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The origins of trade were never rooted in politics, especially contemporary politics it was just a phenomenon that emerged from the distribution of tokens and capital where some figures wanted to hoard capital for the sake of it. the work of Garth ennis work kind of shows, at least to me that contemporary corporations and companies are still basically the same and will brainlessly serve whatever thing gives them more money and likewise don’t care that much about their customers or their perspectives to any extent that doesn’t immediately benefit profits. I guess the supers just represent how those companies treat those loyal to them, essentially disposable and meant to be hauled around until they run out of their usefulness to their companies, similar to how defence and healthcare companies do little to help veterans in NATO member states or how frequently reactionary groups turn out to blindly support corporations to their own destruction since ww1 to today
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Having nonwhite people in the cast is not idpol
Please fuck off


Video essays are usually written first

Actually it basically is

reading things is much better than watching some guy mumble for hours too


When did townhouses get replaced by detached homes, and why?
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Speaking personally, I've always prefered standalone buildings to townhouses. Having gaps between the buildings means you get more green space, which I think is important for a city.

>wish we had a general urban planning thread
make one then

This doesn't explain how density occurs
Land prices increase as cities expand, causing real estate developers to buy up expensive land and build upwards to compensate through rent leases or condo sales

The Toronto city council just voted to legally allow multi-family homes (multiplexes) in the 70% of the city's land that is currently only zoned for single-family residential
A multiplex is a building that contains multiple "single-family" units (as in, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, living area, dining area across 2 or more floors) within it

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What's some hobby that I can do a little every day and feel like I am actually getting better at it? I need something in my life that actually feels like going somewhere.
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"iconic set"

Frequent and intense insulin variation *can* cause resistance

Isn't that the goal? Hence the name "resistance training"?


Weight lifting. Do one exercise per day, it takes only a few minutes to go through a few sets, and each time you try to do one rep more or increase the weight.

Everything else I can think of is more qualitative, inconsistent, and depends on conditions you can't control as much. Also takes more time.


Anyone here can make decent money scamming boomer/porkies/petty bourgeois/state?
I'm interested in ways to pay rent and maybe a dinner with someone's else money
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Do you use pictures of someone else's Insta/OF? I guess catfishing is pretty easy but you need some source material the coomers are not gonna find.


I just used pics from other less popular dating sites. The one thing I learned is coomerbrains are literally retarded, a lot will sign up for shit without checking anything really.

If there was a better product to grift coomerbrains with other than sham dating websites, it would make bank.

how much money can you make through that
i thought the website takes like 90%


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Was Xavier a reformist cuck for wanting mutants and humans aka their oppressors to live in peace?

Did Magneto go too far by wanting to create another oppressive mutant class?
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added, what was the reveal 👀
is rick remender the same guy who wrote venom?

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I always find incoherent that people in the Marvel Universe(s) can have hate for mutants but not for the other super-humans. I know a lot people (in the Marvel Universe(s)) hate Spider-Man as an example but they don't hate super-humans as a whole minority, even if the difference between mutants and other super-humans is only that mutants were born that way.
The mutant segragation, along with characters like the Avengers being adulated, just seems contradictory to me.
Unfortunately, future X-Men movies might become like this.

One explanation I heard is that Iron Man and Captain America are famous, but anybody could be a mutant, like your next door neighbor who could blow up the whole block right this instance. But so could the Hulk so lol idk.

I have negative feelings towards MCU getting X-Men back. For example, I don't see MCU making something like Logan. And this mutant vs superhuman public opinion hypocrisy like you said, X-Men being a different universe actually helped.

>Iron Man and Captain America are famous
They are famous because they save the world multiple times, so did the X-Men but they are infamous only because they are mutants.

>like your next door neighbor who could blow up the whole block right this instance. But so could the Hulk so lol idk.

Not only the Hulk, any non-mutant super-villains, too many to list. But still, people don't amalgam super-heroes and super-heroes when it comes to non-mutants in the Marvel Universe(s).

>I have negative feelings towards MCU getting X-Men back. For example, I don't see MCU making something like Logan

It's funny, I'm currently re-watching Logan but the Noir Edition (in black in white). But yeah, "MCU" (Disney) will never make a movie like Logan.

amalgam super-villains and super-heroes*


Something I've been doing recently when I'm bored is go back and watch a bunch of old ass youtube videos I used to watch as a kid. However, it's pretty difficult to find these videos unless they were really popular since youtube is so utterly saturated with content and trying to search for them just results in a bunch of generic front-page garbage. So if you have any links to classic youtube videos from 2005-2012, go ahead and post 'em
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Oh hell nah I ain't watching that shit

Most of my sense of humor comes from DurhamrockerZ and CS188 YTPs

Vlogs were everywhere on early YouTube lol
They've pretty much been the bread and butter of the site from the start

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Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans.
>inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'
The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.
I'll start:Dreamch.net
There was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
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I figured out where africans post about politics and why they're almost never active on any western imageboard

It's cumbersome, but the slowness of the sites means it's not unusable entirely

Also a recent revival attempt of 8ch after 8kun.top and 8chan.moe went ded. https://infiniteboards.top/b/res/59.html

and now it is 3 years old :o

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>Alt-text: The Elite from Superman vs The Elite, Riddler from The Batman (2022), Killmonger from the Black Panther Film, The Flagsmashers from Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Gorr from Thor Love & Thunder and Amon, Zaheer and Kuvira from The Legend of Korra.

I want to see a movie where a character like these ones is the hero, instead of a "sympathetic" villain who the writers have commit acts of brutality so the audience feels better about the heroes defending a harmful status quo.
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The closest you're ever gonna get is Star Wars where the bad guys are all fascists and the commies have to join the Rebels due to lack of other options

>commies have to join the Rebels due to lack of other options
Don't remember a single one communist there.

The rebels in Andor seemed low key based

Not really. Typical anarchist or petit bourg uprising against imperialism. Not a single communist found.

The tv show wasn't bad, i liked it, but there is not a single communist theme there. I had hopes for "manifesto"guy, but it ended up being an idealistic crap about muh freedoms.

The Elite from Superman is based on the The Authority comic in which they are the heroes.

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Haven't seen this thread revived anywhere so I thought I'd bring it back myself

ITT: Discussions about stats of Soviet military hardware, tactics etc. Not strictly limited to Soviet stuff despite name.
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fucking kek

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war has changed

Post this on AKM because it is military related

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Recently been reading the AVP wiki cuz I've been rewatching the movies and looking at the game let's plays and the only listed Colonial Marine melee is a combat knife based on the American M9 bayonet, the appearance got me curious because it looked like an AKM bayonet. I go to wikipedia; lo and behold, "The M9 bayonet was designed and developed by Charles A. "Mickey" Finn at his R&D company, Qual-A-Tec.[1][2][3] It is a refined copy of the Russian AKM 6H3 bayonet.[4] He later produced it under the Phrobis III name, filling a military contract for 325,000 units in 1986."
But nah only de "dum gommies" copied "thuperior American technology"
And hell they copied an already outdated Soviet bayonet that had already been replaced in service in 1974, 10 years late. But it's not unusual, ironically until the late 80s the USSR had been ahead in all the innovative technologies that are now thought of as the norm of modern military tech.

Moved to >>>/AKM/2853.

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what's the state of the various PES cups at the moment?

this is an anglo board, people here only know FIFA

Didn't they rebrand to e-Football?

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