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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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>what is this?
a project to create a freely licensed total conversion for Wolfenstein 3-D, where you shoot IDF soldiers instead of Nazis
see also >>>/games/38096 . on the suggestion of one anon I created this thread
partly as a political statement (genocide bad) but also to have a freely licensed TC of WOLF3D that can fill the same role Freedoom 1/2 does for DOOM 1/2
>what license are you aiming for?
CC-BY-SA 4.0. it is important that contributions are compatible with this, due to how litigious Zionists tend to be. it would also enable contributing the finished product to various Linux distributions
>how do I contribute?
download both zip files. look in wolf.zip to see the assets from the original game. try to create ersatz versions that drop nicely into the directory structure in clean.zip. both zips have the same structure
>what format are the sounds?
8-bit mono 7042 Hz raw PCM. you can use ffmpeg to convert any file to it, like this:
ffmpeg -i your_file -ac 1 -ar 7042 -f u8 output.raw

you can check how it sounds like using ffplay:
ffplay -ac 1 -ar 7042 -f u8 b1.raw output.raw

the maximum length of PCM audio in the engine is 9.3 seconds
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aaaa im proooogressing

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made a font. it looks like complete ass because I drew the smaller version first then scaled it up rather than the other way around. it'll have to do for now

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here's the latest build if anyone's curious. works with dosbox and wolf4sdl. for the latter copy the .wl6 files to /usr/share/games/wolf3d if you're on Debian. you need to rename some of the files to lower case
what I really need are drawfriends. some things I can get looking decent enough just editing wikimedia photos. it still kinda looks like ass. I'm happy with the drone though, might add some smoke and fire in the death animation. but yeah the main problem is I can't draw, only mess with layers and filters in GIMP
or perhaps Wolfenstein 3-D is too boring a game and engine to work off of. I have worked a lot more with Doom, and it is far more flexible and popular. plus with zscript you can do a lot of cool stuff without having to mess around with the engine. I can separate the build system from this project and upload it somewhere for the WOLF3D community to benefit from so my efforts aren't in vain

also some stats for how much custom content there is now:
sounds: 4 / 46 files
walls: 22 / 106 files
sprites: 117 / 436 files
fonts: 2 / 2 files
pics: 3 / 141 files
misc: 0 / 14 files
total: 148 / 745 = 20 %

on and with Doom using Freedoom as a basis is very viable, and legally safe


The emptiness is ever filling

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this is a thread for bloatmaxxers to discuss bloatmaxxing diet and exercise. NO TWINKS ALLOWED! (unless u want to start bloatmaxxing of course)
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very good how many pounds?

Only girls should bloatmaxx imo

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categorically false

Women naturally bloat max when they get pregnant. They're naturally pros.

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The average life expectancy in my home country is around 89 years for men and 93 years for women. Living longer has long been the norm in industrialized countries. But 89 years is too short for me and many people feel the same way. I would rather prefer 150+.

For example, Sam Altman recently invested 180 million dollars in a start-up that promises an extra 10 healthy years, Peter Thiel is investing in "young blood", i.e. blood from young people that is injected into old people to achieve a rejuvenating effect.

What are Laion's tips for living longer and healthier? Standard tips are intermittent fasting, exercise, vegetables and a small amount of nuts every day. Will we be able to replicate future therapies based on immunosuppressants ourselves? If so, how complex is that?

Are there any interesting studies that show how you can effectively prolong your life?
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Raising CO2 levels is one of the main benefits of exercise, so i would also integrate Buteyko breathing. And remeber, any slander against Konstantin Buteyko is an attempt to discredit the scientific achievements of the SU.

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Just for fun, what are foods that are commonly associated with priests/magicians wherever you guys are from? I know that the Brahmin caste in India has foods they are meant to abstain from but I don't know the details, nor do I know if different cults have different prescriptions for their diet etc.. Same goes for Buddhist monks, Imams, Catholic priests, Rabbis, Aztec priests, village shamans, schizophrenic people, I just want as much info as I can to compare and contrast and see if there are any commonalities.

Um, alcohol is a preservative? Idiot 🙄

Chatgpt answer:

That's a fascinating topic! Across cultures, food prescriptions for religious figures or magicians often relate to purity, sacrifice, symbolism, or rituals. Here's a breakdown of different traditions:

Hindu Brahmins

Diet: Many Brahmins are vegetarians, reflecting ahimsa (non-violence). Onion and garlic, which are considered "tamasic" (inducing ignorance and passion), are avoided in some regions.

Regional Variations: South Indian Brahmins often avoid fermented foods, while Kashmiri Pandits eat meat but abstain from beef.

Rituals: They prepare food in extremely clean environments, as food purity affects spiritual purity.

Buddhist Monks
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>itt: abolish Capitalism and reverse Global Cooking
fug :DD

Also, fuck snorers. Seriously, I'm a light sleeper and my bf has over the past two years of our relationship become legally obese. His snoring, especially when it's humid (fuck humidity btw) gets worse and I can't sleep.

It drills through earplugs and walls.

I'm the main one mostly working currently, he only work casually because "full time work is too hard". He eats all our food when he gets stressed, and everytime I try to implement any slight change in lifestyle adjustment he does it for a week then reverts back to gooning and eating.

I love him, he's my big cuddlebear with the thickest cock I've ever experience (like, holy shit) and at 6'3 I don't know if I'll ever find someone like him again.

Also I take two tablespoons of powdered Tumeric and ginger with freshly ground dried black pepper everyday (sometimes freshly grated tumeric and ginger when avaliable). That's helped I think with inflamation.

Seems to me to stay cold and in pain makes one live longer, so I guess my ex will live to 100 lmao


Absolutely no idea what board to post this thread to but let's have a thread on cleaning and tidying, and what tips and techniques are great for being domestic.

Just bought a reachy grabber to use around the house, i.e. the thing folk use for litter picking. I get that a lot of folk use them while being disabled but they legit makes tidying so much quicker and less tedious with getting stuff off the floor if you're ADHD like me and leave clothes and bits of paper and things everywhere during busy schedules. Also way more fun because it lets me pretend my grabber is a hungry monster, biting all mess within my path.
1 post omitted.

Why the hell did you have to post that, anon? You could have posted a nice anime maid cleaning or some shit like that instead of whatever the hell that is.

sorry life has its brutalities, just keep it clean

Brutal truth.

Well OP I've started to forcing this routine:
in rhythm with the paychecks / financial "have-to"s that usually occur towards the end of the month, I have those days (25th-31st) as generalized routine-repetitions (for things that take a couple of weeks and not a few days to before it needs to be redone ofc)
Example: Body hair grooming, washing bedsheets
You should do other stuff like vacuuming a bit more often, like weekly.
>getting stuff off the floor if [..] leave clothes and bits of paper and things everywhere
Make easier access to used clothes disposal and maybe get a smaller desk specifically for "need-to-do" paperwork. This way it's quicker to find and get done and you wont have to reach down so much.
Gl comrade, the struggle continues

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<Lost media are any media that are believed to no longer exist in any format, or for which no copies can be located. The term primarily encompasses visual, audio, or audiovisual media such as films, television and radio broadcasts, music,[2] and video games.

>Preservation efforts attempt to avoid the loss of works; this is usually done by storing them in archives.


Manhattan Project? Infiltrated. Hollywood? Infiltrated. British Foreign Office? Infiltrated. West German Chancellor's Office? Infiltrated. Your high school locker room? Heh you know it
What made Soviet intelligence so good at subverting and infiltrating every fucking organization on this planet?
I think for awhile they could recruit intelligent people who were also idealistic about communism which is international in scope. It wasn't just about money or whatever (and they didn't have any money). Bolsheviks were also by nature conspiratorial and believed in combining both "legal" and "illegal" methods for the pursuit of their aims which developed out of the conditions of pre-Soviet Russia. Their strategy was a kind of dual-power seeking where they'd target non-communist groups (which may not have been previously considered as vectors for political activity, like theatre groups or whatever) for infiltration and subversion. Cadres are basically like agents who get inside other groups and try to maneuver them in some kind of way rather than the Communist Party showing up and being like "we're here now!" That's more like after a coup d'etat led by communist infiltrated organizations including the military.

<Read "The Organizational Weapon."

They infiltrated everything but still lost the war

at the beginning of the 20th century european powers already had centuries of experience spying on each other while the US did not and its intelligence agencies were underdeveloped

Hey Lois, remember that time the CIA ignored their whistleblower and got their covert comms uncovered by Iranians? Yeah, then they passed on their lists to Russia and China who then killed, like, hundreds of their agents. That was pretty sweet!

>Walker was in debt. he needed money
<the motivation was not compex. it was pure greed
this is your intelligence on capitalism

>Read "The Organizational Weapon."

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Even though the fandom is pretty dead. I wanted to see what a brony thread on here would look like since I’m a newbie

What does /leftypol/ think about this franchise and the online subculture it spawned? I feel like now that the little girls who made up the target audience are young adults I’ve been seeing more zoomers tell stories about how they were “traumatized” by the adult fandom and it’s becoming more in vogue to decry the whole “brony” phenomenon as “problematic”.

On the other hand though what’s the sociological explanation for millions of grown men becoming obsessed with a little girls cartoon in spite of hegemonic Western gender norms? I’ve read a lot of conflicting theories from academics and culture critics regarding this. Is it autism? Post-Irony? Or is there something about it that just makes it genuinely appealing?
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the latest Wild Manes revolves around bookreadin', so I decided to make some OC on the topic

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Emigration is always free. Simply write, type, sign or say the phrase "I wish to emigrate to Equestria," and I will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies.

I wish to emigrate to Equestria

The only part I feel bad about/oppose is turning Earth and all its other life and creatures into computing substrate. Well ok I oppose some of the rest too but still much better than current reality

thoughts on Tamers12345's MLP series on YouTube?

can someone repost these pictures?

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Pirate's life is a wonderful life

Piracy should be encouraged, although it's not useful socialist praxis to merely partake. You can study BitTorrent protocol and download a billion files and have no detectable impact on the labour movement. That said, it is a good habit and can provide real benefit to humanity (especially distributing non-fiction literature and software tools), which has flow-on effect. But even on a basic level, you having more money because you didn't pay a distributor middleman increases your power to contribute to the labour movement, so it's a good habit, in the same way that not throwing money down a drain is a good habit for building the socialist movement.

General open information thread: https://nukechan.net/social/thread/69.html


This isn't about the vilification of real-life revolutionaries or even characters that were from the start had any sort political context, but characters who were always meant as simple villains. For me the most obvious case is with the Decepticons and their leader Megatron. they were a toy series turned into an animated show where they were just evil for the sake of evil. It was good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks. Sometime around the late 2000s, there was both a fandom and source material change to the origins of this faction, where they changed their origin to be moderately political, making Optimus and Megatron former friends and casting Megatron as someone born in the lower classes who became a revolutionary but went "too far" and caused a 4-million-year-long war which destroyed his planet
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>Stardust slander

>first comic page
insert jojo part 2 reference here

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It's a trope, one of many that bounce around in pop art, at this point purely because of tradition. It obviously comes from the concept of a corrupted revolution that was derived from the Russian Revolution and later development of Stalinism.
Sometimes it can be conscious, though. In the 2010s reboot of the Planet of the Apes, the malicious corrupter of the ape revolution is literally named Koba, lol.

Dude, the plot and writing of the Micheal Bay-era Transformers films is literally schizophrenic and it doesn't matter since big names like Optimus Prime and Bumblebee always survive each film anyways which is what matters to the (then) kid viewers at the time. I'm a Transformers fan and as soon as the first film came out back in 2007 all of the old-school G1 fans discarded it and were never interested in the entire Bayformers franchise. It's sole "fanbase" were kids who were solely interested in the action, nothing else.
No one actually follows the plot. Every movie literally contradicts the next one right after. People just want their dumb robots fighting each other with racial stereotypes jokes and subliminal pro-pedophillia propaganda mixed in (look up the age of consent scene in one of the Mark Wahlberg Transformers films lmaoooo). Oh and CCP shilling.
While I think Rian Johnson and J. J. Abrams are both hackfrauds, they are capable of writing the basic structure of a saga that is mid at best, stupid at most but I can at least comprehend it.

What writers did the Transformers people even have??? It's always "ancient Transformers-related threat resurfaces from 9 trillion years ago to enact Total Human/Autobot Death, now it's up to the guy from 'He Will Not Divide Us' or that guy who screamed the n-word five times alongside his plucky robot sidekicks and a hot bitch to help him save the day!" simple as'.
Not like that matters now since the new generation of Transformers film is going back to its lighter G1 roots and the last Bayformers did so badly they had to reboot it with the aforementioned.

Well now Here the Autobots are comprised of a marginalized society, being the abused miners and Optimus rallies them to take charge of their destiny. So ya got the Autobots comprised of the oppressed worker class while the Decepticons are created from the ancient warrior class of the Iacon High Guard.

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