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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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If you guys had to pick 4 short books as the ultimate starter pack on /leftypol/itics, which ones would you pick?

Which ones are the best combination of being essential, uncomplicated and short?
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It's also wrong/liberal analysis


Start with Rousseau's Discourse On Inequality and The Social Contract. Then move on to the Economic and Political Manuscripts of 1844 and the Manifesto.

Then read Baudrillard's Mirror of Production and Passwords along with Foucault's History of Sexuality. You will have ceased to be a Marxist and ascend to post-leftism. Then this site will become totally useless to you and you will find yourself coming here less and less.


Good list. For Direct Action it seems like someone search and replaced every instance of "man" or male pronouns for "woman" and female pronouns for some reason; it uses the wrong pronouns for Moritz Rittinghausen, for example. Made me kek when I realized it, what a strange thing for someone to do.


I'd add the Lenin three component parts of marxism one


I always recommend Bullshit Jobs. It's not the best book on leftism by a long shot, but it's a very accessible one that deals in issues most people are already kind of aware of. It's good for dealing with people who are otherwise politically illiterate.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

CIA / FBI / Fed / Conspiracy General
"The X-Files got nothing on this shit"
This Thread is dedicated for the discussion, analysis and reveal of obscure information on the shadowy hands of capitalism and fascism - the federal agents - and their efforts as part of the porky hydra. Propaganda and conspiracies of these Alphabet agencies and their impacts today and past are to be discussed.
Information and discussion on the OSS and NSA or equivalent government agencies of other countries - such as MI6 of Britain or the Nazi Gestapo - are also encouraged to be posted. KGB and FSB can be discussed too.
Technology for spying and espionage are also welcome. NATO and US military abuses or the affairs of corporate military-industrial complexes that are covered or hushed up also apply. Whistleblowers like Assange and Snowden are permitted sources of information as well.

Please contribute to leftypedia >>3780
Debunking anti-leftist myths >>4210 including debunking of "Le Holohoax"

Rules: No idpol drama, no anti-communist rhetoric, no sectarianism, no soyjak spam or emotional gaslighting; Glowies Keep Out!

Major Topics:
>Anti-Communist Action:
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Most of these are most likely either unclassified or fake and two threads circulated on reddit with variations of this search line a few days back.


Wow Mao posts meme videos wdyem


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Holy shit guyzzz I found the pdf confirming pentagon UF0z did 9/11


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Ah yes, things that never happened. This is just a prank. In the same document, the bills to be passed are named "Lebron" and "Jordan".


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An interesting person I've posted at times. They have some good stuff on the Ukraine conflict from when it began and some content on 9/11 and other false-flags, conspiracies and glowie ops. Guy does a lot of hands on work, helping in third-world countries.

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Best analysis of channers that I've seen
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Zero mentions of autism or ADHD 🙄


This is just some guy's media rant

Exactly, alleging that being a geek is just some thing we've been brainwashed into by the media is idiotic


Geeks aren't necessarily neurodivergent. In fact a lot of very neurotypical people are geeks, they're just geeks about things that are socially acceptable. How many sports bros get obsessed with the minutiae of their sports teams and play fantasy football and all that shit? They even buy jerseys so they can LARP as their favorite player. Being "geek" versus "normal" isn't about the mode of interaction with something, it's about the value society has attached to the thing people are interacting with.


Being into comics isn't the most socially unacceptable thing either. But you are reading something, out of a page, even if it's mostly images, so a dedicated meathead might see that as "weird".


Geeks are neurodivergent when people want to shit on geeks. Geeks suddenly aren't neurodivergent when people are confronted about the stereotypes and slurs they drop. You tell me the neckbeard stereotype isn't neurodivergent coded.

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Less about the parasocial more about the signal.

Less about subscribing to an individual podcast, more about listening to individual episodes and why that episode resonated.

Not videos. This is a chance for you to educate yourself while working, doing chores or exercising.

I'll go first. This episode of politics theory other was memorable because it made me reconsider the intersection of sex and politics, particularly as someone who sees themselves as becoming more skeptical about everything surrounding idpol as it's being co-opted and weaponized.

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took me a while to get thru the first one. interesting point made about the compartmentalisation of the intelligence agency. angle ton had the Israeli account. which was sealed off from the Arabists. Zionists often argue that because these state dept arabists exist, they're a persecuted minority, and it shows the US and UK was always hostile to zionism. but they misread a state can have different factions supporting different interests. going to get thru the other one later



>Fight Like An Animal is a synthesis of behavioral science and political theory in search of paths to survival for this planet and our species. Each episode examines political conflict through the lens of innate contributors to human behavior, offering new understandings of our converging crises.

Very informative about biology and anthropology, makes a lot of daring and interesting claims. I would suggest starting from the first series of episodes "The Biology of the Left-Right Divide" and sticking to it even if you find some of the conclusions disagreeable.


>Abandon all hope ye who subscribe here. Varn Vlog is the pod of C. Derick Varn. We combine the conversation on philosophy, political economy, art, history, culture, anthropology, and geopolitics from a left-wing and culturally informed perspective. We approach the world from a historical lens with an eye for hard truths and structural analysis.

Really good informed analysis with a variety of guests.


>haha look at that schizo thred about ancient alien civilizations or whatever
that was me until this really effective asmr podcast The Fall Of Civilizations. I've no idea about the provenance or accuracy of the content but it's an amazing way just to get out of the moment and consider our place in time. Fall of the Pharaohs. Three. Thousand. Years. Ago. Having someone chill narrate the entire timeline is kind of mind blowing. They didn't have a line of 31 kings, they had a line of 31 dynasties. It starts to become clear why they teach ancient history and shit like latin in elite private schools and not to the proles in public schools.


also interesting theory that he was basically the prototype-neocon.


>especially when he has Adam Tooze on
just listen to adam tooze directly through his podcast. ezra klein has a lot of fluff


Are you a comrade working on something for school or uni that utilizes math or physics?
Need help on a problem?
Developing a new mathematical theory of marxism?

Post here and ill try to help.

Love & Solidarity
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I've identified a need in my region for a product.
It would be assembled from parts imported from China presumably. Who would know what kind of parts specifically and could foresee obvious pitfalls? A mechanical or process engineer or something, or some kind of consultant?


protip: if the question doesn't say to prove something, it's most likely because you can't do so and it wants you to argue against the conclusion


Exercise 2.4.103

Am I dumb? mx''+kx=0, m=5000, x(0)=0.1, x'(0)=1, the general solution is known to be A*cos(ot)+B*sin(ot) where o=sqrt(k/m).

But if I try to solve this, I get A=0.1, and B=1/o. So k=m/B² but I only know m, both B and k are unknown? What am I missing?


bump >>20179


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Why can't people just make up their minds??

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I've noticed that a lot of orthodox Marxists are also obsessed with Freud and are convinced that Freudian psychoanalysis is essential for combating fascism, and I don't understand why. Can someone explain the connection?
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freud is only good for novelists


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>Orthodox Marxists OTOH critiqued (and continues to critique) Freud and psychoanalysis more broadly as a bourgeois science (see Lenin's comments on it for just one example).
site:site:www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works "freud", "psychoanalysis"
>0 results
Post proofs or you're full of shit. I'm far from an expert on Freudian theory specifically, but it's obvious that it had an early impact on the socialist movement.

As for the definition of "Orthodox Marxist" - there's no universally agreed upon definition, but the people who call themselves Orthodox Marxists usually support a political strategy and party model closer to the early Second International than the Third International. Theory daddies being late Engels, early Kautsky, pre 1917 Lenin, Liebknecht, Bebel, etc. So if we're dealing with that period the connection is obvious. One of Freud's most foundational works was a case study of Ida Bauer, the sister of Otto Bauer, the Austrian Marxist leader whose whole schtick was how impeccably orthodox he was against revisionism and Bolshevism. Not just him though - Trotsky respected psychoanalysis and had his daughter moved to Berlin to undergo treatment. His confidence probably came from the fact that socialists dominated the first wave of Freudian practitioners, after all the Frankfurt School was founded starting in 1923.

Again, not an expert on Freud, but the connections seem obvious. I also very strongly doubt that the socialist movement would have preferred the alternative to Freud - for all the unconscious sex stuff people like to mock him for, his central thesis was that mental distress was a result of traumatic personal experiences. That's a hell of a lot better than mainstream biomedical psychiatry was at the time, which was deeply tied to the eugenics movement and blamed all anti-social behavior on "defective" genetics rather than a sick society.


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Humble yourself.


>Clara Zetkin - Reminiscences of Lenin (January 1924)

>Chapter 6
>Women, Marriage and Sex

Read the entire book, or at the very least the entire chapter.


I stand corrected.on Lenin. You yourself state that this is "just one example", however - what are the others? I'm not trying to tear you down or to try to defend Freud's theories, I'm curious to know what classical ("orthodox") Second International Marxism thought about psychiatry.

One interesting thing I found while looking around on Marxists.org was that Karl Kautsky, who was definitely an authority of the Second International era, made a fairly in-depth critique of Freudian theory in his 2,000 page magnum opus The Materialist Conception of History published in 1927. Here's a quote from page 58:

<Truly, the notion is absurd that the nature of primitive man, as he was prior to all culture, could be studied by examining the waste-products of civilization in Professor Freud’s office.

<That is not to say anything against the importance of the Freudian hypotheses for medical science. They may stimulate it in a very fruitful manner. On that question I cannot pass judgment. But the object to which they refer, the unconscious, demands for its study, more than any other, the acutest self-criticism, sobriety, and precision. And it is just this object that most easily tempts one to arbitrary construction, exaggerations, and premature hypotheses. Unfortunately, Freud is very much inclined to such excesses, and many of his disciples have taken over from their master not his genius but his excesses. [Kautsky here quotes two passages from Freud’s Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, pp. 137, 121, and comments:] When one reads Freud, one could believe that all of man is only an appendage of his genitals. …

<I have repeatedly been called on to incorporate results of psychoanalysis into my conception of history. However, I have not yet found any that would cast a new light on the historical process. 1 therefore sec no reason to move onto this, for the present, at least for me as a layman, still very insecure territory. Should others who are more familiar with the nature of psychoanalysis want to draw upon it for the solution of historical problems, there is no objection to that; only it must be demanded that they understand something not only about psychoanalysis, but also about history and political economy. With
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Freudo-Marxism mostly arose as a way to explain fascism. I am critical of the pathology paradigm and the psychocentric reductionism of Freudo-Marxism but there are some valuable insights there.


Read most of the first volume of this a few years ago, I thought it was interesting although Theweleit very weirdly fails to mention the origin in the rabidly romanticist, nationalist intelligentsia of the German WWI shock troops and the later Freikorps companies that formed out of them, Ernst Junger being the most famous example, which could make many of their own writings very deliberate rather than passive confessions



I liked "Male Fantasies" but the pathology paradigm is kind of an inherently flawed approach to studying authoritarianism which reproduces the logics backing the eugenicist ideologies one is trying to criticize.
Theweleit shows that the Freikorps soldiers had PTSD and other problems but that still doesn't explain why the soldiers went Nazi and did not form socialist vegan communes instead. Basically, all Theweleit showed was the soldiers were fucked in the head.

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Can you recommend me some books that exposes the pornography addiction in modern society? I want a book that explains this phenomena by a marxist perspective, without any conservative "but tha westarn moral is dyingg!!11".
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Isn't the logical corollary of this thinking that all sex is bad though? For example, I could have sex with my gf whenever I want (yes, that is a humble brag), wouldn't that also be "free" dopamine. Or even without sex, there's plenty of things you can do to get "free" dopamine that aren't harmful. For example, meditation, yoga, and exercise can all grant you dopamine pretty much on demand, but we wouldn't say these things are bad for you for that reason. It sounds scary when you use words like "synthetic," but really all that means is that it was deliberately designed to give you pleasure, which can be said of things that partners do to spice up irl bedroom tomfoolery as well. I'm not trying to say that porn is totally guiltless and unproblematic - it's generally a pretty fucked up industry - but this whole if you coom you've basically given yourself brain AIDS, cancer, and your brain is going to collapse into dust at any second line of thinking is pretty silly imo.


>nofap discussion
>its another shitshow of the pro arguing vs. the anti
instead of reading books about jacking it or arguing to random strangers on the internet find out for yourself if you want to do it for not.

stop for three weeks. if you:
>cannot do this
>can just barely do it
>did it and felt much better

dont consume pornography

if you:
<did it
<did it easily
<didnt find any improvements from doing so
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just read baudrillard and come to your own conclusions. welcome to the seksu of the hyperrealo

what a load of garbage


True. I don't even like porn, but the anti-porn stuff also has its own agenda.
>synthetically generated dopamine


Not Marxist but some historical background includes

- Williams, Linda. Hard Core: Power, Pleasure and the "Frenzy of the Visible
- Kaoru Nagayama. Erotic Comics in Japan: An Introduction to Eromanga
- Kimi Rito. The History of Hentai Manga: An Expressionist Examination of EroManga

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I'd like to see some discussion, resources, whatever about how an individual or a community should handle trolls, or the methods used by organized agitators to troll forums.
This is a significant topic for preventing the disruption of communities and of information sharing, even more in loosely-moderated places.

Bonus points for anything pertaining to an actual collective counter-trolling tactics rather than just individuals or enforced authority (e.g. moderation deleting/banning).
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consensus crack tho


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That image you keep posting doesn't make sense.

I'm not saying I disagree, I'm saying it's semantically weird.

1) The term 'CONSENSUS CRACKING' (emphasis in original, just like in the image) seems to originate only from The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies >>21142
which claims a certain method is used to develop a crack, a method which doesn't involve posting bait or trolling at all. In fact, it would be smartest to intentionally avoid seeming like either, because the point is to attack your weak planted argument with evidence which appears convincing and widely supported (i.e. the consensus) to the uninformed reader. The rigged argument results in a pre-determined break of consensus being reached in the thread, because one side was intentionally introduced with a weak premise and the other side is artificially inflated with fake accounts. If the cracker were trolling or baiting for reactions, they wouldn't convince the uninformed reader nor be able to fake an anti-consensus, plus it would encourage other forum members to be adverse and then discredit the cracking attempt with real counter-arguments rather than only a rigged one, ruining the consensus crack.
Trolls posting bait is not a consensus cracking attempt, as they do not attempt to plant a conversation which reaches a rigged anti-consensus. If anything, they strive for the opposite - universal opposition to their posts. They reinforce the consensus by making an inflammatory opposition to it for the consensus to unite around, while consensus cracking attempts to manufacture a positive opposition to the consensus.

2) The images disregards that and implicitly reinterprets a 'consensus crack' as a shift in the Overton window of acceptable ideas, so let's be fair and work with that.

But even then, ignoring a shitty unwanted post has the same effect as the regular users themselves forum sliding that unwanted post! It doesn't create any impression that the post's ideas are accepted (let alone consensus!!) if it is completely ignored. Nor does it create that impression if, rather than taking the bait, users refuse to dignify it with a response and simply post laughing anime girls.

Rather, to take bait and pretend it has a right to Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I've seen it before, it's a good watch and I recommend! Thanks for sharing.
The Fediverse, from what I've gathered, has normalized medium/high barriers of entry in large numbers of popular communities (as opposed to high-barrier communities being on the fringes, as opposed to capitalist-oriented platforms making barriers extremely low to aid getting as many users as possible), and being federated encourages people to find their own spaces. Contrast again with typical imageboards, with one of the lowest barriers of entry (no registration) and often leaning towards liberal rules if it's not a specialised community. The Mastodon approach, with federated safe spaces, collaborative moderation, and rapid staff responses, makes trolling more time consuming and less rewarding, I'd assume.


- Philips, Witney. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Mapping the Relationship between Online Trolling and Mainstream Culture
- Anglin, Andrew. A Normie's Guide to the Alt-Right https://web.archive.org/web/20231210135756/https://dailystormer.in/a-normies-guide-to-the-alt-right

I'm more interested in the psychology of trolling TBH. I put it down to relational trauma and trust issues mostly.


if someone posts something that gets ignored, can that even be seen as a consensus? lol


I’ve been exposed to way too much of this shit again lately on 4chan and I want to start a thread where we can start debunking common “race realist” talking points on things like intelligence, crime, athletic performance, or whatever.
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But I am a radical IQ denialist who also happens to believe that, as is heresy, the scale being 'measured' is actually ordinal rather than interval, so the implications here, far from denying human difference, reorient our understanding and render the supposed hierarchy non-linear.


he is a race realist in that he believes races are real, but he doesn't believe that there is a hierarchy of intelligence.


Sounds pretty interesting what you are talking about. Can you list some litersture I can get into to get a better understanding of the subject?


Paul sackett would be a good start.


Not precisely related but look into "Empire of Normal" for how capitalism constructs and exploits the neurodivergent. It goes into detail on how Frances Galton and eugenics influenced psychiatry.

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