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What's preventing you from riding motorcycles, Anons?
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>What's preventing you from riding motorcycles, Anons?
The giant fucking nail I pulled out of my rear tyre yesterday
HD? Fortnine made a good video about them a few years back. They've fucked themselves by not appealing to younger riders - one of their growth markets these days is trikes, because all the fat old men who used to buy cruisers are too old and fat to handle a bike that big. No young people can afford new Harleys, either - mind you, most young people also can't afford Japanese bikes.

Only manufacturer I see with electric bikes in dealerships in the UK is Zero. I heard years ago that KTM were experimenting with an electric Duke, but it obviously never made it into production. I think Royal Enfield might be getting into electric bikes at some point in the future as well, and they could beat the Japanese to it.


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I've been into these aesthetically but are they viable for everyday use in the city?
Feels like the only "moto culture" around most parts is just a copypaste of 50s American bikers and 60s brit rockers.


This, except I don't own an e-Bike.


I use a Bullet 350 for my daily commute. The safety concerns are there, especially given how little civic sense and disregard for safety and traffic rules my fellow countrymen have, on top of the absolutely dismal state of our roads. I had to spend an absolute fuck ton on safety gear, which I wear all the time I ride despite people sneering at me. Honestly, it's better than being literally stuffed in a bus/local train for over an hour two times a day.


My dad had a Bullet 500 Electra X for many years. Riding it was bit like riding a pogo stick, and it could do a maximum of about 85 mph. This was the trials version too, which had slightly more power than the other road-going versions. Still miss it, though; I have fond memories of working on that bike with him on weekends. We did a LOT to that bike over the years.

Still, I prefer commuting by public transport to motorcycle. Warmer (unless the heating is broken, which I've known before) and more comfortable, and allows me to relax a bit before I get to work. If I didn't have to get up an hour earlier and get home two hours later, I'd commute on the bus.

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what do you guys think of H.P lovecraft ?
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But they're cute though?


They would? How does he know how horses think?


>ooohaaahhh you know what would be so so scary omg
>air conditioning


His sleep was not a respite but a relentless deluge of night terrors. He found himself trapped beneath a cerulean surface, his lungs crying out for air as he strained against the crushing weight of the water. He fought against the suffocating current, only to find himself unable to escape, his screams dissolving into desperate bubbles that rose towards the sunlit surface, a distant reminder of a world he was being dragged away from.

Shaken awake by the terror of drowning, he sat up, gasping for breath, the very real sensation of water evaporating from his lungs. Sweat-soaked sheets clung to his trembling form, the scent of fear permeating the otherwise fragrant room. His eyes darted across the room, the familiar shadows playing tricks on his haunted mind.

His torment was ceaseless, sleep giving no quarter. These nightmare visions were punctuated with the chilling symphony of gunfire and the crescendo of strangled screams.

As he thrashed in his opulent bed, ensconced within the high-rise apartment of New Gaslight, his unconscious mind waged war against spectral foes. He embodied ruthlessness, his heart morphed into a cold, calculating sentinel, indifferent to the innocents swept away in the tide of his battle or the devastation that followed in his wake. His survival was the solitary beacon guiding his actions.

He rolled onto his side, a bead of sweat slipping from his brow, staining the plush pillow beneath him. Another jolt of fear sent him tumbling into the valley of dreams once more.

The dreamscape shifted, the city's menacing skyline replaced by the expansive openness of prairies. Stalks of wheat swayed ominously, brushing against the fabric of his subconscious, whispering secrets he had locked away. As abruptly as it had begun, his peaceful prairie morphed into another horrifying tableau. The tranquility of the field soon transformed into a snare, the open sky closing in, the ground beneath him swallowing him whole.

Now, he was encased within a claustrophobic wooden box, the damp earth seeping in through the cracks. The taste of the grave filled his mouth, the oppressive weight of his premature burial pressing down on him. His heart pounded a frantic rhythm against his ribcage, the muffled thump echoing within his earthen prison.

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What are your thoughts on the Joker movie? Could it be considered somehow leftist?
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fuck this faggot this joker was based


Arthur has lumpen “consciousness”? and that’s kind of strange to see on film. Also, he did have a job at the beginning of the film but is fired and descends more into mental illness. You don’t normally see terrorists treated sympathetically in western media. I don’t know if I would call it leftist since Joker doesn’t have a coherent ideology and is just acting on vengeful instinct. That said, if shit ever really hits the fan you might have a lot of violent activity from individual actors. The shooting of the bankers snowballing into mass riots seems like a fantasy an anarchist following “propaganda of the deed” might have. I remember police being sent to movie theaters the film was playing in almost like there was an instinctual knee-jerk reaction by paranoid officials to squash people getting funny ideas about copying what they see.


Ok bitch.


> I don’t know if I would call it leftist since Joker doesn’t have a coherent ideology and is just acting on vengeful instinct.
The whole point of the movie is that he doesn't and what happens is driven by material circumstances rather than some belief system.
>The shooting of the bankers snowballing into mass riots
It's just the spark that ignites the tinder. The whole movie is spent showing conditions in the city deteriorating. Arthur Fleck is just one person experiencing social decay.

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The ur-reactionary film

From time to time you get these right wing movies such as 300 and Conan the Barbarian which I call "reactionary films", i.e. any movie which is based on some hypermasculine white guy beating back the androgyne, ethnic forces of evil. Conan the Barbarian (1982) is the perfect example of this, the ur-reactionary movie

TLDR: Conan the barbarian (1982 movies) is a 1980s right wing movie, part of the Reagan turn/backlash against the 60s/70s. The witch he encounters and has sex with early through the movie is supposed to represent the evils of "free love", she literally turns into a ghost demon as she orgasms. The whole part where the girls father, the king asks Conan to get his daughter back from Thulsa Doom who is (probably) sexing his daughter. The cultists of Thulsa doom are supposed to be an analogue for hippie-commune 1960s people who tell Conan to "go back to the land" and have flower power shit. Next there's there's the gay snake-priest that tries to seduce Conan but Conan beats him up. The Villain of the movie is an ultra masculine deep voice black man (James Earl Jones as "Thulsa Doom") who has hypnotized a cult full of nubile dancing white girls into a sexualized stupor, sort of combining 1970s anti cult shit with anti hippie stuff. At the end the hippies put out their new age candles and shit and leave, and the girls go back to their fathers. All delivered by an ultramasculine white man (Arnie) to defeat and buckbreak black hypermasculinity (James Earl Jones). Essentially its the artistic reaction to undo the 1960s/70s and everything about it including sexuality, race, etc.

Long Version:

I: Introduction

Conan the Barbarian is a 1982 epic sword and sorcery film directed by John Milius and written by him and Oliver Stone. Based on Robert E. Howard‘s Conan, the film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger in the title role and James Earl Jones, with Sandahl Bergman, Gerry Lopez, Max von Sydow, Mako, Sven-Ole Thorsen, and Ben Davidson.

The film gave Schwarzenegger worldwide recognition, and in the years since its release, it became a cult film, making a lot more money on home video. It spawned a sequel, Conan the Destroyer, in 1984, and a reboot was made in 2011.

A link to quotes from the film can be found here.
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Glad im not the only lefty who fucks with pulp horror, been publishing these zines, mix of classics (including phoenix on the sword) as well as new stories submitted by members of the working class


Conan's disdain for decadence and corruption aligns with the Maoist critique of the old society's culture as maintaining the status quo of exploitation and oppression.


Tbh I liked it at first but imo Rick is too much of an unlikable sociopath, Jerry is too pathetic, the show comes off as simultaneously too self-important and too mocking of its fans who overrate it.
Nonetheless it's overrated with absolutely autistic fans, and the whole sechzuan debacle, my God….
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The only Rick and Morty episodes worth watching


>The new guys are fine. You can tell the voices are different if you've watched this far and anyone who says you can't is a coping Redditor, but by the same token only seething Roilandcels would say they hurt the season. It's the writing.
A lot of the content in the show (at least half the jokes) was Justin Roiland riffing in the recording booth. So in a sense it is the new voice actors, or rather it's the gap left by removing the guy they're replacing. People forget that he's not just a voice actor. Him and Harmon were the creators/showrunners. It'd be like trying to do King of the Hill without Mike Judge.


Everything I read said that roiland checked out after season 2 and basically wasn't talking to Harmon or anyone in the later seasons.


flash animation and reddit humor. why would any sane person like this?


>it's not Rick and Morty Parody 1-30

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First thread >>2278

I just watched the new Batman movie, it's about as boring and derived as you'd expect. The villain is a real psycho, apparently he hates Bruce Wayne's father because of his scam charity orphanage where children froze to death and the villain himself grew up in, and tries to publicly reveal his father's ties to organized crime and political corruption. Luckily Batman eventually teaches him the true meaning of love and forgiveness before the villain is thrown into an insane asylum for the rest of his days, and the credits roll.

I also watched Memoria, which was just as boring and I have nothing to say about.
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Oops you said Solaris not Stalker

same difference :^)


i need to fix my attention span. i couldn't get through anatomy of a fall


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1. It's just a fun movie with DeCaprio doing weird shit while being charming as fuck.

2. It's an interesting case study of someone with amazing abstract problem solving and people skills who uses their smarts to just accumulate random bullshit. The only fun thing in some rich peoples' lives is just hoarding and stepping on others. It's peering into the mind and world of someone very different from myself. A fun companion movie is The Aviator, another rags to riches story but focused on an autistic dudes obsession with airplanes instead of just being rich for the sake of it.

3. I love movies like this because they're a real character determiner. If I'm talking to someone about this movie at work or at a bar and they're like "Belfort is a badass, the government ruined his life!" then I know they're a fucking retard.


I actually like deathly hallows part 1 tbh


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Now that the dust has settled, what's your verdict?
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Emilia Clarke was at a huge disadvantage since she was trained for stage acting, not screen acting. When you're like 100 feet away from the audience you have to really exaggerate your acting, and it looks like shit when you do it 5 feet from a camera. That's the reason for everything she did being so over-the-top. You have to re-train to act for the screen, and she didn't for a while. She also had two brain aneurysms near the start of the show (between the first 2 seasons IIRC), and that will give anybody a hard time.

Idk what Kit Harrington's excuse is lol.


>Idk what Kit Harrington's excuse is lol.
The stupid asshole never shuts his fucking mouth.


>Emilia Clarke was at a huge disadvantage since she was trained for stage acting, not screen acting
Fucking nonsense excuse, some of the best film actors in history began as stage actors. Stage acting is in fact what most modern actors lack.
>When you're like 100 feet away from the audience you have to really exaggerate your acting
No, you don't. That is today's modern take on stage acting and is why most stage plays I've seen in the past decades are fucking trash.
>That's the reason for everything she did being so over-the-top.
The Camera is right there, she's performing on a greenscreen or on a set a few feet away from the crew and director, which would be equivalent to small-stage. To be fair, even if she didn't realize this, the Director's role is literally to stop and correct her and make sure the take goes well, so she's not entirely to blame.
>She also had two brain aneurysms near the start of the show
Ah, I actually did not know that, in which case that at least explains the acting, even if it doesn't make it good.

Kit Harrington is the same as Emilia - modern "stage training" except he doesn't have her excuse of the aneurysms and what not.

I'm not being mean to her, she's probably a nice girl and probably tried her best, but her acting was still over the top.


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>That is today's modern take on stage acting and is why most stage plays I've seen in the past decades are fucking trash
And that's the kind she was trained in…
>some of the best film actors in history began as stage actors
Yes and they also learned how to act for the screen.
>Fucking nonsense excuse
No it isn't, when your muscle memory is a certain way you have to train yourself to do it differently.
>she's performing on a greenscreen or on a set a few feet away from the crew and director, which would be equivalent to small-stage
Idk what you mean by this, what theater stage has audience members sitting as close as a camera gets in a closeup?
> the Director's role is literally to stop and correct her
Correct. It's also something where if it's a persistent problem the production should hire an acting coach to help fix it. That doesn't change the nature of what she was doing wrong thoughever.

>that at least explains the acting

Probably she was too busy getting medical attention and recovery to get coaching needed to fix the issue.

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>when your muscle memory is a certain way you have to train yourself to do it differently.
Yes and no. For example when Diving you train to breath with the mouth and not push air out through your nose, and unless you've got some problems in reigning yourself in, you can do this by merely staying conscious of the fact and proceeding carefully. The same can apply to acting, especially when she has a director there who should be reminding her of things. That being said, as you mentioned with her aneurysms and what-not, it's excusable in this case.
>what theater stage has audience members sitting as close as a camera gets in a closeup?
There is Small and Big Stage performances. Small Stage is when audiences are often right up close and the performance area is (obviously) smaller and up-close. I've been to a few in my time.
>He has the opposite problem if anything
I suppose in some way yes, though proper facial expression is also a problem I've seen in modern stage performances, either over or under acting a role/scene/character.


What do you guys think of this webcomic by Thomas Fischbach, Markiplier's brother? Btw, I never knew Markiplier had a brother until like yesterday.
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>Also it tries its hardest to psyop you into becoming a furry
How can you get psyoped into becoming a furry? Sounds like yaoi psyoping you to become gay.


Someone's never watched the animated robin hood with the foxes


its channer brainrot


>Someone's never watched the animated robin hood with the foxes
I've seen the fox princess. She's literally just a fox, this comic is lewd at least. That makes even less sense.


You saw the website though, you read the first few pages, you knew what you were getting into here


They were fucking wack.
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The comics were wilder.


The comics were grittier, the originals anyway. Still love the 80s version though… also it holds a special place in my heart just for the fact that Nunchuks depicted in it triggered the Thatcherite British broadcasters.


Nu-/co/ is dumb.
03 one was good and closer to the mirage comics in some ways. The 80s turtles are goofy as hell but that’s supposed to be its charm. I like both for different reasons.



Oh boy the state of literature is so good right now can’t wait to read

>teenager drama or sixteen year old that saves the world book number 9018291727291618

>high school shit as if high school isn’t as boring as every other period in school
>Fantasy book where all the fantasy elements are ripped off Tolkien
>non fictional book either laced with obvious imperial propaganda or information badly explained
>STEM related handbook whose information is outdated and probably lied about anyways considering how researchers are overworked and publishers for their articles only give a shit about whoever pays for them to study the niche shit that barely changes anything until years after discovery
>sci fi garbage that pays little respect to actual science or even the plausibility of the elements in it
>fictional bibliography of the most boring and bland faggot imaginable

Such an impressive state contemporary literature is in
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The only good fiction today are Warhammer novels ololol.

Are they still shitty beach reads? Yes, but fuck it they're actually fun.


Maybe a unique setting is also something I'm interested in besides hard sci-fi and interactive fiction now that I think of it.


> David Foster Wallace
I hate this guy.
All his stupid footnotes in that tome of a book just to for a meta-commentary on scholarly information overload. Massive fucking troll.


>t. went on a cruise, didn't enjoy it but had to pretend


Try Piranesi by Susanna Clarke or The City & the City by China Mieville

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