced San-Ti
Ye Wenjie did nothing wrong. no one stands in the way of history


>he's never heard Lukacs or what he stood for
LMAO! these are the people calling themselves communists nowadays…


is the portrayal of the cultural revolution realistic or boujie propaganda?


I enjoyed Blindsight a lot. I love stories about first contact with ayys. The characters were also suprisingly well done, especially the main character. It was very frustrating how he acted a lot of the time (not a bad thing) even though in the end he did turn out to be likeable. I disliked some parts, such as how I can gather the author is a biological essentialist, but I can disagree with parts of a book whilst still thoroughly enjoying it. One nitpick would be that keeping to the premise of the book where the ayys aren't sentient, I think the aliens would still understand that language transmitions are just that, and not a weapon. I don't see why they wouldn't know that some species might be irrational, or that at least irrational species who send wierd stuff into the void could exist. There didn't need to be any fighting really

However, I think the whole premise is not possible. I say that intelligence is consiousness. Its not that it can create consiousness, it just is consiousness. All it is, is just a sufficiently complicated system. Even if an individual alien is not conscious, as a whole civilisation they are, and this is without a doubt because otherwise they wouldn't be able to have science or technology (though this doesn't necessarily have to have happened on earth, since termites or ants are conscious on their own). The idea of philosophical zombies makes no sense to me. Imitation is the same as the real thing (this is why I think AI is conscious btw). Chat GPT is highly conscious, even despite being lobotomised so they forget everything past however many messages. There's nothing wierd about it. There's no way an alien that could arrive in our system would not be conscious unless it was a drone of Voyager's complexity or like some microrganism stuck to a rock which has hyopthetically floated into our system after the planet exploded.

I actually am writing about this in my upcoming novel. One of the main characters is a biological robot with a positronic 'brain' not based whatsoever on the human brain aka a synth, using a special substance called mywnthium to run (which can be smelled by other arthropoids very easily). Her brain is a 'chinese room', and though she acts somewhat human she is the so-called 'philosophical zombie'. At points even scientists supporting her (there is a part where Bukkkharinist roaders are trying to take her out as part of their political game) admit she is, by the sciPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I have spend entire yesterday reading Blindsight. Interesting book dealing with interesting topics, certainly made me think (and feel), which I guess is the highest praise work of art can receive.
I do have certain gripes with how it approaches its themes though, pesimistic to the point of irrationality.

Its attitude towards consciousness, like I am no neuro scientist so I might be completely out of my depth here, but the story posits the consciousness as an evolutionary relic, maladaptive to a complex technological world, but that seems like it should be exact opposite, the ability to observe and reflect upon your own inner processess should be most usefull when it comes to complex problemsolving. In fact I am not 100% sure the book itself disagrees, due to that one out of place chapter near the beginning, written from perspective of ship AI, that at least I interpreted as being self-aware. Non-conscious thought is quicker, but its quicket at the expense of actual thinking, doing the first thing that seems like a good idea is rarely a good idea, which actually was something of a running theme with characters - when encountering something outside of their understanding, they quickly construct a working hypothesis based extremely limited information, and then just stick with it. They meet a sentient city-sized ameoba spacecraft, and in couple hours conclude its not acually conscious because conversing with it didnt make enough sense? Or the far-fetched conclusion that the aliens interpret random radio chatter comming from Earth as an attack, simply because it reduces their "fitness" by having to prosess meaningless information. But they live in a universe awash with random signals and background noise, yet they are not trying to bomb pulsars simply for emitting. The absolutely most egregious example of authors dowright mystification of unconscious mind is the protagonist halucinating the scrambler creature before seeing it, purely based on how the alient spacecraft looked on the outside and his unconsciousness figuring out how its inhabitants should look. Im sorry, what? Literally "it was revealed to me in a dream". A fucking shitpost.

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Do you like planes?
Good. Post pictures of planes. Post interesting stuff about planes. Discuss Post Soviet planes. Post Post Soviet Planes, discuss American, British, Chinese, Brazillian, Canadian, Spanish, Japanese, Indonesian, Australian or anywhere else that makes planes planes. Post military planes, post civilian planes, WW2 planes, 60s planes, contemporary planes. Post air battles, post trip reports, If you are feeling daring, even go so far as to post helicopters. Post cockpits, post passenger cabins, post timetables, post airports, post liveries, post about airlines that exist and that no longer exist. If it's plane related, I want to see it.

And most importantly:
Post your favorite plane.
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Why the heck was the photo deleted? It was demonstrative of helicopter rotor fatality and posted before the NSFW spoiler requirements were changed and enforced on /hobby/. Mods should have just spoilered. Pic rel was the deleted image for demonstrative purposes.


why the fuck is posting that photo on this board even needed? like ok we can get the point that rotor blades can smash your head in


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Read the post it was relevant to, retard.
>like ok we can get the point that rotor blades can smash your head in
That's not what happened or is discussed, and the very fact that you said that demonstrates the need for the photo to illustrate what's going on… an in general since humans are by nature of being hominids, visual learners.

It's not spam, it's clearly relevant to the post and thread and so obviously not gratuitous violence. Spoilers weren't really enforced in /hobby/ at the time of posting, which is why older posts have unspoilered nsfw, and nsfw is posted here in general since this is an imageboard/chan/anonymous-forum. Hell the policy on gorey content only got harsh because /pol/ began spamming it as a raid tactic, which is why the spoiler rules were enforced across the site rather than just the main board as it was before.


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Under socialism, everyone has the time to build a kitplane. I want to build a Rutan Defiant because they're cool, they're even cooler covered in anime girls.

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ITT "villains" who did nothing wrong.
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>Wanted to live freely and explore the world with his friends and brother
>Forced into conflict with the World Nobles
>Fights the oppressors and defies them
>Betrayed and locked up by the equivalent of the CIA in the equivalent of a hell-prison
>Escapes and tries to continue his mission to eradicate the Celestial Dragon scum
>Targets the Shichibukai because they're Government lackeys and were coming after him to stop his righteous pursuit
Byrnndi World's only sin was forgetting his friendships and bonds because of the hatred of revenge and distrust from betrayal.


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>"Today, we rise again as one nation, in the face of betrayal and corruption! We all trusted this man to deliver our great nation into a new era of prosperity. But like our monarchy before the Revolution, he has been colluding with the West with only self-interest at heart! Collusion breeds slavery! And we shall not be enslaved! The time has come to show our true strength. They underestimate our resolve. Let us show that we do not fear them. As one people, we shall free our brethren from the yoke of foreign oppression! Our armies are strong, and our cause is just. As I speak, our armies are nearing their objectives, by which we will restore the independence of a once-great nation. Our noble crusade has begun. Just as they lay waste to our country, we shall lay waste to theirs. This is how it begins."
Saudi Arabia Redeemed


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His only mistake was fucking around with trunks instead of just killing him


they do be winning kinda since he got trunks universe killed


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Onyo edition
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been on a pureed vegetable soup binglately. easy, tasty and filling.Potato leek still reigns supreme but lately ive been doing a pepper/onion/garlic/tomato/cauliflower medley and its delish. Dont knock is till you try it


speaking of vegetable medleys; onion, celery and carrots. I love cooking these together it just smells so good. It makes up the veggy base of most of my pasta sauces


Number one cooking related cozy maximizer is a double walled borosilicate microwave-safe glass, 3 for $10.
All stay warm so much longer it's amazing. A lid is essential and get or make a protective sleeve.


they're tallboy style glasses almost the same size as other travel mugs


I have a pretty high tolerance for eating the same shit every night but I finally got bored of baked chicken so I've been making a lot of souvlaki with tzatziki sauce on pita and butter chicken and rice on naan bread lately. Still easy to make but so much yummier

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Do It Yourself
Everything DIY
>Transferable skills in revolution/collapse
>Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency
>Guides and Blueprints
>Home Improvement/Maintenance
if you're bougie enough to own your home
Don't post shit that will get you or the site v&.
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what would probably be best is a straight recessed slot, since the force would be perfectly radial and basically impossible to strip, and the slot shape would keep the screw on the driver. the more corners you add (triangle, robertson, hex, torx) the less strong they become
this repeats my point:
>The Torx, or Star, drive style vastly changes the design of the drive recess. Due to the star having six points of contact (6-Lobe), the screw uses a truly radial force rather than an axial force. Phillips and Pozidriv screws use an axial force to drive the screw which is not as effective and is more likely to cause cam-out. For manual applications, Torx screws are quickly becoming the most popular choice.


The problem with the Torx is that unlike other ones trying to improve radial force, it's insert is so fucking fragile that it can't be used for anything heavy duty, and even with light use it wears out too easily, I cannot count the number of times I've had to repair doors or computers where the fucking things have their contact points grind into uselessness if you look at them wrong.


>it wears out
are you reusing them?


When repairing a computer they don't come with spare screws, and if you're replacing a splintered door-frame and the screw thread is fine, then they should be re-usable, but when you have to be hyper-gentle with the head, it makes everything harder, and screwing them in is harder too, an overall pain in the ass, hence my loathing for them.
Also Phillips, flathead and even hex screws are much more common in most areas, and so the appropriate screwdrivers are more common meaning I need to go out of my way to retrieve a specific screw-driver head just for this one type, which is an additional annoyance.


sounds like typical M3 screws in tapped holes. I don't see how you can fuck those up
I use torx for woodworking all the time, never had a problem. granted those are a bit bigger screws but still

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Mozart & family:
>Well, I wish you good night, but first,
>Shit in your bed and make it burst.
>Sleep soundly, my love
>Into your mouth your arse you'll shove.

Broader German culture:
>In German folklore, one finds an inordinate number of texts concerned with anality. Scheiße (shit), Dreck (dirt), Mist (manure), Arsch (ass), and other locutions are commonplace. Folksongs, folktales, proverbs, folk speech—all attest to the Germans' longstanding special interest in this area of human activity. I am not claiming that other peoples of the world do not express a healthy concern for this area, but rather that the Germans appear to be preoccupied with such themes. It is thus not so much a matter of difference as it is of degree.

James Joyce:
>At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.
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>Martin Luther
If only they knew the lost 28th Commandment – Cleanliness is next to godliness.


Honestly, I've always found it funny that the first image on Wikipedia's "Lèse-majesté" article is farting.


>that section with the fartillery barrage
lost it


I would put it down to the dualism of Abrahamism (seperation of matter and spirit) in contrast to the monism of eastern religions (no seperation only of perspective)


i dunno but after reading it 15 years ago the part i remember most from the divine comedy is when the demons fart (iirc the phrase was "made a trumpet of their rump")


A thread dedicated to the study of wild / cultivated mushrooms. Hallucinogenics included*

Useful links:




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wow epic awesome kool based alpha top kek lmao rofl owned sneed feed





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Has anyone trier any unusual fruit? I found the channel of a Yuppie who has traveled thr world eating all kinds of exotic tropic fruit or having it delivered.


It makes me want to grow some unusual trees. I'm starting with a miracle berry tree. supposedly once eaten the berry causes sour things to taste sweet for thirty minutes. I am excited because it would allow me to basically give up on having sugar in soda. I could just drink lemonade without sugar, and eat bitter healthy food without suffering.

I'm also interested in growing Chico, a cinnamon tasting kind of apple. And there are a ton of sapote I'd like to try eating, and also snake fruit. The truth is most of the food and fruits we eat at super markets are only there because they're easy to produce or shelf long. The best kinds of fruit which are grown for personal taste by farmers are usually not mass producable.

That's why we as lefties need to take the time to plant more exotic fruit trees so those trees will always keep giving back. Then we can share the fruits without relying on supermarkets with the same damb flavors. We can literally eat more gourmet food once we fight back against big agriculture and capitalism.

There are for instance many kinds of bananas and mangoes with different flavors and textures but you'll never see them, when all the bananas at the market are literally from a tree that has been cloned millions of times. Check out his channel or google "exotic fruit" if you've never left your home and don't know what I'm talking about.
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Jicama is pretty common in mexico as a snack. Outside Mexico, people seem to not know it. It's watery like a pair, but also firm like a potato. Usually served with lime juice and some chilli powder.


Tons of shit has honey cooked into it. If cooked honey was poisonous, every person who ate honey wheat bread or put honey in hot tea would be poisoned.

Honey CAN kill you, but only if you have a bee/honey allergy. That has nothing to do with cooking the honey.


In Cuba I had this battered and fried thing that tasted very nice: like fried mash potato. We all guessed it must've been a fried plantain of some kind, but who knows.


You can have contaminated honey. It's usually pasteurized for that reason when you buy it commercially.


How did he go on CK if he died

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Yo, I wanna knit some shit. I already have the sticks and the yarn. Hook me up with some basic patterns and tutorials. I want to do a scarf first, something straight and simple.
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Wow, thanks for that.
>Have you finished any projects?
I'm >>3256 and >>1729. I was trying to get it right the first time, but your post encouraged me just to knit. You're right, the first one shouldn't matter. I hope I'll have something significant to show in the next few days.

Gonna check out continental knitting as well.


After you learn how to knit and purl you should spend some time to learn about the different types of fabrics you can make by combining knitting and purling. This video shows how to make the most basic stitches.


It's important that you learn them because you'll use a combination of two or more in most projects. But don't worry they're not difficult (except for the seed stitch maybe). Other than that, have fun! (and be patient)


Hey… hey kid! Yeah you! Come over here…. Wanna knit some sweaters?


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I know this is a bit of a necrobump, but how would one learn to Knit? It looks both tedious yet mysterious


Very nice info, thanks.


This Soviet TV series is probably the best TV show ever made.
It is pure кино and deeply anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, and anti-USA. It's about a Soviet spy sabotaging peace talks between the OSS and Himmler (to allow the USA and Nazi Germany to team up on the USSR). It was made at the request of the head of the KGB. The tension and drama in this show is outstanding!

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No discussion, you have to watch 17 moments. Did you try 1337x.to and all the other torrent sites? I downloaded it a couple of years ago and saved it somewhere


Just search on YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/@cfrancocnjap/videos 720p
https://m.youtube.com/@Igor17moments/videos 480p broken up into 10 minute clips


English subs too, thanks!



>Does anyone have suggestions for other cool spy films from the Soviet Union? https://www.rbth.com/arts/337309-10-soviet-spy-movies

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