Regarding lacan, there is his concept of "das ding" (the thing) which he posits as the irreplacable object which escapes the symbolic order of signification; where its noumenon has the unrepresentable affect of desire. You cant explain why you desire this thing because it escapes signification (zizek would say that to explain why you love somebody means you dont really love them). Here is a primal anticapitalism, where das ding defies commodification. Some things are "not for sale" and so on (what i would call "quality" over quantity).
This is dropped later and becomes the "objet petit a", which refers to the desired object being held in *potential* of its own *actuality*. Here, we enter into pure dialectics, where what is desired is nothing "in itself", yet is desired through its self-obscuration. An example is a christmas present. The gift is only desirable (or *most* desirable) when wrapped up, yet when unwrapped, it loses its quality of being the objet petit a. Another example i can think of is how a skirt on a woman obscures the ass, yet the ass is only desired mostly through this self-obscuration. Once the clothes come off, the mystique is lost. Here again is the (hegelian) principle of appearance as essence (where nothing lies "under" the surface, but the surface itself is the content, like freud's unconscious - where to him, all mystery is held in the position of the "unknown knowns" of the subject, like how we can suddenly "remember" forgotten memories, even dreams. Here, knowledge is always imminent, but "unconscious" to us: self-obscured.)
What we can say here is that self-obscuration in this respect gives us a more grounded concept of alienation, where like in the commodity, Value is only able to be realised through exchange. Or in more basic terms; "it costs money to make money". Here is the dialectical notion of self-movement, where a thing is only moved within its necessary limits. An example marx gives in capital vol. 2 is of how Productive Capital (P) [C] interposes between M-M+ in order to facilitate this process of valorisation.
So here, capital (in exchange-value) can only beget its contingency through the necessity of use-value in sale: [M-C-M+]
Here, capital fights Labour, yet cannot live without it.
this is the way physical reality also works, where in my favourite example: the motion of an object is determined by its mass, yet to have no mass at all is to move at the speed of light. So the vPost too long. Click here to view the full text.