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>Average Sci-Fi Fan
<Average Fantasy Enjoyer
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>Read this book that misrepresents and parodies fantasy and science fiction fictionally authored by Hitler!
I already did, and its boring, overrated and poorly written like most attempts at satire.
Not an argument. This nonsense is liberalism that deliberately attempts to project fictional stories onto real life with poor parallels that speak more about the author's closeted vision of the world and others, than the stories being referred to. The very fact that it was meant to mock Conan (among other stories) demonstrates that Spinrad utterly misunderstands what those stories were about, in the same way that reactionaries misunderstand and misrepresent such stories by the same token. In other words that book id further demonstration that liberals and reactionaries are two sides of the same fascist coin.
>inb4 Spinrad and Le Guine said it was about how we should think about our ideas of heroes
Its an entirely West-centric understanding of stories and settings that relies on the fact that fascists appropriate anything they may like, regardless of a literary works actual themes. As a broader example with orcs, this has been discussed to death in the fantasy thread and LOTR thread, wherein both this conception of "orcs as blacks" or other ideas of "orcs being codified others" fails on the grounds that MAGIC and DEITIES exist and concepts of pure evil and good manifest in a literal sense. Only ideologues and idiots would attempt to apply this literally or unironically to real life people. By the same metric as propagated by Spinrad and other liberals you can just as easily make Orcs out to be Nazi allegories, doesn't make it any less idiotic.

So I'm reading dune with this "white savior" shit in mind and imagine my surprise when the atreides aren't even white.


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If you include myth in fantasy (you should) then it's the oldest genre that we have surviving examples of and arguably the richest of all literary traditions.

>sci-fi is fiction
yes, it's in the name lol
>sci-fi = magic
does not follow from above

sci-fi has fictional science, but it (and its consumer) still assumes the scientific structuring of reality ("physics" in the modern sense). it is a modern disenchanted worldview

magic on the other hand assumes there are forces beyond physics, meaning beyond mere physical manipulation, usually with a will of their own. hence there is a degree of uncertainty that is not due to lack of scientific knowledge or technological development but due to something that the agent can never fully control even in theory. this is still an enchanted view of the world

both can be done well or poorly and both attract many idiots. I have to agree with the other anon about sci-fi and midwits though. magic does not attract midwits for the same reasons anon has given.

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Is skin care bourgeois?
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I don't know shit about skincare, where should I start?

When washing your hands, you should always use it. For showers and baths, it's up to you.

exfoliate (clear the skin to varying degrees) and moisturize (use a product with occlusives and humectants in it, and drink water)
sunscreen is essential too. get spf 30 or higher and broad-spectrum and non-comedogenic
there are also treatments for specific skin conditions
examples of exfoliation: washing with soap or body wash, loofahs, pumice stones, facial cleansers, aha or bha chemical peels, foot peel masks
examples of moisturization: anything that calls itself a moisturizer, body lotion, hair products like hair oils and hair masks and some of the ingredients in shampoos and conditioners
ive also seen "foot creams" and "hand creams" that have both exfoliating and moisturizing ingredients. they have urea/carbamide in them since it has special softening qualities against really rough skin. there are high concentration urea creams as well
you could have oily skin or dry skin or different patches of oily and dry. you might have to target them with different products or find a product that claims to work on "combination" skin if you have that

for example for oily skin, you might want to exfoliate more and not use an overly oily moisturizer
for dry skin, you want to moisturize more

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i use these loofah gloves
theyre pretty cheap
cover them in soap or body wash lather and rub them all over yourself

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No thread for the European Cup yet? First match tomorrow, Germany vs Scotland. Already met a bunch of drunk Scots on the train.
>hurr durr professional sports is capitalism
>hurr durr this is like the olympics 1936
>hurr durr cheering for national teams of capitalist states is fascism
>hurr durr it's called soccer
Let people have fun for once, this is called /hobby/. Political discussions are okay, shitting on some countries is okay, shitting on retards on and off the field is okay, but please none of the dumb stuff above.

Who do you think is gonna win? My bet is on Spain, but that's just a gut feeling. I hope none of the most boring teams amongst the faves, France and Portugal, wins. England has a decent shot this time with Bellingham. Austria could be the underdog that surprises.
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It's probably gonna peak early then fall off.

Cope. I have never seen a player at this age playing this experienced. The guy plays like a 28 year old. You can't possibly fuck that up other than with constant injuries. C7 wasn't that good at all at that age.

I think it's disrespectful to pat the king on the back like he is your buddy. Just give a handshake and a nod.

He is a literal cuck lmao

Who knows honestly, it's too early to hype him up.

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Thoughts on Avatar? It's probably the most explicitly anti American movie of the decade and has strong anti imperial and anti capitalist themes.

Will it change anything?
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Funny article I read comparing the initial storyline of Boruto with this movie. Made me laugh but it's kinda accurate.

The original Avatar MoCap is pretty damn intriguing. I think I like the design a bit more, in the sense that the narrower faces and less hyper-realism was interesting.

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Found an interesting positive opinion on Avatar and Avatar: Way of Water. I don't wholly agree with it, but it is an interesting perspective.

And on the other end of the spectrum the exact opposite opinion

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jucika thread pls
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>being a moralfag about a clearly stylized pinup
<on a site that makes memes about the Czar's execution and the GULAG
1-800-c'mon now

Bump for Jucika

cute :)

Crypto porn addict thread

gif version

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Noticed a lot people talking about Tolkien’s works and philosophy. So, I created a thread specifically dedicated for that and other things related to it, like the movies and games.
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Does the winter only affect Westeros? Like no one else really seems that concerned about it. With their stupid culture it seems like all it would take is a sufficiently long cold snap to wipe out the dothraki.

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Yeah it seems to be exclusive to Westeros, but part of that may be that a lot of the continent is just in a more northern latitude.

This is canon.

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>Hey im going to duel the Witch-King in Minas Morgul, anyone want to come with me?

>when you're too chivalrous to live

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what do you guys think of H.P lovecraft ?
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His sleep was not a respite but a relentless deluge of night terrors. He found himself trapped beneath a cerulean surface, his lungs crying out for air as he strained against the crushing weight of the water. He fought against the suffocating current, only to find himself unable to escape, his screams dissolving into desperate bubbles that rose towards the sunlit surface, a distant reminder of a world he was being dragged away from.

Shaken awake by the terror of drowning, he sat up, gasping for breath, the very real sensation of water evaporating from his lungs. Sweat-soaked sheets clung to his trembling form, the scent of fear permeating the otherwise fragrant room. His eyes darted across the room, the familiar shadows playing tricks on his haunted mind.

His torment was ceaseless, sleep giving no quarter. These nightmare visions were punctuated with the chilling symphony of gunfire and the crescendo of strangled screams.

As he thrashed in his opulent bed, ensconced within the high-rise apartment of New Gaslight, his unconscious mind waged war against spectral foes. He embodied ruthlessness, his heart morphed into a cold, calculating sentinel, indifferent to the innocents swept away in the tide of his battle or the devastation that followed in his wake. His survival was the solitary beacon guiding his actions.

He rolled onto his side, a bead of sweat slipping from his brow, staining the plush pillow beneath him. Another jolt of fear sent him tumbling into the valley of dreams once more.

The dreamscape shifted, the city's menacing skyline replaced by the expansive openness of prairies. Stalks of wheat swayed ominously, brushing against the fabric of his subconscious, whispering secrets he had locked away. As abruptly as it had begun, his peaceful prairie morphed into another horrifying tableau. The tranquility of the field soon transformed into a snare, the open sky closing in, the ground beneath him swallowing him whole.

Now, he was encased within a claustrophobic wooden box, the damp earth seeping in through the cracks. The taste of the grave filled his mouth, the oppressive weight of his premature burial pressing down on him. His heart pounded a frantic rhythm against his ribcage, the muffled thump echoing within his earthen prison.

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>Read Rats in the Walls for the funny cat name meme
>It's easily one of Lovecraft's best stories
Why did he have to do it? Couldn't he have thought of any other name for the cat?

because it was his cat name and cat was black
also it's an accrual name:

he had an impressive vocabulary, sort of the anti hemingway in that he purposely wrote in a pedantic and anachronistic manner.

So that's why I can't stand any of the adaptations of his work!…

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so i finished watching the entire series and something made me feel uneasy. starting with episode 6 and going into episode 7 the show takes a very political turn. a turn against capitalism and an actual, intended or not, positive portray of communism. almost directly actually. at least, it takes the blame completely away from communism, portray some of the communist in the show as actually good people fighting against the evils of capitalism. at least those to be heavily hinted at as being communist. which made me very delighted but then it dawned to me, this is a amazon prime production based off a video game from bethesda who is now owned by microsoft. three massive, very capitalist, corporations that have shown time again to be very for profit.

but even if we remove the debate whether or not communist being portrayed as good did happen in the show, the show itself was extremely critical of capitalism and that makes me wonder why these billion dollar corporations that are the epitome of why capitalism is bad, be telling its viewers, the very nature of amazon, bethesda, and microsft, everything they stand for, the people who made the show and games, are bad? why would they want their consumers to hate the very thing that allows these elites, these companies, to exist in the first place?

is it some sort of chess move i don't understand? have we reached a state where capitalism could very well nuke the planet and people won't care so these companies don't care if criticism about them is made? or more wishful thinking, they think this will spare them from the revolution? i don't understand their move here. i don't expect capitalist companies to allow people to hate them.
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>That belongs more in the Chernobyl thread TBH >>9068
But it's about fallout lore and the fact that becoming a ghoul has some real world basis in biology and if it was real would probably affect or be affected by skin color which might have some complicated implications.
>Also did you take that from >>>/edu/21949 ?
I thought of separately from that.

In the future humanity will be glowuyghurs or will not be.

that would be cool
gives me eraserhead type vibes
you could also play up the racism to show how irrational the pre-war society and culture was
but its a sanitized amazon show, i doubt they would try to make people feel weird watching something like that

holy ADHD zoomer

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>Repressive desublimation is a term, first coined by Frankfurt School philosopher and sociologist Herbert Marcuse in his 1964 work One-Dimensional Man, that refers to the way in which, in advanced industrial society, "the progress of technological rationality is liquidating the oppositional and transcending elements in the "higher culture." In other words, where art was previously a way to represent "that which is" from "that which is not," capitalist society causes the "flattening out" of art into a commodity incorporated into society itself

fancy egghead talk for "they took our politics and turned it into a shiny toy they can sell us"


Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.

and also how JK Rowling is the biggest blair simp
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Not saying everything in the last two films is bad, there are still some fun scenes in it like the ministry raid, but they're overlong and padded with boring stuff like the miserable extended camping holiday. Maybe that's how the books are written too but that's no excuse. It just is crazy to me that a lot of HP fans think the last two are the best because they're 'more mature' (read: boring)

>a lot of HP fans think the last two are the best because they're 'more mature' (read: boring)
Do they? Most HP fans I know of loathed the last 2 films, at least relative to the others.

What I meant about the films being good cinematographically is ironically that "camp holiday" you refer to, because it's actually misinterpreted heavily. The trio are, in the story, camping out for weeks, if not months and obviously they aren't doing nothing, but at the same time they have little choice to be careful in their actions after the Ministry-Locket debacle and how they're hunted by the entire Ministry and Voldemort. So we get excerpts of them, for lack of better words, surviving and trying to live, and it leads to developments like Ron leaving (and then returning), and the various traveling they do trying to find a clue as to what to do next.
A good line for example
>“Did you think we’d be staying in five-star hotels? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Did you think you’d be back to Mummy by Christmas?”
That particular argument with Ron is a blatantly misunderstood in the film and book as RON being an idiot, rather than the whole lot of them falling apart as their aimless, fruitless attempts to achieve their task are clearly yielding nothing and they all know it, and the consequences of it. This wouldn't be such a big deal, as it's actually pretty accurate to how a bunch of barely of-age teens would be when given such a monumental task.

What undermines this is how quickly they find and destroy the other Horcruxes. The camping stuff is not a major part of the film, most of what we see is them interacting; the initial healing of Ron and their struggles to remain hidden, then after a relatively brief montage of them surviving as they can, we get to moments that push the plot forward as well as their moving around across England, Godric's Hollow and so on.

I can only interpret it as Ron being an unreliable twat. I mean what else is he going to do, searching for the Horcruxes is literally the most important possible task. Always disliked him honestly. I'm Harrymionie til I die. I don't even remember why they suddenly started finding Horcruxes after he left.

I get that it being aimless is the point but as a story that's boring and unsatisfying. I've already been on enough shitty English camping holidays that seemed neverending, that's not what I read/watch fiction for.


The last movie is the highest rated on IMDB and the second-last one of the highest rated, if you look at the reviews you can see people express that view I stated.

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>unreliable twat
Except he's not especially in the context of the scene, since despite being significantly injured (severe hypothermia, starvation, crippling injury etc.) he's still with Harry. Harry is the one projecting his fears of abandonment onto Ron. Ron was pretty much always there for Harry and never hesitated to stand up against threats and dangers no matter how scared he might have been.
>I don't even remember why they suddenly started finding Horcruxes after he left
They didn't. Ron left and then because of Hermione's wards couldn't find them despite basically trying to find them immediately after leaving, so he was searching for them for several weeks and came in for the save with the Sword of Gryffindor. Hell, he wanted to stay but Harry literally tells to him to leave repeatedly. Ron's biggest problem in the scene (and it's just realistic relative to such arguments) is that in his frustration and anger, he comes off a lot harsher and provokes a similar response from Harry, and Hermione in this instance was being an utter willow.

Also the movies cut out a lot of scenes and switched up dialogue that was important to Ron's character, resulting in him coming off as more of a prat than in the books.

IMDB is not a reliable source I'm going to be honest, primarily because the number of reviews and so on there are paltry compared to the sheer SIZE of the fandom itself. Almost everyone I knew hated it, even unreasonably so.

I agree that Ron/Hermione wasn't a very good pairing, but neither is Harry/Hermione.

Harry Pothead

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It's that time again. Post trams and trains and other rail vehicles. Both vehicles from AES and c*pitalist countries welcome.I am looking for this one very aesthetic picture of a tram going down a grassy incline. I think it was from Czechoslovakia but not sure.
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>>42182 >>42184 Part 3 - I've also archived most links ITT too in archive.is Then all I've got left is the image files.

>What happened to London's trams? by Jay Foreman

>Hanoi has a new METRO SYSTEM and it's AWESOME! by Luna oi!

>>24857 >>25338
>Large Railway Bridge Completes Joining Stage in Guangdong
>New China-Myanmar Railway Express Departs SW China
>CCTV Video News Agency
vid 1 and https://files.catbox.moe/jfswc9.mp4
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

>>42182 >>42184 >>42185 I'm tired so I'll finish this archive effort later.
>2 China-Made Trains of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Arrive in Indonesia by CCTV Video News Agency

>Builders overcome complex geological environments to build high-speed railway in China's Shaanxi by New China TV

>Chinese, Indonesian Presidents Witness Trial Run of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway by CCTV

>Why Swiss Trains are the Best in Europe by Not Just Bikes
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Why do Autisms love trains so much?

>They run on a set path at set times with a predictable time of leaving and arriving, which makes scheduling easier than if you had to travel by car since you can just pick the time that suits you the best.
>They don't have to compete with other forms of traffic because they're the only thing in the lane.
>They are comfortable to travel in
>They are more efficient than any other form of land-based mass transportation in terms of speed and how much they can carry.
>You don't have to stress about driving them yourself, even the actual drivers really only have to sit on their asses, occasionally accelerating and decelerating because the train goes on a set path.
>They can take you anywhere where there's a track; the tracks only have to be laid once and need much less replacement/maintenance than roads.
>They are less maintenance-intensive in terms of spare parts.
>They're much more clean in terms of their proportional environmental impact than a fleet of cars or buses.
>They don't need to be separately recharged or refueled because you can just hook them up to a source of electricity directly, which means they are more logistically sound on top of being energy efficient.
>They just look cool af.

>wayback machine archive of youtube links
you know this doesn't archive the actual videos, right

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