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Is there anything more annoying than cheese fans?
They never shut up about how "trad" and "cheesepilled" they are and refuse to eat anything without covering it in so much cheese that it overwhelms the flavour of everything else in meal.
<I'm only eating that if you make it into a cheese sandwich
<I'm only eating that if you grill cheese onto it
<I'm only eating those if you put small chunks of cheese on them
<I'm only eating that if you cover it in grated cheese
<I'm only eating them if you put cheese sauce on them
<I'm only eating that if you put cheese in the bun with it
And I could keep going with more examples but you get the idea, the most infuriating part is they only like cheese because they think it's "trad" since it's been around so long.
I bet that if cheese had only been invented a few weeks ago they would claim to hate it and say they're sticking with bread or some other food that's old enough to appear in the bible.
21 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

Ppl eat cheese with plain bread or toast?
The rest are fine

How will cheesecels ever recover from this??

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Cheese enjoyers are all pedos.

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>All this cope
Clearly, you haven't had a piping hot mouthful of macaroni and cheese made with milk.

>But but but I'm lactose and tolerant!!!

Do it bitch.

Moved to >>>/siberia/437931.

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I watched Heidi and Anne of the Green Gables as a child with my parents but I don't remember anything. Are they good? Should I watch it?

They're certainly classic films and stories and I enjoyed them and still enjoy them, however they may not be your cup of tea, depending on what your tastes are.

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imagine picrel but its the maoist adaption with basically the exact same plot but instead of two cops its two red guards in rural china fighting countertrevolutionaries and maybe nicholas gets sent there cuz of the down to the countryside movement, the villains literally would be the same. that shit would be so fucking fire

Maoist Cultural Revolution era Red Guard Hot Fuzz is the movie that I never knew I wanted but now that I am aware of the idea will finish the rest of my life is a depressive state knowing it will never be made.

The problem with this premise is that hot fuzz is about the fascistic character of the rural petit bourgeois, reactionary nature of traditional 'communities', gladio stay-behind networks, etc. being confronted by and dismantled by the liberal state apparatus.
The counterrevolutionaries and reactionaries the red guards were fighting were not in the countryside, they were in the city, in the party headquarters.

funny film

perhaps we switch the setting to soviet russia and its two bolshleviks and the bad guys are just straight up kulaks like you said state apparatus targeting rural petit bourgeois and there fash pals expect the state apparatus are communist this time

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hi I'm japanese and I'm new here. I think my eng is pretty shit but I need you guys help. I've just dive into deep web and I want interesting links that kind of deepwebish one. all thing I see in deep web is just scam and porn and scam, and it makes me sick :( I want good contents and your help. I want creepy good staff.
5 posts omitted.

Creepy? WTF are you talking about? I think Japs should learn to speak English at an acceptable level. It's crazy how Japan is one of the top economies in the world but one of the worst English speaking countries. Nobody is going to learn your weird Chink+Jap language. If anything they are just going to learn Chinese. Learn a real language.

Much and love and respect for all my ESL countries. God bless.

I think these anons have mistaken your request as being for illegal pornography, when you likely mean horror art projects.

Nobody wants to find darkweb links for this jap.

>1 year ago


Is there any other tv show as based and mind opening as How It’s Made? It’s like everyone but a handful of ragtag Canadians don’t want you to know the origins of the objects around you. They want you to be alienated from even the idea of labor. I can’t stop watching this shit.
6 posts omitted.

Bro the fuck you going on about, how is a show made from the early 2000's about how stuff being created Pro-AI propaganda? Do you not understand that the worker is the appendage of the machine since the Industrial Revolution or have you forgotten about that. This show doesn't need to devalue humans in people's eyes they just go to work for that being dehumanized.

Nothing like this more like the simple skills for functioning in Capitalist society.

based show. i was just watching the tequila one last week

Yes, that's my point. They show it as a positive thing, rather than the de-humanising alienation it is. By not explaining the negative, by default they are supporting it. "Hey look, this is how all this cool shit is made. Don't think about the productivity the worker as a person has, how many of this shit is produced per hour ONLY because that person is there. Don't think about how little the worker is being paid. "

They tell us the price of the commodities made, but not the wage of the worker. 🤔

But isn't it a good first step at least to be exposed to the manufacturing process?

It's an engineering show, not a social science show

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Discuss any tips, tricks, and tactics to get ahead. Moralfags leave your ovaries at the door.
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Holy shit, this is fucking awesome


i know you anons would love this
some guy went and tried to live in an abandoned walt disney place, cops got him and got a lifetime ban

remember this when those holier than thou saints tell you to go live in the woods

can't even do that, everything is property

amateur illegalism

I don’t like you


So Parasite did great at the Oscars and looking at the rest of the director's films Snow Piercer and Okja are pretty REDpilled as well
So is Bong Joon Ho /ourguy/ despite being a southron?
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This is a Western POV, it's rather common for S.Korean films, especially in the past decade to be subversive and anti-capitalist, the country is full of hidden fissures in society.

>Snow Piercer
There's a thread for that, since nobody mentioned it here, if anyone is interested in that specific film/series >>4441

Good analysis.

It's just a good thriller with somewhat of a theme of class, but the fact that it doesn't put forth a rigorous historical materialist thesis or an "alternative" to the situation depicted doesn't make it a bad piece of art. This is like a stereotype of an annoying white leftist review of media.

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Shay did your mom make you see the latest Qoomercore film and if so is it any good
10 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

I'm not a child. I'm of age. Again, will you have sex with me?

No i am asexual greyromantic

Only acceptable s*yjak

<So much for the tolerack!

Moved to >>>/siberia/434950.

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Only the first episode is sci-fi, with a dumb twist, relying on cameos to get people interested. The other five aren't even sci-fi or science fantasy, just pure fantasy. Second episode isn't about anything supernatural, old couple that used to film themselves killing people in a mask, with the antagonist just killing herself at the end.

These feel like film school amateur shorts. Season 6 has no redeeming aspects and I am surprised it was released like this. All the episodes are written by Charlie Brooker, so either he phoned it in, or allowed the directors to do whatever and change it, because he is a pushover.
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>previous poster says they haven't liked the show since after the first epiaode
>I think that's just you man
what did she mean by this?

the show brave enough to ask "what if our shitty world was made even shittier by technology?"

I watched the first episode of Black Mirror and thought it sucked. Are any of the other episodes worth watching?

Yes. Playtest, White Christmas, USS Calister, Nosedive.

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>The langley (Ly) is a unit of heat transmission, especially used to express the rate of solar radiation (or insolation) received by the earth. The unit was proposed by Franz Linke in 1942[1] and named after Samuel Langley (1834–1906) in 1947.

meant for siberia please move this?

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>literally named after the amount of radiation that hits the surface of the Earth

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