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Star Wars thread; To discuss, laugh and meme about Star Wars

Don't be a cunt and may the Force be with you

New general since last one hit bump limit.
Previous general:
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>honk honk motherfuckers

Get back to the /co/ thread this instant


He literally referred to himself as a sith.


No, but I think one of the actors said that Anakin blew up the Death Star in an interview.


star wars ruined


>absolutely no one thought to use the material this dude's armor is made out of throughout the entire series.
I think everyone just updated their lightsabers and patched the exploit. Not even being ironic, this is how weapon dialectics play out in real life.

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Even though the fandom is pretty dead. I wanted to see what a brony thread on here would look like since I’m a newbie

What does /leftypol/ think about this franchise and the online subculture it spawned? I feel like now that the little girls who made up the target audience are young adults I’ve been seeing more zoomers tell stories about how they were “traumatized” by the adult fandom and it’s becoming more in vogue to decry the whole “brony” phenomenon as “problematic”.

On the other hand though what’s the sociological explanation for millions of grown men becoming obsessed with a little girls cartoon in spite of hegemonic Western gender norms? I’ve read a lot of conflicting theories from academics and culture critics regarding this. Is it autism? Post-Irony? Or is there something about it that just makes it genuinely appealing?
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Horse sanctuary offers mare enjoyers a chance to sponsor real life horsies


also related: Mare Day 2024




Rarity appears to operate with an apprenticeship system, and as far as I know the first and only example of labor being sold as a commodity is seen in the episode where Applejack runs away and the rest of the ponies need to work in a cherry factory.

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I have never seen a show cause more butthurt on /tv/ than this. What are leftypols thoughts?
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No. Its target audience is just Twitter left-libs and people that want an edgy, action TV show to watch. The Singer character is actually an analogy for a centrist president like Biden.


A meatspace samefag/sockpuppeteer. This show did its homework.


they are, they do sell che t-shirts after all


>It isn't leftist because erm leftist == communist am I right leftoidbros?????
No, it's perfectly leftist actually.


>unable to watch pop culture unless it pays lip service to leftoidism
Actually embarrassing. I'm guessing you haven't even read Marx if you need to feel good over consuming the "correct" media.

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Old thread (v1): https://leftypol.org/hobby/res/7136.html

The practice and principles of Permaculture are one of the most important tools for not only creating a sustainable socialism, but also for repairing the damage done to the global ecosystem by capitalism, and lessening your individual reliance on the current capitalist system.Permacultural practice and socialism are two very powerful allies, and learning about permaculture should be necessity for modern socialists and communists.
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You can use grass clippings as mulch, but if it's growing next to the bed with no barrier you will have grass trying to grow into the beds. You are better off not having grass directly between the beds. You can drop cardboard on the grass to kill it without tilling though. Tilling will make the are more prone to erosion. If you're planting new things their roots will deal with that, but if you are leaving the area as a path you're better off just dropping mulch on top of the existing soil periodically (after you kill the grass).


>You can drop cardboard on the grass to kill it without tilling though
I tilled it last year so it should be sufficiently loose to till it this year too. as I mentioned the soil is improving in looseness thanks to tilling
it's not a very large area though. but maybe I can make another experimental patch somewhere. I have over 4 hectares to play with
>leaving the area as a path
nah there's plenty of space to walk around
also I need a mulch collector I guess. after I fix the mower. the ignition is off ever since I replaced the generator stator. I even adjusted the magneto's airgap. no dice >_<


update: I planted some taters, beans and carrots. also tilled away the strip of grass visible in >>42244 . forgot to take pictures. what I planted before seems to be surviving, but there were some yellow leaves. gave everything a good soak with the hose since there hasn't been much rain
there weren't any seed potatoes anywhere in town, so I had to resort to potatoes from the store. I've split them up into two groups: one that went straight in the ground and a second that I will sprout indoors before planting
oh and I bought a new machine key for the mower. turns out the old key had sheared which is why the ignition was off. unfortunately the new key was of the wrong size, so the motor backfired and the new key also sheared. ordering some new ones and will shim them in place if they don't fit perfectly


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I got three new machine keys. unfortunately my car decided to stop working so I can't get to my house to fix the mower, and I was planning on having guests over, and also my hot water heater broke and it's looking like I won't have time to get up, fix all this, get the lawn mowed etc etc. grrr


Figs are almost ripe. I wish tastier fruit grew in my area.

Not to discourage you from gardening, but I find a lot of the discourse around permaculture is utopian nonsense. North Korea is a good case study on an actual de-mechanization of agriculture. It's doable, but not quickly, and ties up more labor in food production.

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Thread for those who like to read and write including fanfiction. Share drafts, look for beta-readers, ask for writing advice, give recommendations and do all that other cool jazz. Just remember to not bully anyone else no matter how shit their taste might be.
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If anyone wants I can share some extracts from my book because I'm about 70% of the way to finishing the first draft and I need to know the writing makes sense at least.


Sure, can't hurt I suppose, post it as a file link.



this is a book I'm currently reading on how to make plot and structure. I used to just write "by the seat of my pants" . Now i actually try to give my story structure. Author is a thriller/noir/crime writer and is kind of biased in that direction but still gives really good advice. 8/10 book.

Will elevate your writing beyond fanfic/reddit tier. OK, maybe this alone would make you on the high end of reddit tier without anything else


Really well written story about a surviving Montagnard France, that's still on going.


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How do you feel about it (and its creator)?
also please spam Charlie pics
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The animation is kind of a letdown compared to the pilot. I guess amazon didn't have much cash to spare after flops of power.


>Some dude (or chick?) from Deviant Art got enough money to make their own show and boy, does it show.

I prefer this infinitely to corposlop, as rough as it sometimes is


>the humor is that of a 12 year old boy just learning curse words
twitter users spotted


true but drawing gay imps costs money

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Previous thread: >>36889
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A full on chest rig deaigned for combat is probably overkill, but a chest pack or a fanny pack worn on the front could be fashionable.


Problem with them is that they just aren't secure enough when I'm running or climbing over shit, especially when it's just a belt or is secured only on a single axis. Chest bags are okay but then you get problems with weight distribution, capacity and sometimes limiting acess to front pockets of clothing beneath.


why the FUCK are good fitting skinny jeans so hard to get nowadays? And I'm talking, like, really skinny jeans. Super skinny. I don't give a fuck that they're out of fashion - they're sexy and awesome and show off my legs. Also emo


Thots on socks with sandals?


patrician taste

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I love you guys lol
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I love him


I want him to be happy


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I feel bad for the robber guy though, the guard punishment assignment clearly needs to stop


>rob a qt? the punishment is DEATH


Since nobody has made a new one and people keep asking for it I made the next one.
Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky" - http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Swole-Soldiers Edition

Previous threads on >>>/alt_archive/
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Thanks a lot for the detailed response, brand new to all of this
Will move the curls to after the rows but any advice on where to slot in RDL's, reverse flyes and pull-ups? I'll get a pull-up bar asap
I'm having to google a lot of the terms you're using and still probably but misunderstanding but assuming I'm not, I was indeed doing supersets which is why I was being lazy about changing weights from exercise to exercise. Judging by how each exercise feels I don't think there's a ton of overlap in the muscles being used so I didn't think the rest was strictly necessary. It seems like only the shoulder presses and tricep extensions conflict with one another whereas obviously I can go from farmer squats to bicep curls to shoulder presses without a hiccup. OTOH there's a huge variance in how much effort each exercise takes, only the tricep extensions are "pushing failure" whereas I may as well not even being doing the farmer squats and bicep curls so I think I should just rest and add/remove weight as necessary. In fact I'm realizing doing everything with the same weight was probably dumb
Sorry if I misunderstood anything and thanks again


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>Judging by how each exercise feels I don't think there's a ton of overlap in the muscles being used so I didn't think the rest was strictly necessary.
Correct, which is one reason to do supersets. You do want to ensure you rest between sets of the same movement, because otherwise you won't do as well as you can and won't progress as fast.
>It seems like only the shoulder presses and tricep extensions conflict with one another
Correct, both use tricepts to extend the arm but they're less involved in the shoulder press. So if you fatigue them first it will make it harder to do a shoulder press. Supersetting lifts that use the same muscle groups is more advanced and if you're doing supersets you'd be better off splitting and ordering the lifts so they don't conflict like that.
>OTOH there's a huge variance in how much effort each exercise takes
That's expected since you're using the same weight for all of them. Depending on the lift you are going to be able to do heavier weight. This is mostly due to how much muscle is involved - you can lift heavier with the "compound" lifts that use more muscles. If you don't use heavier weight for movements you're stronger in, you won't advance very much if at all. You could somewhat get around this by doing more reps, but if you're squatting with the same weight you're curling you would just be turning the squats into cardio with how many you'd be doing. You need to lift heavier for certain movments. Rule of thumb is more muscles/body involved, more weight. You need to find your limit by experimenting though. See how many reps you can do at a given weight and if you can do the rep ranges you gave without failure, then bump up the weight until you feel like you're close to failure. Avoid hitting failure especially if you're new, and learn how to safely fail a lift before you start lifting anything really heavy.
>Sorry if I misunderstood anything and thanks again
I think you got it. The terms might be intimidating but they're generally pretty straightforward.

>any advice on where to slot in RDL's, reverse flyes and pull-ups?

If you don't superset them it's not as big of a deal, but generally you want the bigger movements first. I'd sPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Thanks bro. I do like the idea of supersets if only because it's faster so I think I'll do some ancillary reading to figure out how to order this and buy some more dumbbell bars if not non-adjustable dumbbells so I don't have to fiddle around with plates as I go.
>There are various ones that can fit into a doorframe pretty easily
that's where my mind went first but I also wonder if I can't kill two birds with one stone and get something that will double up as a barbell rack but that's neither here nor there


Some good hypertrophy programs in this pdf, note that supersets and giantsets will probably have to be rewritten or broken apart if you're in a commercial gym.


Have a strength & conditioning program too
My other post posted twice, typical commie incompetence

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Comics and cartoons are the industried were the contradictions of capitalism are the most noticeableYou know them I know them.
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I like animal cock futa so I'm pretty pleased by this development.


>Could Hussie show any more contempt for his audience seriously?
he didn't even write that, it a random friend group he put trust on

>'heheh we do a little trolling'

it was mostly there fetish since that shit happens again in HS:BC and the last comic in SBHJ
or at least i hope he didn't write the last comic of SBHJ




IDK I saw it on the Homestuck subreddit, I didn't look up the actual source.

I mean I do too but it's clearly just there to shit on the character and give them more embarrassing trauma.

It's still ultimately him responsible for what people do with (officially endorsed) versions of his work.


How is making them a hot doggydickgirl embarrassing

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