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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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This guy Is called nigel askey, and is apparently a legitimate historian. He published a paper debunking TIK's claim that the K/D ratio of the soviets during WW was 1/1.6, instead claiming that the soviets lost over 4 more times as many combatants as the Germansduring WW2. Here is his paper. I'm not a qualified historian and I dont have access to acrhives or time to research, so I can't debunk him.


I checked out his website and alsthough he does seem to be knowledgeable, he makes certain ridiculous claims that the "Vicors write history" in WW2, and the allies covered up how technologically and tactically inferior they were to the germans.
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>Still, what is significant is not the number of tubes, but the weight of firepower. In the cases of the Germans, it is estimated that they fired a total of 51,083 tons of ammunition during the course of the battle. It is estimated that 49% by weight of the ammunition consumed was from the gun artillery. In the case of the Soviet forces of the Voronezh Front and the two reinforcing Steppe Front armies, they consumed a total of 21,867 tons of ammunition during the course of the battle. It is estimated that 36% by weight was from the gun artillery
>Overall, this means that while the Soviet forces outnumbered the Germans forces 1.8 to 1 according to tube count, they in fact were out shot according to weight of fire calculations, 2.34 to 1. This is a significant difference and certainly so, with artillery usually responsible for 50 to 70% of the killing on the battlefield


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This sounds like bullshit to me, what are the sources on throw weight here? What is the time frame for Soviet and German artillery barrages? The Battle of Kursk was an example of a German Offense running into a heavily entrenched Soviet defense (which like in today's Russian defensive lines in the SMO) included the use of massed artillery on advancing armor and troops. The Germans forwent an artillery barrage before their initial assault, hoping to catch the Soviet's unawares in the early morning, but the Soviet artillery opened fire on their flanking armor and forced them to run into the minefields. This continued even as the Germans advanced through the defensive lines while German artillery had limited capability in hitting soviet positions because of the risk in hitting their own troops. German artillery only came into significant play during the Counter-Attack phase of the battle, when the Soviets halted and routed the German advance at Prohorovka and pushed into Orel, which was met with German artillery. Thus the use of artillery at different times in the battle are important to state. Moreover this discounts aviation, as Soviet fighters downed many bomber and dive-bomber aircraft, while their own Sturmoviks dealt immense losses to German armored and infantry forces.

Also how is artillery counted? Is it including Self-propelled artillery like the Stug-III or SU-122? as artillery units? Was the German and Soviet methods of counting if one is artillery or not different?* Does it count mortars as artillery? Are MLRS systems like the Katyusha counted?

Going by statistics of artillery the Soviets had nearly 20K mortars and cannons at eve of battle with over 7.5K more in reserve. Meantime the Germans collectively had 10K of all artillery, and none in reserve. More importantly the Soviets main howitzer artillery was in the 122 or 152mm range, which had higher throw weights that normal German artillery, and the mortars for Germany and the USSR were roughly equal in capability, firing speed and throw weight.
49% of 51,083 tons is 25,030 tons of shells and 36% of 21,867 tons is 7872.12 tons. Meaning the Germans were firing over 3x more than the Soviet forces, even though they had 2-2.5x fewer artillery. That sounds fucking ridiculous, especially considering Soviet artillery doctrine. The idea that they fired far less ammunition than the GePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Unfortunately I cannot access the archive documents I used to read
https://kursk-75.mil.ru/ is blocked by Western services and even VPNs don't seem to work.


>Also how is artillery counted?
When he says "gun artillery" and "tubes" he is referring to cannons & mortars. If you scroll down to the last paragraph he does a separate comparison for the MLRS' between the German Nebelwerfer and the Soviet Katyusha.
> Meaning the Germans were firing over 3x more than the Soviet forces, even though they had 2-2.5x fewer artillery. That sounds fucking ridiculous
The gist of the argument is that while the Germans did have less artillery weapons, they also had more artillery ammunition (due to a larger gunpowder industry) which allowed them to shoot more than the Soviets


>they also had more artillery ammunition (due to a larger gunpowder industry) which allowed them to shoot more than the Soviets
Which is fucking bullshit, because the Soviets fired more shells over the war than the Germans, by a significant margin, and while logistics in the first 2 years of the war could account for it, Kursk was in the summer of '44 and the Soviets prepared those defensive lines for some time, the idea that they lacked the shells necessary is absurd, especially considering that the USSR had a reputation for their artillery usage and it having a significant impact on the initial start of Kursk especially.

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so i was reading engels book on the peasants war in germany and apparently his primary source for it was taken from a book titled "The History of the Great Peasant War" by this zimmerman guy.

now the problem is, i cant find that book anywhere online, so if any of you have a pdf i would really appreciate it if you could post it here


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Its German title is Allgemeine Geschichte des großen Bauernkrieges. Since the work itself is more obscure than Engels' citation of it, it might not have ever been translated into English, or the English translation might be lost to time. But here's an archive of the German.


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How does capitalism, and its most retrograde right wing layers, even keep the idea about race in the public discourse to begin with? I don't think "race" is even really an apolitical and scientific concept to begin with, but if we take science as mediated through the superstructure, then something like race may be naturalised and justified through "genetics" and ancestry/genealogy databases.
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Because ideas of racial inferiority provide an ideological justification for the hatred of the 'undeserving poor' which unilaterally occurs within capitalist societies.


Modern science is mediated by the superstructure. None of it is "real" except in this political order.


capitalism is incompatible with tribal social organisation, thus modern "race" is meaningless linguistic concept.


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race is a socially constructed and flexible spook; germans used to be considered nonwhite by anglos


>I find the "race is not scientific" argument to be a poor rebuttal rooted in semantics. Modern science recognizes genetic trends between the "races" even if there aren't neatly divided categories behind them.
You do realize races can not exist while the species can still have prevalences of some genes in subsections, right? There ultimately aren't human races, because of the low overall genetic variance, high genetic overlap, and there being less difference between these alleged races than among them.

>Historic population dynamics still carry a non-negligible genetic inertia to this day even in places like the US where we see the significant intermixing.

No, lol. The US is still relatively segregated because the history of racism in the United States bore an impact on the socioeconomic divide across racial lines that largely still exists. Therefore there are many regions of the US where either only or almost only black people, or white people, or Native Americans, or latines live. The US isn't that much of a melting pot as people think from the media. Just look at city maps and how these "races" are largely segregated.


What historians do you recommend to learn about the Soviet Union? For that matter, what books specifically would you recommend if there are specific ones you like.
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Also here, history of the Soviets/Bolsheviks between 1917 and 1924. Not perfect but a fairly decent set of books


Famine of 1932 some basic reading, the first pdf is the most important.


Soviet Democracy by Pat Sloan (I used to talk regularly with his son).
And Anne Louise Strong's dismissal of the claim of "Dictatorship"

Pdf 3 is also related to the 1932 famine.


Does anyone have any good sources on War Communism? I just want to learn the philosophy behind it and how it was implemented, and its faults and successes.


Economic History of the USSR provides a good overview of the entire period.

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Can I start my theory by just cracking this open, or is there something else I should read first?
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Yeah reasonable entry reads, but Theses is actually included at the end of that (it's where it was originally published).


start with the moderns


This is pretty good intro to the Dialectical Materialist and Historical Materialist philosophies of Marx/Engels


Start with Hammurabi


start with the sumerians

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I'm aware of a book called My Life with the Taliban that is a memoir of a Taliban fighter who fought the insurgency against the US in the early 2000s, that one seems interesting, I'm imagining there must be some memoirs of American soldiers too right? If you know of any of either Iraq or Afghanistan feel free to give me some suggestions. Something that's like Storm of Steel or similar to that type of war memoir.


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I wanna state that I'm from Pakistan and grew up in a community that was very proud of its self, we see ourselves as our ethnic group and everybody else is an outsider
Said just comes as a across as a whiny self hating cunt and applies that whiny cunt nature towards everyone outside Europe, the man knew aboustetly nothing about the middle east, south asia or the muslim world, he was a white radlib(culturally) who had the luck of having ethnic heritage to justify his basis


What? Orientalism is about cultural depictions in the west
Thanks for letting us know you're an ethnonationalist I guess


I disagreed with it, cause like it or not those ethnolouges are probably the few accurate accounts of my people, there are some bias but I have read them and they were oddly tolerate and the internetion was for understadning
Said was just to far up his own ass to see that


nah, you're just a liberal and low iq..


because most firstworlders here have the same disease, they don't give a shit about marxism or actual politics in general, they just use it as a tool to hate themselves and their surroundings. why do you think "rich kid guilt" and "idpol" are a topic here but the auto workers strike isn't?
take a random subject and try to come up with the most stupid, incongruent and straight up incorrect take that you can. now wrap it in some cheap "west bad, east good" rhetoric and post it here. as a fellow esl you can probably recognize native and non-native speakers. evaluate the reactions yourself, they won't surprise you



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>Bolsheviks were the party of workers, proletarians
>Bolsheviks didn't give a fuck about the peasants
>in fact, peasants were counter-revolutionary and petit-bourgeois
Meanwhile, the Bolshevik logo has a SICKLE on it. Why do internet MLs refuse to consider the fact that we need people to grow food, and like it or not, we don't have replicators or vertical, indoor industrial-scale farming (yet), so it stands to reason that we must ally ourselves with those who grow food or want to grow food. It seems there is this attitude that we (communists) can just do whatever, not make allies, because there is this assumption that we'll just fight and defeat anyone who disagrees. But for a fledgling movement, like communism, peasants and the army are two important parts of "the people". Without them, the urban proletariat would starve or be quickly defeated by an actual army.

Well, /leftypol/? How do we get a large part of the army and "peasantry" on our side?
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The professional managerial class duh



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The Bolsheviks were nerds and fags, and needed to be removed by Chad Stalin and his true working class Stalin and his inner circle


the urban petit-bourgeoisie and some of the peasantry


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How do we purge the left of this notion that class is some kind of essence embodied within people rather than a social relation they are trapped within? Bolsheviks didn't hate peasants or proletarians, they wanted to move on beyond peasantry to a more developed form of production relations. They were opposed to peasantry and proletarianization i.e. the structure, the institution of these class structures. They wanted to free the peasants and proles (the people) from these oppressive class positions, put instead in a classes position of simply a worker, common to everyone in society.

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 No.2083[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So some of you may have read the quite popular pdf where Rafiq dunks on eco fetishism, in that thread he references a previous thread where he had spent a lot of time focusing in on eco-fetishism, however this thread has been lost from Revleft. It's available on internet archives but to preserve it I've made this in the style of the previous popular pdf. Hope you guys enjoy!

This thread could serve to discuss this work if anyone ever dedicates the time to read it, or we could debate the place of ecology in modern day Marxism. To provoke discussion: does nature have any value outside how it immediately serves human interests?
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This is what he does, he reads articles on stream and he reads them well. What a weak piece of "evidence".


Lots of cope in this thread. Why is this in /edu/?


It started out as a relevant thread and then got derailed.


The accused person in question does not have many opinions in common with the Infrared Collective except interest in conservative philosophy, which is not very abnormal, even on the far left. Marcuse and Adorno spoke positively of those thinkers, for example. And a germ theory of ideology is a silly sort of cancel culture, that if prosecuted to the end totally would warrant the cancellation of Marx himself.


> Post capitalism and we gain no pleasure from our fake relationships with pets, dogs will just go extinct
<Ignoring historicity of animals/human cohabitation
Man, going back through these old threads is like a fever trip. I cant believe I was duped by such a pseud view point

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Inspired by my reading of the book, Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn
How do we know myths, stories, magic, etc. are not real? Assuming what we know scientifically is true, how does this negate myth, legend, etc? Why are dinosaurs not simultaneously animals and also monsters when they fit what we would have called monsters? Why are overriding social systems not tantamount to a spirit or God when they control our actions and shape our life histories even if they don't act consciously? Are they not what we'd call an egregor, i.e., a presence brought into existence by the actions and beliefs of a large number of people? Is our Sun not a God when it is responsible for all life on Earth? Is the biosphere not some sort of Earth spirit when it encompasses all living things yet influences each individually and can be destroyed through harming the Natural (non-human) World. Are spirits not the electrical currents moving through your brain? Do we not tell history as a story?

In the beginning there was nothing but the One, then the One expanded into the Everything, as the Everything continued to expand soon the beating hearts of the Everything, the Stars began to form from the energy of the Beginning, the stars coalesced into huge interstellar communities, galaxies; in the nuclear core of the stars more building elements were created, and from the stars came the planets; in the deep seas of one planet around one star life formed out of the energy of the planet's iron core, over the course of billions of years life arose in complexity in a way matching the Everything until finally from Life emerged the Someone, a complex arrangement of the Everything capable of consciously perceiving itself.

Why isn't our understanding of the Universe, even being scientifically true, a myth? Myths were once truths, after all.
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Reposting from /siberia/. I don't agree with it wholly but it's an interesting post nontheless
A 'god' does not need to exist or be believed in:
- To be pondered: you have an idea of what a god is.
- To have spread that very idea.
- For one to engage with the question of weather or not it could and/or does exist, or that it couldn't and/or not or doesn't exist. These being the same concept with a different value assigned to it.
- To have pondered the concept of 'belief': you have an idea of what belief is
- To do the previous but in terms of belief
- To occupy in part or in full a train of thought. This doesn't need to be your primary train of thought.
- To be associated with other concepts.
- To, in doing the previous, influence how those that do engage with the previous may engage with a subject, not necessarily with the consent of any involved party.
- To do the previous without other parties knowing that one party contributed to a discussion or done something whilst under this influence.
- To have material interests as an active participant as thus established.
- The aforementioned concepts with values assigned to them do not need specific values assigned to them. A 'god' shaped hole would possibly be even more of a threat, since it would no longer bound by the rules that would apply to it if those values were 'true.'
- To have in it's aforementioned material interests the elevation of it's influence regardless what form it would have after as long as the previous stands.

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>commodity fetishism is magic
<reading marx poorly

Anon you realize that marx does not mean "fetishism" in a manner that is complementary

He's literally calling it a form of misrecognition


ITT people who are bad at critical thinking attempt to justify irrational beliefs with half-assed epistemological relativism and not enough people smack them down


Nothing is supernatural. I hate those terms like metaphysics.


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