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Anyone feel iffy about Gattsu(a Georgian youtuber whose associated with yugopink and hakim)
a few weeks back I watched a video of his films on soviet films and I thought he was based and so I subscribed to him but watching some other stuff of his, it seems obvious he hates communism(also he seems like one of those porn addicts who hides it behind a layer of irony)
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Georgian here;
No. What the hell are you talking about lol.


That's really the two options you get in Georgia though; Western cock and Russian cock. Trying to sell Russia as "based actually" after they invaded and bombed the country as recently as 2008 is a lost cause. Western Support here is basically seen as assurance that Georgia won't get eaten after Ukraine is done with.
There's a trend in leftist circles of viewing Russia as somehow preferable to Westoids, but those judgements are usually passed by people continents away who will never have to worry about being glassed by Russians in the coming decade.
Also on the subject of Gattsu, I think he's like, tolerable. He's not a revolutionary Marxist by any stretch but he does a solid job at pointing out faults of the Eastern European ruling classes.


>expat virus
Whats wrong with expats? I personally wanna become an expat one day


communists and fascists do, libs don't


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i aint clickin that shit


It's a bilibili video, bilibili is a chinese youtube-style video CDN that's been getting really popular due to it's partnership with Arknights. Pipepipe, a fork of newpipe, is compatible with it.


politics is banned but the black sun isn't? get your shit together china


i cant believe our big beautiful red china has online paradox addicted schizophrenics too


Materialist explanation for my cooking becoming 20% better while I'm wearing a chef hat?
Should chef hats be distributed under communism?
What's the most proletarian meal?
Will wearing a chef hat get me MUCHO SÉXO?
Are there chef hats for chihuahuas?
Do the chef hat buffs stack?
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checked n cooked


you see conrad chefs hats often contain a highly trained and skillful rat who communicates with you by slightly tugging at different different hairs on your scalp.


Honey and BBQ sauce is my own galaxy brained innovation and I will not back down from it, it's so fucking good on cheap pork cuts with veg. I do have some dark soy but I didn't want someone to mix it up with light soy and make a sauce with it, and also if your kitchen has no ingredients and you're broke hoisin and dark soy is a bit extra, something like chili paste is way more useful
>Sesame oil is a finishing oil NOT a cooking oil! It has a low smoke point and can get nasty quick. Add it after cooking.
whoops lol, you can't get sesame seeds in the shops here so I wanted to give it some sesame taste
>Make a nice red-braised pork and you'll change your mind on this. Don't skip any ingredients though: soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, cinnamon, star anise, bay leaf. It's a really decadent Chinese dish. You should also add shaoxing wine or substitute sherry, but I often leave it out or just rinse the meat with it after blanching.
This looks and sounds excellent but I bet I won't be able to find star anise or bay leaf. I pretty much have to wait until I run out of shirataki to get my order high enough for Amazon free delivery, they don't even sell MSG at the shops. I can't even get little mild peppers unless they come expensively prepared in some sort of sauce in a glass jar presumably because there's not enough money in selling them unprepared lmao. Absolute meme country.


>Materialist explanation for my cooking becoming 20% better while I'm wearing a chef hat?
real life is le RPG


it literally is

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Am i racist if i say that seeing Hispanics being ultra proud of Catholicism and the Spanish empire kinda feel like seeing Pakistanis larping as Turkish ghazis. I'm not saying we should all retvrn to paganism or whatever the fuck since i also think that neopagans are retard but you know what i'm saying right?
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It was a progressive force in the grand scheme of things so being proud is one thing but wanting to retvrn or keep the status quo is another.


Not in Brazil at least.


>Why? Its not like they actually believe is supernatural nonsense
many of them do.


Wiccas are the burgers of witchcraft. There's not even a lot of them they're just rich anglos that get honorary abrahamic status for being racist / transphobic about it.

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Reject chinletism, embrace "master forgive me" neckbeardism
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Women do not find him attractive, therefore he is not worth our love.


ironically enough to the right man, he would be like crack.



The reddit atheist is pure negation, when we need a negation of negation, which people confuse for religious fundamentalism


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I've had friends that fit this archetype and they're very cool. one of them turned out to be a fascist, so not very cool

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In April of 1936 a delegation from the Communist Party of Australia embarked on a goodwill trip to the Soviet Union. Upon their arrival in Moscow, the Australians presented Joseph Stalin and other members of the Soviet leadership with several gifts, including a single wombat joey.

Stalin was impressed by the young animal, which reminded him of Russia's native Eurasian beaver. The Australians had nicknamed the wombat "Willy," but later that evening the Soviets suggested naming him "Vil," after the initials of V.I. Lenin.
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rest in power Vil


this is real
a guy told me


why so many stalin threads all of the sudden


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One of the key leaders of World War II, the ultimate foe of the Third Reich.

Due to the insufficient royal authority in the hands of Roosevelt and Churchill, Leader girl of the Red Alliance was Hitler's final barrier and the last defender of Earth and human civilization.

Years after the end of World War II, Stalin continues to worry about the future fate of this blue planet. She undertook a series of operations to clean up the remnants of the Nazis, including sending the elite KGB officer Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin into space to search for the Steel Moon, a well-known deed.

A steampunk power hammer with a simple name. The factory smoke is the breath of the motherland; Long live Soviet industrialization!

A giant metal scythe with a simple name. Those who do not walk with Stalin will walk with Comrade Lenin.

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Someone wrote Haz a check


Reminder that in early 2017, r/Socialism banned catgirls, even the slightest mention of them led to a ban.

The official reason, according to the mods, is that cat girls were a degradation of women by comparing them to pets, so it was "misogynistic."

The one who was worst affected was an artist who had been on the subreddit for a few years who was banned for her content.
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They are Marxist-Literally-Shakingists and banned the words stupid and crazy so they are obvious targets for concern trolling. They've always openly broadcast that there's literally no level of pandering to mentally ill retards they won't engage in.


if you can't come up with a more creative insult for something than "stupid" or "crazy", you're either stupid or crazy.


So true my epic gentlesir, have they not considered calling the escalations towards nuclear war the act of an unwholesome cockwomble? It's possible to critique it without being ableist!


if you're gonna do the cringe british thing you've gotta do it right. "wholesome" is tumblr twee trash, "cockwomble" is a bald man who really wants to stop brexit. it's like you've swerved from a boston to a cockney accent mid line.


Nah it's just an amalgamation of redditspeak, the site is deeply cringe.
I assume you've never used it so they set up automod bots to check new comments for words like crazy, insane, dumb, stupid etc. If you say it your comment gets deleted and you may get autobanned but I can't remember.
So if say 9/11 2 happened and you posted "Holy shit this is crazy" your comment would get deleted and you'd be sent a twee little guide via DM on how to not be ableist

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I know we love a little bit of trolling on /beria/ but I have a question.
in 2023, I put together a plan to kill myself, I had my notes wrote, the tool needed and the location planned out. I had made up my mind, and was now waiting for the chosen day. I decided to try something I never did before and put my contact information out on 4chan.
I was added on fbi.gov by a Maoist trans woman from Germany, and she spoke to me, I was fully prepared to die in the next week and she knew this, as with all of you, she was well-read and cerebral.
To cut a long story short, she beat me in a logical debate on suicide, and I don't mean beat. I mean *BEAT*, after hours and days of back and forwards she talked me out of dying in a months time. Its been a while, and to this day we still talk on fbi.gov, I wanted to see what she believed in and came here, in doing so I met other fantastic people who posted here and I am friends now with them, I still think I am going to die in the future, but that is lessening every day, I may still be right however… I can't ask her but…
Why save me? Why waste your time with some suicidal person from 4chan? I could have been anyone, some right-wing neo-nazi or a transphobic cunt, why waste time with me? My own mother and father didn't care enough, so why do you leftists care? I am your enemy, I post on 4chan, I have reactionary thoughts, why bother stopping me from killing myself? For what reason? I don't understand, why do you even care? My own flesh and blood doesn't so why do you all care to save me and check up on me? Why? I can't ask this question anymore, I am or at the time was your enemy, why bother saving me? Why did you save me? I don't understand, why do leftists care about me? Why step in and waste time asking if I am okay or to go to a doctors? What do you gain from it? I am lost and confused and unsure of myself and I don't know why some random maoist bothers to try with some rightoid from 4chan. Pictture is of the journal I have dealing things.
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Suicide as the cessation of suffering is fallacious if you posit idealism and materialism as equally possible a priori and all that it potentially entails.


Materially, the pain of your suicide affects your lived ones and is shared with them


>if you posit idealism and materialism as equally possible a priori
And why would you do that?


fake. thread is a waste of space. MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Value can only be produced by human labor applied to nature so it's best if people don't throw themselves out of skyscrapers.

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So this happened and normies think North Korea is based now.


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>Two countries that border each other have diplomatic relations
zzzzzzz (the sleepy kind)


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finally, a car commercial that appeals to me


Zased, Comrade Kim will redpill Putin.
USSR 2 will be announced in 2 weeks.

Trust Z plan.


I love Kim Jong Un so much it's unreal 🥰🥰😍

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Does anyone else automatically default to looking north?
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the needle points north. the directions on the compass itself are for orientation in regards to the needle, not actual directions themselves. a working compass always points north, whether or not the needle overlaps with the part that says north.


i default to looking good ;)


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I default toward plants in order of height or abundance, else toward celestial bodies.



I don't speak Nipponese, what does it mean?

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