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Let's start this off with some scarlet traces
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Don't you hate it when this shit happens?


If you like yuri manwha/webtoons check out On A Leash for some red dog on irish viper interspecies romance


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furries have been fighting the normalfag struggle long before us and we will continue fighting it until we become the victors who absolve them

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I'm genuinely curious if people like this ever got into Pokemon/Yugioh cards or Warhammer as kids. At least you learned how to paint or play the game and became cynical of ever collecting anything ever again.
14 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Hearing him say "normies" out loud made me die inside


This is great, it will make it so much easier to avoid vapid people.


What are people using to make these images?


>Imagine not scratch building all of your minis
Consoomers were a mistake.


What a fucking dork. Please tell me this is a joke.


I've redistributed a red flag from work and I wanted to turn it into a flag for my union branch. Unfortunately I've no real experience with sewing anyone got any advice?
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Hah ah fucking English language and it's homonyms.


what's the best fabric for a balaclava


The type of balaclava most common in your region, unless you want to wear a unique identifiable object for a mask


wearing a balaclava is already "unique"


Not really, Balaclava's and 'unique' ones have entered contemporary fashion, really hitting the mainstream this last year.
I see it as a reation to the CCTV-ifiication of our cities, that is for a different board but i think there is a lot to unpack and explore.

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An anon a while back recommended Star Trek to me because it was the most "communist" media produced in capitalist society. All Captain Kirk does is hop from planet to planet and fuck space bitches. Is there communism or have I been memed? Apparently the director of the show was influeced by Posadism but outside the aliens I do not see gommunism anywhere in the show.
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The Federation just plays the stupid game (capitalism) that the Ferengi like so much and rewards them with stupid prizes (demanding rent from them that they have to use for lmao).


>There are borders.
Between the Federation and the other factions who are not communists.


They live on borrowed time becauase at the end of DS9 they get Rom as the Grand Nagus, and he has read Marx (at least implicitly since he quotes him)


>that we will be stuck with things like secret police and military coups and settler colonialism and realpolitik even in the future

They literally overcome those things. They aren't "stuck with them." The existential threat of the Dominion War means the specter of those things reappears, but they're able to overcome them. TNG does the same thing with The Drumhead.

I don't think you really understand the show's central thesis.


Rom is unironically a better socialist than Feddies, because he's actually read at least like a page of Marx, as opposed to just preaching "uhh, we got better and have no more famines or wars because something" like Picard always does.


So Jamie Peck recently joked that aliens are watching us and they were going to give us space communism, but then they decided we weren't ready. Because we can't even overcome racism within our own species.

Do you think aliens are among us?
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>aliens decided we weren't ready for communism because we couldn't overcome racism
idk that sounds pretty racist tbh


In reality, we are all alien to each other….
Really makes you think

Go hug a random person today


capitalist society is truly alien nation


we were the ayy lmaos all along…

we have to defeat capitalism and spread communism across the universe


Nothing human is alien to me.



So here's a torrent full of torrents for the 9/11 Data set. Includes lots of videos, documents, audio recordings, animations, diagrams, etc revolving around the 9/11 attacks. The torrent here is about 100mb of torrent files only. Downloading all the data from the included torrents will net you over 3 TB of data. Feel free to pick and choose.

Would hate to see this data lost forever. Included a list of the torrents here.


don't you need like a supercomputer t stre terabytes? out of the e-loop heh

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For all things related to the Chapo.https://soundcloud.com/chapo-trap-house/tracks
48 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


New CushVlog dropped, haven't listened yet:


Where in the world is Amber Frost-ironi


>got banned because I don't like chapo

doubt, everyone here hates that shit


this has got to be copypasta from like 2018


I always thought it was pronounced "chap-o" but I listened to it for the first time the other night (their review of tg maverick) and they pronounced it like "chuhpo" wtf

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Where we send in whatever we've written during the week and discuss with each other?
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clubs don't work on imageboards, stop trying to make them happen
like >>25480 said, there's already a thread


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Ok send in something


just make a writing general thread instead so we can share ideas


i like the idea of a club, anon


Rock climbing is cool and seems like a decent way to get in shape for my body type. I really want to try it, but the shoes cost so damn much.
vid related is arguably the greatest climber in the world doing one of the hardest outside climb.


Can you get them second hand?
They are indeed expensive :/ but climbing is really fun.


you dont really need the shoes, joggers with a low profile height work too.

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