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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Alright filmfags, show me what you've got.

&ltS Tier - Timeless
>Tarkovsky: Stalker, Andrei Rublev, Solaris
>Klimov: Come and See
>Bela Tarr: Turin Horse, Werckmeister Harmonies, Satantango (all very demanding)
>Bergman: Persona, Seventh Seal
>Herzog: Aguirre (I love them all but this one stands apart)
>Kubrick: 2001

&ltA Tier - Food for the soul
>Visconti: The Leopard, Rocco and his Brothers
>Fellini: La Dolce Vita, Amarcord
>De Sica: Bicycle Thieves, Umberto D.
>Pontecorvo: Battle of Algiers
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You have an inhibition fetish. Boring, at lesat kink it up and keep it in your bedroom


>a long set of schizo babble
You're genuinely mentally ill. Touch grass. NTA BTW



Part 2 of the patreon PTC exploration of State Of Siege (1972)


Yeah, except some of the dialogue between Gibson and Vaughn (which btw is so stereotypical reactionary boomer talk, that I'm not even sure if it's meant to be a parody or something), I don't get why this gets mentioned as a right wing movie. It's not like these reactionary cops are portrayed sympathetically at all.

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This is the capeshit film thread
Discuss capeshit
I'll admit I hate Marvel films, first off they're some of the glowies films out there, every single one fellates the Pentagon. The plots are almost all identical, filled with general pro-porky propaganda. The jokes are overdone and stale, literally Adam Sandler humor. The CIA is shit for such expensive productions. The characters are getting stale. Fuck these movies, death of cinema shit piles.
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Super is weirdly apocryphal the main character is literally a chinletjak. Its the most realisitic super hero movie imho since its just a schizo christofascist who doles out unnecessary violence on lumpenproles until the end where they face off with actual organized criminals and sidekick literally gets there head blowed off. I didn't like the ending at all and thought it was a forced happy ending. Its a weird ass movie but viewing as a satire on /pol/yp LARPers is pretty funny


RIP Rogue's Ass


the wokerati strike again


Funniest part is that most of the men are still muscular.

Also inb4 "Muh mutants and Rogue were meant to represent the gay struggle"
Stan Lee literally created the idea of Mutants because he was tired of creating hundreds of backstories for the superpowers his characters had, so it was just "the X-Gene" and it let him create characters more freely… that's it, that was the entire motivation behind the X-Men. And the idea of alienation and wanting to be accepted by society is a universal concept among all people. The flamboyant designs are also just because it was cool, and literally applies to most superheroes in DC and Marvel that have no relation to the X-Men. If gay people identified with it, then good for them, but it wasn't intended to be specific to any one person or group, and people trying to say that are projecting their own political views onto illustrated power-fantasies for children and teens.


IMO Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is probably the best version of the Avengers. Venxous has a good video series on the individual characters and generally its pretty well made for a capeshit cartoon series.

Also the intro theme slaps.

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Thread for discussing ATLA and LoK or rather analyzing both, appreciating the effort of creating the former and shitting on the lazy liberalism of the latter
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>Aang could use perhaps some Spirit bending thing to demonstrate to Ozai the things he saw and felt, hiding in the Fire Nation and other nations, the squalor and hatred and abuse and death and misery, all wrought by has actions even for his people. To demonstrate that his idea of conquest brought nothing but destruction and would eventually destroy him too.
Kinda reminds me of the climax from The Crow too


That would also be a payoff to the globetrotting stuff throughout the series, bringing back the side characters for some kind of spirit vision he forcibly takes Ozai on. It would be like how Roku had done with Aang throughout the show, demonstrating Aang fully becoming the Avatar's role as a guide. The climax of Aang's spiritual character arc being just another neato power is a lot less interesting than some kind of empathy based power that uses his connection to the "world spirit" to "fix" Ozai by re-connecting him to everyone else. Even if he still technically wins just because the experience overwhelms and incapacitates Ozai until the comet passes.


Started watching Avatar with my gf. The episode with the "freedom fighters" plotting to take out a dam caught me off guard. I was not expecting a kids show to touch on such topics, even through a liberal lense.


Australians are asiatic


A post about ATLA characters in the Chunin Exams >>>/anime/24750
What do you think would the power disparity be like for some of the non-mentioned characters be like?

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post pics that you took. I'll start with kot
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Nice bird!


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yessir tho I'm worried about it. Seems way to chill around me and the dog so I hope it doesn't need help cuz I'm not going to intervene and the only local wildlife rescue closed recently




&ltthe Art Deco enthusiast, like the devotee of Expressionism, is by that interest making a statement about the nature of his or her soul. He or she is impatient with surface images, bored with frippery, and drawn by the weird and the outré. Art Deco portrays the human being as one secretly wishes to be: a kind of _Metropolis_ robot[rix] with a dispassionate, cool, and cruel disposition. Art Deco is never warm, cozy, reassuring; it is glacial and impersonal. Those fearful of, dissatisfied with, or contemptuous of human emotions seek in Art Deco a mirror which will show them - and reinforce in them - only the non-human aspects of their souls.

Post pics of your favourite pieces of art deco.
Pic related: Hoover building, A40 (Western Avenue), London, England.
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It is bourgeois. But is it any good? That's another question. the better question depends on whether you're looking at it from the viewpoint of hobbyist, or from that of a town planner, in my view.


The quintessential art deco skyscraper.


No I do not believe so. Art Deco was an aesthetic exploited by the bourgeoisie but I do not believe it arose from that, as it impacted architecture and urban planning in ways that ignored class divides, although obviously the most grandiose examples belonged to the rich, since they had more money to throw away for vanity projects and additions.


Having studied Corbusier as part of my Urban Planning research, this article has quite a few inaccuracies, gonna talk about it sometime.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are some good dystopian sic-di movies.

(mod edit: cyberpunk goes in here too)
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As I reiterated in >>>/alt_archive/5937 Cameron's recent ventures have given me little faith in him. The same applies to Ridley Scott with his abysmal Alien Covenant and how he essentially killed Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5 attempt by basically pressuring the studio to prioritize his shoddy Prometheus trilogy, dooming a promising sequel that offered an alternate Alien 3 scenario. I bring this up because Alien Romulus is coming out soon and while the teaser doesn't tell me enough about it's quality, the fact that BOTH Ridley Scott and James Cameron not only publicly supported the film (giving me Terminator Genysis/Dark Fate vibes) but also gave input/criticism/advice (i.e. pressure a la Dark Fate) to Director Fede Álvarez, who stated:
>"It’s also fascinating because [Cameron and Scott’s] notes and comments are completely different. (Laughs.) They wouldn’t repeat a note. Whatever Ridley said, Cameron said something different."
Although innocuous in a vaccuum considering the similarities to behind-the-scenes regarding the Alien and Terminator franchises, it makes me wary.

However it's not all doom and gloom. The trailer's atmosphere reminded me of the recent Dark Descent video-game which really embraced the grimdark aspect of xenomorphs. I only hope they don't do shitty, dark lighting, as often happens nowadays, a la AvP: Requiem . Álvarez seems to be genuine about his appreciation for the franchise, though simply saying such things isn't much with how often that claim is used.

The cast has potential although they're a little too young IMO, but we'll see, maybe they're just the survivors while the adults die, or some adult characters may feature as secondary roles.
Isabela Merced is a wonderful actress, playing one of the leading roles, so I have hopes for her. Amara Namani wasn't great in her break-out film Pacific Rim: Uprising, but she wasn't terrible either, I think it was just bad directing that undercut her, so I think she might pull it off, especially with that Ripley visual reference in the trailer. Tommy Collins is also a pretty good actor, being quite real in the roles I've seen.

The plot summary so far is promising, reminiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Just saw the teaser, not hopeful. CGI face huggers chasing people around, and it looks basically like a remake of the original. I love that film, and other works that use the Alien license, but I don't reckon this will stand out from any other monster-in-space film. Why do we need it? It's like that The Thing prequel that nobody remembers.


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>it looks basically like a remake of the original.
I don't think so, it's just a similar aesthetic, which makes sense given what its about.
>CGI facefuggers
Yeah that is pretty lame NGL.
>I don't reckon this will stand out from any other monster-in-space film… Why do we need it?
Alien and Aliens is a pretty damn high bar tbh, I'd just appreciate a good movie in the same verse. The older films and media are fun, but something new (that isn't schlock like Prey or Covenant) would be nice.
>It's like that The Thing prequel that nobody remembers
I 'member… it wasn[t that great but I thought the prequel was pretty decent for something made essentially by fans with a budget. Although if you're looking for a similar movie to The Thing, try Harbinger Down (2015).

Honestly I'm just sad we'll never see Blomkamp's ideas realized


Really not a fan of the second film, but I loved the first one. The scene where the protagonist drops to his knees at the ruined Statue of Liberty was perfect.


They should just adapt the post Aliens comic books where Hicks, Newt, and Ripley team up to kill the Queen Mother and the Earth gets wrecked by mind controlled xenomorph cultists.

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Is there any art you like, hell even adore, but it just so happens that the person behind that art just emits hitler particles to the max. Here is my example. Hirotonfa. Really like his style. His comics aren't bad, can be funny. But there is a reason that he got rid of his likes on his bird app account. Every time on my timeline I see some rightoid's post, I just assume its one of his likes. Check the post and sure enough it is. I wish I could just mute his likes, so I can just get his art, but alas, not an option. Shame really but what can I do.

I don't know if its allowed, but this thread is open to all styles of art. I was going to attempt on the draw, but it seems its purely for original art, so decided to create the thread here
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Is the French guy that actor? Jean Reno or what was his name? Are the others well known people too?


>id bi
How will gamers recover from this lgbt appropriation of heretic?


Don't be disingenuous. Plenty of art is and has been made by people with varying political beliefs. This sort of inane politicization is the same reasoning the Nazis used to dismiss and justify burning and destroying the home of Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky and to consider slavs subhuman; because they were "untermensch gommies" who couldn't possibly create art because that would make them people!


rightards aren't people


 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since Star Wars got a thread why can’t this? Discuss anything you like of the universe. lore, art, diy modeling or even Marxist critique of the setting and gw parasitic relationship with it.

To start of the part 5 of Astartes fan film and the promise for more.
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>Custodes are the SONS of those deemed traitors to the human race by The Emperor.
Pretty sure this have been retconned a couple of times already

to be fair , the entire setting is retarded.


>it can't bridge differences in muscle mass between men and women
Why waste the time and resources for the extra step required to do this when it's easier to just take male candidates? It's a fascist regime, not a daycare center, retard.

>Pretty sure this have been retconned a couple of times already
The Emperor's Decree I posted is actually on the wiki article for them. I don't think this has been retconned before. Then again I haven't played WH40K since the 5th edition and haven't been following for quite a few years either, so it's possible. Still stupid and still a retcon and directly contradicts the statements that "there's nothing in the lore saying there can't be a female Custodes".


>Why waste the time and resources for the extra step required
No one knows what the steps actually are, because Custodes are made through highly secretive archaeotech.

What we do know is that, unlike space marines, the process of creating one of the Custodes actually starts in late infancy rather than late puberty, when the difference in muscle mass between males and females would be negligible.


>Why waste the time and resources for the extra step required
Something the imperium famously never does! You might as well argue against the gold armor or get offended by female members of the imperial guard.


My point is that a highly patriarchal empire isn't going to go for females because they won't see the point of it and again the point stands, the lore on it is that they are the SONS of traitors and are called MEN by the Emperor so the claim that there were always women in their ranks or the claim that the lore does not contradict there being women in the Custodes ranks is untrue and IS a retcon. The company CAN retcon it, but they cannot legitimately claim that it "isn't actually a retcon" as they and their defenders have attempted to. Furthermore, it's a tabletop game, literally nothing is stopping people from playing it how they like, including making a female Custodes and ignoring the lore (as people have been doing for Space-Marines and others for years anyway, it's been done before. The company knows this so the only reason they're making this a public retcon announcement is for liberal clout and Edrama, successfully so.

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I don't know where else to ask this but how do I make the best use of my free time?
I was a NEET and stacked up too many hobbies but now I'm going to trade school and soon I'll get a job and the little free time I have is too crammed.
What do I do?
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sorry i was lurking and didnt check the date


You weren't doing it in bad faith, so no biggie lol.


Nta but I personally want an update from him tbh. I’m curious if he’s maintaining any hobbies or found a way to balance it.


"Necrobumping" is only a sin on old style boards where the implication is that the thread either settled or was superceded.


Funny you say
OP here, I stopped posting on here like 2 years ago because people here are really retarded.
I decided to cut off hobbies from my routine, stopped studying german and stopped practicing guitar and when I do have a job I read during my commute and lunch and if my job is very demanding physically I stop exercise at home.
I been unemployed for about a year now, I have plenty of time for myself but at least now I know how to balance work and life.
See you all in a couple of months when I feel like checking how retarded people here has gotten.


Is he a secret leftist? All of his films seem to be about how bourgeois individualism is basically a suicidal dead-end.


Isn't this better suited for /siberia/?


He mentions Debord in I Thought About Ending Things so probably

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