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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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<Proletariat from Latin proletarius 'producing offspring'

Please share any studies, cost savings approaches, sites, child psychology, useful media, and history for rearing future revolutionaries

Pregnancy studies, histories, sites, media and care are welcome


A few pointers
>Children hear what you say not what you mean
>Corporal punishment breaks trust and creates antisocial tendencies
>Filter cartoons and most media for children, especially Disney
>Filter out sugar, corn syrup, and other similar substances
>Marketing is especially targeted at developing minds; limited to no exposure is ideal
>Neglect is a form of abuse
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>children don't have nothing about them. they're just impressionable blobs of flesh and blood. we mold them from clay to be what we want them to be

thats dehumanising thing to say.
Children arent clay dolls
They do have preset abilities that need time to be unlocked.
Also impressionability is more due to social conditioning.
Innocence is not absolute nor universal in youth

even conservatives knew tabula rosa was dumb

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More reason to not procreate

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I am looking texts about military fashion/uniforms and their evolution throughout history, I am mostly interested in non modern uniforms, so preferably the texts should be about stuff before ww2.

I am also interested in weapons production throughout history, so for example how weapons were produced during mediaeval times and how military industry and production has evolved.

The texts don’t have to directly relate to subjects or encompass exactly everything I mentioned. So please share texts relating to the subjects if you know any!

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Now that they're running out of people to gyp the trickle down has completely stopped, and they're strangling the newcomers while giving nothing in return.

You won't find a job. There's nothing to find. No salvation, no answers.
Accept it. Move on. Let yourself rest. Hope hurts you.

I was gonna say I agree with you, but realistically what is happening is just a return to form I think. Those who can get in to tier one private universities will continue to find a place in the hierarchy, and the dream of higher ed for the masses will die off. Everything is just the 19th century all over again.

University was never meant to give jobs it was so statesmen and clergy could gain agency in society.

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Post Copy pastas, videos and books which debunk common Fascist, Liberal talking points which are repeated often.
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How can this impact be measured? Keeping in mind that emigrants to america are cream of the crop in their former country, and (American) blacks started retarded.

Not really. No.

if a lesbian is convicted of raping women would he have the same complaint?
he brings up a valid issue with the prison system but he seems to ignore that sexual assault happens in prisons regardless.
maybe rapists should be housed away from other inmates?

That pic kind of annoys me. Sure, there are activists like this, but there are also many people who legit do not realize they're being oppressed and exploited, like a lot of workers in the West.


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Since /leftypol/ is downright autistic at times I decided to make a Debunk thread where anticommunist arguments are presented with their debunks by users.
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loser cope

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>ad hom

rotsky ok

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God why is reddit such a faggoty cuckshed… oh right because they're a NATO propaganda arm. leftypol needs counteraction.


Post any PDF here that you have pertaining to military history and strategy.

Now some needless filler: As leftists we should also be educated on organizing in a militant fashion. Primarily to mobilize the working class so they are able to defend themselves against oppressive forces.

From a different thread

Audio book version of Mao's on Guerilla warfare

Got that "Lessons for a Guerilla" or that Irish dude's two volume opus on asymmetric and guerilla warfare by chance?

Seems to me that official counter-insurgency and counter-espionage texts really are the most up-to-date practical manuals.


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Hello, i used to be a white nationalist. i don't want to be one anymore after my life went to shit when everyone found out. i was radicalized by the alt-right by my friends when they became nazis in early this year. i viewed their white nationalist rhetoric as correct. they stopped being my friend when they found out i was trans and gay, and i still held onto the white nationalist beliefs when we stopped being friends. i want to fully get rid of my white nationalism and become a leftist. i go by they/them pronouns btw.
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OP on his way to the nearest WiFi when he made this thread lmaoo

So then why would you care about "white people being replaced" etc.?

Just get off the internet and see for yourself that you're not under attack for being white. As a self-proclaimed ML, how have you not read works on imperialism and anti-racism? Clearly, the bourgeoise have successfully diverted you from the class struggle, and sent you into delusion. Lenin wrote over a century ago how the bourgeoise will use racial tension and fear to distract and disrupt the workers' movement.

Once again, a ridiculous idea that you've gotten from seeing equally deranged people as you online

OP isn‘t responding because on his way home from his village‘s only WiFi he was lynched by actual white people lmaooo


My Dad is spending a concerning amount of his time getting into internet arguements, and recently I warned him about getting addicted to debate, and he doesn't believe me that's a thing.

I want to know the academia on this really hard to search engine search subject so next time I catch him being like this I can present him with credible sources about this.
I used to be a debate addict too and the only thing that pulled me out was just burning out on it. I don't wanna have to watch others go through that.
1 post omitted.

internet usage can be an addiction, a disease from our LIQUID TIMES

It seems like it's what one is doing on the internet that is addictive rather than the internet itself. Like I never feel like I have to log on / stay on stuff like mastodon, neocities, or cohost before cohost went read only. Whereas I've had moments where I decided to postpone going for a walk / procrastinated on a chore because I had to see if someone I was arguing with responded yet on an imageboard or twitter back when I used to use twitter. There's a unique flavor of addreneline to it.

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>It seems like it's what one is doing on the internet that is addictive rather than the internet itself
well you make a good point here about form and content. same way many of us debate addicts also like to be contrarians, even against our own positions, just to keep the rush coming. we argue against ourselves as much as we argue against others.
but form and content arises in contradiction here again, since the substance of the argument is not in the strategy of deducing truth, but in something for-itself. thats why when a person knows theyre wrong, they will start changing the subject or wreck the discussion. this is why you concede arguments de facto by coming to the end of logic. Truth thus is where knowledge fails - the silence becomes deafening.
atheists know this well with christians who cannot follow hypotheticals to the end. when they are threatened, the logic leaves. this is also what happens to leftists when conservatives push them into a corner concerning race or gender.
however, this is not to venerate standard logic, but to see how it begins by contradiction itself (which is why hypotheticals must be made in the first place). this is also why purely logical systems applied to reality are at least absurd and at most monstrous. we can see that with utilitarians or anti-natalists.
the fabulous example of logic's originary contradiction is in the neckbeard guy (vidrel) who says "both" to an either/or. here we perceive the Truth at the end of logic (which thus is also its beginning). this in hegelian terms denotes a "real contradiction" in things. the law of identity is unstable, since essence has its part in appearance.
the real contradiction of leftism is also thus in this posited either/or of "gay rights or economic equality". it is an unanswerable question by design, and yet, i will say that it is becoming a real question.
this is why contradiction is the site of Truth (like the unconscious).

todd mcgowan here explains how arguments do not merely suffice based on evidence, but on the pre-believed ideology which conditions the subject (which occupies the place of the symptom in the unconscious; like how knowledge of the symptom does not "cure" the symptom. we can admit our bias, but this does not stop us from being biased. its the same way a depressive person looks for excuses for why he is depressed, but if he were honest he would simply understand that his depression is unconditional of any external object. the general idea of symptom is that it derives from a cause, when the lacanian symptom is an effect without a set cause. zizek speaks about this in regards to transsexuality; that even if a society fully accepted trans individuals, the trans person would still feel upset - because the symptom has no particular cause; it is rather, in a paranoid fashion, that the effect gives presence to an imagined cause retroactively, which zizek and todd would also see as the strategy of fascist populism. the fascist sees problems in society and tries to identify root causes. this then situates what is "diseased" as apart from the healthy. a communist typically follows this line of thought too; everything is related back to the root cause of class society - this misses the inherent object of contradiction, which zizek, like hegel, identifies with the social form itself. if 2 friends can fall out, then all societies can collapse. but in equal fashion, all friendships are built on the contradiction which can likewise cause strife. this is why family members fight each other but then forgive. peace is a form of mediated conflict).
this jouissance (enjoyment) of the argument is self-sufficient, which explains debate addiction as a symptomatic expression; an argument for arguments sake, not for the pursuit of Truth. this is also why all *debates* are spectacles, but *discussions* can be fruitful.

this. People like to blame the Internet for personal problems, especially youth problems, but the same problems of Internet patronage could be found in other media formats.

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I have bastards i haven't met yet in my head and i want to talk to them. and tell them how to be or something. be cool with them. they are 16, 2 of them and 9, 3 of them and they are on this website. this picture is like 10 years old and facebook edited me uglier

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AKA the second brain.
I've been fighting gut problems for ~2 years now, which have been the worst years in my life.

I want to start a thread on this topic. Partly to vent, but also to share and exchange information on this topic.
I've tried trusting doctors but it's lead to long, arduous, and expensive treatment that lead to no positive results and only worse symptoms as they pumped me full of antibiotics and PPIs leading to further infection from opportunistic bacteria and fungi.

Of the protocols I've followed (that aren't from a doctor), I've tried:
>Super Gut (Dr. William Davis)
Which uses natural anti-biotics/fungals alongside cultured "yogurt" which is used to multiply the dose of probiotic colonizing bacteria
>Grow a New Body by Alberto Villoldo
He's a bullshit Shamanic healer but he cites studies on certain parts of the program.
The jist is a combination of lengthy fasts (20-22hrs), low carb diet for ketosis alongside culturing Saccharomyces Boulardii in Cider to make Hard Apple Cider with a significantly larger number of probiotic yeasts in order to combat Candida infestation.
2 posts omitted.

unironically you need feces transplant


Did you try eliminating foods from your diet one by one and see if you feel better?

>I've tried trusting doctors but it's lead to long, arduous, and expensive treatment that lead to no positive results and only worse symptoms as they pumped me full of antibiotics and PPIs leading to further infection from opportunistic bacteria and fungi.
Try taking probiotics specifically for IBS while and following the antibiotics course.

Unironically based and brownpilled.

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