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Are y'all going to see it? Will it be a "gays killed the roman empire" movie? Will it be a insightful take on the current US? Is it burgerpunk?
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I think it's funny this guy and Woody Allen have been making a movie a year for the last half century, yet you only hear about one every 10 years.


Ok I looked it up, I guess he has periods where he makes a movie a year, then he does take 10 years off.


If I wanted to watch the cinema equivalent of lemonparty I'd just watch The Irishman again.


Actually one of two movies I am impatiently waiting for cinematic release of. Everything I heard about it seems great, including the criticisims.


Same. Coppola is at his best making grandiose messes.

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Does this website have anything meaningful to say in terms of media analysis or are their tropes just invented by a couple of redditors that wanted to develope a niche project?
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Honestly I wouldn't even notice any loose ends being tied up or not at this point.

I dunno I'm kinda tempted to stop reading but like I say I like the shipping and I wanna play those troll dating Sims.


maybe read a summary online. i regret wasting all that time reading the latter half of homestuck tbh


I don't have especially great memories of the latter half of problem sleuth so yeah idk maybe. But I'm an unemployed waste anyway I have nothing but time


i mean youre already saying youre utterly confused and im warning you it only gets worse from here. problem sleuth is considered hussies magnum opus so if you didnt like that one… yeah


>people like to talk about things they like
wow its like ur a genious or something

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Thoughts on Avatar? It's probably the most explicitly anti American movie of the decade and has strong anti imperial and anti capitalist themes.

Will it change anything?
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why tf this have a wikipedia page?



Funny article I read comparing the initial storyline of Boruto with this movie. Made me laugh but it's kinda accurate.



The original Avatar MoCap is pretty damn intriguing. I think I like the design a bit more, in the sense that the narrower faces and less hyper-realism was interesting.

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Let's make a thread to discuss, review and analyze tv shows. Everybody is binging something these days.
Argue about dvd commentaries, Post your thesis on King of the Hill, Reminisce about a tv show you used to watch but don't quite remember it's title. Just about anything related to shows. Post your highscore on those Ben 10 CN flash games. Anything goes.
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I finally finished watching Schitt's Creek. I could've swear that show finished after the pandemic

Well, the thread's about to be over too :)
What a bombulating experience


Wow. How did they train these kids to say that stuff

Was the entire show just kids


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Was expecting some comedy in this but it just a drama with incessant fourth wall breaking. All the "comedy" boils down to lady doing funny face.


every annoying woman online loves this show


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Who's watching the Sympathizer
It's intriguing

Being a spy sucks man, you do big stuff, and even your own side don't know about it


Been bingeing a few of these. Most are extremely low effort, and it's overall a bit of a forced subgenre, but some stuff can be genuinely spooky.
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>obviously sinister from the beginning with the convoluted safety instructions
>dumb religious stuff
>shitty wojak jumpscare
>le elevator music getting more buzzy and off-key
Meh. Derivative. 3/10 imo.


The picture of the boiled one next to the house really fucked me up, though. And my lizard brain still gets fucked up by the cheesy concept of cognitohazards. There's some good stuff in there messed up by a flawed overall structure.


i mean, the art is really good, it's just not unsettling or even scary. analog horror focusing too much in religious stuff kinda wash away the horror it could be (but idk, horror in video format is a bit "dull" – unless you count jumpscare as horror)


Analog horror is kind of defined a lot by visual elements. But yeah, the people that make them need to learn how to do horror narratives better. Read some books, maybe.


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:Broadsword Edition:

>What is HEMA or WMA?

Historical European Martial Arts or sometimes Western Martial Arts are attempts at decoding, studying, and practicing the history, art, and fighting of everything from the Medieval Period to Early Modern Combatives.

What traditions are you lot studying at the moment?

Me? Going through George Silver's "Paradoxes of Defence" to expand my regimental broadsword/sabre repertoire.
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I have an old book about Knight armor, it's pretty thick, I gotta find it and upload the contents sometime. Link is archived at archive.is if you want to avoid the actual site


The guy also did a video on fighting with a Rapier
>How Would a Katana Swordmaster Fight with a Rapier?
The description has other such videos, such as analysis of use of a Longsword.


Channel is called World of Armor - Russian channel about making or analyzing armor, arms and shields
Vid rel is a multi-use shield from the late medieval-early renaissance period
>A shield which is also a sword breaker, a rondache, or a lantern shield - multitool of the Renaissance. This is a shield, a gauntlet, a blade, and even a sword.


Could I dual wield gauntlet shields?


It'd probably harder to manipulate quickly and skillfully than it looks. But theoretically yes.

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post cartoons, comics, anime, manga and even live-action and sentai series that are based around fighting and action


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Noticed a lot people talking about Tolkien’s works and philosophy. So, I created a thread specifically dedicated for that and other things related to it, like the movies and games.
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I know this quote is sometimes misconstrued as criticism of Tolkien, rather than simply contrasting his own approach to fiction, but it still is ironic considering how much GRRM clearly doesnt care about making his world "historically realistic" (or doesnt know enough about history to make it so) and designed ASOIAF like an Age of Empires game, while Tolkien was a world-building autist who clearly put lot of thought into things like Gondors levy system.


Yeah IIRC when the GOT show hired a guy to make conlangs for Dothraki, High Valyrian, etc and asked GRRM for his notes he was just like "yeah the four or five words in the books are all I came up with." Like it's fine to not be on Tolkien's level with that, but it's kind of a major thing to think about if you aren't just hand-waving language altogether. Especially if you're then going to pretend you are doing more homework on the worldbuilding than the all time champ. GRRM also notoriously has little grasp of math and when he saw how what the Wall actually would look like at 700 feet tall and wide enough for a dozen horsemen to ride side by side along it he was like "oh wow that's a lot bigger than I thought lol."

GRRM's point is really more about the political realities though, so it's more fair to criticize over that, like how the realm managed to last for thousands of years despite the irregular winters periodically causing mass famines.


Does the winter only affect Westeros? Like no one else really seems that concerned about it. With their stupid culture it seems like all it would take is a sufficiently long cold snap to wipe out the dothraki.


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Yeah it seems to be exclusive to Westeros, but part of that may be that a lot of the continent is just in a more northern latitude.

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Post what you're wearing today, pieces you want to wear, recent cops, thrifting, inspo, concepts, runways, designers, questions, etc.

Previous thread: >>29827
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i think the opposite, that "unique" doesnt automatically mean good, or rather, its not as clear cut as that. i disagree with the idea of "expressing yourself" via your clothes too tbh


Does this mean that I can detectivemaxx and engage in tactical espionage action in the same fit?


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thicc frames have always been seen as dorky i think
wire frames have the benefit of metal=shiny and being more understated i think


The more fashion conscious prefer thick frames while wire frames are nowadays associated to self-conscious nerds


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Often when when talking about leftist fiction, it is in relation to speculative science fiction.I'd like to have a thread to discuss not only fantasy with leftist themes, but fantasy in general.So, read any good fantasy recently?
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Thoughts on this?
> Existence of magic implies hereditary power and lack of technological advancement.
My take: no it doesn't. If anything, magic would make industrialization happen faster since you can just summon a fire elemental to make steam instead of digging to burn coal. It would also make communism more likely since magic spells would already be making a lot of labor obsolete. Without a need to harness mass labor power of a working class, there wouldn't exist the same incentives to maintain a class structure. Wizards are usually portrayed as elitists, but really they would benefit most from educating as many people as possible about magic since more wizards = faster development of magical theory and knowledge. The reason IRL alchemy was esoteric is that it's bullshit, and more people looking at it would have revealed this. Wizards would replace the bourgeoisie as the "middle class" in feudalism and would basically skip capitalism since wizards have little use for an underclass of workers but benefit a lot from more wizards. Literally why would you ever employ a bunch of farm laborers when you could have that handled by a couple guys casting spells to do it?


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anyone read the powder mage serie ?
basically the french revolution in a magical setting, where there is opposition between the "traditional" mages integrated to nobility and power structures and the "newer" mages that have power related to gunpowder, who dont have privileges despite their usefulness on the battlefield where gunpowder is becoming increasingly prevalent, and even discriminated against in some countries. Also include start of industrialization, revolutionary state against reactionary states, and a based story of taking down a "god" (actually just an old super powerful mage)

the above is a great example of how magic existence can absolutely be integrated in a story about technological advancement
not a book but arcanum setting also comes to mind
also, 40k, where magic is basically just a parallel dimension that can be tapped into and can be fucked with through science

>If anything, magic would make industrialization happen faster

debatable, and highly dependent on the setting specifics, if your magic is hereditary it obviously will reinforce nobility like power structures, and mages can also naturally be a concurrent class to the bourgeoisie and part of the traditional power structure like a clergy and want to repress something that could be an alternative to their services. Is the use of magic free, can it actually replace labor long term is also not always true.

>they would benefit most from educating as many people as possible about magic since more wizards = faster development of magical theory and knowledge

why would you assume they'd want that rather than make it highly secretive to keep competitive advantages towards other mages. Hoarding knowledge is a classic way for a class to have power

>Wizards would replace the bourgeoisie as the "middle class" in feudalism

only if there are enough mages and they can use this magic on a sufficient scale to not be basically states super weapons / independent cabals ala witcher


>it feels a little like GATE
sounds pretty unfair, the fun part of gate was just shooting dragons with rockets and knights with machine guns, but it was overall just wanking of their military, a harem and a forgettable story

I really liked black company, especially the realist take on "no good sides, all armies are home to sociopaths, everyone is ruthless in politics" even in a magical setting. The big mages are rare and akin to having some super weapons, the small mages can be big force multiplier but mostly thank to deception and surprise.
When in the later book they go to some india inspired country with tons of sects and they go full underground guerilla its also pretty interesting. The "searching for your own history" stuff and seeing how they actually have nothing in common to what they were when they started is also pretty good.

>'d rather just read the shitty isekai pennybacks

huh you do you, but again, feel pretty unfair toward black company


>debatable, and highly dependent on the setting specifics
True, but even if magic is hereditary it could and would be subject to study and refinement. Eugenics would actually become important to controlling power in that case, which would likely cause a weird intersection between inbreeding and magic. On the other hand, bastard children of magical parents would be way more of an issue than IRL bastards were.
As for industrialization specifically, the only real question here is whether magic can be used as a significant source of energy. If it can, it can be used to power steam engines. If that's the case, magic will become in high demand quickly the same way coal did. Unlike coal, magic output is mainly bounded by population size, and the more of it you have the easier it gets to get more (exponential increase if mages generally take on apprentices). Even with the things magic can produce, transport alone would make steam engines highly important since wizards can't usually teleport the sheer mass that you can load on a train.
>mages can also naturally be a concurrent class to the bourgeoisie and part of the traditional power structure like a clergy and want to repress something that could be an alternative to their services.
Maybe, but there's not much that reasonably could function as an alternative to actual magic. Magic users would have a pretty effective monopoly.
>Is the use of magic free, can it actually replace labor long term is also not always true.
Magic is almost never "free" unless it's for very trivial effects, but the point isn't to wholly replace labor but multiply the productivity of labor power. 1 mage can produce X quantity of Y product that you would need maybe 10, 50, 300 manual laborers to do. Like think of how much a Shape Stone kind of spell would alter construction practices.
>why would you assume they'd want that rather than make it highly secretive to keep competitive advantages towards other mages.
Mages who keep secrets would be at a disadvantage to the ones who share knowledge, because they would have access to less knowledge overall. Also they would be wasting a lot of resources in conflict with each other and hiding things and would not benefit from synergy between multiple exPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I was recently recommended this book. I had liked Mistborn and people (including the author himself) were saying this was his best book.

I don't get it. The plot doesn't actually get started until the tail end of the book. The best way I could describe it is if Tolkien had decided to have Frodo dick around in the Shire for nearly the entirety of the Fellowship and only have Gandalf reveal the true nature of Bilbo's ring to him near the end.

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