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Are any of you watching this? It's the premier international baseball tournament. /our guys/, the Cubans, won their group and will probably at least make the semifinals, even though many of their best players have defected.
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It'll be interesting to see the Cuba vs USA game in Miami. I wonder if the older gusanos will protest the shit out of them or get drowned out by the younger gen who couldn't care less about some old political grudge.

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Not a shocker, but there's a sizable protest outside the ballpark for the Cuba vs USA game.

Japan wins 3-2 against the United States in the WBC Finals.

In other news, Cuban bullpen pitcher Iván Prieto González managed to defect to the United States.

What do you mean defect?


why did movies in the late 90s/early to mid 2000s go nuts with the digital color degrading and make every movie look like it was dipped in a pool of orange vaseline?

California vibes.

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>The soybean, soy bean, or soya bean (Glycine max) is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean, which has numerous uses.
>Traditional unfermented food uses of soybeans include soy milk, from which tofu and tofu skin are made. Fermented soy foods include soy sauce, fermented bean paste, nattō, and tempeh. Fat-free (defatted) soybean meal is a significant and cheap source of protein for animal feeds and many packaged meals. For example, soybean products, such as textured vegetable protein (TVP), are ingredients in many meat and dairy substitutes.
>Soybeans contain significant amounts of phytic acid, dietary minerals and B vitamins. Soy vegetable oil, used in food and industrial applications, is another product of processing the soybean crop. Soybean is the most important protein source for feed farm animals (that in turn yields animal protein for human consumption).
Post recipes and other tidbits relating to soy. Did you eat soy today? Post about it in here! Everything related to maximizing one's intake of soy and promoting soy culture is on-topic.
Pic related is today's lunch, a veritable cornucopia of soy (soyucopia?) consisting of:
>plain tofu
>soy sauce
>fried soy mince
>soy schnitzel
>a bowl of edamame
and finally, for desert
naturally this feast was entirely vegan
finally, remember our motto here at /soy/:
<Where do you want to soy today?
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youre probably allergic and your body is inflaming

The thought inflamed my dick

Thread reads like /pol/ seething, but whatever, soy products are pretty neat. Tofu is incredibly versatile. Western stores usually only have "firm tofu" which is not easy to work with unless you're doing stir fry.

Other tofu preparations are great to add to a lot of meals, even when they have meat. For example, you can make a nice meat soup broth with a ton of veggies and meat pieces, then add soy/tofu balls (the ones that you buy dry and have to hydrate to use) and the balls are like sponges that will soak up the broth. You can also use tofu as a texture. It also keeps way better than meat. Sometimes I'm running out of meat, but I have an emergency ration of tofu to increase the protein content of whatever I cook.

Also good for salads, for example. Its so versatile, honestly. If you're scared about girl hormones or whatever, then just buy estrogen blockers or testosterone, or better yet, actually read scientific studies on the matter and drop the idiocy.

Soy sauce, both light and dark are absolutely essential if you're a home cook and strive for easy, quick, impromptu, and delicious meals.

Soy milk is meh.

Edamames are nice. I like to put tajin (a Mexican powder candy) on it and maybe some soy sauce, then cook that shit for a bit. Maybe a lil drip of seasame oil too.

Chinese cuisine, which is largely not vegetarian, has tons and tons of tofu preparations and tofu presentations.

What exactly is the point of soymaxxing? Isn't it just some ridiculous way of just going normal vegan? Is soymaxxing supposed to be "extra healthy" than just regular vegan diet somehow?

>What exactly is the point of soymaxxing?
I would expect this to be self-explanatory. it is to maximize your intake of best legume

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There has been rise in film makers lately who just think if the photographic aspect of their cinema is great that means great cinema. This is just wrong, dead wrong. Cinema is the most powerful mode of story telling and if you are not able to tell anything through this medium then you are just intellectually bankrupt. If I only wanted great photography, I could just browse collection of paintings and photographs. Why would I need to see a film? Capitalism is truly creating the most mediocre cancer in history when it comes to Art and Literature.
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also lol I somehow think this kanye movie won't get made now

seriously though these movies all sound like fucking parodies lmao, something about the way the summary is written is like how you would format a joke tweet about a shitty movie idea

>if writers and so writing were more recognized, we would have less shitty screenplays.
>Hollywood people just have terrible tastes. They're all pseuds of the highest order.
You can trace the decline of writing quality back to the big writers' strike. They got rid of everyone who knew what they were doing.

Said it better than I could.

Movies are a narrative medium
Even as far the visuals go, they are only ever sequenced to help form a narrative
If you can't tell the inherent difference between a frame of a movie and the movie itself, then you don't understand

>Movies are a narrative medium

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The practice and principles of Permaculture are one of the most important tools for not only creating a sustainable socialism, but also for repairing the damage done to the global ecosystem by capitalism, and lessening your individual reliance on the current capitalist system.Permacultural practice and socialism are two very powerful allies, and learning about permaculture should be necessity for modern socialists and communists.
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You are based anon, please redpill us on self sufficiency?

Learn to link, moron >>>/hobby/33648

This was a post replying to >>12751
I have found it and am reposting it finally with the pdfs and images that were included
Wayback is how I found my old effort post

This was the father of Soviet agriculture and biological study.

One of the people who were inspired by his work was Lysenko. As part of anti-sovietism the man who was researching then unknown sciences is often scorned today, including by leftists. The reality is somewhat different. Like Vavilov, his contributions are forgotten and dismissed and the fact that he was a respected man by many contemporaries is ignored.
The claim that some of Lysenko's ideas were disproven or false is meaningless. Darwin's work is also not perfect and has errors, as did famed biologists and naturalists like Lamarck and Cuvier. It is also interesting to note that in
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How do you take your baths /hobby/?
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ngl i kinda like body odor as a smell. not sexually or anything but its kinda just a reassuring smell for the most part. i wish more people were accepting of it.

that said i shower daily because social pressure so whatever


smelly girl :3
let me sniff you

Do you have any statistics to back that up?

You really only need to shower like once every two or three days anyway. It's well documented. Only exception is if you have been sweating or live in a humid climate.

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ITT we learn each other to build house.

Discuss woodworking, framing, fastening, tools, share pdf's and resources so we can all build a home from scratch with comrades when capitalism collapses.

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Gonna build wooden commie blocks?
>so we can all build a home from scratch with comrades when capitalism collapses
What a weird way to start a thread, go find a prepper circlejerk elsewhere

>Gonna build wooden commie blocks?
Literally would.
Also use local materials for texture, like rammed earth.

time to post about mass timber again

Thanks masstimber anon. Ever since I watched ur video on it, Im noticing it crop up everywhere. There are a few apartment buildings in my city being built with it and they are typically on the market much faster

what is this? making buildings out of large monolithic wooden pieces? is it like the similar thing with metal poles etc? like a pole barn?

disclaimer: I have no idea if this vid is any good

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Each one teach one! Request or teach people some new hobbies/skills, some pro tips, how to do your job, anything you're experienced at with your insider knowledge and experience. If you learn something good from other anons, reciprocate and let this be a leftypol secret academy
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no. edu is dead and hobby is comfierest

Seconding this! btw have you been watching Better Call Saul too? dirty lawyering seems pretty rad ngl

Dirty commiegang lawyering would be dope, I donno how easy it would be to setup a communist indie lawfirm group that just crowdsources knowledge and info to help proles. Something like a red NAACP but better and even more of a PITA for the booj. Anyways gonna post the little I know, I just have a rough idea on how to build a case not the details.

So you can find legal codes on some kind of law search website like this, https://codes.findlaw.com/LCsearch.html#?cludoquery=drug%20trafficking%20in%20ca&cludoCategory=Codes&cludopage=1&cludorefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcodes.findlaw.com%2F&cludorefpt=U.S.%20Codes%20and%20State%20Codes%20-%20FindLaw&cludoinputtype=standard

Then I assume when you have a bunch of codes relevant to your case put together, you find ambiguities in the wording to build a case, or any other contradictions to other laws cases etc.

Then there are also legal court form websites to find forms you can file with the local courts. I assume the goal is to flood the court with documentation and evidence to make your case look stronger

Also legal letterheads is good to have for sending threatening emails in the likes of something like these

And then for filing case documents specifically there's like a legal format with correct line spacing and all. I guess this is where you put everything together and explain it in word form.

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sounds based but also sounds like speedrunning getting merc'd by feds

similar thread on edu >>>/edu/975

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General Discussion for Twin Peaks and all things Lynch related.
Should there be a season 4?
Where the fuck is Cooper and Laura?
What the fuck happened to Diane?
What did Laura whisper in Cooper's ear in the final shot during the credits?
Why am I still obsessing over this shit?
2 posts omitted.

On season two right now; is it bad if I want to skip any scene with James?

No, it means you're sane. If you didn't know, Lynch didn't participate in most of S2 (if you can't tell) and only came back to direct the S2 finale. The middle block of S2 (James, etc.) is universally agreed to be hot garbage. Power through, get to the end, and enjoy S3.

I liked James on my rewatch. Hes kind of based.

It's not so much the character as it is a complete break from the tone and pacing already established in the series. Besides, if you know it's coming it will never be as bad as the first time when you have to double take like "am I watching the right show or is this a mixup"?

>It's not so much the character as it is a complete break from the tone and pacing already established in the series
Isn't that like a theme of the show though?

>Why am I still obsessing over this shit?
Because of how bad and unsatisfying season 3 was after how good everything else was, paired with the cliffhanger ending that there is not indication will ever be explored further

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Not sure which board is the most appropriate here, but I wrote an article (with a little Marxist theory) about the recent edits to the Roald Dahl books.

Basically my take is that the edits are bad but not because they tamper with a sacred text but because the property is owned by one company, and that the more edits the merrier.

Would appreciate any feedback, comrades!

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Belittling media for children is a trojan horse for all kinds of bullshit. A good example of this being implemented recently is the War on Drugs propaganda being inserted into kids' shows and doing a lot to shape attitudes about drugs and drug use.

All "media for children" is inherently harmful authoritarian propaganda

posthumously changing a writer's writing is really ooky.

>There’s a certain whiff here of not just social justice, but corporate-induced blandness, the type that took the word philosopher out of the original Harry Potter US edition, because publishers were worried kids wouldn’t understand it.
stupid Americans don't know the hermetic goals of alchemy huehuehue

*blocks your path*

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