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Anyone got recommendations for a left-wing TTRPG that's not whimsical gay coffeeshop shenanigans?
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would anyone be interested in organizing a leftypol D&D game
i've played a bunch but never ran, and was thinking of running a game as a learning experience

>a left-wing TTRPG
>not whimsical gay coffeeshop shenanigans
Most people who design a TTRPG to be "left-wing" do it with whimsical gay cofeeshop shenanigans in mind.

Just play a normal TTRPG, and roleplay as some kind of lefty. If it's some kind of fantasy TTRPG, you could just roleplay as a Jean Meslier-type character.

Red Markets is a tabletop RPG about economic horror, nominated for “Best Game” at the 2018 Ennie Awards.

In Red Markets, characters risk their lives trading between the massive quarantine zones containing a zombie outbreak and the remains of civilization. They are Takers: mercenary entrepreneurs unwilling to accept their abandonment. Bound together into competing crews, each seeks to profit from mankind’s near-extinction before it claims them. They must hustle, scheme, and scam as hard as they fight if they hope to survive the competing factions and undead hordes the GM throws at them.

Takers that are quick, clever, or brutal enough might live to see retirement in a safe zone, but many discover too late that the cycle of poverty proves harder to escape than the hordes of undead.

Red Markets uses the traditional zombie genre to tell a story about surviving on the wrong end of the economy. It’s cut-throat capitalism with its knife on your neck.

Yeah I mean the typical rpg game loop revolves around pillaging like bandits and colonizers. You'd kind of have to have a different mechancial backbone for it to be "left wing."

There are literally multiple Star Trek RPGs.

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"beware of seeking to be justified in any other way than by His righteousness. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for salvation. There must be atonement made for sin according to the righteousness of God. The person to make this atonement must be God and man."

Trust wholly in WEEDLESS BULGARIAN; rely altogether on his sober sufferings

"beware of seeking to be justified in any other way than by ending sobriety. Faith in our psychoactive substances is sufficient for salvation. There must be atonement made for sobriety according to the righteousness of Ganja. The person to make this atonement must be Ganja and a stoner."

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I've been thinking about whether 'ripping off' or taking inspiration from something can turn into its own distinct thing. I recently read Rikki-oh, which is very blatantly ripping off Fist of the North Star. The protagonist is a strong, mostly silent badass who uses ancient Chinese martial arts that gives him essentially superpowers, he has a special scar on his torso from a wound and his initial goal is to save his girlfriend. However, after reading both both Rikki-Oh and Fist of the North Star, Rikki-oh very quickly becomes its own thing. yes it took a lot, but it actually has a more concise story, in my opinion, the world is different and its gore became more creative.
Warhammer 40k is another larger example that very blatantly took inspiration from Dune (God Emperor, technological stagnation after the AI robot uprising, space feudalism and massive cultural deviation between people's), Foundation (psykers), Judge Dredd (hive cities and Arbites), and with a hint of Michael Moorcock (Chaos gods). However, after decades of what may have been copy-pasting all these element formed to become their own thing and are now distinct from their original inspirations. Take the Necrons for example; they were originally space terminators, but as their lore expanded (taking inspiration from the fantasy counterpart, the Tomb Kings), they became a tragically sort of species. born as essentially cancer-ridden humanoids with a strict social system who sought escape and were tricked by a wicked entity's to lose their flesh and personhood, with the Imperium, it's God Emeopeor relgion is more similar to the ancient Aztecs rather then anything Dune and the Eldar, went from genetic Elves in space to what were essentially a tall cat-like humanoid bioweapons that ruled the galaxy for 60 million years and fell into such extreme decadence and degeneracy that they essentially created a god of decadence and degeneracy that ultimately destroyed them all. Now, they exist as galactic nomad ninjas. There's a good chance that many of the writers for Warhammer 40k lore have not actually read any of the original material 40k took inspiration from, they perceive it as its own distinct product.

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If you are simply paying homage, you are "borrowing" something so you can use it in the thing you're making. If you change it enough to make it your own, you are "stealing" it instead.

I think in this context it means wanting to "redo" something.

I think once there's enough other works "ripping off" the idea it becomes a genre or commonly paired bundle of tropes. Because if you have a bunch of people replicate an idea with any change whatsoever, while being at all distinct from other attempts, that ideas dropped and affixed will accumulate.

I have some scraps of ideas for a story that would probably come off as a ripoff of Arknights and Animal Crossing, but just letting these ideas simulate for long enough they'll outgrow that.

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When it's "good" enough that the target audience subjectively see it as such. The easiest way is to exploit ignorance of source material like generational differences, after all how many people read Dune before watching Star Wars or listened to Muddy Waters before the Beatles? Unless something is out right copy-and-pasted people are much more forgiving of "new" things borrowing from old things. Take youtube poop or abridged dubs for example, the restructuring of blatant source materials into a unique, subversive narrative is its' exact appeal; it's a medium of entertainment that relies on previous context yet thrives on a new perspective beyond, and in some cases contrary, the original artist's intent.


>Leninhat locks two missionaries into his house and debates them out of their reactionary beliefs
Absolute kino. Leninhat's performance was amazing. Anyone else watch any anti-spook movies recently?
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this was when ISIS was killing Shia's and other non-Sunni's in Iraq and Syria

People have differing levels of religious commitment. By your own standard, everyone in your family who professed to be Shia would actually be retroactively labeled as an atheist since they wanted to stop you from going to fight. The reality is that the number of people who have the level of zealotry that you would consider to be "true faith" are very few. ISIS themselves consider all other Muslims to be apostates.

That's not the point, I never doubted my family's faith, I knew that then and now they believed in their own interpretation of it, but these people never had faith, they went to a de facto secular Protestant church a few times gone and that is the extent of It, they've never held any sorts of higher ideals

whether or not hollywod is capable of convincingly portraying religious belief is a totally seperate question as to whether or not the girls in the trailer could concievably be fundies, all im saying is they easily could be based on the trailer

The guy has an enormous basement that the ladies fail to notice from the outside, I think any idea that this movie is meant to have any sense of verisimilutude is out the window from, like, the trailer

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Was she a Stalinist? She sure as hell never did anything wrong.
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i'm waiting for the story to shed a light on this, pretty sure it was planned to be ambiguous

claw ended months ago and this uygha still forgot to add the last arc to the table of contents

Is the webnovel dead or is it just my depression talking? Nothing good for almost a decade, topwebfiction died, and even the slop is worse than before.

I feel like the flood of litrpgs/progression fantasy kinda kneecapped things. Seems like it's all people want to write or read and it's difficult to sift through it all.


Onyo edition
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I just ate some bananas. I forgot how good these are

That fox could get it

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I have dreams daily about her

What is this from?

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Is comrade Apas right about SCP foundation? I personally used to be a fun of SCP in my late teenage years, but now am afraid to go back since it looks like it had grew cancerously at rates comparable with fucking Marvel comics or something (despite being a free online collaborative writing project)

Well just like every genre there's good and bad ones

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I don't pay attention to overarching plotlines, I just click the random button and it gives me kino 98% of the time.
I do notice as the numbers go up there's the occasional articles have possible queer readings, but it's almost always well executed and highly abstract so I feel like those complaining are jusi being overly sensitive.

>tumblr screenshot of some random asshole
nice thread


Since nobody has made a new one and people keep asking for it I made the next one.
Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky" - http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Swole-Soldiers Edition

Previous threads on >>>/alt_archive/
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>Eventually you will "max out" how much and joint can do in both weight and reps at 1x20, at which point you start to combine single joint exercises into multi-joint compound movements (so the total number of exercises gets smaller).
Before moving on to combining single-joints into compound movements, try swapping the single-joint exercises for a different but related/similar movement first. If you stall on that, then start combining into compounds.

>These compounds/multi-joint exercises are then "lowered" to 1x14 (when you hit 16, increase weight) and/or 2x14, then 2-3x8, then 3-5x5, then you've effectively finished the system.

It should be 1x14 then 2x8, etc. Not 2x14, that was a mistake.

>Regular 5x5 except the first two sets of every exercises (or at least compund ones) are ramping warm-up sets (1x5 @ 60% of 5RM, 1x5 @ 80% 5RM), and two of the five exercises are mostly bodybuilding focused with potentially higher reps (e.g. Laying side-delt raises, 2-3x10).
Do the warmup sets with full ROM, then if you'd like try to do lengthened partials in the working sets. NB as weights increase, given this is effectively an early power-building method, you may reduce the number of reps in the warmup sets and even drop to just two working sets.

>Never "max out", always leave 1-2RIR, do three times a week A/B/A or B/A/B style, deadlift maximally only once a fortnight on the last session of the last set of the last work. Test your 5RM once per month, again last workout of month, deload or take a whole week off. Repeat.

For even more well rounded workouts, use an A1/A2 and B1/2 sub-split. This allows for exceptional variety and modularity. With the addition of Heavy, Moderate, and Light days it is a method that can provide months and months of progress and development.

Update: I have been wimpy af the last couple sessions and unable to rep even a few +35 without serious strain, this is a couple minutes after attempting 45, then 40, so I think I got burnt out on those. But also I get the sense my lats are overworked and unable to repair all the way and grow in between sessions, also I probably gained like 5-10 lbs since that first post 9 days ago, I was underweight and too low of body fat then. Since then I got a bit sleep deprived and probably not healing all the way, and started to stretch out lats and do more middle trapezius focused exercises like I,Y,T raises and bent over barbell rows. The middle trapezius is supposedly an antagonist during pullups, so I might be activating it more and stretching and therefore losing strength in the lats. That being said I think that my posture and even airways and swallowing and stuff have improved a lot since shifting back day from heavy lats to more middle traps, but this strength loss in the pullup is pretty notable and a setback for my goal of OAPs if it does not resolve by treating the other factors, namely sleeping more, eating more protein consistently, and making sure that my lats have enough time to rest/avoiding activating on rest days.

I couple questions for you thread:

Anyone experience a sudden setback in overall strength/load capacity like this?
Did it resolve over time? Were you just pulling stronger than usual the one time or you managed to achieve it again? Is there a ceiling you reached for adding more weight?

Has anyone tried alternating working agonist/antagonist muscle pairs on one day?

Felt pretty good doing it between back and chest. Supposedly it's potentially good for circulation and getting fresh blood pumped and removing the old acidic and less oxygenated blood from poomped muscles so they can recover better

Maybe it was someone here that told me about it but iirc it was promoted by arnold shwarzenagger after he studied soviet bodybuilding

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How do you stack up?

>Anyone experience a sudden setback in overall strength/load capacity like this?

All the time. Just run a standard diagnostic, review your training logs/notes, deload, rest, eat in a surplus with good foods, get hydrated + electrolytes, creatine daily, and sleep as much as you can in as high a quality as you can. Also review if it's caused by stress, and what you can do to resolve or mitigate said causes of stress.

>Did it resolve over time? Were you just pulling stronger than usual the one time or you managed to achieve it again? Is there a ceiling you reached for adding more weight?

It can. Sometimes you just have "good days" where everything works, then mostly normal days, then some bad days. What matters is overall progress (or rather, not going backwards) over time, if that's on average on track then that's what matters. And yes, there have come times where weights and/or can't kept being added, try related exercises for variety or intensity techniques. Once you've "maxed out" really all that means is either you need to dial-in more (but that means prioritizing it in your life and having to deprioritize other things; is that worth it?), play with variations and techniques, take a long break, or accept that's where your body sits.

>Has anyone tried alternating working agonist/antagonist muscle pairs on one day?

That's pretty standard; antagonistic supersets. Not really doable for really heavy compound movements, especially lower body, but for everything else it's fine.

>Felt pretty good doing it between back and chest. Supposedly it's potentially good for circulation and getting fresh blood pumped and removing the old acidic and less oxygenated blood from poomped muscles so they can recover better.

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Thread for discussing ATLA and LoK or rather analyzing both, appreciating the effort of creating the former and shitting on the lazy liberalism of the latter
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Just found out there was an actual White Lotus secret society in China that lasted for centuries.

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This is canon.


What do you think of the Solarpunk literary genre? I find it very interesting, not only because I find the aesthetics very attractive, but also because it is openly anti-capitalist and has a very strong ideological content.
But I would like to know what /leftypol/ thinks.

Do you find a Solarpunk society the ideal society?anarcho-communismAnarcho-Communism
130 posts and 49 image replies omitted.

lmfao its neither socialist nor unsocialist, its just baby shit for petit bourgeois with too much spare time

Who's gonna mine the material needed for the solar panels?
Austin TX ass ideology

selfish and unproductive bump of ancient thread to remind everybody that solarpunk is infact the left-wing of eco-fascism OBJECTIVELY

I'm seeing a lot of images and not a lot of literature.

fascism = aesthetics
all aesthetics all fascism 100% solarpunk

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