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/hobby/ - Hobby

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I have noticed a trend in 90s cinema where a disgruntled middle-aged white office worker takes revenge on society by becoming le epic sociopath and/or apathetic dissident.
I feel like it gives extreme license to the middle class fantasies of a recently politically-dispossessed population to start to become terrorists a la "hunter" and "the turner diaries", which is extremely prophetic of today's largely unhappy-young-white-man school shooters, beginning with columbine that shares galring comparisons to the matrix and the "trenchcoat mafia" motif in that whole scenario.
The fims i thought of were:
Office space - a disgruntled middle-aged white office worker decides to steal money from his boss, gets hypnotised into becoming le epic apathetic guy, falls for anti-intellectualism from his neighbour's "simple ways". The office is burned down in a political symbol that returns man to hard labour, where our protagonist is now happy being a beer-drinking idiot. Its ironic since mike judge also made "idiocracy" but idiocracy itself is an extremely elitist criticism of democracy. So we can see a fascist connection.
Fight club - a disgruntled middle-aged white guy decides to destroy society because modern society is bullshit, so he becomes le epic based terrorist who smashes the credit system to return mankind to hard labour and suffering, because at least that's "real".
The matrix - disgruntled middle-aged white office worker becomes part of a crew that helps destroy the system by shooting up banks, fighting homeless people who are "agents of the system", where anyone can be an agent and by esteeming to litersl super powers from this cyber-misanthropy.
American beauty - disgruntled middle-aged white office worker fantasises about having sex with a high school student, so starts to "sepf-improve". He leaves his job and becomes le epic based apathetic guy who sees through all of society's bullshit.
Falling down - disgruntled middle-aged white office worker becomes a terrorist who starts fucking with people because he has a gun (he just becomes a nazi stormtrooper basically), he has no class enemy, but just hates everyone, from public sector workers to rich golfers. Here we see a populist message thst just gives license to mindless angst, where the system is not blamed but the actors within the system are scapegoated.
Like i say, i think the political dispossession of white people, particularly white men has become a very touchy neurosisPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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The number of convicted felons in the United States is roughly 8% of the population. Black individuals make up 19% of felony defendants, which is roughly 1-2 million people across the country a year, which is consistent with their demographic size. White individuals make up 50+% of the felony defendants and are also consistent with demographic size. The argument you are hinting at is not confirmed by actual statistics. The proletariat are the ones that go to jail, their race doesn't matter to the system, the media only says it does because controversy and racial tensions interfere with united people's movements.


If only red guards tried to befriend and persuade political opponents instead of killing and even eating most of them.


>ctrl-f white
>36 occurances
am i on reddit? whats going on?


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>Ctrl+f "yellow" "red" "brown"
>0 results.
Very exclusionary


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Is Steven Universe liberal? I think it is because it propagates the notion that you can solve issues in society by talk no jutsu.
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It's fine for a show for babies to not end with the main character killing his sister aunts.


>not end with the main character killing his sister aunts.
I… what? This sounds so specific, what are you referring to?


Steven Universe.


Steven has his mother's gem which basically makes him her reincarnation, making the diamonds his sisters/aunts. Some people were upset that this galaxy spanning fascist empire was stopped by embarrassing white diamond hitler into surrendering.

I was one of them tbh.

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Post what kind of cancer sticks you smoke
In my life I have tried
-Blue Winston
-Red Winston
-Blue Karelia
-Green Karelia (mint)
-Blue Camel regular
-Blue Camel Compact
-Sky Blue Camel compact
-Blue Camel Legend
-Yellow Camel
-Yellow Camel Legend
-Green Ome (mint)
-Red King
-Iranian Kent
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>And yet its still produced from peppers.
So what?


So it isn't unnatural.


nobody said it was


<Results suggest that cigarettes in China increasingly resemble those sold in Western countries, but with tobacco containing higher levels of heavy metals. As CNTC looks to export its product around the world, independent surveillance of tobacco product characteristics, including tobacco blend characteristics, will become increasingly important.
2010 article, tobacco bros…its over
I like how OP listed a bunch of fascist corporate "blended tobacco products" LITERALLY DESIGNED to be addictive and cause cancer, and targeted at vulnerable communities like blacks or gays or whoever.
Compare this to the not fully commodified regular tobacco leaves people smoke in pipes, which are admittedly a toxic pesticide, but probably not as cancerous as the "blended additive product".
>there's literally no evidence of any health effects
Inhaling any particulate matter in your lungs is dubious, that's like saying "there's no evidence that cutting myself with a tiny knife everyday is unhealthy"


Vapes don't have particulate matter in them though?

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General for discussing occultism, magick, meditation, esoteric traditions, including any theories about aliens, ufos, etc.
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Okay, weird anarcho-nihilist occultists, you got me.

I used to be a scientifically minded Stirnerite. But now I'm not so sure. I'm experiencing weird reflections of my thoughts in the material reality, like my thoughts are echoed in it, and it happens very, very randomly, sometimes it doesn't happen at all. What's going on? Are my thoughts able to warp reality or is some eldritch abomination mocking me? Am I living in a Lovecraftian universe? Do any of you mfs have an explanation for this? Because the explanation given will determine if your views are whack or not, I still approach all this with some scepticism. Like, all this spiritualism has such elaborate cosmologies but it never gives any concrete explanations to weird shit that my mind actually experiences.


>>40155 (me)
It only happens only a few seconds after I thought or said something, like an echo of my mind. I don't know why. This thing is so specific and yet so utterly meaningless, noone's responding to me, it's like my mind itself decreases the probability of events occuring on a subconscious level.

Maybe I'm a god. /jk


>>40156 (me)
Maybe I found a glitch in the Matrix, it can be anything by this point.


Wtf even is occultism? How are aliens and ufos "occult"? Just a few years ago people called AI "occult". A german publisher released last year a compilation of Nick Land's writings in a book, they called it Okkultes Denken (occult thinking), implying Land's thoughts are "occult". But most of his writings are concerned with techno-science, so how tf is this occult??? Aliens and ufos are totally compatible with materialist i.e. scientific thinking, so what is occultism???


Obviously calling UFOs "occultism" is an overreach, though Land did dabble into occultist practices and viewed the Capital as a literal god. I guess the confusion comes from ufology being pseudoscientific and its association with Lovecraftian horror or something like that, no idea honestly.

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Dark/ominous paintings, I think they look neat.
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all by me


Willian Blake, my beloved. 🥰

I love both him and Lovecraft, they're so cooooool!


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those are rad

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT we discuss business strategy and help other anons escape wage slavery, build a business that subverts capitalism from within, and become ethical petty booj with a lefty perspective in mind.

This is for serious discussion only, keep focused on the topic and don't derail the thread.
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I remember reading this comment a couple weeks ago and being filled with unease.

And then I got laid off.


>And then I got laid off.
dang :(




don't worry anon, just try keep applying for jobs and get back on the horse.


sweet bro time to turn that beer money side hustle into a grindset while putting off dr. appointments!

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We have the social skills advice, fit threads and what not but I want a general purpose thread for encouraging comrades to get ahead.
How to be resilient in the wake of capitalism, READ READ READ, discipline, batina and such other things, how to help those around you. Also share inspirational stories

This even if fictional was pretty inspiring for Lenin, he read the thing 5 times in a summer
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Original Bane is my biggest motivation. He was meant to be a parallel of Batman rather than just a dumb muscle guy he's now portrayed today. Born the son of an exiled revolutionary and forced to endure his father's sentence before he was even born, he chose to make himself the ultimate man, both physically and mentally


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It's funny how Nechayev is popular with both Leninists and anarchists at the same time. Leninists aren't even nihilists wtf?

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post cute girls holding or reading leftie books
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it's all I got




Also, Senko looks cute as a pioneer.


i love that 2nd one

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What does /hobby/ smoke?
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Not since they switched it to cigar tabacco in like 2009. Thanks Obama.


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I've been smoking American Spirits Blue Classic but I'm quitting. Day 2 of no smoking so far.


Anya'll do candles / incence? They're like AoE smoking so I think this is the appropriate thread for it.



Starting to quit finally, slow going though


who here enjoys a big lizard
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Minus One


Godzilla minus Godzilla


what about atheistzilla? haha


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