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Elf edition.

Since a bunch of the old threads were basically nuked with the server transfer, I wanted to revive some of them.

General discussion of the fantasy genre.
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>Wouldn't that just be the tallest ones or do you mean proportional to their bodies?
The latter.
The thicker the shelf, the hotter the elf.

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What are the best aesthetic inspirations for fantasy cultures? (Especially non humans)

Elves love gazebos, collonades and arches.

I remember reading about a society following the elf archetype that lived in a grand city made entirely from light tent fabric, like a more dignified version of dwarffortresses hippie elves. The first pic has a somewhat similar vibe.

I finally understand now


A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
384 posts and 131 image replies omitted.

i agree
twitter issz bad.

Keith must be one of the last of the old Newgrounds guard to not go crazy, an achievement on its own.

So I watched Cartoonshi's video on some anti-SJW cartoon critic. I agree with Cartoonshi on about 95% of his points but I think accusing the other YouTuber of "borderline racism" is just an ad hominem to brush off any criticism of forced diversity in media with a lot of neglect towards the culture war environment we live in right now. Yes, that anti-SJW critic doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to Static Shock or A New Wish and also A New Wish having a black protagonist doesn't instantly make the show bad (people are saying the show's good actually) but that doesn't mean that his concerns about forced diversity are not valid or have racist dogwhistling in them.

With that said, you can't add a black main character without the accusations of forced diversity and we sadly didn't even have queer characters in main roles at all before 2016 or so unlike in Japan (or in any roles in the majority of stuff produced for that matter) so I tend to focus on the actual quality of the product instead of making conspiracy theories on whether or not this or that character was added because of tokenism… well, except for Disney and American AAA publishers, they're not even trying to be subtle about it.

>but that doesn't mean that his concerns about forced diversity are not valid or have racist dogwhistling in them

well, okay, what are these concerns and what exactly makes them valid

>well, okay, what are these concerns and what exactly makes them valid
Replacing white characters with black characters for no apparent reason other than pandering because it always feels like executive meddling and nothing good comes out of executive meddling (I do think we didn't get queer couples on TV before because of that very executive meddling). Although to be perfectly honest, in the case of Fairly OddParents, replacing Timmy with LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE would upset the fanbase anyway. Again, the show's probably good. It's lucky to have great writers then, it could've been a cash grab.

And I truly think A.C.T. Air didn't bother to watch the show at all, wanting to make a quick sensational video because that'll give him more views.

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Crazy idea maybe but I think we should have a gambling thread. I know I get it lumpenprole degeneracy and all. But so fucking what? You really want to debate refutations and all that, save it for the thread. A lot of us are Americans here unfortunately and if you ask me there's no bigger gamble than living under American style capitalism. So, fuck it. All I can really do is pray to the gods of luck.

Only gambling with money I've done is arknights and honestly with how fair it is it's pretty much a glorified donate button.

Oh and technically tf2 crates but like I got a Cat's Pajamas for my pyro first try and never touched crates thereon because the bot crisis started soon after so I didn't get to play tf2 much. The bot crisis seems to be over but I'm not that interested in multiplayer shooters anymore tbh.

>with how fair it is it's pretty much a glorified donate button
If only all gambling was like that…

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Thread for those who like to read and write including fanfiction. Share drafts, look for beta-readers, ask for writing advice, give recommendations and do all that other cool jazz. Just remember to not bully anyone else no matter how shit their taste might be.
408 posts and 98 image replies omitted.

Cause the same flavour every day gets old!

Its the same for when I read m/m stuff. I just want to read some fluffy/crematorium stuff with one couple but everything is just like poly shit or threesomes.

Questionable Questing, SpaceBattles and Sufficient Velocity. I used to use Fanfiction.net back in my early days of writing but later found it to not really be as suitable for actual discussion about the stories as the more forum-styled sites.

Also, on another note, any Sonic fans ITT? I recently began publishing a fic set in the Archie Comics continuity (more specifically around the setting of the 90s SatAM cartoon) where Robotuyghets body-snatched and becomes a more serious threat because the new Robotnik understands how more subtle forms of oppression and methods of social engineering can be more effective in producing compliance long term than more overtly violent ones.

Every time I get the writing itch I find this thread again and see my posts from a few years ago. God speed, workout ESL anon.

>tfw my 800-page modernist anti-war novel about suicide will never be trad published since the market for literary fiction is already grim and all the small literary “presses” on asterim books are mostly print-on-demand and were “founded” by two friends to publish each other and to say they’re published
Anyone here want to start a press?


I don't know if there's a specific trope name for when a group of people in media are 'coded' as Native Americans, I first noticed this in the depiction of the Great Khans in FNV, particularly in the character of Papa Khan and his manner of speaking, Another instance is in a DLC for the game Total War, where you play as the Nanman people who are portrayed as Native American-esque and I recall seeing a clip on YouTube (which I am currently unable to find) that depicted the Montagnard not only as Native Americans-likg but also featured Native American actors portraying them

Kind of off topic, but Total War trailers are so fucking bad and generic now.

>art takes from reality

I actually liked the Pharaoh one

But it's not for some made-up fantasy race, these were real people given similar 'motifs' as the traditional Western depiction of Native Americans.

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Alright filmfags, show me what you've got.

&ltS Tier - Timeless
>Tarkovsky: Stalker, Andrei Rublev, Solaris
>Klimov: Come and See
>Bela Tarr: Turin Horse, Werckmeister Harmonies, Satantango (all very demanding)
>Bergman: Persona, Seventh Seal
>Herzog: Aguirre (I love them all but this one stands apart)
>Kubrick: 2001

&ltA Tier - Food for the soul
>Visconti: The Leopard, Rocco and his Brothers
>Fellini: La Dolce Vita, Amarcord
>De Sica: Bicycle Thieves, Umberto D.
>Pontecorvo: Battle of Algiers
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I fully believe that superhero movie fatigue would lessen if the movies and TV shows would embrace more of the comics' crazier aspects. "Comics are weird" should not be a caveat, it should be a selling point for comics.

Watched Nosferatu friday, pretty good but the jumpscares were a little annoying, aside from the one where Ellen casually walks up behind Anna

First time for everything

I don't like horror, can I get anything out of this movie?

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We have no history of travel.So many people out there say they love traveling and will happily tell you about all the places they been to and sights they’ve seen and where they want to go to next. It’s also one of the first things people say they would do if they had more time and money.

But traveling sucks. It’s expensive and tedious. You have to pack, organise a passport, deal with airports, security and there’s just so much waiting! And that’s if everything goes to plan and to schedule. Things can easily get canceled or postponed. Then you’ve got jet lag to deal with, different currencies, language barriers, etc.

Even if you’re not going overseas/flying it’s not like road tripping is any better. Sitting in a car for hours on end just plain sucks.

And don’t think I’m only hating on the actual transport, being away from home sucks too. Whether you’re staying in a hotel or an Airbnb or camping or whatever, you’re away from home and all your things; you’re own bed, your own room, your pets, all your other bits and pieces that make your home your own.
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I traveled for about 6 months straight. The novelty wears off real fast when you switch countries. Packing, moving, sightseeing become the new norm. All the tourist sites meld together. Its always some variation of malls, architecture, nature, food etc. At the end I just wanted a stable place to be home and rot. There is no escape from ennui and the boredom of life. The best way to travel is if you really have a reason to go there, not to be some aimless bum trying to find meaning or something. Do the same shit you would do at home in a new place and just try living like a local, its better than instatourism or whatever social media bs.

You had your meltdown in the /usa/pol thread already, let it go bud

they won in the end tho? like yeah the fall of france in ww2 is kinda embarassing but being nazi germany is even more embarassing

<but they punched so far above their weight!

who cares, they still lost, if you start a war which you're bound to lose you get no credit for temporary victories during it

I went on a pilgrimage to all socialist countries (except north Korea) and all the former socialist countries in the eastern bloc. Well worth it IMO though if I were to do it again I'd spend more time in Cuba and china and less in eastern Europe which frankly sucks.

based OP, fuck the travel-normies

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lets talk about some left wing movies/ and the messaging from them. is there anything interesting you guys have seen recently? anything that could be repurposed as propaganda or even some oc?



watched DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD recently, it was pretty good though lagged a bit in the first half, recommend if you're into 'capitalist realism' type stuff, reminded me of la haine but romanian lol

They Live is the greatest of all time

john Carpenter is the GOAT, I personally preferred "the thing" and escape from new york though.

They live is overrated and lends itself to anti semitic interpretations

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I'm looking for good movie piracy websites in the year of our lord 2k + 24
Any recommendations from the knowledgeable comrades?
Also why is there a minimum character limit? Who made this site? (bruh how is it still too short?)

char limit is supposed to be only 50 chars

Type "site:rutracker.org + query" into a search engine. You don"/ have to worry aboit making an account or anything that way. Best torrent site
You can find most well known music in FLAC and even obscure stuff in FLAC that you can't find on any other torrent site.

The site crashed, backups didn't work, and got reset to factory defaults, it wasn't that short pre-outage.


post Warhammer Cinematics
>Warhammer Fantasy is a fictional fantasy universe created by Games Workshop and used in many of its games, including the table top wargame Warhammer, the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP) pen-and-paper role-playing game, and a number of video games: the MMORPG Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, the strategy games Total War: Warhammer, Total War: Warhammer II and Total War: Warhammer III and the two first-person shooter games in the Warhammer Vermintide series, Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide and Warhammer: Vermintide 2, among many others.

The Battle of the Horned Hills | Chaos Dwarf vs Cathay | Total War: WARHAMMER III

>Chaos Dwarf
Never thought I'd see those two words in one sentence.

they're metal as fuck and have great industrial and steampunk vibes, I love them

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