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Can someone explain to me what jealousy/envy feels like? I don‘t think I ever felt it before. In fact I‘m not even sure what the difference between jealousy anf envy is. It has something to do with wanting to have something that someone else has and therefore being angry at them. But that doesn‘t make sense to me. If I want something then what does the other person have to do with it? That they have it doesn‘t take it away from me. That they didn‘t have it doesn‘t mean I will. Though I guess it depends on the situation, but usually there is no connection. I don‘t know, what does it feel like?


A strong desire to kill the interloper


jealousy = protectiveness of something you have
envy = being angry you don't have something someone else has


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I see. I always thought jealousy is what envy means, but okay. I did feel jealous before and that makes sense, afterall I don't want to lose something I already have. But I don't think I ever felt envy. Not because my life is perfect, but it just doesn't make sense to me what someone else has to do with it.


so everyone is familiar with the penis upgrades.. the silicone implants or fat transfer

but.. would it be possible to add extra features? i would like a type of cooling system. is t his possible? preferably with on off voice activation. also vibration maybe

anyway internet. is this possible? even with a 3d printer and the ability to engineer i think it would be possible to maybe even make your own implant and then see if the doctor would install yours.. why not right?

so.. your input is most desired and i hope that a well rounded air conditioned dick is in our future..


i want a detachable penis


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yes.. like the alien version where its still usable and all that but also with additional device attatchments.. why have one penis right? like they would make dick collectables and shit.. the future…

speaking of collectable dicks.. true shit. there are cock collectors out there. and not just museums.. i did the math and i feel confident in saying there is woman out there that uhm.. have a collection of peniss

like oh this was my late husband john he farted in bed and so had to be goned


adding rgb to yo dick will be fuckin crazy, make a motherfucker mouth glow rainbow while he give you the sloppy lmao


mah fvckin balls

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Nothing stays the same, everything TRANSforms, billions must die



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>So it's actually a little bit of a historical dilemma, whether or not it counts as the same country, because it's only the eastern half that maintained continuity with the broader centralized government that came before, but can you really count as the same country when you no longer control the capital or heartland or ethnicity of the original empire? This is why during the medieval ages, no one else in Europe would acknowledge them as being truly Roman, and it's why it's one of two, and honestly probably the stronger, claims of being the inheritor of Rome…
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Byzantium is weird as fuck. All their emperors are known as Kardassian the Armenian and Kara Boga the Turk or whatever. Was Byzantium the first globohomo empire?



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It's dumb essentialism to argue about whether X or Y was the true Z or whatever.
But anyway, if I engage in that I would definitely say it's the Byzantines.


Rome was already a globohomo empire. half the emperors were from Spain and Syria and shit


>Rome was already a globohomo empire. half the emperors were from Spain and Syria and shit
Yeah, true. It's cool all the emperors that started out as peasants even. Really globohomo is the RETVRN to tradition. Not gay ass monarchy shit.


Heck one of the Byzantinian dynasties is straight up Arab lol. Globohomo is trad

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what did baka mean by this?
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>only an alien treats shinji like a human being
really makes you think


we all need alien twink support boyfriends


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what about girlfriend?


Honesty people hate you straightoids too much so if you want to go get an xeno foid go right ahead my man! Have my blessing too


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one of the reps was deleted

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i DARE you to mention ONE good thing about your day today
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I wanted to have a bird feeder for bird-watching.
Anon-watching on leftypol is my past-time atm.


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While strolling this afternoon I saw some Amber Jelly Roll(picrel is example but not my pic) after having not seen some Amber Jelly Roll inna awhile it was cool to see some again


I'm going to shove my cock


The usual advice is not to feed them during the summer as they need to feed their chick insects and giving them free seeds might make them skip on the insects.


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I spent the day with my wonderful and amazing partner. We watched Wayne's World and cuddled :)

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What do you think of a non-racist non-xenophobic version of Anarcho-fascism?
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Amish ideology is cancerous and should be eradicated. These people are literally just the Christian version of Saudis. They are only harmless now because they're kept down by the most powerful capitalist goverment in the world that rendered them into tourism and fetish materials for Americans. The moment the US government collapses these people would turn into something very dangerous


I don't think the Amish are fascist. They're just weirdo theocratic anarchists with highly patriarchal characteristics.


>They're just weirdo theocratic anarchists with highly patriarchal characteristics.
Anti-statism, emphasizing the importance of hierarchy, authority, and the need for a strong leader or elite. Cultural homogeneity. Reactionary social agenda. Would you say that they have Economic libertarianism? Anarcho-fascists often support free market principles and individual property rights. I don't know enough about the economics but the rest sounds like Anarcho-Fascism to me.


Nevermind about Economic libertarianism, that is not Anarcho-Fascism.


That sounds like Jack Donovan style masculism?

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I have a horrible habit of grouping people together and I an doing it to you

I both hate and love you people. It's infuriating sometimes you people will say things so completely lacking of empathy and insane I think you need to be culled.

However in the same breath, you show a level of empathy for your fellow man and a level of understanding of life and how the world works that I just want to grab you, hug you and never let go.

What is up with you people? Why are you so bipolar? /pol/ isn't bipolar they just hate people.

Why are you not unified?
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Leftists can't forgive Spain for liberating itself from Islam and communism. That's why so many Latam leftists (but leftists in general) have that visceral hatred for Spain.


Spain is a fake nationz it is nothing but a Castill8an supremacist regime occupying Galician, Basque, Andalusian and Catalan nations


I don't think about Spain at all


Wtf are you talking about? Most Leftists don't think of Spain at all. It was, and is, an irrelevant county since the 18th century. Rather than raging about this abstract muh leftist groups who are most of the time just harmless professors you should rage about worthwhile things like the literal desertification of Northern Spain and continuous decline of Spanish economy under the neoliberal capitalist regime. That's something worthwhile to rage about, not le cultural Marxism and le Arabs




the first post below mine is a cool person
but is the second post below mine also a cool person?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!???


My clitty is leaking again…


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cold shower


>>548252 that's a very ambitious huahua


Are there any Serbs here? Are u guys still mad at Bulgaria over the shit that happened in WW1 and 2? I never hear Serbian nationalists shitting on Bulgaria tbh, it's always Albanians and Croats
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>Bulgaria is so gay
<Anti-lgbt stickers by neonazis on every street corner
Commenter is a blind monkeydonian uyghur cockmongler and hasn't set foot in Bulgaria


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The style of this video is the same as White Juche and the Satanic Socialism Front videos


That 100% made me watch the video. Not nearly as unhinged as those.


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