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Play baseball? Watch baseball? This is the thread!

This thread was created during the 2020 COVID crisis so the MLB isn't playing this year it seems. Hopefully you guys have decent Cuban, Venezuelan, and other games to watch.
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That sounds more like they don't give a fuck, so I wouldn't worry about it.


labor disputes will cancel the the 2022 season


Nah, season's back on. I hope we actually get some posts this year.


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amazing performance, brad pitt is not going to be able to sleep tonight

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I really wanna get back into surfing the net like i did as a kid. I would just click through sites to sites to sites to sites. I would find weird sites full of weird people in their own tiny tiny slice of the internet.

I hate the new internet of the same five sites posting clips from the same five sites.

Post anything weird youve found on the internet thats not from tumblr, reddit, 4chan, facebook or any of the big boys.

Also if you've got good add-ons or ways of finding weird subcultures you'd never have thought of looking for.


>when your gf is shoe0nhead


>know of cool unique subcultures but don't want people from here infesting them


I feel that feel, my brother in Christ
Just some ideas, good luck escaping the walled garden.

Also here's a cool little art project I stumbled upon just yesterday and was pretty impressed by: http://somethingnothing.net/


Transformers thread? man reading a video summary on Transformers Exodus and learning the original cause of the Decepticons is kind of mind blowing




Related about Megatron >>13193

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Just watched S4E3, what a disgusting load of shit that is that Hamilton crashes out Verstappen, gets judged as responsible by the stewards, but the FIA lets him win the race through their appalling decisions.

They made a red flag which let Mercedes repair Hamilton's car enough to continue the race while Verstappen gets put in the hospital, then they give Hamilton a 10 second stop and go penalty (woooow) and let him win the race. Thus the FIA basically end Red Bull's chances of actually winning the championship when they actually managed to pull ahead of Mercedes for once. I mean does the FIA want F1 to be boring shit where Mercedes wins 8 years in a row or what? Why can't they punish Hamilton for his dangerous and desperate driving? Worth noting that in the exact same race, after the race resumes, he forces Leclerc off the track at the exact same corner in the exact same way to overtake him.

That's the 3rd time Hamilton has crashed another driver by coming up from the inside in the last 1.5 years. Verstappen gets plastered as a 'dangerous driver' yet Hamilton is worse than him and is still considered an uncontroversial golden boy. Disgusting from Hamilton, Mercedes, and the FIA.

Sorry just needed to vent somewhere.


I turned off the final race of the season with 9 laps to go because Hamilton looked like a lock.


Its rare for me to discover something on the net that is as entertaining and
fascinating as what youve got here. Your page is sweet, your
graphics are outstanding, and whats more, you use reference that are
relevant to what youre talking about. You are definitely one
in a million, keep up the good work!


Um thanks anon.

Well, that was a bad decision on your part anon.

Just finished the season, that was a pretty satisfying ending (would have been better if Red Bull won the constructors but hey) though it's a shame that they didn't focus on how the smaller teams ended up.

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Anyone here into juggling?
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I could only ever do 2 balls (meramente)








The Project Cybersyn Operations Room looked comfy and futuristic, so I want to model my living room after it. It won't be an exact replica, for example, I don't need all the displays. The things I'll try to replicate are the wallpaper (easy), carpet (easy) and the chairs (hard).

How would you make these chairs? Tulip chairs from the 70s have the same base, but the armrests for Cybersyn are unique. I've found a replica (https://www.designboom.com/design/chile-counterculture-london-design-biennale-09-12-2016/) but no info on how they made it or how to contact them.


just get whatever the local hospital throws out


To be honest those chairs don't look very comfortable, much more style than substance, I can't recommend this


nah raised chairs are great for your back actually, it’s just not forgiving on bad posture

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So, might as well put this fanfiction I made on how could ww3 go:
>Ukraine launches an offensive into the popular republics and Crimea, they advance a little. Ukraine declares war on Russia.
>The Donbass and Luhansk republics welcome the Russian army.
>The Ukrainian army advances into Crimea, but gets stopped. They conquer some, but get boggled down.
>Russia's military is organizing itself hard on this, and mobilizing itself.
>A month happens with people getting killed but no advances aside from light ukrainian advances.
>The west won't participate yet, but will help Ukraine through military support and it will tell through incredible mental gymnastics that Russia attacked first.
>People are not supportive of the war going on, but they won't care because they see it as just a regional war, no one cares.
>There will be some outrage at the west supporting Ukraine but it won't escalate.
>Then Turkey and Azerbaijan, using some shit excuse, attack Armenia to conquer it.
>Russia intervenes and starts invading Azerbaijan.
>Syria and Iran, maybe even Iraq, start attacking Turkey and Azerbaijan, since Turkey occupies parts of Iraq and Syria right now and Iran is fucking tired of it's bullshit.
>Erdogan says: Assad must go!
>Pakistan is big on being a turkey fanboy, and invades Iran.
>India then goes and invades Pakistan because Kashmir and so on.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>>Ukraine launches an offensive into the popular republics and Crimea, they advance a little. Ukraine declares war on Russia.
>>The Donbass and Luhansk republics welcome the Russian army.
>>The Ukrainian army advances into Crimea, but gets stopped. They conquer some, but get boggled down.
<Ukrainian army had been preparing for a massive offensive before Russia took the initiative


>Necrobumping a thread.


It's not necrobumping, it barely hit page 13, (if I recall rightly) and it's a slower board.

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I want to make youtube videos because when I was a young teenager I used to make youtube shitposts and I really enjoyed the process of video editing, and I'd like to get back into it in a more genuine way, but now I'm a depressed and disaffected 20-something with zero interests
How should I decide how to make videos? Sorry for such a dumb question, but I'm really stuck in neutral here.
Like, the only thought I had was to like, make videos about current events/news articles on the front page of [insert non controversial news publisher here] or something, but I'm not really interested in current events so I wouldn't really have something to say about it
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If you're not interested in current events then do videos on theory, polemics & history or just memes/entertainment


give us a sample, anon 🤤


Make memes, OP. Memes are good for getting more exposure, simple to make, and relevant to people's interests.


just make videos about whatever interests you
most youtubers don't tend to start off with an established theme or regular schedule, they start off dipping their toes with random content and then getting the ball rolling from there when/if they get attention

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Comrades, Guess who just found the greatest site
I found a way to pirate everything all of those online courses

Knowledge must be free


>Please Enable JavaScript in your Browser to Visit this Site.


This might be the first scam I actually fell for lmao.


wait what scam? i downloaded a torrent from this site

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A colony for the /siberia/n people
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Wanna colonize INITIATE.SPACE?


No that's okay, you are entitled to your opinion comrade. I agree it's a bit less fun maybe but we can try now and we have a chance to hit the target.


>>>/siberia/ unlocks at 21:00 UTC


10 Minutes


2 minutes till unlock

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