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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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newly released pannekoek book (not available anywhere else)

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Wanted to make a theology general to discuss whatever questions or topics about religion people here may have. I thought about posting this in /siberia/ but I rather have a higher quality discussion tbh, and since /edu/ has much less traffic I think a thread about theology and religion in general would work better than a specific topic about particular denominations and such. So to start, something I had been wondering for a while, in buddhist theology when you die you reincarnate and depending on your karma you'll either be reborn into a human or an animal. So if you are reborn into an animal, after this life what would determine what you reincarnate into? Does buddhism have a way to judge animals? Do you reincarnate into a human by default after living as an animal and just keep the cycle going until you achieve enlightenment? If anyone knows I'd really appreciate it.
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that Yijie Tang book is really good, thanks for that

(it goes too soft on pomo tho)


Which has more adherents, traditionalist catholicism or liberation theology? Does it differ in Europe vs LatAm? Why/how?


Looking for good books on atheism


What's some good resources for getting into witchcraft, particularly Wicca, proper? Like I understand the basics sort of, but I'd like to develop an understanding of it that isn't just scrapped together from youtube videos.


Alawites are "ghulat", ie extermists, meaning they worship ali as an aspect of god, making them technically heretical to all mainstream forms of shia islam.


Recommend me general book about what lead to russia/ukraine war and palestine/israel war, some totally objective description from the beginning to now, so i understand whats going on now. I bought Paul Johnson book "Modern Times" (i know he is rabid anticommunist, didnt knew that when i bought it), its funny how hateful he is, but reading his chapter on Palestine/Israel even he mentioned that jewish terrorist groups were actually responsible for the first acts. I dont want specifcally "communist historian" books either. Objectively state of the facts, without unneccessary commentary would be fine for me - but i would like book like "20th century modern history" like Johnson wrote - so from bird view eye, entire 20th century, doing some broad analysis idk, just more objective.Pic unrelated i dont know what to post rn


i said i dont want it but feel free to recommend "20th century history" from marxist perspective if yoyu know that kind of book

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I remember that Hakim at a certain point, in a video of his, cited a paper about production efficency, according to which socialist states had about the same efficency (if not slightly more) as capitalist ones in transforming raw materials into finished products.
Does anyone know the name of such paper or has a link?


Maybe find the video first?


I pray for Joey, may he find happiness in serving the Lord 🙏

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Here is an idea I had when reading Georges Politzer's "The Elementary Principles of Philosophy". He describes his approach to dialectical analysis. If anyone here wants an exercise in dialectical analysis give it a shot by selecting whatever piece of media you find to be relevant and analyze it based on his approach.

<6. A method of dialectical analysis

<In order to apply the dialectical method properly, one must know many things. If you do not know your subject, it must be studied carefully, otherwise, your judgment will amount to only a caricature of the truth. In order to make an analysis of a literary work, a book or story, we are going to indicate a method which may be applied to other subjects as well.

<a) You must first pay attention to the content of the book or story you wish to analyze. Examine it independently of any social question, for not everything is derived from class struggle or economic conditions. There are literary influences which we must take into consideration. Try to see to which “literary school” the work belongs. Take into account the internal development of ideologies. Practically speaking, it would be good

to make a summary of the subject under analysis and to note down anything you found remarkable.

<b) Next observe the social types the heroes of the intrigue belong to. Look for the class to which they belong. Examine the action of the characters and see if what takes place in the novel can be linked in some way to a

social viewpoint. If this is not possible, if it cannot reasonably be done, it is better to abandon the analysis rather than invent. You must never invent an explanation.

<c) After you have discovered what class or classes are involved, you must determine the economic foundation, i.e., the means of production and the way of producing at the moment when the action of the novel takes

place. If, for example, the action is contemporary, the economic system is capitalism. At present we see numerous stories and novels which criticize and fight capitalism. But there are two ways to fight capitalism:
<1. As a revolutionary seeking to go forward.
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The coolness of dialectics is in the examination of reality, it adds to/breaks with immanent critique by the addition of concretization, excursions from the object of study to its negation in connected objects. This text, I'll analyze it by pointing out that you say "in order to apply the dialectical method properly, one must know many things" but there isn't any method for knowing what is necessary about a subject (i.e. any account of following the natural points of excursion in a thing to its context and internal parts), and then you say to look for class - unless class fails to "reasonably" be applied (again introducing the subjectivity of the analyst rather than letting the object of study speak for itself, which is the essence of dialectical study) - and then after that economics, and the goal is to find ideology. Well great, we have 3 categories of importance that should be looked for in everything. This is a totally subjective critique, its a "lens" that functions in the typical way of literary critique, a pre-set heuristic. What's missing ultimately is why we would do this: a story is only real insofar as it's a record of the writer's thoughts, the writer belonging to a given time, place, and social context. The social lens that asks us to see class, economy, and ideology are relevant insofar as they tell us about the author. The analysis shifts from the content of the material to the intentions or reasons for its existence. This is never made clear, and if it was it would make all too clear how boring and unidimensional this kind of analysis is. Dialectics is cool bcuz it works to produce knowledge in reality. In fiction, this kind of study would get snagged up on all kinds of manufactured falsehoods, inconsistencies, and metaphor. If the only purpose is discovering the viewpoint of the author, its like using calculus to tell what 2+2 is.(and anyways the specifically dialectical parts are obfuscated)

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What's the best way to get contemporary economics statistics without having to pay for websites like Statista or OEC.world? Are there annually released books I should be looking for on Libgen?
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So Paul Cockshott, in one of his older Youtube videos, mentions that each country maintains input-output tables which can be used to make/simulate macroeconomic trends in the style of a Marxist reproduction schema. When I go to the US bureau of labor statistics though, their tables are arcane as fuck. In some spreadsheets (1963-1997), they label each economic sector with an integer, and it's not clear which integer belongs to which sector. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to read these. Others are labeled more clearly. Others have broken links. It's totally bizarre. Also the '63-'97 data is temporarily unavailable in XLSX format anyway.



governments publish these, sometimes in the form of a public API that you can query. the data is usually very convoluted though, so you have to do some cleanup work

the input-output table meme needs to stop, it's a terrible abstraction. cockshott is astrology for leftist comp-sci midwits


>the input-output table meme needs to stop, it's a terrible abstraction. cockshott is astrology for leftist comp-sci midwits
ok… what should people be looking into instead? Do you want people to get frustrated and give up? Every time I try to look into anything or learn anything some negative asshole says no it's not worth it, it's just a meme for midwits, yada yada yada. What the fuck is actually useful then?! You tell us!


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>the input-output table meme needs to stop, it's a terrible abstraction.
It's not an "abstraction." If anything it's a more concrete version of Marx's reproduction schema, which is meant to represent macroeconomic trends. Both the input-output table and Marx's reproduction schemas are descended from the Physiocrat François Quesnay's Tableau économique. Marx didn't have access to spreadsheets or programming languages like R, or really much rigorous training in statistics, so it's shocking that he did as well as he did with limited resources. Modern Marxian economists attempting to simulate macroeconomic trends and monitor the changing organic composition of capital in a national or international economy would do well to reference input-output tables. In the input-output table is everything you need for a reproduction schema in the style of Marx, because you have statistics for capital and labor per industry, including cross-pollinating capitals across industries. You can consolidate these industries into Marx's "departments" (1 means of production, 2a necessities, 2b luxuries/armaments). You can track the rate of exploitation and the rate of surplus value this way. You can find out how much capital per industry is going to wages versus profit. You can find out how much labor the economy is wasting on the production of non-necessary goods versus necessary goods and means of production.


Books that publish data, or academic articles, either open source or pirated.


Is mathematics invented, discovered or both?
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Mathematics is an expression of truth. If you look at the various branches of pure mathematics, many don’t even remotely resemble what you probably had in mind (high school algebra or the basic college curriculum of calculus and linear algebra). Mathematics is similar to a programming language. You have some set of primitives, some set of operations you can perform, and from there you begin to derive the consequences of the operations you’ve defined. I guess you could say in that sense that mathematics is “invented” or “contrived”. Whether it is “real” or not depends entire on whether the system you have defined is useful for solving any real problems. Like if I define a logic about Barbie dolls, I define what properties Barbie has, what operations I can perform on her (brush her hair or undress her), etc… with a little effort we can make such a logic self consistent and valid. You obviously realize immediately that we probably can’t gain any useful or meaningful knowledge from that, so is it real math or not? I don’t see why not.


I just realized what point I was trying to make. Mathematics is obviously invented. It is just a framework within which you can systematize your reasoning about a given question or problem. However, the conclusions you derive from within that framework are discoveries. So a given branch of mathematics or logic is just a method for making discoveries.


math is invented. to say that math is "discovered" is idealism


2+2 = 4 is intuitive because it's one of the most obvious physical examples. 2 apples next to 2 apples is obviously two 2s, which makes 4, or whatever the symbol and name for 4 would be in an alien language. While one can argue for "the apples being different size and shape" this is not a consideration most people think about, especially considering that this basic arithmetic, arises in early civilizations across the world. Aliens are not magical beings as far as we know, their socio-economics would also develop along dialectical materialist lines, which would only be different to humanity's development in regards to the specifics of the environment they evolved in, their physiology and so on. So a silicon-based sentient life-form that evolved and evolved in a rocky high-gravity environment would have obvious physiological differences from methods of sight, to movement and social-philosophies. However if such a race was to evolve to the point of our level of civilization or more, it would definitely have a concept of arithmetic, because its a universal concept of our observable universe, even if the details and language may be different to ours.


Both. Sometimes math is discovered through observation of physical phenomena, and attempting to record those mathematical observations leads to new systems of math. For example, the earliest form of math is counting. Counting was discovered because humans observed many objects with similar characteristics, and needed to keep a track of how many there were (such as sheep in a flock or plants in a field). This led to the discovery of counting. On the other hand, sometimes math is invented. This is math which is done for the sake of doing math rather than a practical application.
>A much more likely explanation is that humans simply think alike.
An even better explanation is that the material conditions of society, such as the level of technological development, mode of production, forces of production, ruling ideology, etc. coalesce to produce intelligent people who are "of their time" and hence discover something simultaneously. Newton and Leibniz both discovered Calculus because society had advanced to the point where it was going to be discovered soon by someone because there was a practical need for it, as well as the tools to do it.
The actual


Hello comrades. I have doubts about materialism since the philosophical part of Marxism isn't my strength, but I want to be able to understand it better since materialism is the foundation of marxist theory and the communist movement.
I've had arguments in the past with people who claim that modern science doesn't prove materialism or that materialism cannot explain things like the origin of the universe or quantum mechanics. Well, where do I begin with this? Is materialism the truth? The most basic part of marxist philosophy is the assertion that matter is objectively real, right? How do I prove this then? Maybe one of you STEMlords around here can help me out with this. Any resources on this is appreciated.
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QM is a mess (having actually studied in academically in some capacity) but its a materialist conception of history not really a metaphysical one. Also the idea that reason falls back on a quantum mechanical world was fucking destroyed by Bell in the 60s so the idea that any broad metaphysical statement has any scientific backing is rather suspect.


Perhaps I dont understand materialism, scientific value, communism, marxism, or what you mean
The way I see it, materialism is all that matters because its all that can be proved to exist
>inb4 solipsism brain in a jar shit, I dont care if my house isnt actually real, I have performed numerous repeat experiments by living in it and all evidence points toward corporeality
I guess this is one of those things that can be really easy to bring into a navel gazing circlejerk about what is reality, what is real, etc, like in the same vein as Last Thursdayism where technically you could have been created a few days ago and it just so happens that all your memories are generally pretty accurate and also congruous with reality moving forwards


Bumping this one



Have we discovered a "scientific value" of commodity? Ten yards of linen gets you ten scientifics. Balderdash !



I am of the opinion that students will become a lot more interested in a subject if, instead of being forced to memorize formulas and rules for a test, they are instead treated to a historical overview of how the subject matter developed to its contemporary stage. To provide a human grounding of "Who/When/Where/Why" instead of just a dreary "What/How" will allow students to get a sense of the relevance of the subject matter. Unfortunately, there is too much mutual contempt between STEM and the humanities, and too much capitalist contempt for "stopping and smelling the roses" to get any kind of pedagogical reform movement off the ground.

In this thread, I'd like to collect videos, research papers, books, etc. that cover the history of various STEM subjects.


throwing some books down to get a start


History of mathematics by that guy who hates Galileo:

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Where to find language learning communities, where I ask something about the language I am studying and get responded? I am not using hellotalk because it glows, nor fbi.gov for obvious reasons. I am a brazilian learning greek and mandarin and intending to learn korean and spanish, in case I need to be specific.
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critical period is a meme. you can still learn almost entirely by immersion (with cramming vocab being optional, but helpful) way into your adulthood (see stephen krashen, the norsk experiment, ajatt/mia, and so on, and so on). the "just read more" meme from /djt/ is literally true. millions of ESLs learned english just by playing vidya and watching youtube, past their "critical period" and way into late teens and early twenties, including me. i also repeated this with jap a few years later, and now am learning chinese just by doing anki and watching bilibili daily for a few hours. it's slow, but comfy, and it does work. you just have to supplement that with speaking practice later on, because immersion is hyper focused on reading/understanding—you'll have to do speaking practice later on for it to catch up (i don't care that much, since I learn languages only to read books in the original, so I don't mind having shit output if I understand 99% of everything)

literally just immerse more, with native subtitles (if you're learning french, then french cartoons with french subtitles) and some lighthearted vocab study on the side. after a few months of that, take an easy fantasy/adventure YA book in your target language, a dictionary, and literally just read it. it'll take a few days to go through the first page, but with each book you'll get faster and faster. reading is amazing


It depends on the language, I think. But for learning Esperanto, I found this site:

Do you know other resources for learning Esperanto? I'm a total beginner (I'm thinking about finding a beginner Esperanto course in my local area).

Start by learning the writing system (the "extra" characters in the Esperanto alphabet, Cyrillic characters, Greek Characters, Hangul, (some) Chinese letters, Hiragana and Katakana). Start writing simple words (and sentences later) as soon as you are able to. Then start learning basic grammar and continue learning vocab. Also, start reading as soon as you can (even if you can't understand everything). Of course, it's easier to go to a language course and use it as a kind of springboard for quick starting your language learning journey. Finally, some languages are easier or harder, depending on the languages you are able to speak (especially your native language). Also, learning Toki Pona (not very useful to be honest) or Esperanto is much easier than learning natural languages.



But if you can get face-to-face instruction that's probably the best.


I know, I know, necrobump – and also I haven't gotten fluent in a foreign language.

But something I've been doing while learning/practicing Spanish is:
>I see the sentence in Spanish
>I answer it for English
>Then I think of the concept(s)/visual(s) of the word or sentence, and then say a sentence describing it. Usually a few words at a time though.

>Nosotros vivimos en una casa en la playa
<We live in a house at the beach

I close my eyes
<I think of a group
<a family, a group of friends, etc.
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Any Russian learners here? I'm a longtime Chinese learner and this will always be my primary pursuit but kinda thinking about studying Russian a bit because I'd love to travel through Central Asia.

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