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Talk space socialism to me. Was recently rewatching a few series with my fiance, both old and new Trek, and we both feel like Deep Space 9 is our favorite series (closely followed by TNG).

Everything else in order from best-to-worst would be:
Deep Space 9
The Next Generation
Voyage Home
Wrath of Khan
Undiscovered Country
Picard Season 3
Lower Decks
Motion Picture
Strange New Worlds
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Bumping this thread because I recently started watching Lower Decks and TOS.

how is lower decks?

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It's fine. It starts off kind of grating but imo improves from season 2 onward. Personally I wish it weren't so in your face with the "Star Trek ROCKS, right fellow fans?" stuff it does sometimes, and like the rest of modern Trek it basically forgets that starfleet is a quasi military outfit and what that means, but it's probably the most Trek thing to come out in a while.

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Is your intuition ever scarily accurate? I’ve intuited running into certain people. I went to the library 3 days ago because I just knew my crush would be there even though he’s a commuter who didn’t attend class that day. I don’t know how I knew that. I just followed wherever my body took me because I knew it would take me to him. Another example, there’s someone that I know I will run into on my campus (who doesn’t live anywhere near it) by the end of the month. I’ve known it for months and I’ve been trying to avoid running into this person but I know it’s the universe’s will we run into each other.

how do you develop better intuition? I can usually tell that something horrible is going to happen on days when horrible things do happen but that's not really useful
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i dabbled in divination before to overcome indecision. still i don't feel like having a particular intuition of that kind, more in a MBTI sense. i always feel the need to be able to read formulas, diagrams or relationships as a symbolic language, grokk them so to speak, or else i feel very insecure. people have said to me i'm an analytical person before, yet when i'm supposed to analyze something i don't have intuitive knowledge of, i panic.

how do other people reason about these sort of things, how does intuition as a type of knowledge work and how can i develop it for analytical purposes?

>how does intuition as a type of knowledge worK

few examples off the top of my head:
- when i was 16 I crashed my car going 80 into a telephone pole and the tree line in a ditch, with my mom in the passenger seat. she only came out with cuts from the glass, I didn’t have a scratch.
- some dumb friend of mine was getting catfished and subsequently extorted, and basically made a deal to “sell me” to them since he knew i was well off in exchange for being left alone. instantly knew something was up with the girl that hmu. few days later he attempts suicide and she’s arrested for something completely unrelated.
- i was in a bad place in high school and used to keep a longer than legal switchblade on me, just waiting for someone to give me a reason. it fell out of my pocket once in the middle of the hallway during class change, and another time in class as i was standing up from my desk. both times it miraculously and quietly fell into someone else’s backpack, a million times better than clattering on the floor.
not related but case in point: i literally just woke up sick and didnt wanna go anywhere. check my email and class is cancelled lmao.

The narrowing of education into specific fields causes thinking like OP imo. Education is deliberately structured so that people can't connect critical thinking with broader scientific concepts. It prevents people from connecting political and historical concepts also. A close friend from school studied basic science with me and went to study finance and accounting in college. He never had any curiosity, just studying shit because he had to. He's highly numerically and mathematically literate but was insisting that (cooled) microwaved water (H20) would kill plants if used to water them. Like, microwaving water somehow made it something other than H20. Pure woo.

>He's highly numerically and mathematically literate but was insisting that (cooled) microwaved water (H20) would kill plants if used to water them. Like, microwaving water somehow made it something other than H20. Pure woo.
It's not a pseudoscience thread, I don't think most of us here take bs like this even remotely seriously. And not like the knowledge of physics or historical materialism somehow "cures" this kind of thinking, scientific realism should be your fundamental belief system.

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Season 2 was terrible. S1 was alright and the emotional core was good enough that I could look pass glorifying lumpen behavior and passing it off as "revolutionary" because capitalist media will never portray a revolutionary without making them do dumb shit like killing a baby on screen so w/e.

But S2 went full retard and became marvelslop. Multiverse, time travel, world ending threat that everyone must unite against, holy shit it was just so bad in every way. The stakes became ridiculous, every character became a bastardized caricature of themselves, people would do really stupid things just to drive the plot forward where the writer wanted it to go (whereas in S1 it felt like the other way around where the plot was happening because of natural and realistic reactions that the cast all had bouncing off each other).

There was a really good way someone else described it: basically Arcane S2 is a show that everyone thinks they will get when they hear the words "animated show based on league of legends", and Arcane S1 is a show that people think they will get when they hear the words "live action historical drama".
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Yes yes Cait gets a totally unnecessary fan service scene you fucking coomer. God someone needs to do some psycho analysis on all you anarkiddies who dream about fucking cops. She becomes an outright fascist in Season 2 but the worst part about that is that the writers didn't want to fully commit to that arc because otherwise she would be totally irredeemable so literally none of her victims are ever brought up ever again. Just another example of the rampant shitty writing all over S2.

>nooo don't enjoy entertainment in the wrong way or else you're a degenerate cOoMeR

Trash season. Singed carried.

There is like no way nobody got brutally murdered/tortured during her dictatorship and yet no one ever ask any questions, she didn’t even get arrested or forced to retire. Sevika on top btw!

Also S1 Sevika would accept the Council invitation only to get all the power players in one room so she can murder them all. Sevika would never passively accept a cuck chair when the whole point of her betraying Vander was so that Zaun would fight back, and the fact that the writers had no idea what to do other than give her one is one of the millions of signs of how the writers butchered everything in S2.

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Hes the bane of NPCs and the establishment. He single handledly kept the value of mythology, supernatural and the paranormal alive during the peak years of modernism and post modernism. Academics, modern Europeans, and experts have been trying to destroy him ever since.

But the establishment is in decline. They have to watch as all their worthless ideas (like new-atheism, and moral relativism) all fall into the waste bin of history while Jungs ideas get stronger and stronger.

Jung's major beliefs is that a primary goal of every human is/ought to be the process of individuation (the processing of becoming a self)–which he wrote on the backdrop of rising collectivistic pressures via shifting global geopolitics. For Jung, there is a distinction between ego and self, where ego is a narrow band of consciousness that exists primarily in a space of tension between unconscious factors (which includes shadow) and social presentation (persona).

He further believed that people share a collective unconscious, which is that we inherit cultural motifs and symbols that then get continuously represented across different cultures and time; however, they manifest in a way relative to the culture of the time. So, 'Hero' may be an archetype, meaning stories involving heroes transcend cultures and time, but 'Batman' is a specific manifestation that emerged in American culture in the past century.

One archetype then is the 'shadow', which represents unconscious elements that are in conflict with our ego ideal (how we think we should behave or be–especially in front of others). These can include unfulfilled desires, fears, perceived weaknesses, shame-inducing idiosyncrasies, etc. The idea is that the 'self' in the Jungian conceptualization involves actively seeking these archetypes out via either psychological analysis or a process Jung calls Active Imagination. In either case, the general idea is to actively confront these aspects of our unconscious and integrate the awareness–and the process by which the awareness was obtained, into our conscious understanding of self.

Jung's ideas overlap with the likes of Jacques Vallee in terms of the intersection of psychological concepts and the mystical. Myth and folklore were of prominent sources of information in Jung's formation of his ideas; however, there is an impact of poor translation and creative liberties taken in sources Jung used unwittingly.

Any Jungian Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>you are not a protagonist and this isn't a video game
<npc detected

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obvious /pol/ thread
wouldn't even mind talking about jung even if he wrote irrelevant psychobabble, but OP writes like a chuddy with an axe to grind


Write To Wight Women In Prison Program is program designed by Jordan Jereb supported by NSP to make sure Far Right NS Cares About White Women, especially to those who are currently in prison (in this case, Florida Prison).

Now… bad news is… that all of these White Women are sympathetic and are susceptible of the Far Right cause.

Now… good news is… These Women are unlike no other, and unlike other women, these women, aren't liberal feminists.

What's your response, Leftypol?
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>you just need to be incredibly wealthy and come from an established lineage to nut inside a 29 year old woman with a minimum of 7 ex-partners

Less white people the better if this is all what life is.

shush schizo

the quesion is do the girls deserve it

Fascist women get the wall too


Post your most compelling evidence of anything in the realm of the paranormal.

Fossilized Giants are everywhere and there really is a conspiracy in place to hide this fact (see stellium7 Mountgo videos where google earth censored the eye socket of a giant elephant he was studying). My guess would be that they don't want the general population to know that the world was created because they want the serfs to be uneducated atheists or agnostics. I guess they forgot that all secrets come to light and everything which is buried will be unearthed. Ever wonder why it's called the "FACE" of the earth?

>mesas are tree stumps.

>proves the Giants.

The number of biological synchronicities are too great to be coincidental. There are historical accounts to back up the fact that giants are real and now science has confirmed that soft bodied creatures can turn to stone via nucleophilic invasion in a silica rich environment. This video series might help you understand

>*sighs in materialism*

Materialism is just better than the childish main character syndrome fantasies you idealists make up for eachother that you call evidence. change your entire personality


<Archival backup for extremely helpful research some bloke did on good nightclubs across China:

PSA: Clubbing in China

>There are often posts here about people going out and being disappointed. Usually it's people going to the big huge DJ Mag EDM clubs and being disappointed that the music and dancing isn't the main point, because it never is with these huge Big Room/EDM places. China has a vibrant underground dance music scene with good quality music-focused clubs in most relatively big cities (and some hidden gems in small cities). I'm reposting a list I commented in another thread.


>Substation in Shenyang
>Gift Space in Dalian
>Zhao Dai, Groundless Factory, Dada, ByeByeDisco, Pillbox in Beijing
>[1] Yuanbao, Tianjin
>Key in Jinan
>Alnico in Qingdao
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Archive of source

I'm too broke and mid to go clubbing in china :(

the fact that my mind went "huh they let people go clubbing in china?" shows the propaganda brainrot

>too mid
Nah man I think this is just the typical doomer self-inflicting mindset from imageboard culture you're hitting yourself with, the standards for beauty, especially for westerners, is lower in a place like China than what's probably the standard of your locality. You just have to understand and work with/against the fact that you thereby are a bit objectified in that way as an "exotic" thing within the foreign context.
If you do the bare minimum of maintaining basic routines for keeping yourself healthy (maintaining basic egoistic self-interest) by eating healthy, showering daily, sleeping regularly, grooming and working out a little (and in this context practicing the [target language] a little) you're good in most contexts and don't have to doubt yourself / hindering yourself.
>too broke
Now for sure, I'm no high spender myself, my income spirals around minimum wage, but I like exploring, learning about a variety of cultures and meeting different people and so I set aside savings for travel at least once a year, so far. Now in this case with China, I would most likely have to set a side savings for a two-year period, because the time I'd have to spend in China to actually get to know the culture is significantly larger than previous travels, considering its size and larger language barrier. With the China trip I would hope that I could spend between 4 and 6 months there my first time, because then I could get a scattershot understanding of the regional diversity by traveling to a variety of different cities and staying in the cities for at least 2 weeks each.

It's definitely a project in that sense and requires want and dedication.

Thank you :)


bonus round
we can learn a lot from this. Wisdom is just steaming through

one less pt cruiser in the world. They are the worst drivers on the road.

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Operations security AKA OPSEC

OPSEC is the protecting of critical information deemed mission essential from military commanders. Protecting this critical information is through the use of email encryption software, being careful of who may be listening to you (like in a hotel bar), paying close attention to a picture you have taken (back ground), or not talking openly on social media sites about information on the unit's critical information list (military deployments, shortages of equipment or movement of VIPs).

<"If your secure communications platform isn’t being used by terrorists and pedophiles, you’re probably doing it wrong."
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what's the best basics for beginners

this is infosec

got anything?

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>what is this?
a project to create a freely licensed total conversion for Wolfenstein 3-D, where you shoot IDF soldiers instead of Nazis
see also >>>/games/38096 . on the suggestion of one anon I created this thread
partly as a political statement (genocide bad) but also to have a freely licensed TC of WOLF3D that can fill the same role Freedoom 1/2 does for DOOM 1/2
>what license are you aiming for?
CC-BY-SA 4.0. it is important that contributions are compatible with this, due to how litigious Zionists tend to be. it would also enable contributing the finished product to various Linux distributions
>how do I contribute?
download both zip files. look in wolf.zip to see the assets from the original game. try to create ersatz versions that drop nicely into the directory structure in clean.zip. both zips have the same structure
>what format are the sounds?
8-bit mono 7042 Hz raw PCM. you can use ffmpeg to convert any file to it, like this:
ffmpeg -i your_file -ac 1 -ar 7042 -f u8 output.raw

you can check how it sounds like using ffplay:
ffplay -ac 1 -ar 7042 -f u8 b1.raw output.raw

the maximum length of PCM audio in the engine is 9.3 seconds
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aaaa im proooogressing

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made a font. it looks like complete ass because I drew the smaller version first then scaled it up rather than the other way around. it'll have to do for now

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here's the latest build if anyone's curious. works with dosbox and wolf4sdl. for the latter copy the .wl6 files to /usr/share/games/wolf3d if you're on Debian. you need to rename some of the files to lower case
what I really need are drawfriends. some things I can get looking decent enough just editing wikimedia photos. it still kinda looks like ass. I'm happy with the drone though, might add some smoke and fire in the death animation. but yeah the main problem is I can't draw, only mess with layers and filters in GIMP
or perhaps Wolfenstein 3-D is too boring a game and engine to work off of. I have worked a lot more with Doom, and it is far more flexible and popular. plus with zscript you can do a lot of cool stuff without having to mess around with the engine. I can separate the build system from this project and upload it somewhere for the WOLF3D community to benefit from so my efforts aren't in vain

also some stats for how much custom content there is now:
sounds: 4 / 46 files
walls: 22 / 106 files
sprites: 117 / 436 files
fonts: 2 / 2 files
pics: 3 / 141 files
misc: 0 / 14 files
total: 148 / 745 = 20 %

on and with Doom using Freedoom as a basis is very viable, and legally safe

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