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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Hey /e/Im a brainlet prole that recently got a scholarships to university, and Im wondering if there are any resources that you could recommend to improve general academic skills with an emphasis on essay writing. I've done a general scan for books and courses on libgen and TPB. But I wanted to get some advise with a left perspective. When I say brainlet I mean dyslexic and when I say prole I mean any unskilled job I can land (bar work, kitchen work, construction, etc.) My degree is in healthcare and administration.
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I like this one.

The academic writing style for undergraduates can be summed up with a few key points/

1: Never make any claim that you don't have a source for. Have references for everything.
2: Write from the third person impersonal perspective.

Fundamentally learning is an active process of engaging with material. While what you say is true, some stupid 18 year old kid isn't going to understand the point without putting the work in to understand it. Much like people who think someone elses notes are a good cope for actually reading a book.


I am very glad, that I have 1 whole year off for myself and id like to extreme educate myself. Besides math, biology etc. I want to study Philosophy in that time and political science so please, help me gather some quality Books, Its ok if its just the name i have my places to get them.

If possible, id love to read books made in the USSR.

In philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics and political philosophy
and in political science, books written by Lenin, stalin, translations of kurginyan?
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If someone was never taught or never picked up how to read systematically then the book is a good read. People who already know how to skim and think don’t need to read it. But I’d hate for you to fall in that “it could be summarized in a picture” bullshit when the whole point is the process of reading.

oh nono dont get me wrong. The only thing i really need to work on is concentration, tho i have these problems in general. They exist because of "tiktok" and all these retarded things, my mental state and shitlife etc. etc. I generally want to use that year to better myself at everything.

>translations of kurginyan
have you considered reading literally anything else

what do you have against him? he is a very intelligent and good person.

6 days later, kohai. How much reading have you done?

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Give me the TL;DR on him.
I've skimmed through some introductory materials of his writings and they catch my curiosity yet I am too brainlet to actually read them. What exactly is schizoanalysis and how does capitalism relate to schizophrenia?
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Body without organs.

Lol. Always the dysgenic with all the opinions.

Shut up idiot. Define a BwO right now before you get the right to speak

fuck off with this fascist shit


Am I correct in thinking that the amount of ethnic and lingual diversity in Africa implies that these many African ethnic groups barely mix? It seems to me that this must be the product if seclusion or separation. The level of diversity that Africa has just seems unusual to me. What has caused Africa to maintain such level of diversity while other regions of the planet aren‘t that fractured in ethnic and lingual variety?
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It's just basic evolutionary theory, you scientifically illiterate fucks. Over time you get genetic drift, causing a gradual increase in diversity of a population group. The less time you have for genetic drift, and the less diverse the baseline is, the less diverse a population will be. Anatomically modern humans in Africa go back about 200,000 years. Only a minority of the African population ever left (relatively low diversity in seed populations elsewhere), and the migrations that took place happened relatively recently. You should be able to reason this out from first principles. It's extremely basic shit.


>They didn't develop the material conditions in which all the things like cultural assimilation, racism, etc. (things that killed of this type of diversity elswhere) would have been useful on a large scale. Go to precolumbian america and see the same stuff
Precolumbian Americas is the literal exact opposite, the least diverse population on Earth. It's such an extreme example that there was literally a theory that the entire two continents were populated by the descendants of ~70 (not a typo) people who crossed the land bridge.

Yeah, and it was also the most recently inhabited place on Earth with the natives crossing the Bering around only 20K years ago.
Also interesting is that the southern tip (the last place to be ever settled) was predictably home to a very small amount of ethnic groups.

OP asked about both ethnic and linguistic diversity, I think the post you replied to only considered the latter.

>second-largest landmass on the face of the planet after Eurasia
largest landmass on the face of the planet after Eurasia*
>Eurasia is less ethnically and lingually diverse
Lmao the Indian subcontinent and China are already a universe onto their own, let alone the rest

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Recently translated into English

>The family is both: natural relation and social relation. It is based on social relations and biological descent, often without consciousness of duration, but it becomes something permanent, objective, independent - an 'institution'. Modern French sociology of the Durkheim school, especially Marcel Mauss and Claude Lévi-Strauss, in contrast to older views, did not derive the prohibition of incest, which is fundamental for the family, from so-called natural or psychological conditions, but determined it as a "total social phenomenon", essentially from the needs of an exchange society according to fixed property structures. If, however, such results are true, then the family in the form with which we are familiar is itself socially mediated and not a mere natural category. It is therefore subject to social dynamics and must not be hypostatized by science. The social dynamics of the family are twofold. On the one hand, the increasing socialization, 'rationalization', and 'integration' of all human relations in late, fully developed exchange society tends to push back as much as possible the—socially considered—irrational-natural, partial element of the family order. On the other hand, however, with such progressive socialization, the more strongly controlled drives rebel more strongly against their institutional control and break through at the point of least resistance. But this is what, under the conditions of contemporary society, the family has become. Today it finds itself equally attacked by the progress of civilization and by sexuality, which the sacral claim of marriage can no longer tame.
>The crisis of the family cannot be dismissed as a mere symptom of decay and decadence. The family is presented with the bill not only for the crude oppression so often inflicted by the head of the family on the weaker woman and especially on the children up to the threshold of the modern age, but also for economic injustice, the exploitation of domestic labor in a society that otherwise obeys the laws of the market, and for all those suppressions of desire, which family discipline imposes on its members, without this discipline always being justifiedPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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highly recommended reading

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I will always recommend the Baha'i Faith to recovering western leftists and I will keep recommending it.

the point of the critic is to change something, not be a snowflake going about the ruthless critic of all and get comfortable doing nothing but emerge in their own smug intellectual feces like the western left has show to only want to do.

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I know. I was just shitposting. In europe we refer to hunger strikes in which you take vitamine/sugar water to prolongue the strike as a 'Turkish style hunger strike' as it has been popularized by comrades there, strikes often going hundreds of days rather than the usual tens of days, although I am sure you know that.

I live in Europe and have had good comrades travel to and die for the cause. Personally i find the martyrdom culture really problematic, It kind of makes me sick to see comrades known and loved to be turned in to nothing but 'martyrs', a propaganda tool. It is honestly the most grotesque thing, i would prefer it if the Kurdish resistance was still doing terror attacks to this sickening martyr culture.
Could you explain what makes matryrdom some prominent in Turkish/Kurdish radical movements?

some people acting shocked that the lines in this directed towards marxists are directed towards, well, MLs who you know have plenty of countries to their name on the basis that its more appropriate to say this to anarchists…and it is but it still stands that modern marxists aren't exactly successfully spreading revolutions and carrying them out, global capitalism is still here etc. I used to be more sympathetic and I am from an ML/tankie position and I'll defend the usual points in historical arguments but its not a hill to die on anymore yes our tradition isn't doing anything at the moment and pointing to China is a cope - I'm talking about in the west where most of us are. Sorry.

See >>1481256


Here we post our fields of expertise, in hopes to share the knowledge with our fellow comrades. Ask any questions to comrades in this thread regarding their skills, and post your own. Maybe we can create a chat eventually to teach things at a more in depth level.

Me: Native English speaker, very good at math, okay at similar sciences, and computer science, can help with music regarding drums/guitar/songwriting etc.

I'm particularly interested in learning Chinese (Mandarin), I've just started learning some basics, if anyone has any advice or resources for learning that would be great.
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Such is the life of most image boards.

I found my clone lmao

similar thread on hobby >>>/hobby/28220

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I feel like this should be mandatory reading for everyone who calls themselves "leftist" in the USA (majority of leftypol)
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Is that Osama’s copy of it?

Shit guys, turn it into an NFT and make bank whoop whoop

Amazon is my first result, but I'm not being targeted by the CIA

checked the french version, google automatically offer something that seem to be it, but actually isnt… it offer the wrong translated title, and the infocard is the right title but with wrong author, and all commercial links are to that random fuck rather than William Blum

so for any french looking for it

Based Taliban

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What are some good books about salting? Both from a strategic perspective and from a biographical perspective. I would be interested in the life stories and anecdotes of salts. I would be interested in interviews with salts. I was listening to a podcast that was discussing the Norfolk Southern derail in East Palestine and the guy they were interviewing had been a salt at Norfolk Southern.


I found this old IWW article. Attached is audio of it being read aloud. Enjoy, comrade!

Some of the info is a little outdated (telephone numbers, note pads), but you can easily apply it to today!

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