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True. Also Christopher Poole is a jewish liberal and all 4chan users are jewish liberals, likely in their 30s and probably work at google.


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Where were you when moot became a based sigmoid male?


I like that most of the users are actually doing praxis, as opposed to most sites which come off as shitposting chat rooms of people doing nothing.
Unfortunately that means the site isn't busy with no-life nerds chatting all day. Alas.


>got users who actually do shit IRL instead of roleplaying all day
<replacing roleplaying with LARP
Going to fucking university campuses isn't organizing the proletariat against global capital.


>malding at shit no one said

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.

and also how JK Rowling is the biggest blair simp
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Not saying everything in the last two films is bad, there are still some fun scenes in it like the ministry raid, but they're overlong and padded with boring stuff like the miserable extended camping holiday. Maybe that's how the books are written too but that's no excuse. It just is crazy to me that a lot of HP fans think the last two are the best because they're 'more mature' (read: boring)


>a lot of HP fans think the last two are the best because they're 'more mature' (read: boring)
Do they? Most HP fans I know of loathed the last 2 films, at least relative to the others.

What I meant about the films being good cinematographically is ironically that "camp holiday" you refer to, because it's actually misinterpreted heavily. The trio are, in the story, camping out for weeks, if not months and obviously they aren't doing nothing, but at the same time they have little choice to be careful in their actions after the Ministry-Locket debacle and how they're hunted by the entire Ministry and Voldemort. So we get excerpts of them, for lack of better words, surviving and trying to live, and it leads to developments like Ron leaving (and then returning), and the various traveling they do trying to find a clue as to what to do next.
A good line for example
>“Did you think we’d be staying in five-star hotels? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Did you think you’d be back to Mummy by Christmas?”
That particular argument with Ron is a blatantly misunderstood in the film and book as RON being an idiot, rather than the whole lot of them falling apart as their aimless, fruitless attempts to achieve their task are clearly yielding nothing and they all know it, and the consequences of it. This wouldn't be such a big deal, as it's actually pretty accurate to how a bunch of barely of-age teens would be when given such a monumental task.

What undermines this is how quickly they find and destroy the other Horcruxes. The camping stuff is not a major part of the film, most of what we see is them interacting; the initial healing of Ron and their struggles to remain hidden, then after a relatively brief montage of them surviving as they can, we get to moments that push the plot forward as well as their moving around across England, Godric's Hollow and so on.


I can only interpret it as Ron being an unreliable twat. I mean what else is he going to do, searching for the Horcruxes is literally the most important possible task. Always disliked him honestly. I'm Harrymionie til I die. I don't even remember why they suddenly started finding Horcruxes after he left.

I get that it being aimless is the point but as a story that's boring and unsatisfying. I've already been on enough shitty English camping holidays that seemed neverending, that's not what I read/watch fiction for.


The last movie is the highest rated on IMDB and the second-last one of the highest rated, if you look at the reviews you can see people express that view I stated.


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>unreliable twat
Except he's not especially in the context of the scene, since despite being significantly injured (severe hypothermia, starvation, crippling injury etc.) he's still with Harry. Harry is the one projecting his fears of abandonment onto Ron. Ron was pretty much always there for Harry and never hesitated to stand up against threats and dangers no matter how scared he might have been.
>I don't even remember why they suddenly started finding Horcruxes after he left
They didn't. Ron left and then because of Hermione's wards couldn't find them despite basically trying to find them immediately after leaving, so he was searching for them for several weeks and came in for the save with the Sword of Gryffindor. Hell, he wanted to stay but Harry literally tells to him to leave repeatedly. Ron's biggest problem in the scene (and it's just realistic relative to such arguments) is that in his frustration and anger, he comes off a lot harsher and provokes a similar response from Harry, and Hermione in this instance was being an utter willow.

Also the movies cut out a lot of scenes and switched up dialogue that was important to Ron's character, resulting in him coming off as more of a prat than in the books.

IMDB is not a reliable source I'm going to be honest, primarily because the number of reviews and so on there are paltry compared to the sheer SIZE of the fandom itself. Almost everyone I knew hated it, even unreasonably so.

I agree that Ron/Hermione wasn't a very good pairing, but neither is Harry/Hermione.


Harry Pothead

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

jucika thread pls
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romanticizing bullfighting is fucked up


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>being a moralfag about a clearly stylized pinup
<on a site that makes memes about the Czar's execution and the GULAG
1-800-c'mon now


Bump for Jucika


cute :)


Crypto porn addict thread

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Seeing how there’s multiple /co/ related threads on the board. I think we should just put all of them into one general just for clarity’s sake.

Discuss anything related to comics and animations from comic recs, leftist animations to comic writers’ attempts to larp as leftists.

Seriously is there a worse anarchist in the UK than Alan Moore?
422 posts and 220 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>sexual repression
maybe the nigigas like medium or tall people more then the rest
not eveyuyghias has a hard on for the same fetish or characters


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This is about how I'd put it too


is this real or edited comrade


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punisher max?

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's that time again. Post trams and trains and other rail vehicles. Both vehicles from AES and c*pitalist countries welcome.I am looking for this one very aesthetic picture of a tram going down a grassy incline. I think it was from Czechoslovakia but not sure.
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>>42182 >>42184 Part 3 - I've also archived most links ITT too in archive.is Then all I've got left is the image files.

>What happened to London's trams? by Jay Foreman

>Hanoi has a new METRO SYSTEM and it's AWESOME! by Luna oi!

>>24857 >>25338
>Large Railway Bridge Completes Joining Stage in Guangdong
>New China-Myanmar Railway Express Departs SW China
>CCTV Video News Agency
vid 1 and https://files.catbox.moe/jfswc9.mp4
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>>42182 >>42184 >>42185 I'm tired so I'll finish this archive effort later.
>2 China-Made Trains of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Arrive in Indonesia by CCTV Video News Agency

>Builders overcome complex geological environments to build high-speed railway in China's Shaanxi by New China TV

>Chinese, Indonesian Presidents Witness Trial Run of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway by CCTV

>Why Swiss Trains are the Best in Europe by Not Just Bikes
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Why do Autisms love trains so much?

>They run on a set path at set times with a predictable time of leaving and arriving, which makes scheduling easier than if you had to travel by car since you can just pick the time that suits you the best.
>They don't have to compete with other forms of traffic because they're the only thing in the lane.
>They are comfortable to travel in
>They are more efficient than any other form of land-based mass transportation in terms of speed and how much they can carry.
>You don't have to stress about driving them yourself, even the actual drivers really only have to sit on their asses, occasionally accelerating and decelerating because the train goes on a set path.
>They can take you anywhere where there's a track; the tracks only have to be laid once and need much less replacement/maintenance than roads.
>They are less maintenance-intensive in terms of spare parts.
>They're much more clean in terms of their proportional environmental impact than a fleet of cars or buses.
>They don't need to be separately recharged or refueled because you can just hook them up to a source of electricity directly, which means they are more logistically sound on top of being energy efficient.
>They just look cool af.



>wayback machine archive of youtube links
you know this doesn't archive the actual videos, right

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I’ll start:
Pan’s Labyrinth
Blade Runner
Starship Troopers
The Thing
The Matrix
Pirates of the Caribbean
Paths of Glory
The Devil’s Backbone
Return of the Living Dead
Grave of the Fireflies
Princess Mononoke
Come and See
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How the fuck could you watch Come and See and not realize it's communist


Arguably the Navi have primitive communism… kinda?


They have a chief, and anprim isn't really communism. The movies just don't really posit an alternative to Earth's extractivist hypercapitalism, just that it's bad and needs to be fought. That's still a good message but it's not communist in itself.


Having an elected chief isn't inherently out of step with communism


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>Ctrl+f "Poor Things"
It's a very obvious metaphor for the beginnings of class consciousness in the West in the 19th Century.
The Favourite is similarly Marxist because of that final shot where the pet rabbits (us) multiply and overtake the screen.

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As promised on >>527992 although I regret to inform that it will take a bit longer for the immortal jellyfish to get tattooed as I have commissioned an original design and have also been advised to wait for this one to heal first. It will take about a week or slightly more.

The leftypol logo / coat of arms is complete, although in the pictures it is still a bit bloody, It will become clean and the colors will have greater contrast once it has fully healed.

Follow ups will be posted on this thread, in the meantime feel free to use this thread to post about tattoos, piercings and general body modifications.

>Q: Why is the background on the third picture so blurry?
<A: Privacy, as much as possible. I don't want other people to know what my wallpaper looks like.
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it looks nice, thank you for your leftypol pride


I like it, it's has a distinct stylized look


>OP actually delivers
bless you


jesus, if people I knew irl found out I browse /leftypol/ I would probably kms
great job OP


Your friend might be jelly.
>He gave comparisons of football uyghurs
I'm assuming lumpen since he watches football, so he probably thinks football players are the greatest and most successful people on this planet. Not worth bothering with.

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transfer window edition
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"Premier" League: Could Arse actually win this shit?
They are gonna bottle it, right? Right?


I knew it
Anyway Internazionale Milano is quite likely to advance to the CL final which I see as a win for leftists


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top 10 best football chants


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join the based clean arteries gang
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I had to use both systems of measurement on my nursing test today. Americans use both


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>Moralism is when you care
Absolute state


fat causes insulin resistance thus diabetes, not carbs.
tacos with beans rice and salsa


>be freegan
>out of town gf comes to visit
>eat out a lot over the weekend
>feel like shit
>offer to cook
>she wont eat because veggies are "bland"
I'm so glad Im back to my usual kale, lentils, and rice now that she went home. I grew up pescetarian, but I'm intrigued by veganism. However, the only vegan I knew started eating meat again because he shoots pests that get into his crops and fruit trees, so venison and squirrel.


How do you practice freeganism? Like do you dumpster dive, or literally eat nothing over your nutritional requirement?

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Does anyone else have this hobby? I've been doing it for years and especially love the older versions of places.
It feels incredible to be able to look at a frozen version of the world and go over every detail of it.
As much as I hate Google and this constant surveillance I still find a lot of joy and nostalgia looking in how everything used to be.
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R.I.P. Thread
You never actually got anyone to explore and post cool screenshots of places.


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Baidu maps street view / panorama doesn't show up anymore…
Does it work for anyone else?



Damn why is it so sluggish compared to google maps? When will it get on par? Every click drags on and takes a long time to load, rotating also takes time to load it. Zooming is painfully slow…
Why is it like this compared to google maps? Will it ever get better?


oh hell yes, i've always done this. I especially like the historical view as well. On google earth they actually have "satellite" imagery going back to the thirties. i.e. plane flyovers.

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