>>44169I've yet to hear a modern audio drama that I like. They go over the top with sound effects and sometimes music, like they're trying to make it sound the same as a visual action movie.
Not everything works as an audio drama. Some stories are better just read by one person with nothing else added. I suppose if you're a die hard fan of Doctor Who or Star Wars and just can't get enough of something you can find pleasure in them, but I grew up on old time radio and not much that's produced outside the BBC is ever very good. It's too bad that it's more enthusiastic fans rather than professionals putting anything out. When it had the importance it did before television existed there was an entire creative industry built around it. The technology now allows anyone to do it, but the polish and craftsmanship and great writing will never be there, at least not all at the same time.
I'm stoned and bitching. I'm actually glad people are making stuff and that audio has an audience. I'm just a snob and none of it is ever good enough for me.
Gunsmoke, Escape, and Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar are some of my favorites.
>>44436No. You have no clue what you're posting about. You aren't paying attention.