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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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What are you genuine thoughts on Limonov, if you've encountered his writings? Do you think his philosophy is an understandable reaction to modern hyper individualist capitalism?
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>where do i start?
>i don't speak russian
well, it's not some political theory. you can start wherever you want. Limonov was predominantly novelist and poet and then politician.

But since you don't speak Russian, I can only recommend you "It's me Eddie" because I don't know about any other of his works being translated to English.


It's Me Eddie is very very good.


This is en exerpt of It's Me Eddie, which is a story about his experience in New York in the 80's. This is set in a cafe he worked where bankers and rich mediamen frequented.

>"It is they who have introduced a plague into this world."

>"The plague of money."
>"The disease of money."
>"The plague of buying and selling is their handiwork."
>"I hate this system."
>"And I am not ashamed that my hatred has sprung from my wifes betrayal."
>"I clear away your leftovers, while my wife fucks. And you amuse yourself with her for the sole reason that there is inequality."
>"She has a cunt for which there are buyers - you. And I don't have a cunt."
>"I'm going to blow up your world."





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When I got to Kant, I couldn't understand a thing, not a single thing: "transcendental idealism," "numena," "phenomena," "antinomies," "categories"-they all danced in my head like mysterious monsters. I grasped some of what Kant said about "man as an end in himself" and the "categorical imperative." But this categorical imperative looked to me like a cold piece of intestine, which you could fill with whatever you wanted, there was nothing living or vital here, nothing that would give a living answer to living questions.
Or maybe, it's just that I don't understand. Maybe my own intestine is too frail, maybe I'm not up to it. The pages of the book seemed to me an elaborate code I would never be able to decipher.
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Don't bother understanding it. You'll only be trying in vain to understand basic and obvious truths contained within a gigantic mess of utter schizophrenic nonsense. You may as well read ancient scripture.


>Don't bother understanding it. You'll only be trying in vain to understand basic and obvious truths contained within a gigantic mess of utter schizophrenic nonsense. You may as well read ancient scripture.
Lol how I feel about every wanna be prophet Euro philosopher who makes up pages of jargon..


Read a secondary text first maybe?


Lmao this exactly


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>When I got to Kant, I couldn't understand a thing, not a single thing: "transcendental idealism," "numena," "phenomena," "antinomies," "categories"
This but with Hegel

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Protein Compounds, especially in the gorm of enzyme systems, play a decisive part in metabolism, it is the basis of vital activity for every organism.
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Can wheat turn into rye?


my cum has protein


anti-materialist reactionary pseudoscience on the same tier as flat earth and Qanon


how do you even get a jaw like that with such sunken cheeks
i want that


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Get the bucal fat removal. It's all the rage right now.

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Was paganism in Europe the north of the Roman Empire even a thing?
Northern Paganism have given Catholics a perfect excuse to invade and oppress people of these territories, like how it happened in Prussia and other places, and it just so happens that everything we know about it was written by Catholics. None of these Northern Pagans thought that their religion, which they were supposedly practicing for centuries, was important enough to document it.
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it is in the name, it was a rural thing practiced by isolated groups. most barbarians practiced the religions that were common in the empire
the roman empire expanded into christianity, not the other way around. and not just from a material perspective, the church fathers twisted the original semitic cult into a vessel for their platonic philosophy. read contra celsum


>the church fathers twisted the original semitic cult into a vessel for their platonic philosophy
platonic philosophy arrived in Judea through the Hasmonean dynasty, and their is no "original" semitic cult. Judaism itself evolved out of Yahwism, which evolved out of Canaanite polytheism, which evolved out of various forms of Mesopotamian polytheism. By the end of the Babylonian captivity, Judaism had become monotheistic, began incorporating angels and demons from Zoroastrianism into their theology, and had begun incorporating platonic philosophy into their understanding of God. Judaism split into Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, Pharisees, and Early Christians. Only Pharisees and Early Christians survived the Second Temple period. Pharisees became Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christians split between Jewish Christians and Pauline Christians. Pauline Christians evolved into Nicean Christians, which became the basis for Roman Catholicism, and Jewish Christians who still abided by dietary restrictions, etc. possibly became the basis for Islam later on. The idea that there is an "original" forgets that religions, just like languages, are fluid, evolving social constructs and not eternal doctrines that have "Fallen" from their original state. They split. They merge. They change. They grow. They shrink. They sometimes go extinct. But there is no "original" we can point to because if you go far back enough they evolve out of poorly documented pre-historical traditions like ancestor worship, ceremonial burial, oral myths and legends, etc. Before written history you have ~200,000 years of unwritten religious practice by the human species.


semitic cult as in, the original cult around jesus. please tell me that's a chatgpt prompt or something and you didn't write this shit by hand
/edu/ is supposed to be about education but I'm not going to explain historical materialism, it is clearly out of your league


>semitic cult as in, the original cult around jesus.
That's not what the word semitic means
> please tell me that's a chatgpt prompt or something and you didn't write this shit by hand
I did type it myself, yes.
>/edu/ is supposed to be about education but I'm not going to explain historical materialism, it is clearly out of your league
Have you eaten today? Did you get enough sleep? It seems like you might be in a bad mood.


>platonic philosophy arrived in Judea through the Hasmonean dynasty
You mean the Greek Seluecid dynasty

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So I read this guy's essay called Kant, Capital and the Prohibition of Incest. I thought it was pretty good and I was surprised because I heard this guy was extreme alt right crank and here he is discussing racism, patriarchy and capitalism in South Africa. I checked and yeah this guy is now a legit fascist or "neoreactionary" or whatever and he regularly appears on far right shows. What the fuck happened? Is the rest of his stuff worth reading?
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Fanged noumina and the whole ccru were a beautiful cyber post modernism.
>what happened?
The group broke up and mark fisher died. Nick land is the definition of “used to be good.”


Where is the evidence he is a fascist? I thought he lived in communist China? He is a communist


He wants the government to be run by an oligarchical boardroom that appoints a CEO (literally the term he uses) who tries to maximize the rate at which capital accelerates its own growth. Whatever you want to call that, that's what he is. He technically does support Marxist experiments still, but he doesn't want them to take over the world and prevent capital from developing a cybernetic body that can escape human whims. I'm not the person you're replying to, but I don't really think this is too far off from fascism. It's basically Curtis Yarvin's plan but with ambitions of post-humanism instead of libertarianism. The "meth" answer has a modicum of truth to it, by his own admission he went partially insane after a year-long meth binge, but IMO this isn't really the cause so much as a symptom of his madness. The thing about Fisher's suicide is a non-sequitor, happened way after Land went post-Marxist.


I'll just stick to Fanged Noumena and CCRU then. I never really liked Fisher though.

It seems Land just took the whole accelerationist thing way too far and now that's all he lives for.


The only thing I've read by Nick Land was an article called "HYPER-RACISM" which basically parroted debunked bell-curve race science. Then it tried to describe how people marry / mate based in the same class and that class is a proxy for IQ / intelligence (literally not even true, ignoring that IQ is stupid), therefore we're on the verge of creating a new race of hyper intelligent humans or something.

I think the thing that I find so annoying about it (racism aside), is the same thing that annoys me about silicon valley tech billionaires. It's this idea that technology and science are hurtling forward exponentially, and that there are no fundamental constraints that govern the world. It's just like… so obviously not true. There are hard constraints on the literal physical world, there are mathematical constraints, there are economic constrains, you can't just hand wave away all of this shit.

I think the reason e-acc people have glommed on to accelerationism is because we've started hitting the tail end of Moore's law and low interest rates, and no one wants to believe that we're about to enter a period of technological stagnation in computing. We've lived through a period of rapid scientific and technological advancement, but there's no real reason to believe it will last forever and real evidence that some of it is slowing down.


Currently reading this book and I need some help understanding some of this since it’s not clicking. First of all I need help in layman’s terms what all this means specifically:

We need, to start with, a few terms which will be defined precisely later. In a given state of technique, resources and costs, the employment of a given volume of labour by an entrepreneur involves him in two kinds of expense: first of all, the amounts which he pays out to the factors of production (exclusive of other entrepreneurs) for their current services, which we shall call the factor cost of the employment in question; and secondly, the amounts which he pays out to other entrepreneurs for what he has to purchase from them together with the sacrifice which he incurs by employing the equipment instead of leaving it idle, which we shall call the user cost of the employment in question. The excess of the value of the resulting output over the sum of its factor cost and its user cost is the profit or, as we shall call it, the income of the entrepreneur. The factor cost is, of course, the same thing, looked at from the point of view of the entrepreneur, as what the factors of production regard as their income. Thus the factor cost and the entrepreneur's profit make up, between them, what we shall define as the total income resulting from the employment given by the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur's profit thus defined is, as it should be, the quantity which he endeavours to maximise when he is deciding what amount of employment to offer. It is sometimes convenient, when we are looking at it from the entrepreneur's standpoint, to call the aggregate income (i.e. factor cost plus profit) resulting from a given amount of employment the proceeds of that employment. On the other hand, the aggregate supply price of the output of a given amount of employment is the expectation of proceeds which will just make it worth the while of the entrepreneurs to give that employment.
It follows that in a given situation of technique, resources and factor cost per unit of employment, the amount of employment, both in each individual firm and industry and in the aggregate, depends on the amount of the proceeds which the entrepreneurs expect to receive from the corresponding output. For entrepreneurs will endeavour to fix the amount of employment at the level which they expect to maximise the excess of the proceeds over the factor cost.


In a given state of "technique, resources and costs", the employment of a given volume of labour [labor power, or total labor time] by an entrepreneur involves him in two kinds of expense (concerns the business owner in two ways):

first of all, the amounts which he pays out to the factors of production (exclusive of other entrepreneurs) for their current services, which we shall call the factor cost of the employment in question; (the cost of employment, meaning salaries)

and secondly, the amounts which he pays out to other entrepreneurs for what he has to purchase from them together with the sacrifice which he incurs by employing the equipment instead of leaving it idle, which we shall call the user cost of the employment in question. (The cost of materials and machines including repairing said machines)

Basically, the business owner needs to think about salaries and materials that the business buys from other businesses.


>The excess of the value of the resulting output over the sum of its factor cost and its user cost is the profit or, as we shall call it, the income of the entrepreneur.
Here he's just defining profit. Meaning:
Profit = income of business owner = output value - cost of labor - cost of materials.


>The factor cost is, of course, the same thing, looked at from the point of view of the entrepreneur, as what the factors of production regard as their income.
Business owners consider profit to be income, just as laborers consider their salary to be income. Factors of production seems to be laborers or employees here.
>Thus the factor cost and the entrepreneur's profit make up, between them, what we shall define as the total income resulting from the employment given by the entrepreneur.
Salaries + profits = total income that comes from the business owner being charitable by giving employment.
Essentially he's saying salaries + profit = total money "created" by the company.
>The entrepreneur's profit thus defined is, as it should be, the quantity which he endeavours to maximise when he is deciding what amount of employment to offer.
The business owner wants to maximize profit. It stands to reason, he says, that the business owner wants to cut salaries to increase profit.
>It is sometimes convenient, when we are looking at it from the entrepreneur's standpoint, to call the aggregate income (i.e. factor cost plus profit) resulting from a given amount of employment the proceeds of that employment.
From a business owner's perspective, it's convenient to muddy the water by creating this concept of "aggregate income" that the owner then charitably shares with the employees he gives employment to, with his enormous charitable heart.
>On the other hand, the aggregate supply price of the output of a given amount of employment is the expectation of proceeds which will just make it worth the while of the entrepreneurs to give that employment.
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Okay that was the easy one but how about this one:

Let Z be the aggregate supply price of the output from employing N men, the relationship between Z and N being written Z = φ(N), which can be called the aggregate supply function. Similarly, let D be the proceeds which entrepreneurs expect to receive from the employment of N men, the relationship between D and N being written D = f(N), which can be called the aggregate demand function.
Now if for a given value of N the expected proceeds are greater than the aggregate supply price, i.e. if D is greater than Z, there will be an incentive to entrepreneurs to increase employment beyond N and, if necessary, to raise costs by competing with one another for the factors of production, up to the value of N for which Z has become equal to D. Thus the volume of employment is given by the point of intersection between the aggregate demand function and the aggregate supply function; for it is at this point that the entrepreneurs' expectation of profits will be maximised. The value of D at the point of the aggregate demand function, where it is intersected by the aggregate supply function, will be called the effective demand. Since this is the substance of the General Theory of Employment, which it will be our object to expound, the succeeding chapters will be largely occupied with examining the various factors upon which these two functions depend.
The classical doctrine, on the other hand, which used to be expressed categorically in the statement that 'Supply creates its own Demand' and continues to underlie all orthodox economic theory, involves a special assumption as to the relationship between these two functions. For 'Supply creates its own Demand' must mean that f(N) and φ(N) are equal for all values of N, i.e. for all levels of output and employment; and that when there is an increase in Z ( = φ(N)) corresponding to an increase in N, D ( = f(N)) necessarily increases by the same amount as Z. The classical theory assumes, in other words, that the aggregate demand price (or proceeds) always accommodates itself to the aggregate supply price; so that, whatever the value of N may be, the proceeds D aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I have to sleep friend. It wasn't easy to read. This guy seems to write in an obfuscated manner. I had to read it and break it down. Maybe I can break this down tomorrow.


Was it proto-Christcom?
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> The sexes were rigorously separated 26) There were separate army units consisting of women only; until1855, not even married couples were allowed to live together or have sexual relations.
Based. Taiping was actually existing revcel


how was the no SEXOOOOOOO -policy enforced?


maoism's true ideological ancestor


ISIS are western funded reactionaries, the Heavenly kingdom was nothing like them. It was very progressive for its time promoting rights for women, banning opium and socializing all land. The Taiping rebellion was a rebellion against western imperialism and Qing oppression, that's why Chinese communists held it in high regard. It deserves my respect.



Someone quoted this book on the main board and I started reading it. Maybe others are interested to read it as well and discuss its content.
Has anyone read this already? In that case, what's your opinion on it?



The author repeats herself a lot. She‘s also using some words in a manner that‘s not colloquial which isn‘t that big of a deal but can be needlessly confusing. She also uses them synonymously which is redundant and could also convey a different meaning if you didn‘t know she meant them synonymously. Still an interesting read though, those are just minor things that bothered me.

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Hey /siberia/

I always wondered why does Geography get looked down on by engineers and programmers

Like it's only let's say half a social science

But the other half concerning landscapes, resources, weather, etc. including maps (believe it or not measuring physical stuff is not the domain of social sciences) is 100% a natural science

To be honest even outside STEMbros I've noticed regular PMC and petty-bourgeoisie types being disdainful towards anyone with even a passing interest in Geography, god forbid studying it

Why is this the case?
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I can't really blame them for having a God complex at the time of Newton, that shit was crazy.


>Social sciences bad
>No, I will not learn skills outside of my field of expertize
>Natural sciences can LITERALLY answer ANYTHING, philosophy is useless and cringe
>My field requires big brain therefore my field is superior
>Why don't you use maths as often? Maths are clearly superior to English


Geography can get in the way of certain projects being practical / logistically viable, and that means baing told no by someone that isn't their higher up.
It's only when someone knows geography that they encounter this issue, so knowing geography is Woke; because when truth is known, the truth has a monopoly on being the truth, while if the truth is discarded, then many 'truths' may compete with eachother in a marketly manner.


yeah thats true at least back then it was some real groundbreaking shit they must've been so hype


I don't think this is a generalized thing, but even if it was, who cares. Programmers have had their brains scrambled up trying to reconcile how socially useless their job is vs how well-compensated it is

t. programmer


What are the best books that provide an introduction to economics and economic theories/concepts?
These books don’t necessarily have to be socialist/communist.


<23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism
And tbh basically most of Ha-Joon Chang's (neo-Keynsian biased) work. I'd also include his Economics for People.


Read this thread, OP, it has the same question


Investopedia and that Anwar Shaikh book

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