I've seen only a few other threads about horror on here and they seemed too specific, so I thought I'd make a broader one.
How do you feel about the current state of horror media? To me it seems at it's always been in a way; a mixed bag. However I feel like I've noticed this trend and, correct me if you think I'm wrong, a lot of more successful recent horror seems to be more creator-driven than in the past.
This is natural I think, as the internet has opened a lot of opportunities for more unique visions and riskier decisions that large studios would otherwise reject.
In a strange sort of symbiosis, though, these large studios attempt to acquire these successful creators and even properties for themselves; see the phenomenon of Slenderman for example. Once an entirely community made, solely internet creation has gotten several of his own movies, and has by and large become an 'artifact' of sorts of 2010's-era web. Studios cannibalize these unique properties and, once they've made some modicum of a profit, utterly destroy the integrity of them, leaving communities to look for the next big thing in horror.
With that aside, feel free to discuss almost literally anything horror related here; movies, books, ARGs, games, creepypasta (the rare good kind, if you can find any).
82 posts and 19 image replies omitted.