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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Reposting to /edu/

I want the best materialist theory/practice texts that have had more than ten people compose them. I may be mistaken, but all the big figurehead texts seem to be monographs or just 2 or 3 guys worked on them; please clear me up if Mao's and Lenin's big works weren't just by them. I don't care if these monographers backed their stuff up with loads of data and citations, I want commitees involved. I dont want anthologies either, i want it so that every block of text went through multiple changes by multiple people, if possible


P.s. By materialist i mean left like leftypol


some parties or orgs publish theses, these will have been worked on by multiple people before being agreed upon. That's where I'd look.

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 No.9906[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to debunking western propaganda and information relating to the NATO encirclement of Russia, Ukrainian government's mistreatment of ethnic Russian minorities and support of fascist militias to do its bidding. Criticism of Russia and its occupation is welcomed aswell.
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great contributions to this thread. Thank you, anon.


Всегда пожалуйста!


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Long thread with links and info on the Euromaidan snipers:

>Wow! Unreported 1,000,000-word Maidan massacre trial verdict corroborates my academic studies by stating as its “categorical conclusion” that there were snipers shooting from Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & that it cannot be ruled out that 8 protesters were killed & 20 wounded by “unknown persons,” who were not "law enforcement officers." This implies Maidan snipers since the verdict states that the trial disproved claims about presence of Russian snipers.

>The verdict also confirms my study findings that there is no evidence of order given by Yanukovych or his ministers to massacre Maidan protesters and that 4 police officers were killed & 39 wounded by Maidan-snipers. In addition to acquitting two Berkut policemen for killing and wounding protesters, it states that all accused Berkut members were baselessly blamed for killing 13 & wounding 29 Maidan protesters. As usual there are zero media reports.

>Prosecution, Maidan lawyers, media with some exceptions, self-proclaimed experts & propaganda peddlers denied shooting by snipers located in Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & called it conspiracy theory.



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<Inside the PoW camp where Ukraine ‘re-educates’ Russians
>“I grew up in the Soviet Union so I feel that we are one country,” he said, sitting in the camp’s sick bay where he is recovering from a bullet wound in his arm.
>It is this neo-imperialist ideology, famously expounded by President Putin in a 7,000-word essay, that the camp authorities are trying to deprogramme from their charges before they are returned home.
>“Russians have been subjected to propaganda their whole lives,” said Petro Yatsenko, spokesman for Ukraine’s co-ordination headquarters for the treatment of PoWs, during a tour of the camp at an undisclosed location in western Ukraine. “It’s like trying to pull someone out of a religious sect.”
<To get from their living quarters to the canteen, prisoners must pass along an alleyway lined with photographs of figures from Ukraine’s past, such as Stepan Bandera, the divisive and controversial leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) during and after the Second World War, and Taras Shevchenko, the 19th-century national bard.


It doesn't seem to be working either however, although I suppose it's preferable to prior Ukrainian treatment of POWs (torture, murder, etc.)


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I know their ilk all too well living in Alberta. This is interesting shit


Can there be a proletarian nationalist revolution according to Lenin? I've seen people argue that nationalism is reactionary and that it advocates for class-collaboration instead of workers revolution, since a nation is an abstract that includes all classes.
Also, did Lenin advocate for self-determination of nations? And in what context did he do so?


>Can there be a proletarian nationalist revolution
>according to lenin
if so then he'd be a revisionist
>I've seen people argue that nationalism is reactionary
it is
>and that it advocates for class-collaboration instead of workers revolution
not inherently, but even with that it'd be useless


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nationalism is gay. if you are a nationalist you like men and u are gay. you like pride parades, flags, butch dudes marching, and idpol and big manly leader to overpower u. thats gay. GAAAAY. u are a faggot OP.


I agree!

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I recently came across a heritage post about a castle in Lebanon built by the Crusaders, It got me curios and I did some digging and I was surprised to learn that pretty much all castles in the MENA countries were either built by the Crusaders or the later Ottomans.
So I have to ask, what gives? The Arabs were a smart people and castles and fortresses are a fairly useful resource for defeating cavalry forces. Even outside large scale war sand politics, in small petty tribal warfare, they would have been incredibly useful, that's why they appeared so much in Europe and why did the Ottomans adopt them more thoroughly then the Arabs.
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the middle east had kasbahs, citadels that included a palace, which are similar
castles are just a specific style of military fortification specific to medieval western europe
they probably came about from decentralization of feudal polities and a need to project noble power in the provinces


Then why did the Ottomans build them.


Arabs are plenty capable of building stone forts(they most likely built great Zimbabwe). they just don't build castles that much.


did they? i would assume common influence from byzantine architecture that both western europe and the ottoman empire had


From what i understand, successful rural guerrillas like the Shining Path and FARC weren't able to overthrown their governments because of low popular support on cities.
Why is that? How can we overcome this problem? I want to study that. If anyone got good books/videos/documentaries on the history of the Shining Path, the FARC, IRA, the Red Faction, and whatever you think will help, please share them.
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What a coincidence. Cuck Philosophy just uploaded a doc related to this subject.

URBAN GUERRILLAS: The Decade of Left-Wing Terrorism


gonna watch it, but from what I understand, while they did shock the general public, they were completely ineffective against even local poloce forces.


He's not endorsing it or something. He's just going through the history of it. And you are correct, as he puts it near the beginning it's largely a cope for the degeneration of the western left during the period, and the movements with actual mass organizing did a lot better, including at achieving the goals of the urban guerillas.


didn't the CPC actually give out training to potential cadres back then? did any of those groups ever go there


yea, not much you can do against tanks and planes, also wtf is this vid

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I've been wondering recently: the people who own nothing and produce nothing are the lumpenproletariat, and that includes hobos and criminals. However, organized criminals have bosses who take part of their gains, same as a capitalist takes a wage laborer's surplus value. Can thus mafia bosses and drug kingpins be called a "lumpenbourgeoisie", a specific type of bourgeois that takes the surplus value of illegal or extractive activities? I've seen the term applied to compradors. Also, Mike Hudson comes to mind - he claims the primary contradiction of modern capitalism is not between labor and capital, but the FIRE sector and everyone else, arguing that this industry produces no real physical value and just seeks rents off moving numbers around - could this also fall under the same umbrella?
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Where are the TV shows where the police hunt down criminal businessmen for the audience to have a feeling of cathartic and vicarious justice?


Isn't that what that "In the name of the people" Chinese show is about?


In a country with a Marxist government. When it comes to the West these people are only used as an excuse to handwave capitalism's systemic issues away ("crony capitalism") without real malice, unlike what we see towards people in the ghetto selling drugs.


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Organized crime is actually a lot more of a tribal concept. The name families aren't just for show, it comes from the origins of the Italian mob, The Italian mafia basically grew out of a culture where feudalism ended but the need for it in their culture did not. The people in the outlying regions were used to going to an authority figure to pass judgments for their disputes and protect them from bandits or whatever, and the new government was weak and inefficient. Some places would only have the authorities visit as often as once a month to pick up prisoners to take them away for trial. So you ended up with a bunch of guys that, for one reason or another, ended up being the de facto 'Lord' of their area: the one everyone came to with their problems. Because the people knew how that system worked, and democracy was at best a theory to them. So you had this power and authority structure that grew up in the shadow of the legal, official government.
So at its heart, whether or not it was ever true in practice, the idea of the mafioso was built around them being a respected individual at the head of the community. That's where the idea of mafia guys being 'classy' came from, when filtered through American culture by Italian immigrants and other past and present organized crime groups are also built around the concept. They aren't just groups of guys banding together but actual relatives. The mob boss isn't just a nebulous force, he could be your father's second cousin, someone your grandmother babysat.

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 No.8394[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

CIA / FBI / Fed / Conspiracy General
"The X-Files got nothing on this shit"
This Thread is dedicated for the discussion, analysis and reveal of obscure information on the shadowy hands of capitalism and fascism - the federal agents - and their efforts as part of the porky hydra. Propaganda and conspiracies of these Alphabet agencies and their impacts today and past are to be discussed.
Information and discussion on the OSS and NSA or equivalent government agencies of other countries - such as MI6 of Britain or the Nazi Gestapo - are also encouraged to be posted. KGB and FSB can be discussed too.
Technology for spying and espionage are also welcome. NATO and US military abuses or the affairs of corporate military-industrial complexes that are covered or hushed up also apply. Whistleblowers like Assange and Snowden are permitted sources of information as well.

Please contribute to leftypedia >>3780
Debunking anti-leftist myths >>4210 including debunking of "Le Holohoax"

Rules: No idpol drama, no anti-communist rhetoric, no sectarianism, no soyjak spam or emotional gaslighting; Glowies Keep Out!

Major Topics:
>Anti-Communist Action:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Being a little bit more serious?


Most of these are most likely either unclassified or fake and two threads circulated on reddit with variations of this search line a few days back.


Wow Mao posts meme videos wdyem


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Holy shit guyzzz I found the pdf confirming pentagon UF0z did 9/11


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Ah yes, things that never happened. This is just a prank. In the same document, the bills to be passed are named "Lebron" and "Jordan".

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This is the third time I am making this thread. I made the first one on Bunkerchan back in the day and again on here, and both times it generated interesting discussions. So I ask again

What is consciousness?
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Does your own consciousness exist?


>What is consciousness?
An unknown process crafted by natural selection, that is necessary for our mind to function properly.
I think we can assume its existence, because we can all experience its symptoms. The goal should be to observe the process.


If anyone could post a time machine link to the previous threads that would be great.



Ah thanks, I totally overlooked that.
Also a link to the first thread https://archive.ph/LSgow


Can anyone make a tldr of this book like >>14131 I'm trying to explain to my friend in simple terms what imperialism is, but I'm shit at explanations.


becoming good at explanations goes like this:
read a chapter
write its point out in your own words
take your explanation and cut it down to no more than three or four points.
try make any point explainable in a couple sentences.

if you cant explain the subject you either:
havent understood the subject deep enough
havent attempted to prepare an explanation prior to speaking

or both!


You know Lenin already did something like this in many of his texts, where he would write a condensed version in some part of the book. His words on Imperialism:
>If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism. Such a definition would include what is most important, for, on the one hand, finance capital is the bank capital of a few very big monopolist banks, merged with the capital of the monopolist associations of industrialists; and, on the other hand, the division of the world is the transition from a colonial policy which has extended without hindrance to territories unseized by any capitalist power, to a colonial policy of monopolist possession of the territory of the world, which has been completely divided up
>We must give a definition of imperialism that will include the following five of its basic features: (1) the concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life; (2) the merging of bank capital with industrial capital, and the creation, on the basis of this “finance capital”, of a financial oligarchy; (3) the export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires exceptional importance; (4) the formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves, and (5) the territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed. Imperialism is capitalism at that stage of development at which the dominance of monopolies and finance capital is established; in which the export of capital has acquired pronounced importance; in which the division of the world among the international trusts has begun, in which the division of all territories of the globe among the biggest capitalist powers has been completed.
There's more bits like this but I have to find them

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I would like to ask for some recommendations for educational materials about:

French revolution.

Decemberist revolt.

US civil war.

I would like to know more about the material reality that caused them, effects of these events, sides which participated in them, the skirmishes and battles etc. I would prefer if the recommendation is a book, but other things are fine too. I’m fine with materials that are in english and or russian languages.
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everything is fine, I would like to know as much as possible.


I'm not especially well read but:
Black Jacobins seems to give a good account of the French Revolution (since it's inseparable from the Haitian)
Haven't read it yet but an anon in /usapol/ recommended Battle Cry of Freedom for the US burgerkrieg.
I have read Foner's Reconstruction which deals with slavery before, during and after said war along with the different forms that Reconstruction took, highly recommend.


thank you! If anyone got more recs please post them!


The Spanish Constitution gave hope to enlightened Russians for building a just society in their Fatherland. So, if the Decembrists "awakened" Herzen, then the Decembrists themselves were "awakened" by the very boldness of Spanish democracy. In the opinion of some historians, the project of the Russian constitution by Prince Sergei Trubetskoy was partially based on the Spanish law of 1812. One of its main points is almost word-for-word taken from the Spanish version of the document: "The Russian people, free and independent, are not and cannot be the property of any person or family" - "Nación española es libre é independiente sin ser ni poder ser patrimonio de ninguna familia ó persona (The Spanish people are free and independent and do not belong to nor can belong to any family or person). The Spanish Revolution of 1820 added fuel to the fire, as during which military and liberal-minded segments of Spanish society managed to get Ferdinand VII to restore the "Constitution of the Cortes" of 1812. One of the Decembrist leaders, Pavel Pestel, literally dreamed of a Russian version of "pronunciamiento" (coup). He admitted that he believed in the realization of his plans, relying precisely on the example of the Spanish Revolution. The Decembrists often compared themselves to the leader of the Spanish revolutionaries, Rafael Riego. Many even believed that Sergei Muraviev-Apostol "resembled the Spanish hero closely and accurately." So, the Spanish Revolution can be considered one of the factors that influenced the events of December 14, 1825. In fact, it was the Spanish Revolution, not the French one, as the Decembrists believed that Napoleon's conquests were doomed.


an interesting article about the luddite movement

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