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Is there any other tv show as based and mind opening as How It’s Made? It’s like everyone but a handful of ragtag Canadians don’t want you to know the origins of the objects around you. They want you to be alienated from even the idea of labor. I can’t stop watching this shit.
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Bro the fuck you going on about, how is a show made from the early 2000's about how stuff being created Pro-AI propaganda? Do you not understand that the worker is the appendage of the machine since the Industrial Revolution or have you forgotten about that. This show doesn't need to devalue humans in people's eyes they just go to work for that being dehumanized.

Nothing like this more like the simple skills for functioning in Capitalist society.


based show. i was just watching the tequila one last week


Yes, that's my point. They show it as a positive thing, rather than the de-humanising alienation it is. By not explaining the negative, by default they are supporting it. "Hey look, this is how all this cool shit is made. Don't think about the productivity the worker as a person has, how many of this shit is produced per hour ONLY because that person is there. Don't think about how little the worker is being paid. "

They tell us the price of the commodities made, but not the wage of the worker. 🤔


But isn't it a good first step at least to be exposed to the manufacturing process?


It's an engineering show, not a social science show

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Discuss any tips, tricks, and tactics to get ahead. Moralfags leave your ovaries at the door.
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Holy shit, this is fucking awesome



i know you anons would love this
some guy went and tried to live in an abandoned walt disney place, cops got him and got a lifetime ban

remember this when those holier than thou saints tell you to go live in the woods

can't even do that, everything is property


amateur illegalism


I don’t like you

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So Parasite did great at the Oscars and looking at the rest of the director's films Snow Piercer and Okja are pretty REDpilled as well
So is Bong Joon Ho /ourguy/ despite being a southron?
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This is a Western POV, it's rather common for S.Korean films, especially in the past decade to be subversive and anti-capitalist, the country is full of hidden fissures in society.


>Snow Piercer
There's a thread for that, since nobody mentioned it here, if anyone is interested in that specific film/series >>4441



Good analysis.


It's just a good thriller with somewhat of a theme of class, but the fact that it doesn't put forth a rigorous historical materialist thesis or an "alternative" to the situation depicted doesn't make it a bad piece of art. This is like a stereotype of an annoying white leftist review of media.

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Shay did your mom make you see the latest Qoomercore film and if so is it any good
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I'm not a child. I'm of age. Again, will you have sex with me?


No i am asexual greyromantic


Only acceptable s*yjak


<So much for the tolerack!


Moved to >>>/siberia/434950.

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Only the first episode is sci-fi, with a dumb twist, relying on cameos to get people interested. The other five aren't even sci-fi or science fantasy, just pure fantasy. Second episode isn't about anything supernatural, old couple that used to film themselves killing people in a mask, with the antagonist just killing herself at the end.

These feel like film school amateur shorts. Season 6 has no redeeming aspects and I am surprised it was released like this. All the episodes are written by Charlie Brooker, so either he phoned it in, or allowed the directors to do whatever and change it, because he is a pushover.
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>previous poster says they haven't liked the show since after the first epiaode
>I think that's just you man
what did she mean by this?


the show brave enough to ask "what if our shitty world was made even shittier by technology?"


I watched the first episode of Black Mirror and thought it sucked. Are any of the other episodes worth watching?


Yes. Playtest, White Christmas, USS Calister, Nosedive.


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>The langley (Ly) is a unit of heat transmission, especially used to express the rate of solar radiation (or insolation) received by the earth. The unit was proposed by Franz Linke in 1942[1] and named after Samuel Langley (1834–1906) in 1947.


meant for siberia please move this?


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>literally named after the amount of radiation that hits the surface of the Earth

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Can we have an art thread?

I'm particularly interested in the renaissance art, and personally wish I knew more about the artists and the works from this period.

To start off, The Calumny Of Apelles:


More about Botticelli:

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dude peyote rocks


yes his art is very psychedelic and perhaps influenced by peyote. He is from Mexico. I cannot find any info on whether he has ever used peyote, but I wouldn't put it past him.


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also octavio ocampo was probably inspired by a painter from the 1500s named Giussepe Arcimboldo who painted stuff like pic related


The stuff that neural networks are able to put out (like this pepe disguised as a painting) frankly reminds me both of Arcimboldo and Ocampo. It makes me think that there will be many similar artists in the future due to neural networks making it easier to create such art.


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wrong file because I'm dumb but it got my point across anyway

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Looked up John Milius(Director of Red Dawn and Conan) and he's a weird guy that I'm somewhat fascinated by, I expected him to be right-wing to the core but he's some one reads Mao and thinks that killing billionaires is always justified
I have watched some of his other films, that he's either director and co-written, Geronimo, Wind and Lion and Farewell to the King and I get the impression that he just hates neo-liberalism and the modern world and would prefer anything over it.
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>I'm so right wing I'm an anarcho-maoist
Horseshoe theory chad, I kneel.


He's actually Jewish(which yeah I know)


is Jewish Anarcho-Maoism a new ideology I don't think I've ever heard of it before


You know its the whole Director/Producer being a Jew thing.


Director =/= Screenwriter nor does it mean he controls the production, it's likely he needed the job, the CIA had a script and some people behind the curtains making sure things were as retardedly anti-communist as possible and there you go - Red Dawn is made.

As for Conan, it's not right-wing or whatever, if you had to give it an ideology it's primitivist, but honestly it's less about ideology and more of a story of a feudal primitive world and a man that rose up on blood and iron to defeat it, it's a story first and foremost, an ideology is almost irrelevant to it. The Conan thread has discussion about this.

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How do I get into board revival as a hobby? pic related
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You can always try creating a /lit/ general thread on /hobby/.


was there a language learning thread or did i imagine it? would post in roulette but i don't know if its appropriate



let’s get newgrounds and metafilter poppin again. Something Awful is already back up and running.


Sorry, but channers are just as incurious about things as anyone else on the internet
Your well thought out reply or thread OP about a topic that you hope is fresh is going to be ignored in favor of a thread about "eastern spirituality" or meme pop history or whatever

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What if instead of landing in the burger heartland, Kal-El landed in the middle of the Soviet Union?
What if instead of Ma and Pa Kent, the man of steel was raised by the other man of steel?
In light of this thread >>>/leftypol/164364 I think it's time to storytime Superman Red Son.
It's about 150 pages total, over 3 parts.
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What the hell is this?

Maybe rather than complaining about poor people he should be complaining about rich people not giving adequate funding to all schools . Things like "high school ranking" are stupid. If all schools were properly funded then schools could all give IB and AP classes as options. People who study hard can still get all college credit and IB classes while people who don't study can coast on regular classes. School funding should become a state and federal thing rather than the burden being on local property values.



It seems like thats the problem he's describing. Lower income students means less funding means more rich people leave and creates a underfunded school that has less electives and chances for students to get opportunities in college credit.


Why is this discussion in a SUPERMAN thread?


>Muh Public Schooling
Public Schooling as a rule in the USA is garbage regardless, housing or not. In the Boston area? It's fucking awful most of the time. ESL has nothing to do with it, and if the system tanks because of a large number of illiterate immigrants, than that's a very fragile and shitty system to begin with.

>more rich people leave
They're not leaving anywhere LOL, they weren't going to nor investing in these Public Schools because the rich go to private schools, OR the Public School is just a token diploma path before jumping into college through some pocket-padded recommendations.


Pretty depressing honestly.


>Nu-52 supes. It’s shit
Years after it came out, holy shit that series really was the biggest fuck up DC made on a multiversal level.

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