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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Let's debunk muh holocaust revishunism with FACTS & LOGIC.

Articles, books, infographs everythings is welcomed.
55 posts and 6 image replies omitted.

I often see mention of how it's not possible to cremate all the Jews which is a strange argument since no one claimed such a thing. They mainly were shot and buried in mass graves.

True, there's even a famous film depicting the uncovering of immense mass graves

>it's not possible to cremate all the Jews
It's not even true

Any good debunking of Paul Rassinier?

>Any good debunking of Paul Rassinier?
Any specific points to debunk?

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Who did it? Soviets? Nazis?
Why were the polish officers killed? What was the motive for the massacre? Were they preparing a revolt?

Are the documents fake? Whose investigations are trustworthy?

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>documents prove it
Documents? You mean the ones that got admitted to being forgeries? Or perhaps the documents by Nazi Germany?
>tankies that openly justify many other of stalin/beria’s ethnically targeted atrocities
>deportations to central asia
<Muh tankies!
Fuck of liberal

that quora thing is basically admitting it was done systematically against certain ethnicities, but waffling pathetically around it. again don’t know why you’d even be so surprised if this is the kind of stuff you think

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>admitting it was done systematically against certain ethnicities
<Let me take a point out of context to portray it as admission!
You argue in bad faith and use a false narrative to try and claim another false narrative, and cry about "le evul Stalin/Beria/tankeez" in the mean time. I'd suggest going to >>>/leftypol/ or better yet reddit, those liberal echo-chambers are more your speed.
>inb4 'N-no u echochamber'
People have discussed Katyn and the debate of it being the NKVD or not before, they also discussed Soviet deportations before, this is acceptable discourse. You are engaging in dishonest fallacies, putting a slight spin on old Cold War myths and exaggerations.

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This is a pretty good examination of it all, It's important to note though that most Communists are able to admit mistakes and excesses commited by Socialist nations. I don't doubt that when the Soviet Union started taking in Polish officers (Most of who fought in the Polish-Soviet war) they treated them pretty badly, but the idea they spread is that one executioner (Vasily Blokhin) executed tens of thousands of Poles by himself right next to Smolensk (A city of at least a hundred thousand and all with German guns and bullets) and nobody knew till the Nazis came by is just insane.

Relevant to the thread: Yuri Muhin's Катынская Подлость is a video version of his book Антироссийская Подлость: Расследование фальсификации катынского дела Польшей и Генеральной прокуратурой России с целью разжечь ненависть поляков к русским. — М.: Крымский мост-9Д, Форум, 2003. — 762 с.



The Book and film are a detailed, section by section dissection of Katyn myths and the context of Polish, German and Soviet actions before, during and after the war.


Thread dedicated to attacking Israel's De Facto Apartheid State. Antisemitism and other /pol/ brained bullshit not welcome.

Desired: Books, Videos, Movies, Articles, Essays, Documentaries, Thoughtful Discussion, Relevant Personal Anecdotes, etc.

Not Desired: JQ Bullshit, Nazi apologetics, IDF-apologetics, Israel apologetics, Zionist apologetics, anti-Palestinian racism
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bumping this thread because of the recent habbenings

here is also a memoir by the author

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<Nearly all self-proclaimed Marxists are frauds who haven’t even read Marx, let alone understand him. They use the label Marxism, despite knowing nothing about it, as a pseudo-intellectual obfuscation for their liberal ideology.

To begin, what is Marxism?
>Marxism is not a theory of equality. It is not a diagnosis of injustice, nor is it a specific prescription of how to remedy society’s ills. Marxism is a method for acquiring knowledge about the laws governing the historical development of societies. Marxism thus regards itself as a type of science. Most people think of science as something purely descriptive.
<But the reason Marx’s contemporaries called him Prometheus is because he bequeathed a science that did not just describe reality, but participated in its development. This makes Marxism totally contrary to modern science.
>Modern science places knowledge above its object. To know, means to strip something naked to consciousness and turn it into a utility for the knowing subject. He who knows an object, can control, master, and alter an object. But the ‘object’ known by Marxism is none other than human society itself. And the paradox lies in the obvious fact that society is not just an object, but also a subject. Marxists (subjects) are themselves part of the very object they make knowable.
<To complicate matters further, Marx does not claim knowledge of society alone can transform society. Instead, he proves that society is already coming to know and transform itself materially in the form of the then growing proletarian class. Most people think Marx is ‘Promethean’ because he wanted his ideas popularized. But the REAL reason was because he had the courage of declaring the return of knowledge back to being itself, and human beings in particular. He created a science that ceased to be above its object.
>For Marx, the knowledge of historical laws arrived at by consciousness, was being reflected in history itself. Knowledge of humanity does not dominate humanity, but reveals that it was there, and part of it all along. “Communism is the riddle of history solved.”

Why the need for class consciousness?
<This is where people misunderPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Jesus fucking christ.

Log off, touch some grass and work up to getting laid.

What internet psychosis does to a mf'er.

the class struggle happens regardless if people identify as marxist or not, that is why its called a 'science'.

this lenin quote isn't real. I have never once seen a source provided for it, and the few times lenin mentioned mussolini before dying, it was in a negative light. But even if Lenin had said this… so what? You're allowed to lament that a skilled organizer went over to fascism. That does indeed suck. This quote is not the "own" that reactionaries think it is.

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>heidegger (nazi)
epic theory, lad
Clearly the answer to a lack of Marx is an excess of contrary, inferior, reactionary thinkers. Btw, how many holes does a woman have?

It’s clearly not supposed to be an ‘own,’ you debatebrained retard

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This is not a debate thread. I encourage debate on this topic to happen in /leftypol/, as it would have anyway. This is an /edu/cational thread only.

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the third and highest stage of communist theory, was synthesized in 1982 by the Peruvian Communist Party (known in bourgeois sources by the epithet "Sendero Luminoso"). Here is the document they published concerning this: http://library.redspark.nu/1982_-_Maoism._On_Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
Parties and organizations that uphold MLM theory in the modern day include:
>Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun
>Peru People’s Movement (Reorganisation Committee)
>Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction)
>Red Faction of the Communist Party of Chile
>Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Columbia
>Revolutionary Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico
>Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist
>Committee Red Flag, FRG
>Maoist Communist Party, French State
Red Flag Collective, Finland
>Committees for the Foundation of the (Maoist) Communist Party of Austria
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
112 posts and 54 image replies omitted.

Thanks anon, some nice pdfs right there

These books are expensive as shit on Amazon Kindle, even for us in the Philippines.

These are Ka Joma's writings, by topic. They go from the 1960s to before his death in 2022.

Parts 1-3 are easily findable online so I won't upload them.

I know that Marxism compares itself to Newtonian physics in being correct enough inasmuch as it can be applied, which I agree with, but maybe figure out a little more than Newtonian physics before defining 'materialism,' because though that flies in 1848, today's not gonna take that seriously.

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so i was reading engels book on the peasants war in germany and apparently his primary source for it was taken from a book titled "The History of the Great Peasant War" by this zimmerman guy.

now the problem is, i cant find that book anywhere online, so if any of you have a pdf i would really appreciate it if you could post it here

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Its German title is Allgemeine Geschichte des großen Bauernkrieges. Since the work itself is more obscure than Engels' citation of it, it might not have ever been translated into English, or the English translation might be lost to time. But here's an archive of the German.



What historians do you recommend to learn about the Soviet Union? For that matter, what books specifically would you recommend if there are specific ones you like.
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Also here, history of the Soviets/Bolsheviks between 1917 and 1924. Not perfect but a fairly decent set of books

Famine of 1932 some basic reading, the first pdf is the most important.

Soviet Democracy by Pat Sloan (I used to talk regularly with his son).
And Anne Louise Strong's dismissal of the claim of "Dictatorship"

Pdf 3 is also related to the 1932 famine.

Does anyone have any good sources on War Communism? I just want to learn the philosophy behind it and how it was implemented, and its faults and successes.

Economic History of the USSR provides a good overview of the entire period.

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Can I start my theory by just cracking this open, or is there something else I should read first?
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Yeah reasonable entry reads, but Theses is actually included at the end of that (it's where it was originally published).

start with the moderns

This is pretty good intro to the Dialectical Materialist and Historical Materialist philosophies of Marx/Engels

Start with Hammurabi

start with the sumerians

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I'm aware of a book called My Life with the Taliban that is a memoir of a Taliban fighter who fought the insurgency against the US in the early 2000s, that one seems interesting, I'm imagining there must be some memoirs of American soldiers too right? If you know of any of either Iraq or Afghanistan feel free to give me some suggestions. Something that's like Storm of Steel or similar to that type of war memoir.

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I wanna state that I'm from Pakistan and grew up in a community that was very proud of its self, we see ourselves as our ethnic group and everybody else is an outsider
Said just comes as a across as a whiny self hating cunt and applies that whiny cunt nature towards everyone outside Europe, the man knew aboustetly nothing about the middle east, south asia or the muslim world, he was a white radlib(culturally) who had the luck of having ethnic heritage to justify his basis

What? Orientalism is about cultural depictions in the west
Thanks for letting us know you're an ethnonationalist I guess

I disagreed with it, cause like it or not those ethnolouges are probably the few accurate accounts of my people, there are some bias but I have read them and they were oddly tolerate and the internetion was for understadning
Said was just to far up his own ass to see that

nah, you're just a liberal and low iq..

because most firstworlders here have the same disease, they don't give a shit about marxism or actual politics in general, they just use it as a tool to hate themselves and their surroundings. why do you think "rich kid guilt" and "idpol" are a topic here but the auto workers strike isn't?
take a random subject and try to come up with the most stupid, incongruent and straight up incorrect take that you can. now wrap it in some cheap "west bad, east good" rhetoric and post it here. as a fellow esl you can probably recognize native and non-native speakers. evaluate the reactions yourself, they won't surprise you


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