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It’s because he accurately portrays how destructive and emotionally immature most protagonists in media actually are. Something only evangelion did right with their portrayal not just of Shinji but the other characters as a whole whose traits wether overconfidence, ambition placed over community or just plane stupidity destroyed the lives and communities surrounding them and the way he devolves into an absolute fucking monster that’s abusing his status in the world he’s in is so painful it’s good and let’s me remember why avoid watching not just superhero shows but most new media in general because the protagonists are always like this but without actual consequences
3 posts omitted.

dragon ball is smarter because goku putting people in danger through his selfishness and naivety is fully acknowledged & criticized but he is still portrayed as cool and likable in spite of it all

The difference is he actually does do enough to take down foreign threats meaning to an extent some actions are justified but when they aren’t it is called out

Except for the relationship with his son lmao that’s always been terrible

yeah but his son has always been a little weiner so it's understandable

my point is more that "calling out tropes" characters & stories are lame to me

>Anime in Japanese literally translates to animation anyways. Assigning a label and forcing it to fit into some contrived definition of what “anime” is is fucking awful for the state of anime in general and makes things dull

Also there's literally The Boys thread on /hobby/ dumbo.

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Apparently Marx originally planned to write 6 total volumes of Capital. Has anyone historically tried to "complete" where he left off?

That was his plan around the time of writing Grundrisse. He later compacted it to a 4 volume plan, with some planned bits for each of the volumes in the original plan being combined into each other or getting dropped entirely because there was no point in Marx writing about it. The first volume from this final plan was published during his lifetime. The manuscripts for the 2nd and 3rd volumes were edited by Engels after Marx's death and published. After Engels' death, all of the manuscripts and notebooks were inherited by the Second International, and Karl Kautsky working for them prepared and edited and published the research notes and manuscripts for the final volume in a 3-volume series as Theories of Surplus-Value [Theorien über den Mehrwert].

It's also why the final volumes are so thicc. The different sections in them were meant to be separate books of their own.

A mailing list was set up in the 90s for that purpose by Allin Cottrell and friends and immediately got derailed into all sorts of Marxish topics. Andrew Kliman was also there and threatened some critic with assrape IIRC.

they didn't finish because they're pseuds

False. They didn't even have a proper start. They were the most intelligent Marxists, completely dwarfing anybody marxblogging or marxpodcasting today.

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people usually only think about format when compressing images

they never think about indexed coloring

consider. Same pic. same size. one only uses 24 colors and is only 435 kb. the other is 1.5mb and uses 254 colors. This isn't very significant because the photo is grayscale and doesn't use many colors in the first place. However…
30 posts and 20 image replies omitted.

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File: 1660384519122-2.pdf (33.95 MB, 153x255, inferno00dant_2_jpg.pdf)

Popular image formats usually have very good compression. Compare this to scanned documents, where PDF has proliferated, despite DJVU having objectively better compression and faster rendering by a wide margin.
Look at this random book from archive.org (https://archive.org/details/inferno00dant_2/). The DJVU looks much clearer than the native PDF with more than double the size and the PDF containing JPEGs has marginally more detailed illustrations at four times the size. The text of the DJVU looks crisper than that of both PDFs.
Most books on archive.org don't have DJVUs anymore, so I usually losslessly convert a directory of JPEG2K files to a PDF and transcode it to DJVU with this script:
t=`mktemp`; d=`mktemp -d`
for i in $1/*.[Jj][Pp]2; do
  jpeg2ktopam $1|pamtotiff >$t &&
  tiff2pdf -o "$d/`basename $i|cut -d. -f 1`.pdf" $t
pdfunite $d/* $t &&
djvu2pdf $t > $2
rm $t; rm -r $d

This requires netpbm and pdf2djvu.

I just did it because I thought it looked cool lol, I had already made it before the thread. I like how jpeg improves in some spots until it suddenly goes downhill massively, although that's mostly because the image has a weird quality already. jpeg wins in compression but it doesn't give any aesthetics like dithering or color reduction.
Although .avif is probably the best

I think what would help with aesthetics more than anything is an AI step when compressing. Reducing colors often leads to objects blending into each other or the background. Fixing this by hand takes a small eternity, so AI finding the borders of objects to find a setting with a given reduction of colors with little blending would be good.

And AI should also do a bit of phony coloring (not taking the nearest color from the reduced set) if that helps a lot against blending.

Oh and also, the AI should distinguish between things like machines and buildings on the one hand and organic structures on the other and apply something like the Bayer dither to the former and a less orderly dither to the latter.

That's because dithering looks like shit and we have better displays now than we did in the 90s when color quantization was still a passable compression solution. But now we have jpeg.

Use jpeg instead and an encoder like mozjpeg for your Lenin portraits


Where did the meme of "Hollywood are prudes when it comes to nudity and sex because of their Puritan ancestors" come from? When in reality the Hays Code was created and enforced by Roman Catholics.

catholics are prudes too
it’s not like they’re fundamentally different

Who has ever called Hollyweird prudes lol
Burger film standards are what's prudish, and like you said they came from outside.


>Trumpcucks hate something therefore I must defend it
Off to reddit with you.

>"because of their Puritan ancestors"
People who thinks that have never heard of Pre-Code Hollywood or even the New Hollywood.
Of course if someones only know about Classic Hollywood and/or post-70's Hollywood, they might think Hollywood is puritan.


Lads, I keep starting books and then skipping onto the next one. I can't complete anything, is this internet induced ADD?
22 posts and 3 image replies omitted.

The posts ITT are awful, so I'll ignore them.

The answer is yes. If you had a slower expectation of reward, you'd be more patient and finish more books. And the internet is indeed fucking you up with that, but it can be fixed. Mediation helps too.

Ah yes. Blame TikTok for everything wrong.
The Internet is an overused factor in ADHD.

Also, alot ADHD is actually due to clinical over diagnosis wanting to sell more psych meds to kids instead of letting them run around in the play.
Our pediatric system views children as defective pets meant to be put down.

>Our pediatric system views children as defective pets meant to be put down.
Based and 100% true.

Sad but true

>Also, alot ADHD is actually due to clinical over diagnosis wanting to sell more psych meds to kids instead of letting them run around in the play.
fucking this, hell even in terms of pets, your og is going to be jittery and uncontrollable if you don't give them plenty of play time and a method of burning energy. Kids are the same, if you don't let them expend energy they're not going to behave very much.


>astronaut and cosmonaut in the same small moonbase
>both reflect on parenthood and bond
>emotional speech about there's enough of the moon for everyone, that the moon was declared for all mankind
>cosmonaut helps astronaut pull of far-flung stunt to save fellow americans
>part ways

>lol evil gommie man sabotages base

this show is so fucking good so far I just wish the soviets weren't the default bad guys just cuz they put a woman on the moon first or whatever

I like this show, not perfect ofc. What's interesting is that the Soviets straight up won the Cold War in this timeline. In the intro for S3 there were newsclippings about Gorby's economic miracle, all of South America is commie, China is commie (who knows what happened with the Sino-Soviet split).

Makes the US-based private space company as a 3rd power not really believable because how are they so rich without the success of American imperialism?

Oh, Mexico was commie. Can you imagine what type of US would allow that? They'd nuke the whole fucking world before that happened.

>Ronald D. Moore explained how history had been different in the series: "Sergei Korolev was the father of the Soviet space program; in our reality, he died during an operation in Moscow in the mid '60s. And after that point, their Moon program really never pulled together…. Our point of divergence was that Korolev lives, … and he made their Moon landing happen."
great man narrative moment

Annoyed with the redscare bullshit in this series. The Russians are just different charictures of Stalinism. I was reading Reddit comments and it rubs off on the fan base. Lot of "victims of communism" types talking about fascistic communism and a couple poor Russian libs wondering why their country/people are all being portrayed as savages.
Similar to OP situation, after the US crew rescued the Soviets, now there's some command tension with the Soviet commander being a dick. Like these things wouldn't have been cleared up before by political officials? It's just an opportunity for a Russian to look like an asshole.

Explain this, Jucheoids.

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Dreamworks is about to release to the public teir animating tools. I I think a golden age of indie animations is among us.

9 posts and 3 image replies omitted.

OpenMoonRay is just a renderer, Blender is a whole animation suite with multiple renderers.

People say this about Microsoft products all the time.

What does that mean for patents?

there's no patent because it doesn't do anything technologically unique. it uses publicly available algorithms and standards

How do you know that?


>The Human Face of Russia (1984) - everyday life in 1980s USSR

>1984 documentary on the USSR.

>Dock work is hard work, so it has a higher status in The Soviet Union. Higher status means higher pay and dock workers make more than an executive of a factory or a ship's captain.

A documentary thread on /hobby/ would be nice, maybe this one will do.

documentaries like these make me really sad knowing what happens later

Do Communists Have Better Sex? a documentary on the differences in sexual cultures that developed in East/West Germany during the Cold War.

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Any magazines like Jacobin I can read and what magazines you guys have?
18 posts omitted.

Too bad they paywall their old content

Chuang for a Chinese Communist Perspective


Qiao Collective for Dengist Views


aeon are sometimes good, but too often they are Postmodern Psychoanalysists and that's cringe


WSWS for Leftist News and Analysis. Pretty good, but Trotskyites, so make of that what you will

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Unitonically has better labor reporting than any other paper.

Also OP read Monthly Review.


Harpers is good for a lib magazine.

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>You're 30 minutes into Delve-into-Unspeakable-and-Eldrich-Secrets-of-Primeval-Madness-from-Beyond-Vast-Gulfs-of-Time-and-Space and Chill and she gives you this look
What do?

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OMG It's doomer girl!

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