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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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>open video editor
>crank volume up to 12db on 30 audio layers
result: similar to that video LOUD WARNING

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audio player hooked up to virtual mic fed through google voice anonymous calls lulz

or just open up audacity and put a hard limiter on to get the same effect without tinnitus

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The gem empire in Steven universe is a universe-spanning alien empire. The fuckers literally rip apart entire planets to fuel their expansion. They don’t take just the biologically-compatible resources, they take everything and they’ve colonized nearly every region of their universe. Their own home world is located in a fully colonized galaxy away from the Milky Way. They can fucking teleport anywhere.

The imperium wouldn’t stand a chance even at its prime and neither would the necron empire. The forerunners would be walking with their tails crossed between their legs if the gems went to war with them. Not even the fucking reapers of mass effect stand a chance. The gem empire of Steven universe could and legitimately would solo all galactic empires in every video game franchise and its elites probably wouldn’t even notice that they were even at war with them.

How do gay-mers even cope with this objective fact?
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Op, have you never heard of the Xeelee before?

If not watch this video. Yes It's about what factions can beat 40k and the Xeelee Sequence is at the end.

I also think civilizations like the Time Lords at their peak could also defeat the Gem Empire.

Some Examples of their abilities:
<It has been claimed in expanded universe material that the Time Lords are the only Type V Kardashev civilization, capable of making use of the energy from the multiverse:

<Even a single Time Lord can rank well above galactic energy levels. The Doctor has caused at least one supernova when needed, which produce 1045W (100 foes over 10 seconds) during stellar collapse. The Master built 100,000 Black Hole Converters, which probably harness the same energy conversion of the gravitational potential energy to neutrinos.

<The Eye of Harmony is the primary power source for Time Lord civilisation and consists of an ultramassive star frozen in time at the moment it collapses into a black hole (as first revealed in The Deadly Assassin). This stellar event was created in the distant past by the earliest Time Lords, including Rassilon and Omega (who apparently has a thing for black holes). The TARDIS itself, as shown in "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" and the TV Movie, contains either a direct link to this Eye of Harmony, or its own copy (which would explain how it continues to function despite Gallifrey's absence).

<The Hand of Omega, a "remote stellar manipulator" invented by Omega, was a device used by the first Time Lords to customise stars. It looks like a large metal coffin or casket, but it's likely to be extradimensional like a lot of Time Lord technology, with the casket form being its only extension into our universe. It was certainly capable of causing a regular star to turn supernova and destroy its solar system in a matter of minutes, and it's heavily implied, given what the Daleks try to do with it in Remembrance of the Daleks, that the Hand of Omega might even have been used to create the original Eye of Harmony.

<An expanded universe novel, "The Taking of Planet 5", features a Time Lord weapon called a parallel cannon, which could open a pinhead-sized wormhole to the core of a star made of antimatter undergoing a supernova collapse. A single shot from a parallel cannon in the book destroyed an entire forest and vaporised a mountain. If a parallel cannon were left on, it would punch a h
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the COAL empire got btfo by their own feelings

rude no u

I had a bizarre dream where a new steven universe series was made alongside the dragon ball universes where the diamonds fought agaisnt gohan on his ultimate form.

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So I had a massive social fail yesterday. I don't really want to get to the details because nobody here cares about my drama. I want to get to a feeling that probably unites some of us.
A lot of us are very into computers in a way nobody except us can understand, and along with that or because of that, we lost our social lives.
Me, I have very bad people skills. Unlike others, it isn't that I'm too scared to talk to others, in fact that sensation is extremely dull, only flares up talking to cute girls, like anyone else. So I don't have a block when it comes to just talking to people.
What I struggle with is the technical skills: how to read people effectively and respond to their emotions, keeping a conversation flowing and expanding, speaking technique (my speech has degraded somewhat to the point where I stutter, my voice sometimes cracks, and I never speak loud enough so should work on that), and moreover the holy grail is utilising social procedure to make a relationship ascend from acquaintanceship to a close friendship.

After yesterday I was wishing I was just normal, that I didn't trade my social life for elite computer skills because of how isolated it made me. I have a unique perspective on the world in so many ways, but I'm also alone in that, and sometimes it doesn't feel worth it. Relating with people over the wire isn't enough anymore, I want to relate with others face-to-face. But I don't want to become a defeated misanthrope just yet. I need to know if it's possible to have it both ways.
Surely other lains have been in similar situation, and maybe have tried and possibly succeeded in fixing it. I haven't searched elsewhere yet because I expect to find mostly snake oil peddled by normal people who don't understand my situation at all. What about you lain? Have you found books which gave you a glimpse at the mechanics of social interactions? how friendship is formed?

Also, is having social media a boon for making friends? At this point I'm considering downloading Instagram to appear more like I am a socially fitting person; I feel like being known as that guy who has no social media, though it makes me novel, probably works against me because it flags my outsider-ness to others, or makes me seem like I'm not approachable. But I want to be approachable. I don't expect to become a sociopath-tier socialite who can smooth talk anybody. I just want to be able to get on with people.

Let's all learn how hackPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
1 post omitted.

Hello, Lain.

There are books about this from self-help to social engineering.

First, concerning socialization thought is very close to being, meaning keeping your cool is the most important in projecting social skills. Just know your limits and listen, ask questions or simply nod if you have nothing to say.

Second, building social skills isn't hard unless you're living like a hermit for weeks on end. Even then i have a somewhat active mind, so i often find myself occupied with imaginary conversations when doing chores and i feel like that helps.

i cant offer a ton, but:
people generally like when you mirror their emotions back to them. I.E. if they tell you a happy story, smile along with them, and so forth.
dont be overly expressive or excited. just a smile and a cheerful voice is enough
good practice is talking to cashiers. ask how they are, when they are done work, other very simple questions. If they seem cold then its ok to just drop it, you didnt do anything wrong
younger people will probably think ur a bit weird if you dont have insta or something along the lines, insta is the most popular. just post some photos you took on a hike or of some nice building downtown every once and a while and thats enough, and add a profile picture! you dont have to see ur face in it or even have it be of u but no anime or cartoons

also, all this stuff will be awkward at first. its unavoidable. dont worry about it, nobody will remember you or likely see you ever again.

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show me what would you take with you!
Mine would be something like:
*25L backpack (similar to pic related n° 2. It's what i have)
* 4 basic t-shirts(two gray, two black), 2 graphic t-shirts, one long-sleeve t-shirt
* two jeans, two cargo shorts
* 4 pairs of socks, 4 changes of underwear
* canvas sneakers
* the newest laptop i own, charger, mouse, laptop sleeve, wired earbuds, two usb HDD, portable charger
* Thermos, tea
* important documents like birth cert.
* Toothbrush
* facemasks, glasses
* pepper spray, folding knife
* sewing kit
* as much canned food as i can

You should keep a copy of Quotations from Chairman Mao with you at all times

identification, toiletry bag, basic clothes with at least 1 change for each piece, as much cash as possible, then miscellaneous personally important stuff

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my contributions

french toast
grilled cheese
enhanced ramen
oatmeal w butter
bacon and eggs
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counter point

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Refried beans are great. Lot of different directions to go with it.

If you mean per portion, pretty much any meal you cook at home is going to fall under 2€, no?

>still making salads with lettuce and not substituting better greens
This is why you fail

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Lets take this up a notch, what meals could you make under 1€? Assuming you eat 3 meals a day, it has to be 700kcal or more.
Macronutriens should not be a problem, legunes, rice, TVP, oats, seeds, they last forever, you can get a big bag of them at bargain price. Vitamins on the other hand, I dont know. A single broccoli takes half of your daily food budged. Carrots are cheaper, frozen spinach is very cheap and very nutrient dense.


За Победу!

Post photographs, videos, documents, maps, medals and stories relating to the Great Patriotic War.
Post about WW-II history you know or want to know about. Primarily Soviet focused but includes others too.

If you have a soviet veteran in your family history, feel free to create an account and register their name, photo and any other information at http://moypolk.ru
No shitposting
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I know Listverse isn't a high-quality site for news or information but it has some interesting posts, especially when you're 'aware'. Like most liberal burger rags it has a heavy anti-communist scaremongering angle in any content relative to the USSR, but an angle I don't see leftypol talk about as much is that also like most liberal burger rags, they try to avoid any mention of Russian or Soviet people in lists such as those of "real heroes" and whatever. Relative to this thread is
NOT ONE SINGLE NURSE mentioned is Russian, let alone Soviet. While I certainly wouldn't want to take away from the heroism of the others on that list, I find it peculiar as fuck given that unlike most countries Russia was among the earlier to have field nurses, starting at the very least from the Crimean War.
Soviet War Nurses were an intrinsic part of the Red Army and many were Heroes of the Soviet Union for their valor of saving troops under fire, such as Mariya Borovichenko (pic is not her).

What they saying?

Part of it was translated here >>21443
I'll translate the rest later in the >>>/edu/ translation thread.

bump for unsticky

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I've realized as I've grown older my good youthful looks are fading. Yet, I've noticed many of those who undergo MTF hormone therapy get to regain, or retain many features I like. I guess this has caused me to wonder would it be controversial for me to simply want hormone replacement, not for any gender-affirming reason, but simply for aesthetics, then which led to me realize, so many people in our society have altered themselves, celebrities with plastic surgery and hair transplants, people taking finestaride, steroids. Just kind of makes sense to me I want to screw with my body because I've always had a hacker mindset
3 posts omitted.

I understand your skittishness, but from a study I seen it increases change of erectile dysfunction by 1% point, and the greatest predictor form developing this side-effect is being aware of it being potential finasteride side-effect.

thanks for the facts

Can you link the study on fin?

Take sunscreen to prevent premature aging, it won't stop aging as such but accelerated aging from sun exposure, but if you didn't wear it in youth some damage has already been done that will catch up to you in old age.

As for things other than sunscreen tretinoin is the gold standard for anti-aging pretty much any other cosmetic product other than sunscreen is cope.

Finasteride to keep hair obviously.

TRT for quality of life especially once past middle age not so much for anti-aging, HGH isn't really necessary and increases cancer risk.

Eat as less as possible, but obviously longevity isn't much useful if your quality of life is shit so you want to have a balance in this regard such as to maintain muscle mass in old age and avoid nutrient deficiencies.

And of course avoid stress and have good health/sleep in general.

>but if you didn't wear it in youth some damage has already been done that will catch up to you in old age.

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I've been watching this show the last couple of weeks. it's pretty good, would recommend. great animation, lots of gif potential. post your rare mollies
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excellent work anon

i want to obliterate andreas cervix

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That's one smug bitch!

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How can I live in a cyberpunk lifestyle today? I mean, we still don't have body implanted tech and flying cars (lol), but I'm sure we can still manage to live like this as close as possible with the available technology today.

Besides the skills and clothing required for this lifestyle, what would you include in this package?

I would include: reducing the amount of data that the organizations and the government has on you, deleting accounts that has any kind of personal info about you; having a good VPN service would be good too, but I'm not sure about it, maybe a private VPN; customizing your phone to keep it simple and yet useful; hoarding a lot of data (just in case).

Also, I was thinking about some form of minimalism, but I'm not entirely sure how it'd be.

I've been told that the sysadmin job is the best one to be closer to the cyberpunk world, but so is being a NEET. You could get brouzouf from doing some freelance jobs on the internet, just enough to pay your bills and keep yourself fed. Owning a cheap small apartament on the center of the city would help too.

And that's everything I've came up so far. Everything related is welcome.

>i want to live like cyberpunk
Holy shit just pick a different way to say it. It's as silly as saying you want a goth life post-Victorian or a trad life in the present day. Absolute teenage clique shit. It's like you've just missed every discussion on this site about material conditions and the superstructure. Don't do shit to be cyberpunk, understand cyberpunk and adapt the bits you like into improving your life.

With all that said, you can absolutely do a lot of hi-tech lo-life roleplay with what we have. You can even play off actually existing dystopian elements that cyberpunk genres were developed by exploring! As far as aesthetics go, merely duplicating them shouldn't be hard, but they will look out of place if your items and clothes are not meaningful and merely copied from downstream crap like trendy videogames. There's also plenty of automation tech, cool wireless tech, subskin RFID implants, do not recommend.
Lainchan's daily carry thread could be inspiring.

If you wanna be a cyberpunk you need to go be a cybercriminal.


General for writing

(remade cuz the old one was nearly full and in the thumbnail graveyard)

been writing a novel and im thinking of ways to promote it. Likely by giving an audiobook channel permission to make it for free and also I'm thinking of making a ton of copies and donating them to prison libraries.

throw a copy at an elected official

Make some cheap copies and see if you can sell them at a bookstore. I went to a local bookstore in my old neighborhood a few years ago they had a table for selfmade books and writings, each one was only a few dollars and were quite nice

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