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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I've been wondering recently: the people who own nothing and produce nothing are the lumpenproletariat, and that includes hobos and criminals. However, organized criminals have bosses who take part of their gains, same as a capitalist takes a wage laborer's surplus value. Can thus mafia bosses and drug kingpins be called a "lumpenbourgeoisie", a specific type of bourgeois that takes the surplus value of illegal or extractive activities? I've seen the term applied to compradors. Also, Mike Hudson comes to mind - he claims the primary contradiction of modern capitalism is not between labor and capital, but the FIRE sector and everyone else, arguing that this industry produces no real physical value and just seeks rents off moving numbers around - could this also fall under the same umbrella?
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Isn't that what that "In the name of the people" Chinese show is about?


In a country with a Marxist government. When it comes to the West these people are only used as an excuse to handwave capitalism's systemic issues away ("crony capitalism") without real malice, unlike what we see towards people in the ghetto selling drugs.


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Organized crime is actually a lot more of a tribal concept. The name families aren't just for show, it comes from the origins of the Italian mob, The Italian mafia basically grew out of a culture where feudalism ended but the need for it in their culture did not. The people in the outlying regions were used to going to an authority figure to pass judgments for their disputes and protect them from bandits or whatever, and the new government was weak and inefficient. Some places would only have the authorities visit as often as once a month to pick up prisoners to take them away for trial. So you ended up with a bunch of guys that, for one reason or another, ended up being the de facto 'Lord' of their area: the one everyone came to with their problems. Because the people knew how that system worked, and democracy was at best a theory to them. So you had this power and authority structure that grew up in the shadow of the legal, official government.
So at its heart, whether or not it was ever true in practice, the idea of the mafioso was built around them being a respected individual at the head of the community. That's where the idea of mafia guys being 'classy' came from, when filtered through American culture by Italian immigrants and other past and present organized crime groups are also built around the concept. They aren't just groups of guys banding together but actual relatives. The mob boss isn't just a nebulous force, he could be your father's second cousin, someone your grandmother babysat.


I liked Valencia's "Gore Capitalism". IMO professional criminals are part of the PMC. Organized crime is the same kind of gore work as done by cops, soldiers and security guards. So really professional criminals are a kind of class traitor.


Organized crime actually works a lot like a cult. What class is Alex Jones? Organized crime is more like religion, conspiracy, multilevel marketing and pickup artist stuff.

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Since /leftypol/ is downright autistic at times I decided to make a Debunk thread where anticommunist arguments are presented with their debunks by users.
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>"Muh evul Stalin dropped le marxism" strawman #43251
Read a book or go back, liberal
>Dialectical and Historical Materialism: https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1938/09.htm



loser cope


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>ad hom


rotsky ok

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I live in the third world, there is relative lawlessness in the country as the central authority is weak and there exist many bourgeois militias.

The left has been virtually dead for decades and all what the current "leftist" parties care about is electoralism.

Me and my comrades are looking to fill this vacuum and start a revolutionary movement that cares less about electoralism and more about winning the direct support of the people while pursuing revolutionary change. Having an armed wing is essential as we will no doubt be under attack by reactionary militias but we also want to be close to the people and win their support before beginning a full on armed struggle.

I personally have no experience with organising or the military. So I'm looking for resources that can aid me with this. Especially the financial aspect.

Please share as much as you can everything from movement building to cyber security, including the classics.

Thanks comrades
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You should not say that you are "for real", since it applies fed posting, you know…


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Are these strategically valid in the modern world though ?
I mean you have to fight against way different things when encountering a modern military tech, things that would be unfathomable back when these were written? something more modern perhaps ?


yes. true. i don't have any.
the guerilla will always be outmatched in tech and weapons, and that doesn't matter. read them and you will understand.


Read up about insurgency and, more specifically as most militaries have manuals online for it, counter-insurgency and unconventional (or asymmetric) warfare.

Also consider the classics; Tsun Tzu and Cao Cao, Napoleon, Xenophon, that indian and arabic dude, Julius Caesar, von Clavowitz, etc.


this is for the modern revolutionary millitary theorists to ponder.
i'd say the advent of 3d tech and communication, as well as ai has opened a new way for asymetric warfare.
as long as we don't fall for the meme of millitary traditionalism we will be fine.


So did the Thermidorian reactionaries make up all the crazy shit about Robespierre, or is it mostly true? I find stuff like the festival of the supreme being where he descended from a mountain to give a speech particularly batshit and theatrical and farfetched.

I regularly hear from people on here that stories of revolutionary atrocities are outlandish lies or exaggerations fabricated by reactionaries to make themselves seem better in comparison. Why wouldn't that be true of the French Revolution? Was Robespierre really a megalomaniac, or did the Thermidorians make all that shit up after they won, and that's what got passed down to us through counter-revolutionary academia?
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if they were trying to shoot his jaw off, instead of him failing to kill himself, why did they bother arresting and executing him? instead of to load the gun with another bullet and shoot him again? He was mostly unconscious for an entire day after the failed suicide. There was plenty of opportunity to kill him as intended, right? Unless you concede that a show trial was their aim all along and Robespierre was trying to deprive them of this by killing himself.


hebertists were ultras


they know you were right which is why they never replied


We will never know. However, there is one interesting clue that can also go either way, which is his signature was incomplete on the order to summon the national guard. Suggesting he was interrupted during the process. It's less likely they literally shot him, and more likely a struggled occurred resulting in a misfire.


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I forgot some details. There is a stain on the document that historians continue to debate being blood or smudged ink. Some think it is blood due to position, supporting the idea Robespierre was shot as he signed it. The signature is interesting as well, as its one of two documents that Robespierre's signature is different. The other being the order of arrest for Danton. In that case it is very small, and I've read pure speculation this might have been an expression of discomfort on his part with being responsible for Danton's death.

His last speeches also were directly referential to that he would not kill himself and the Cult of the Supreme being's coronation reads like a eulogy. Robespierre seeing himself as already dead would fit with his guiding philosophy regarding revolution.

There is supporting evidence for attempted suicide as well. Besides the fact the little pygmy couldn't use a gun, Robespierre did not want to sign the order. It is documented when asked to call in the National Guard to save the Jacobins, he hesitated because putting his name on the document would be a betrayal of his own revolution. Specifically when asked who should sign, Robespierre replied: "The People."

But then it's also worth taking into account the state of the headquarters. Couthon was thrown down the stairs in the Jacobin Headquarters. Only Saint-Just avoided being physically injured during their arrest. Pic related is worth a read for a play by play unless you know French.

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the way i explain the labor to people is very simple. I cut straight to the chase.

I say these things, usually not all at once. I let people chew on each one:

> 1 If you’re a boss, and you own a business, you have to pay the worker less than their work is worth.

> 2 If you pay them exactly what their work is worth, you don’t make any money, your business won’t grow, and you’ll get bought out by some asshole who pays workers less.
> 3 If you pay a worker more than their work is worth, you’re losing money, your business will shrink, and you’ll go out of business.
> 4 the problem is the system, because the way the system is set up, workers have to beg for a job from people who own the places we work at, and the bosses only give the job to the lowest bidder, the people willing to do the most in exchange for the least in return.
> 5 everybody who can't get a job has to keep looking for a job until they get so desperate they start selling themselves for less and less
> 6 even with how little they pay us they think it's too much. so they constantly look for ways to make more money and pay less money.
> 7 they send our jobs overseas to where the labor is cheaper, and they want us to blame the people overseas even though they're the ones sending the jobs off and calling themselves job creators while they do it
> 8 they hire a bunch of overeducated nerds to make machines and programs to do our jobs for us, so they can fire us, and then they take credit for what those nerds make
> 9 they give the jobs to people who just got here and are usually running away from some fucked up shit like war and are therefore more desperate than even the average schmuck here is
> 10 despite all this shit they do to get rid of us or make us work for less money, they still need to sell the stuff they make, and if everyone's too poor to buy that shit, then they gotta lower the price
> 11 the faster they make stuff, the cheaper that stuff is because less work goes into makin it, and money is just a piece of paper that says some work got done
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if you don't want to read capital, then just read "Wage Labour and Capital" which was specifically made for working people to have a brief idea


>When people demand higher wages prices go up anyways
<he hasn't read Value, Price and Profit


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I've been on this board for like 6 years and never read anything but the manifesto, you'll be fine :^)


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Someone once wrote that if you just read the first chapter of Capital I, II, III, and "IV", as well as Grundrisse, that you'd have enough to really be useful at a boot-on-ground level.

I've been tasked with creating a primary sources "introductory beginner" short course for new members, and there is no fucking way Capital in full is making it in…

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Thread dedicated to debunking western propaganda and information relating to the NATO encirclement of Russia, Ukrainian government's mistreatment of ethnic Russian minorities and support of fascist militias to do its bidding. Criticism of Russia and its occupation is welcomed aswell.
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Всегда пожалуйста!


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Long thread with links and info on the Euromaidan snipers:

>Wow! Unreported 1,000,000-word Maidan massacre trial verdict corroborates my academic studies by stating as its “categorical conclusion” that there were snipers shooting from Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & that it cannot be ruled out that 8 protesters were killed & 20 wounded by “unknown persons,” who were not "law enforcement officers." This implies Maidan snipers since the verdict states that the trial disproved claims about presence of Russian snipers.

>The verdict also confirms my study findings that there is no evidence of order given by Yanukovych or his ministers to massacre Maidan protesters and that 4 police officers were killed & 39 wounded by Maidan-snipers. In addition to acquitting two Berkut policemen for killing and wounding protesters, it states that all accused Berkut members were baselessly blamed for killing 13 & wounding 29 Maidan protesters. As usual there are zero media reports.

>Prosecution, Maidan lawyers, media with some exceptions, self-proclaimed experts & propaganda peddlers denied shooting by snipers located in Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & called it conspiracy theory.



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<Inside the PoW camp where Ukraine ‘re-educates’ Russians
>“I grew up in the Soviet Union so I feel that we are one country,” he said, sitting in the camp’s sick bay where he is recovering from a bullet wound in his arm.
>It is this neo-imperialist ideology, famously expounded by President Putin in a 7,000-word essay, that the camp authorities are trying to deprogramme from their charges before they are returned home.
>“Russians have been subjected to propaganda their whole lives,” said Petro Yatsenko, spokesman for Ukraine’s co-ordination headquarters for the treatment of PoWs, during a tour of the camp at an undisclosed location in western Ukraine. “It’s like trying to pull someone out of a religious sect.”
<To get from their living quarters to the canteen, prisoners must pass along an alleyway lined with photographs of figures from Ukraine’s past, such as Stepan Bandera, the divisive and controversial leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) during and after the Second World War, and Taras Shevchenko, the 19th-century national bard.


It doesn't seem to be working either however, although I suppose it's preferable to prior Ukrainian treatment of POWs (torture, murder, etc.)


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I know their ilk all too well living in Alberta. This is interesting shit


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ITT post information about the history and anthropology of the New World. A lot of new anthropological work has been done in this field in recent decades that has not yet entered public consciousness.
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please don't go off the rails with this stuff and keep it to things that are substantiated. there's a Hancock thread for more open speculation about the topic >>>/hobby/36674

>However, mainstream scholars remain skeptical, and they do not see the results of these tests as proof of ancient contact between Africa and the Americas, especially because there may be possible Old World sources of cocaine and nicotine

>Two attempts to replicate Balabanova's findings of cocaine failed, suggesting "that either Balabanova and her associates are misinterpreting their results or that the samples of mummies tested by them have been mysteriously exposed to cocaine".
>a study in the journal Antiquity suggested that reports of both tobacco and cocaine in mummies "ignored their post-excavation histories" and pointed out that the mummy of Ramesses II had been moved five times between 1883 and 1975.
It's a very interesting line of evidence and while this seems like a pretty implausible explanation, there isn't as significant a body of evidence or an assurance of the evidence's legitimacy as seen here >>21814

However, the evidence of contact between South America and Rapa Nui does lend a lot of credence to the possibility of contact elsewhere and suggests more research should be done in that direction.


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>>However, mainstream scholars
stopped reading there


Werent these mummies previously displayed openly in a museum at a time when people were smoking inside?


And probably openly doing cocaine too lol


More Mayan artifacts

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Hello, i used to be a white nationalist. i don't want to be one anymore after my life went to shit when everyone found out. i was radicalized by the alt-right by my friends when they became nazis in early this year. i viewed their white nationalist rhetoric as correct. they stopped being my friend when they found out i was trans and gay, and i still held onto the white nationalist beliefs when we stopped being friends. i want to fully get rid of my white nationalism and become a leftist. i go by they/them pronouns btw.
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I don't think you get OP. I come from a somewhat similar background. I was a weird geolibertarian incel, and am now an anarchist. I find it perfectly possible to believe OP had intellectual left-wing sympathies, but had emotional ties to white nationalism. I think you misunderstand what OP wants. OP is more asking about how not to let seeing gay furries ruin their whole day. IMO politically incorrect phobias should be treated much like ordinary phobias with systematic desensitization therapy. Maybe OP can start small with reading some light writing by people of color.


Look at it this way.

If your only goal is to feel the feeling of happiness, you could easily just do drugs. The chemical happiness.
But for most people, thats not what they want. Not what they claims to deserve.

When we're faced with injustice, we may feel compelled to take action. But someone might suggest that meditation and other techniques can help resolve conflicts. However, we often know that our desires are more profound than just resolving surface-level issues. They're intentional - driven by a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

It's not the chemical happyness, its the realy thing. Something ought happen in real live.


>Machismo demands men to be eternal stunt doubles for yhe sake of women and elders.

The sexual desires and the wishes of love are not a optical illusion. Has nothing to do with machismo.

Once a criminal, always a criminal?

> OP is more asking about how not to let seeing gay furries ruin their whole day

Does right wingger really?


This is retarded irony. You are positing the very same type of reactionary essentialism which is so endemic to, and syntagmatic of, the 'right wing' which you claim to decry.


This is retarded irony. You are positing the very same type of reactionary essentialism which is so endemic to, and syntagmatic of, the 'right wing' which you claim to decry.

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I need books on the following countries:


>Communist Romania
>Albania under Hoxha
>Democratic Kampuchea

I'm particularly interested in the notion of autarky and how all of these countries were able to govern themselves while defying the rest of the world.


Try Bruce Cumings works on Korea
>Communist Romania
Tough one. I only know one book on socialist Romania and I haven't even read it. It's called Ceausescu: Builder of Modern Romania
>Albania under Hoxha
Coming of Age: Albania Under Hoxha by James O'Donnell
Pickaxe and Rifle by William Ash
>Democratic Kampuchea
Try Michael Vickery's works on Cambodia


>Try Michael Vickery's works on Cambodia
Are they pro or anti-Pol Pot?


Read classical economical argument on free trade and spezialization.


I don't think he's either, but right wingers will call him pro Pol Pot because he's way less biased than lib historians and rejects the claim of KR killing millions. i once saw Vickery referred to as a "pro-Vietnam revisionist".

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What decent books are there about the Dhofar War, and southern Arabian (Yemeni & Omani) socialist experiments? All I can find are articles.

It's a shame that such fascinating historical movements that brought Arab and Iranian leftists together against their reactionary regimes, are virtually unknown.


Socialism in Arab countries was always a branding thing. A lot of Arab socialists were borderline fascists especially Nasserists and Ba'athists. At one time, the Shah of Iran portrayed himself as a socialist implementing a revolution in his country. There was always a fringe within right wing Arabist movements that had an interest in Marxism and that's how you get groups like the PFLP which split off right wing Arabist groups to pursue a Marxist line but kept ethnonationalist Arabist ideals and pro-Nasser or pro-Syria/Iraq stance and anti-monarchist bent. Some of the Omani groups were the same and effectively became proxies of regional powers.


post a book rec on this tho, I'm not OP but I've had exactly the same interest ever since reading Red Star Over Iraq by Johann Franzen.


That's cool except South Yemen was actually socialist not just nominally and it clashed with Arab nationalists as well.

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