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there should be a Heat-like movie about the 1907 Tiflis Bank Robbery that Stalin/Lenin and other Bolsheviks organized, which was carried out for the purpose of securing funds for the RSDLP.
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Maybe anon just means like a character study with a focus on careful choreography.

Also, a killer soundtrack.

why the FUCK can't my hair look like Stalin's

>How would it be Heat-like?
aesthetically and with a similar attention to detail and realism. There's so much scope to explore the political context and interpersonal dynamics leading up to the raid too. It writes itself ffs, I can picture the steam train sequence now lol.
>The themes of Heat don't have a lot in common with political revolutionaries trying to get their hands on some cash.

>How would it be Heat-like?
Cinematography, pacing, tension, soundtrack.
>The themes of Heat don't have a lot in common with political revolutionaries trying to get their hands on some cash.
This theme is what would make it unique, even if the aesthetics are more derivative.

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I haven't played Tabletop RPGs in a hot minute, and I need my fix. I had an idea for a VTM chronicle that emphasizes the "Political Horror" aspect of the gameline. Given this is, ostensibly, a political board I figured it'd be fun to introduce folks here to the World of Darkness and see how they handle it.

I'll be running V5, mostly because that's the version I'm most familiar with. I'll try to find PDF copies of the rulebook to folks unfamiliar with the setting and tutor new players where necessary. I'm making this thread mostly to get a poll of people who are interested and see if I can't work out a time to play. It'll probably take place online. Microphones are necessary.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I'll probably post the teaser to the chronicle tomorrow.
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Matrix is the protocol and Element is the worst client. What features are they missing that are vital to play VtM with other imageboard posters?

Sent you a request, I don’t know if it was denied or something.

Maybe after Vampires we can roleplay as communists.

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I understand people's concerns with fbi.gov, but it's really convenient for me. I apologize if that's a deal breaker.

Why not both? Pic related.

Nobody wants yout shitty politics in their fun games except as hordes of baddies to kill 200% guilt-free.

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I recently got into AI generated images. Mostly for porn obviously. Anyways, I thought as a means of honing the craft and amusement why not make a thread about it. People can make a suggestion and as a form of training people try to make the best images that lives up to the suggestion. We can also talk about the technology itself and how to use it and what not.

Actually, here are some resources

For using Stable Diffusion offline with no restrictions

Blog with educational material on Stable Diffusion

Image generating technologies aren't actually artificial intelligence, because they use mathematical functions or some shit

We know none of this shit is actually AI. It simply has become integrated into colloquial language to call it that way.

>>>/draw/3405 will hopefully be helpful to you. I've posted some LORA and effortposts in that thread.

The most important thing for Stable Diffusion is Regional prompting, otherwise the AI will not produce a proper image and have fucked up details all over.

Oh I didn‘t see that thread.

Mods can close this thread or merge it with the other.

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I'm sick of doing nothing online. Let's do something together:
>game (boardgame, video game)
>new theory
>anything really
>not a dogmatist (what "flavour" of socialist you are doesn't matter)
>like to create, write, draw, code
>don't want to just share links or chat
>want to be encouraged to do stuff
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RSS is a good way to notify of new articles. there's also a bulletin section, with links to other sites/magazines, kind of what news anon does. so that's two RSS feeds, one for original articles, one for links to news.

Things are progressing nicely. Three articles edited and ready to go. I expect the quality of articles will also improve as time goes on. Looks like everything will be ready before Christmas.

Can mods delete this thread please?

Because I am unable to delete the OP, only posts.


Wake up honey, based Snow White movie incoming.
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Honestly, she's not that white. Should've cast someone who literally saw no sunlight in 20 years.

>She actually looks like Snow White
>AOC better play an evil witch
Muh leftists.

>characters doing things for no reason is good actually
I bet you think Sauron's Mordor was le evil too rather than Midgårdian AES

Should’ve casted a ginger, what were they thinking

Y'all are unhinged if you don't think she's gorgeous. That's a tight fucking body if I've ever seen one.

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How did you like it? I found it a lot better than the later seasons of Adventure Time.
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I enjoyed it, originally quite watching adventure time at like season 5 when it was airing but finished it to catch up recently. Very nostalgic feeling.

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>a lot better than the later seasons of Adventure Time
I blame homestuck

idk what you're talking about, Adventure Time only got better with the later seasons. Obsidian and Stakes were some of the best shit in the entire series. haven't watched Fionna and Cake yet though

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Haters said it wouldn't happen.

base show maintained quality throughout, it just went from episodic to more structured (Fiona and cake was not very good though)

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WHAT's the most important piece of furniture?
The thing you spend A THIRD of your LIFE on.
THE THING that will MURDER YOUR BACK if it's not GOOD.

We MUST establish a GENERAL THREAD in order to CONGLOMERATE INFORMATION pertaining to MATTRESSES in order to sift through the LIES and TRUTHS of BOURGEOIS MATTRESS COMPANIES.


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>>36641 me
I'll give you all the mattress lowdown as far as I know it.

My store we sold mostly our own store brand which was made locally, and then a couple other random sealy, simmons, certa whatever. Most of the stuff that wasn't our store brand was Tempurpedic. So everyday we put out balloons and signs that say sales 25% off whatever, but that's all bullshit of course. With Tempurpedic, the price is fixed, we have to sell it for whatever the price is, but we can throw in extra incentives like free pillows or free whatever. But with the other mattresses and our store brand we can go as low basically as 20% margin which is considered our employee discount. So basically 20% would almost not even be a sale really, but that's about as low as you can go if you're desperate for a sale. So I would say the trick is, as a customer, to be polite and try to press on the price as much as you can without being rude. I've seen sales guys walk away from sales because they got pissed off at the customers haggling them. So it's really that sweet spot of negotiation just like it is from the sales guys perspective.

Personally I think our local store brand was better maybe. We sold natural rubber latex mattresses of various firmness and like I said, you can get it marked down significantly if you play your cards right.

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I just sleep on the floor on futon like a big weeb

Can someone sum up the Lindy video? How did ppl used to sleep? I'm in bed next to my partner and don't have earbuds and don't want to wake them.

Pls accept this Soviet shilling as payment.

retvrn shit but with mattresses, now ive seen everything

thoughts on ikea mattresses?

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I spent about $2500 on my bed when I moved in, because I'm a tallboi and beds that long are expensive. worth it
>shit table
definitely drawn by a swede


how does it continue to be so fvcking kino after all these years

>There Will Be Blood
The man in the mirror nods his head,
Will ride upon the dragon's back!

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ITT: Discuss the art of filmmaking and videography, the state of the film, TV, streaming, internet video industry - history, current events, predictions for the future, comparisons between countries, analysis, etc.
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the same way people can when they're $500k in debt on their house or student loans lol. the bank feels that they have enough assets (either directly financial or more like earning potential) that they'll likely get their money back.

of course other times it doesn't work and the company goes down in a horrible inferno like this video about nortel i watched recently

by being an industry titan with a lot of resources that can be used to promise they'll pay it off. it's not like that's the net value, just the gross debts. Their net valuation is about $25 billion in the black.

no one wants capeshit anymore
even the mouthbreathing middle class masses have a limit at some point

I think it's also the title, 'The Marvels' sounds so dumb and gay.

Like people are invested in the heroes they already know when it's just a grab-bag of generic shit like this, no.

It doesn't help that the movies just reuse stories from 10 year old comic books only worse.

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Seems like all you need nowadays is a smartphone that can shoot HD video, a gimbal or tripod off of e-commerce platforms, and a computer with a decent GPU and RAM with something like kdenlive or Davinci Resolve installed on it
So I wonder why more people don't get into it
Surely there are people with the talent for it out there that obviously can't get into the gatekept oligopolic monstrosity that is Hollywood
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>1. economic pressures towards short form content
>2. Even just on the technical/logistical side of things, it takes WAY MORE than just good video to competently make a movie. Just for example, if you’re just using your phone’s mic to capture audio, be prepared to have the actors overdub EVERY line. Advances in consumer technology are making filmmaking cheaper, but there’s still a lot that goes into it, and not everybody is gonna have the time or money for making even a low budget indie movie.
Well, yeah, there's always hassle. Learning to deal with it is a big part of filmmaking.

Oh yeah, I also looked around on AliExpress and there's also a whole bunch of clip-on zoom and anamorphic lenses that you can attach to smartphones

>Seems like all you need nowadays is a smartphone that can shoot HD video
lol no. why do you believe everything you hear?

>no depth
>shitty FOV
Like looking through a keyhole

It's got a cute old-school boxy aesthetic to it
Anyhow, a cheap secondhand HD DSLR from Ebay? I just wanted to make a point how affordable it is now

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