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"No chin, no right to speak."
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Why is /leftypol, such a bully to poor Vietnam and call them imperialist for not accepting that sea borders?

China been bullying Vietnam too long
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anyone or anything claiming to own a large patch of water deserves to be laughed at and called names.

unfortunately I don't this happening but I would hope this is just something the countries in the immediate area just sort out amongst themselves instead of the west trying to start ww3 for the zillionth time

China preparing for WW3 with USA > Vietnamise fishing rights in sea


>vladivostok is called BLACK russia
uh no its called "conqueror of the east" dingus

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I will turn you into a sexy anime bimbo, if you want.
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No thank you. I would rather volunteer in Ukraine than be a woman.

You could volunteer in the Ukraine as a woman.

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Author said he based her design on goddess megan 🤤

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>ad for product
>now lets see this model doing whatever
>giant plushie for some reason
>another ad
>watch the new tv series the mandalo…
I'm glad burgerpunk has containment sports, imagine if the premier league was like this


We are doomed to die on this fucking planet:

>Anecdotal reports of human exposures to lunar dust during the Apollo program suggest that lunar dust has toxic properties. After each EVA, the crew modules were heavily contaminated with dust; many astronauts reported coughs, throat irritation, watery eyes, and blurred vision that likely reduced their performance. A flight surgeon exposed to the capsule interiors after recovery developed what appeared to be allergic reactions to lunar dust that worsened after each exposure. The apparent toxic effects of lunar dust were never comprehensively studied after the program, and the concentrations of dust that contaminated the spacecraft are not known. In each case, symptoms resolved within 24 hours, and post-flight pulmonary testing found no permanent impacts in the astronauts.[29]

>A 2005 NASA study listed 20 risks that required further study before humans should commit to a human Mars expedition, and ranked "dust" as the number one challenge. The report urged study of its mechanical properties, corrosiveness, grittiness, and effect on electrical systems. Most scientists think the only way to answer the questions definitively is by returning samples of Martian dirt and rock to Earth well before launching any astronauts.[8]

>Although that report addressed Martian dust, the concerns are equally valid concerning lunar dust. The dust found on the lunar surface could cause harmful effects on any human outpost technology and crew members:[20][21][22]

< Darkening of surfaces, leading to a considerable increase in radiative heat transfer;

< Abrasive nature of the dust particles may rub and abrade surfaces through friction;
< Negative effect on coatings used on gaskets to seal equipment from space, optical lenses, solar panels, and windows as well as wiring;
< Possible damage to an astronaut's lungs, nervous, and cardiovascular systems;
< Possible increased risk of spacesuit arcing due to small dust grains' exposure to the space environment.

>The principles of astronautical hygiene should be used to assess the risks of exposure to lunar dust during exploration on
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Moon dust: A hidden danger that will cause harm to colonization

The Moon is surrounded by an exosphere, an extremely thin layer of gas. That is, the atmosphere there is so thin that it is often neglected. But astronaut activities, resource extraction, and rocket launches can upset this equilibrium, raising large amounts of regolith above the surface. This can damage both missions and equipment.

Rosemary Killen, a planetologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, emphasizes the danger of tiny dust particles. Moon dust, formed by collisions of space rocks and the impact of the solar wind, is a threat because of its finely dispersed structure. Dust can damage lungs, electronics and machinery, as well as obstruct visibility.

Additional sources of pollution, such as vapor emissions from spacecraft or life support system leaks, will also affect the environment. Even small amounts of water or gas can spread over significant distances, settle in shaded regions, and alter the chemical composition of ancient frozen ice deposits.

An important task for scientists is to analyze the pristine ice in the craters, where water may have been stored for centuries. However, water vapor created by human activities can mix with natural stocks, making data interpretation difficult.

The missions of the Artemis program, which NASA runs with commercial partners, involve the active use of large vehicles. Heavy landings by such vehicles can lift dust to high altitudes, creating short-lived “atmospheric” pockets of gas and particles. Space agencies plan to minimize these effects through careful selection of landing sites and optimization of flight paths.

However, even a few seconds of rocket engine operation can cast dust over significant distances, polluting remote regions. Moon dust can damage astronauts’ lungs, scratch spacesuit surfaces and clog mechanisms. It has properties similar to coal dust, which is detrimental to the health of miners.

There is also a risk of dust transfer into the living modules. Dirty spacesuits, tools and Mars rovers can bring it into airlocks and rooms, creating additional health and engineering hazards.
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I had no choice

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So when are we going to terraform the planets and moons in our solar system?

Immortality will be discovered exactly day after I die.

In Sumerian mythology the Gods of their pantheon were jealous of mortal human beings because they saw that limited existence endowed meaning to their lives as opposed to swamp that was immortality.

So good for you, I guess.

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Allow me to whine about 4chan.

Frick 4chan it's the worst website on the internet. This site has done nothing good for me and has measurably made my life worse the times I spent on it.

You were the original sin of the pony fandom and you're nothing but evil. I'm glad the pony fandom has moved on from you but there's still some from 4chan clinging onto the pony. This is repulsive.

Maybe it is just normal social media to some except with poor moderation, but to me, it's an evil hive of disgustingness. Get out of my sight 4chan. I frickin hate you.

4chan sucks. There I said it. It's not Tiktok that should be banned it's 4chan, because that good for nothing site has done nothing but evil stuff since 2017.

I despise channer culture. I despise it very strongly. 4chan needs to be purged from the internet and be destroyed.

It's like the sewer of the internet full of toxic sludge and nonsense crap. Maybe the reason why it's let to exist is because it filters out the rest of the internet. Doesn't seem to be working well. Nah, it's could be to keep tabs on people and have information on potential criminals or something.

4chan's also owned by a total idiot hiroyuki which is part of the reason it's gotten so bad these years. Frick this crap. I'm sick and tired of this chan nonsense. I can't believe this all came out because of some weeb wanted to make some sort of off shoot website of Something Awful or something.
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I despise how 4chan's /trash/ is the only more or less active furry board nowadays.
You cannot even post on it without waiting 900 second for captcha to appear or giving up you email address. Fuck that.

good boards:
sp (when something big is going on like olympics, otherwise gambling addict general)

pol infestation:
k (NAFO general)
tv (still, some threads are hilarious)
lgbt (self-hating far right M2F autogynephilic hellhole)
his (what if hitler did good)
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if you avoid religious threads his is decent imo

True, what haplogroup are you, big boy?

yes you also have to avoid discussions about genetics but /his/ really peaks when it talks about medieval history and modern history

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>Son…son please…you can't keep living like this. You're spending all your money on that game and you're practically homele-
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Genshin IS art

As someome that has played a handful of gachas I found Zenless Zone Zero, despite being fun enough to pick up every month or so, (with how much a pain in the ass it is to update being a considerable counterweight against deciding to do so) to be way too overzealous with limiteds.

Like with Arknights it's entirely possible to get pot 1 of 6 (obtainment, and pots aren't that singificant once you have Myrtle) in every nearly operator just playing for free, and maybe if you clock in every day that could include the "limiteds". (which can more accurately be called seasonal because they come back every year anyway) The closest I'd say are true limiteds are like, crossover characters, probably because they accidentally broke the base morale system entirely with the first Rainbow 6 collab, so they'd probably only be able to make them newly obtainable if they nerfed them and I don't think hypergryph would want to do that.
I still regret skipping the dungeon meshi event but I did not have the energy for gaming at the time.

What I'm getting at is it feels weird for a game about collecting to make a full collection impossible just for the FOMO of their momentary availability. Why start a collection with a defined point of completion that is from the get-go impossible to complete?

Bruh this is a stereotype. Most men aren't like this even in their teenage years.



Its one of the best way I've found someone describe depression actually: to be finding comfort in your own sorrow

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Imagine spending all your money on a shitty Chinese knockoff of Breath of the Wild with gacha mechanics.


Why are autists obsessed with the old web. Like any time I'm on tiktok i always constantly see old web inspired shit. But here's the kicker there all like 15 so they barely got to experience it. I get how much better it is and that it was better then the modern web but they act like it was heaven on earth like what ancap imagine ancapistan. Why don't we try something new sort of a combination of new and old.
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The people who are obsessed with old web culture would be called a fag if they were around then.

She is just wearing more White styles from that time period when White culture was more dominant worldwide.

Most fags today Will Say shit like
>Muuh they're copying out of fake nostalgia
But it's only half of the reason, old web has a distinct look that dosent exist anymore. Website creation Is a legittimate work of creativity (and this goes for animations and general art) and they get inpired by older creations. The best artists are, in fact, those Who can re-interpret old internet without using fake nostalgia or things that are Just moderna myths

We still have those kind of sites.
And Discord back then would've been IRC

And even beyond the artistry aspect, it's just a good idea to have a central hub for yourself and links to things you value being linked to; wheather it be your socials, the websites of your friends, things you think are neat, etc…
I visit my own website every day because it's convenient.


How do I get myself a personality?
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If you human and you live in human society, you already have a personality.


Like have hobbys and go outside

you know what I'll expand on this. Explore the world, go to party's, get a cat, try and get closer to your native culture, try something new. It will be hard but small steps matter.

sudo pacman -S Xpersonality-arch


I'm 34 but no one ever guesses I'm over 25. If I get clean shaven and put on whatever fashion the hipster kids are now wearing, people mistake me for being 18-21. It's supposed to be a thing, but it's not really a thing to card people where I live. I get carded a lot especially at casual dining restaurants when ordering alcohol where it really shows because I'm the only one asked at the table to show ID. At Walmart a few years back, I bought a boron citrate supplement and for some reason needed to show ID at register to buy it. The black woman at the register was shocked when she realized I was over 30 and was like honey, i don't know what you doin' but it werkin for ya. I think in ten years, I might look 30. Idk? I actually have a problem that most guys on /siberia/ don't have or believe I have and that's my friends get envious of the attention I get from girls to the point where they make up stories about me thinking it will increase their chances. At my last job, where I worked with my roommate. We had this new employee who was a hot blond so he proceeded to make sure it was known that I had stds, lmao. And it worked. I don't have stds, but she had no interest in going out with me afterward even after we already had made plans. She went out with him and found out he had ED and that was the end of that. I'm no longer friends with this dude and the girl moved back home after college, lol.
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that's crazy, how androgynous is your body?

that's alice (the video essayist) when she was young

looks like some one photoshoped a picture of dasha to remove her moles crooked nose and dropey eyes

It's not surprising to look young if you never expose yourself to sunlight.

Alice is still young…

This is the only thing reverse image search found and it does claim it's Dasha: https://es.pinterest.com/pin/1106759677172125419/

You should be thankful you look young at that age.


Reminder that you should all be following half your age + 7 which means that if you are 30, the youngest you should be dating is 22. If you are a 34 year old dating an 18 year old, it is pedophilia. Sorry not sorry.
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full communism is when you have NO SEX and chairman wang's hive mind society and gooning tanks

self-sex will be banned too

Only insecure people obsess over age numbers in relationships.
Barring under 18, anyone is fair game

>t. never read Stirner

>t. a reactionary moralfaggot

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World isn't rigid.

You are protected from the chaos by your senses, your brain is constantly working to keep things in place, creating continuities where there isn't, collecting fundamentally dissimilar things under categories corresponding to nothing real. That is all illusion.

Material world does not have things. It does not have humans, it doesn't have rocks, it doesn't have atoms or quantum particles, all of those are just convinient models we use to predict what happens, labels that break down when you look too closely. In material world one tree of same species differs from another as much as it does from a bee, a star, a concept of pain, a triangle. There's no borders, there's flow, there's flux, there is wild dance that never ceases.

Purpose of this is not to claim that nothing is real. Reality exists. It is out there, and we can hear its echoes bouncing between the walls of our skull.

All I'm proposing is flexible uncertainty. The concepts we use to map the world have found their place based on their usefulness, not their realness.

To be materialist in a flowing world means to never stop moving.
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very cool

>The concepts we use to map the world have found their place based on their usefulness, not their realness.
Our useful abstractions can become concrete processes altering the "realness" as we intended. We can even check if the modifications we did to the "previous realness" ended up conforming to our expectations of the "new realness."

In short, your dichotomy is false. Those mappings of the world are part of realness.


>>610832 (OP)
>creating continuities where there isn't
Just to make sure, you are not claiming that the material world has no continuity, correct?

>collecting fundamentally dissimilar things under categories corresponding to nothing real

Is this a pedantic claim pertaining two things not being identical? Because otherwise that statement contradicts the very point of categories. The things put under the same category share certain properties. They are put together based on similarity.

>Material world does not have things.

Not a materialist standpoint. What does the material world have alternatively?

>It does not have humans, it doesn't have rocks, it doesn't have atoms or quantum particles, all of those are just convinient models we use to predict what happens, labels that break down when you look too closely.

At first I thought this was a statement on mereological nihilism but then you also listed quantum particles. If your reasoning rests on dilemmas and paradoxes of our conceptions of things then this would speak for the faultiness of our ontological conceptions but not prove things as a whole to be unreal. How would those models be convenient and serve properly as predictions if they and what is real had no connection?

>In material world one tree of same species differs from another as much as it does from a bee, a star, a concept of pain, a triangle.

If the material world doesn‘t have things then how can you even make a statement on that?
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<creating continuities where there isn't
>Just to make sure, you are not claiming that the material world has no continuity, correct?
Reading comprehension pls.
>Not a materialist standpoint. What does the material world have alternatively?
They're saying that things can be analyzed to an infinitely graular degree, and being to comfortable with your current understanding of things, given that everything as you are capable of percieving it is effectively abstractions of something that will always be able to be understood more granularly, and thus all steps toward that root are abstrations, may be a detriment to you as someone that thinks materialistically in keeping up with materialism as a science.

Yes they are being pedantic, pedantic doesn't mean wrong.

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