We have no history of travel.So many people out there say they love traveling and will happily tell you about all the places they been to and sights they’ve seen and where they want to go to next. It’s also one of the first things people say they would do if they had more time and money.
But traveling sucks. It’s expensive and tedious. You have to pack, organise a passport, deal with airports, security and there’s just so much waiting! And that’s if everything goes to plan and to schedule. Things can easily get canceled or postponed. Then you’ve got jet lag to deal with, different currencies, language barriers, etc.
Even if you’re not going overseas/flying it’s not like road tripping is any better. Sitting in a car for hours on end just plain sucks.
And don’t think I’m only hating on the actual transport, being away from home sucks too. Whether you’re staying in a hotel or an Airbnb or camping or whatever, you’re away from home and all your things; you’re own bed, your own room, your pets, all your other bits and pieces that make your home your own.
51 posts and 32 image replies omitted.>>44675they won in the end tho? like yeah the fall of france in ww2 is kinda embarassing but being nazi germany is even more embarassing
<but they punched so far above their weight!who cares, they still lost, if you start a war which you're bound to lose you get no credit for temporary victories during it