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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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>Blanquism refers to a conception of revolution generally attributed to Louis Auguste Blanqui (1805–1881) that holds that socialist revolution should be carried out by a relatively small group of highly organised and secretive conspirators.
<Blanquism is distinguished from other socialist currents in various ways: on the one hand, Blanqui did not believe in the predominant role of the proletariat, nor did he believe in popular movements—instead he believed that revolution should be carried out by a small group of professional, dedicated revolutionaries, who would establish a temporary dictatorship by force. This dictatorship would permit the implementation of the basis of a new order, after which power would then be handed to the people.
>In another respect, Blanqui was more concerned with the revolution itself rather than the future society that would result from it—if his thought was based on precise socialist principles. Blanquist thought rarely goes so far as to imagine a purely socialist society. For Blanquists, the overturning of the bourgeois social order and the revolution are ends sufficient in themselves, at least for their immediate purposes.

If the proletariat is not a viable revolutionary subject, maybe the revolutionary subject is the self selected revolutionary himself or a vanguard of likeminded people?

Why was Blanquism never persued in any significant way? Maybe Blanqui is the real thinker for our times if the Hegelian-Marxist notion of a revolutionary subject is dead?

because its a wikipedia ideology

How are you going to establish such a transitionary dictatorship without any popular support? It could be theoretically achieved by getting high ranking military personnel on your side, but there is nothing we can offer them that the ruling class couldn't.


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Any explanation for why the function on the right is correct would be great
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bro graduated from a taco bell parking lot

Yeah don't worry I'm well aware that education in NA sucks in comparison to most of the planet especially SEA and east asia

OP is acing differential equations without knowing basic algebra, I'm kind of jelly, it must take serious brains


I've been doing algebra since I started calc, theres just a lot of new tricks and identities I only learned in the course that weren't introduced suring my time in hs. No this doesn't take any brains at all, I just spent god how many hours studying this and practicing over the course of several months.

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Can some anon send the source-links about the books that has been sent here before which were about economics of Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy

I forgot the links

this is the specific book from your op

Thank you anon <3

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Post Military, Insurgency, General warfare and Military history and Insurgency history books and miscellaneous guides, preferably in pdf format, ZIP Files or torrents of these would also be apricated
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Military writings by Engels

>The Peasant War in Germany

>Conditions and Prospects of a War of the Holy Alliance Against France in 1852
>Revolutionary Spain
>The Armies of Europe
>Mountain Warfare in the Past and Present
>Po and Rhine
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All the landowners and farmers are right wing though. I don't have any local knowledge tbh but surely It can't be ignored.

Someone get Xi on the phone to Lula to help liberate

Collaboration including Ho Chi Minh and Tukhachevsky

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is classics full of nazis? i really like rome/greece, cause history is cool and ever-present, but it seems like people who really like it are a bunch of nazis.

but i really like it too.

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Most nonfiction books often directly or indirectly reference socialism or promote socialist policy

What the fuck is a youtube male?

History as a whole is not a fascistic or reactionary field. There are however, historians with reactionary biases, either because of their material interest (an aristocratic historian like Gibbons would be biased in favor of the Roman establishment, for example) or because of deliberate government agenda. The insane "patriotic history" genre is a good example of this (i.e this figure in Serbian history is actually Albanian, Genghis Khan was a dharmic warrior crushing Muslims, Black people actually enjoy slavery)

The attempted appropriation of ancient Greece and Rome by Nazis to bolster their fabricated white chauvinistic identity doesn‘t make ancient Greece and Rome as topics something intrinsically Nazi.

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nazis are too busy drawing chvdjak gemmies and turning into meat cubes in donbass to study the classics. To the extent that they engage with the classics at all, it's to photoshop roman statues into their fashwave wallpapers. Reminder that Marx as a classics major and inherited dialectics through Hegel from Aristotle.(Mod notice: last post from moved thread, this message will be removed later)

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Don't ask how, but now I'm responsible for a club of high-schoolers that are self-described "baby leftists" and want to learn more. As far as I'm aware, they don't seem to be as lib-brained as I expected(though they certainly still are to some extent), so I really don't want to mess this up.

Apart from the classic reading lists of /leftypol/, what are some other accessible texts(history especially, because some of the AP history and english teachers here are quite anti-communist even by lib standards and their curriculums reflect that) that I could give them and expect them to get through?
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>Also give them stuff about what they can do as individuals day-to-day, then as a group, and then organising, etc.

Not OP, but any examples, ideas, texts, etc? I've found labor organizing guides like the attached pdf, I know the IWW has some too. Does anyone have any texts or ideas for the inter-personal tho?

Graeber’s 5000 years of debt
Bullshit jobs
Capitalist realism
A people’s history
Manufacturing consent
Simulacra and simulation
Anything by Michael Parenti
The end of policing
Amusing ourselves to death
The new Jim crowe
Food politics
Forget the Alamo

Society of the spectacle also feels like it could be added to that list - not incredibly difficult but also a good entry into harder concepts imo

give baby leftists the materials they need for a good understanding of marxism, rather than a watered down version thereof. the most important thing is history. annales school stuff like civ&cap is accessible to anyone with a brain cell and will set them up with an idea of what "material conditions" really means.

Intro to Marxist History:
Civilization and Capitalism by Fernand Braudel
The Black Jacobins by CLR James
Hobsbawm's trilogy
The Making of the English Working Class by EP Thompson
The Class Struggle in France, 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The Civil War in France and Capital Volume 1 by Karl Marx

Old ass thread, though

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You can't make this up.



So in other words, while Hitler killed himself in his bunker, he deputized CHILDREN (no younger than 10 and on average, 14 was the most common age) to do his dirty work for him because he was losing? That's pretty fucking low. The first article states that in 1944, the Werwolf group had 5,000 members who were mostly Waffen SS/Gestapo, but in March 1945 they were almost gone as the SS was almost annihilated completely so that number shrunk significantly so they replenished their ranks with Hitler Youth. These boys will later go on to wage a guerilla war with America/Britain/France/the Soviet Union until their last territories were taken (the Black Forest and the Harz Mountains, which they lost jn 1947 and 1950). Among the people they killed in assassinations were Franz Oppenheim (anti-Nazi politician), Major John Poston (liaison officer of Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery), General Nikolai Berzarin (Soviet commander in Berlin who they killed during brutal street fighting in the city) and General Maurice Rose (the oldest Jewish officer in the US Army). And of course they used borrowed tactics from the Soviets in Ukraine.

What do you make out of all this? Was Hitler a coward? I gotta admit these kids were brave using those Panzerfausts and homemade rustic bombs. Not to mention garroting army sentinels with ropes. I think one of their main achievements was blowing up a school that was turned into a military base by tossing grenades through the windows. Many of them deserted Berlin while the ones that stayed got massacre'd.
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You’re coping
Humans are animals, what makes us special is that we have behavioral plasticity and thus social plasticity, and these aspects influence each other, humans have a capacity for violence because all animals do, and we have a capacity for immense violence because our aggression and means of dealing out violence and destruction accumulate in ways it can’t with other animals
> morality is linked closely to affective empathy which again, the vast majority of people have, which is instinctual although upbringing has some effect
The problem with your thinking is that you see affective empathy as an ontological good, while affective empathy is a large part of why and how the Nazi death squads could laugh and cheer and be merry and drunk while slaughtering civilians, sticking infants on bayonet, and gang raping women in broad daylight

You wanna know the secret?
Even when they were running slave camps where they immediately execute women and elderly people because they couldn’t work and then worked people to death and murdered people essentially at random they still thought they were the good guys

So yea, the other anons point on morality is essentially correct and affective empathy, that thing where you feel what another feels without words, isn’t necessarily the best basis for a moral code, since while it can lead you to feel and try to prevent the suffering of another, it can also let you feel the same perverted pleasure a comrade feels after committing a brutal murder

*women, children, and elderly people

>The problem with your thinking is that you see affective empathy as an ontological good,
uh no I didn't claim anything ontological. However I do think the value system I mention is aggressively self perpetuating to the point of being similar to ontologicsl beliefs.
>while affective empathy is a large part of why and how the Nazi death squads could laugh and cheer and be merry and drunk while slaughtering civilians, sticking infants on bayonet, and gang raping women in broad daylight
Uh no retard. That is the lack of affective empathy that allowed them to do that. Do you even know what affective empathy is?

>You wanna know the secret?

>Even when they were running slave camps where they immediately execute women and elderly people because they couldn’t work and then worked people to death and murdered people essentially at random they still thought they were the good guys
That's not a secret, that's just a delusion you have that you think is correct because it fits into your (morality based) world view that grim/offending people's sensibilities=correct. It's just antisocial personality cope.
>So yea, the other anons point on morality is essentially correct and affective empathy, that thing where you feel what another feels without words, isn’t necessarily the best basis for a moral code, since while it can lead you to feel and try to prevent the suffering of another, it can also let you feel the same perverted pleasure a comrade feels after committing a brutal murder
Uh no. The key here is "feeling what another person feels as if it is their own pain" sadism is not a part of affective empathy and is in fact in contradiction with it."feel what another person feels without words" wtf is that coming from? A psychiatrist explained it to you? lol
Also you sound like the same poster haha.

Glad to see information from my ww2iceberg thread still alive

>Do you?
>Does it puzzle the brain to realize that they felt affective empathy for their fellow soldiers but not for their victims? And the connection to those other soldiers is exactly why they didn’t see their victims as human beings and did not empathize with their pain?
You are saying affective empathy compelled them to act with cruelty like this, but then you point out that they lacked affective empathy for a certain group of people and that allowed them commit cruel acts against them. You are contradicting yourself.

>No those people actually did think they were doing the right thing

According to what information? Source? In what way do you suppose they thought of themselves as "good guys"?
It's a stupid claim to make because basicslly you are arguing that x group of people decided to themselves they are "good" (just trust me bro). Like what is your point? That anyone can claim they are le good if there is 0 prerequisites for that?
Most Germans would not be able to torture and genocide people in the camps and not feel guilt. Most Germans were not completely brainwashed by the nazi ideology either, that is bourgeois (and post-nazi) revisionism.
>Are leftypol tankies so retard you’re at a point where you claim to be Marxists but promote the idea of objective morality?
Max basically does this himself, see picrel. Objective morality exists in the same sense any abstract social phenomena that has effects in the material world ha exists. You are the retard.

>Because empathy isn’t just when you feel someone else’s pain as if it were your own, but someone else’s pleasure, anger, and joy as well, that’s why.

And? Do you not see how sadism is a contradiction here? Affeftive empathy as you repeat here agreeing with me(?) is feeling someone else's emotions as if they were your own. Sadism is an inverse of that phenomena wherein you feel someone's pain and feel pleasure in response. Actually non psychopathic sexual sadists have reported that they have become turned off and stopped their attacks when theybstart to empathize with their victims, like if theybstart crying or show signs of humanity.

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Comments on an "Anti-Capitalist" Riot
Friedrich Engels

These excerpts are from letters written by Engels in the immediate aftermath of the February 1886 "West End Riots". The letter to Laura Lafargue is taken from Engels-Lafargue, Correspondence, Vol.1, 1959. The letters to Bebel are from Marx-Engels, Correspondence, 1846-1895, 1934, although the last two paragraphs from the 15 February letter have been translated from the German original in August Bebels Briefwechsel mit Friedrich Engels, 1965.

To Laura Lafargue, 9 February 1886

Our clever folks of the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Federation scorn to rest on their laurels. Yesterday they must needs interfere in a meeting of the unemployed – who count now by hundreds of thousands – in order to preach La Révolution, revolution in general, and ask the mass to hold up their hands, those who were ready to follow M. Champion wherever he would lead them to – well, to what he does not know himself. Hyndman, who can only overcome his personal cowardice by deafening himself with his own shouts, went on in the same strain.

Of course you know what a meeting at 3pm in Trafalgar Square consists of: masses of the poor devils of the East End who vegetate in the borderland between working class and Lumpenproletariat, and a sufficient admixture of roughs and 'Arrys to leaven the whole into a mass ready for any "lark" up to a wild riot à propos de rien [about nothing].Well, just at the time when this element was getting the upper hand (Kautsky who was there says das eigentliche Meeting war vorbei, die Keilerei ging los und so ging ich weg [the meeting proper was over, the brawling broke out and so I made off]), the wiseacres above named took these roughs in procession through Pall Mall and Piccadilly to Hyde Park for another and a truly revolutionary meeting. But on the road the roughs took matters into their own hands, smashed club windows and shop fronts, plundered first wine stores and bakers' shops, and then some jewellers' shops also, so that in Hyde Park our revolutionary swells had to preach "le calme et la modération"! While they were soft-sawdering, the wrecking and plundering went on outside in Audley St and even as far as Oxford St where at last the police intervened.

The absence of the police shows that the row was wanted, but that Hyndman and Co donnaient dans le piège [fell into the trap] is impardonable and brands them finally as not only helpless fools but also as scPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Could not have said it better. This hits at the core of issue

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>Engels the London porky denounces destruction of porky property in London
Occam's Razor

Lumpen mean rags, not Louis Vuitton and Lacoste


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>he hasnt read enough marx to recognize the quote
>he hasnt been around long enough to see it used to justify rioters
>he hasnt even been around long enough to see it regularly posted in this cesspit to defend the george floyd riots against quasi-conservatives who get cold feet about revolution every time poor people start fighting back

You need to go back or start reading, your choice

Pic related, my contribution to the thread. Marx described Louis-Napolean as lumpen-proletariat, do what you will with that. But try to actually fucking read the man before you decide it means Lumpen = Bad you pack of foaming morons

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I have a lot of views on this book, but I couldn't reasonably explain everything i want to say about it just know it's not perfect and has a ton of issues with overgeneralization and misinformation but it has a lot of things to say

Also one thing that stuck out to me were the implications of patriarchal nuclear families and social alienation along with parental abuse. How many marriages and broken down families today are byproducts of this outdatwd model and what can be expected in the future. Guess I'll have to wait and see
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Thanks but with the remaining books I haven't finished it'll be a while before I come to read this

>How many marriages and broken down families today are byproducts of this outdatwd model
All of them?
>and what can be expected in the future. Guess I'll have to wait and see
We already see new norms emerging, like how many divorced families there are and how many people just remain single compared to in the past. Also people experimenting with new forms of family units like with found families and polyamory.

the second SEX

Fair enough anon, it was just for everyone generally really,I went in to the book thinking it was going to be a lot more libbed up than it was, but it still has a lot to say about the Marxist traditions within Iran which i thought would like people here be interested.
>We already see new norms emerging, like how many divorced families there are and how many people just remain single compared to in the past. Also people experimenting with new forms of family units like with found families and polyamory.
Obligitory mention of based Cuba for it's based new family laws and referendum which is a massive boot against reactionaries in the social-familial sphere and wider community. I guess it is to early for the Family Laws stuff but are there any books on the Cuban movement towards Referendums for such things?
Anon you can go and re-enact your childhood as a /b/tard on literally any board, why choose edu/?

Bastard can't even é right


Can we have a thread to discuss pre-marx socialists thinkers? The idea of communal ownership and abolishment of money existed long before Marx, lets discuss the philosophers that helped usher in the line of communist thought.
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Try /sfw/

do most islamic philosophers have a name as long as Walī al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan Ibn Khaldūn?

"ibn" just means "son of", iirc.

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