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Discuss motorcycles, dirt bike, atv etc.
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Anyone watch NASCAR?

Bros if all goes well tomorrow I might get an 1100cc yamaha cruiser. The thing is it will be my first motorcycle and thats a really bigass bike for a first timer, but it looks dope and I figure I'll learn eventually.

What model?

Hopefully it's not a Virago. If it is, I hope anon knows their way around a starter motor lol

I just bought this model yesterday 2005 yamaha v star 1100, the other ones fell through.

I bought it used and I live in apartments. I regret this decision already and I want to sell it lmao. It's not running properly, it kinda dies after idling for a second or two. Its has a carb, I wish I knew how much of a pain in the ass they were before buying. Never get a carbureted motorcycle, they always need the fucking carb cleaned and maintenance is a pain in the dick. I should have gotten a newer year that was fuel injected. I have no idea how to do the maintenance and don't even have a garage, I just bought a new battery and am hoping that fixes it.

It's also heavy af (650lbs), I shouldve gotten a smaller one as a beginner and this one doesn't have crash bars.

Just my luck to buy a bike that is barely running. I just bought it because the exterior was in good shape and it onky had 5k miles.

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Sandals vs Sneakers vs Boots

Which is the goatest and most practical of them all, comrade?
For the everyday man

Which one will cause the least foot problems and encourage the best foot health?

Nude feet hippies stay out
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They do if its Vibram soles

depends on the purpose. for running, running shoes give you a strong advantage due to energy return.
for general wear, zero rises are best. Converse or any of the many "barefoot shoes".
for hiking (backpack < 20 lbs), shoes are good
for backpacking(backpack > 20 lbs or on loose/rough terrain) boots are best.

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They do matter in terms of providing more grip. something like this will give you a lot more grip especially on wet ground

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the budget balenciagas made me lol but if you can afford it more modern boots are nicer, especially if you're eg. going backpacking on rougher terrain where the benefits of a boot are most needed. for example these boots I have had (salamon 4d) have a lot more ankle support and cushioning, and also have proper eyelets halfway up the ankle so you can tighten them down more around the ankle and not so much on the top of the foot. leather is also nice and the rubber on the toe cap stops that from getting worn through as easily. my 2 cents

anybody have a pair of kikos? Are they worth it?

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Anybody here like to collect fossils? I'm planning on getting some nice Ammonite, Trilobite, Leaf, and Fish fossils. I plan on getting a Mammoth molar in the future
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i once uncovered a fossil that i thought was a dino sabertooth and it was just a chicken head i htink

Chickens are dinosaurs

My mom apparently buried some chicken bones for me so I could have fun finding fossils when I was little

thank you i forgot
i did find dinos in my backyard!

That's so cute and wholesome


need recommendations for strong thread for handsewing patches to a denim vest
i'd use my machine but dont wanna trash it on denim
almost out of thread, pic rel
also the needles i got were garbage and i need something a stronger

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If all electricity gets shut off, acoustic telephones would become the next internet for relaying life-saving information. My idea is to take a diaphragm that is 1 foot in diameter, then take 1 mile or longer line wire so you can have better range. It would be a public payphone.
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Because electricity is fragile.

Books & gambling will become the next new thing again. No more people sitting on their lazy asses for 12 hours a day when they're interacting at taverns.

I like building stuff that makes other stuff

>lack of skilled labour?
you're not building a new communication system without that either.
laying all that pipe seems harder than copper wires and fiberglass.
>Because electricity is fragile.
Not fundamentally. We could build a hardened grid and power plants if we wanted.

wireless telegraphy gang where you at:muscle:


Shaggy is such a cuck, always going and investigating with his dog, leaving that blonde uygha behind these two fine ass bitches.
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Why is the new fred so white


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do not let this distract you from the fact that warner bros discovery has laid off numerous employees

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Do my comrades drink coffee?
What flavors, origins or roasting do you seek? How do you brew it?
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>Time to make some, about flavors, origins or roasting I don't know anything. I just buy it and thankfully my country is a producer so it is cheap.
See embbed video please

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>"In this large, observational study, ground, instant and decaffeinated coffee were associated with equivalent reductions in the incidence of cardiovascular disease and death from cardiovascular disease or any cause," said study author Professor Peter Kistler of the Baker Heart and Diabetes Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia. "The results suggest that mild to moderate intake of ground, instant and decaffeinated coffee should be considered part of a healthy lifestyle."
Coffee is good for you

Should I buy coffee in bulk? What/where are the best sellers to buy from?

Least based coop supporter

thinking of trying to get hold of Zapatista coffee to sell to hipster petit burgs. is that praxis?

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Royal Rumble Edition, I guess. Even though we won't get enough activity to have multiple editions.

I haven't watched any wrestling in at least half a year, but the Rumble is tonight and that's always my favorite PPV. I normally at least watch the last RAW and Smackdown before a PPV, but I'm so out of it that I didn't even bother to do that, so I have no clue what the current angles are. I watched NWA for a while but haven't liked what I've seen from AEW.

Any other white trash comrades who like fake fights?
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I have never been suplexed
I am assuming is the lack of recovery time that is hurting them?

Imagine how a union strike of wrestlers would look like lol

Just all of them in beefy clothes outside, Couldn't even break it up

They would suplex the pinkerton shits onto the pavement


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Reject Wrestling
Accept Manime

It's the most ethical wrestling and the concepts are out of the world and are not limited by 3D physic-

Wait scratch that, Idk if the animators of this were overworked or not

Have you guys watched this wrestling anime? It's dope as hell and is called Ultimate Muscle

The only wresling I've ever watched is some WWE top 10 video on AXN about some dude who jumped from a high, closed metal cage and fucking died

That and there was a serialized indian wrestling show back in the early 'aughts

I used to wonder why my friends used to think that people can come back alive after watching werestling but then I watched this and I understood

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>I am assuming is the lack of recovery time that is hurting them?
That, and the constant strain on the same part of your body. I've seen interviews from wrestlers who say they and their coleauges actually shrink due to spine compressions because of their shitty moves.
I really wish a big change in the industry would happen, but the wrestlers die too young to strike. The best bet in changing the WWE imo would have to be through CM Punk.

The best part of professional wrestling for me has never been the athletics, but the promos, so I really really see no point these wrestlers in killing themselves for some billionaire's wallet.

shid I forgot the embed

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Hate to necrobump a thread, but sadly, Inoki passed away.


Best cuisines, no real order
-North Indian
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Clearly I have been missing out

Also the fish in bahir dar is the best I ever had. All fresh from lake Tana.

Im not a foodie but I like rice and noodles so Italian and east Asian foods are my fav. Vietnamese food in particular is great

haggis, kippers, fish and vegetable soups, haddock, some indian influences
chicken tikka masala was probably invented in glasgow, funnily enough

Michelin stars were a fucking scam, Like I already thought that but they have le nati-eonal biases too

Goddamn frenchies
Is there a equivalent to Michelin, that actually surveys food of the globe using different metrics and people?

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Stop consuming bourgeois food. Junk food, sodas, sweets, etc. are a bourgeois invention of the capitalist epoch made for addiction and profit that your body doesn't need. You must eat organic food, drink water and if you can, grow and hunt your own food.
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>stop doing the thing i don't like

>>stop doing the thing i don't like

Exactly. Stop being a capitalist, there is a better way.

How do you avoid eating prepackaged shit when its literally 90% of the grocery store?


Fair question.

Get some heavy glass lunch containers with waterproof lids. They're like $10, borosilicate glass or whatever. Get plastic ones if you don't want to do this.

Fill it with healthy food you got in the supermarket during your weekly food shopping before you go out, or the night before.

Do what I do and throw that slop in there. Cooked pulses, nuts, raw chopped fruit and veg, leafy greens, piece of meat/fish/egg/cheese, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sprinkle of seeds…..

Or do what others do and spend time making it pretty like a bento box, whatever…

Carry that with you during the day and stop eating the textured sugar hydrogenated oil that is in _everything_ in grocery stores. You will save so much money.

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bump for people asking about this all the time

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