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recommend me one fiction and one non-fiction book
I prefer short stories and compilations over novels. I like essays and history but I don't mind investigative journalism and/or true crime. not really a fan of pop science and philosophy
I have read most of the "western canon" so please recommend me something else
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and how old are these girls?


According to wiki, OP's is around 100 years old, couldnt find any info on the other girl's age though.


Don't matter. They don't look like they even have grass on the field, so you shouldn't play ball


Patchouli is a librarian and OP is asking for book recommendations. If that gets you hot and bothered keep your filthy thoughts to yourself, don't try projecting it on us.


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I love dogs so much. This guy could maul the shit out of me if he had the element of surprise, buts he just wants to curl up next to me like a kitten.
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I can't afford pets, but I'd go full Shindler for those precious little fuckers.


>Maybe if your dumbass dog feels threatened by pedestrians don't walk it out in the public? Or if you must, put a muzzle on it? What do you want me to do, should I have jumped in front of traffic when I saw that someone walking their dog was coming towards me to avoid having to pass it?
>I would feel pretty angry if that happened to me, and would try to get the owner in trouble with the law (meaning, try to get his shit dog euthanized or at least forbidden from going out without a muzzle, and throw in some reparation while you're at it). Fucking cunts putting other people in danger so their ego can be stroked by those stupid animals. The fuckers often dont even apologize.
faggots. i walk my 60kg dog without a leash and i will continue to do so


Love dogs, however Bully XL genocide.


dog paws typed this post


>noooo its my right to put other people in danger
as you feel targeted, you prolly never bothered to educate your stupid fleabag, so dont cry when it get euthanized for mauling a kid


I read this book about the propaganda model and now I want to recommend it to people irl but the second chapter has a cointelpro talking point and I don't want people to think the book is stupid or to instantly dismiss it because of that. what can I do?
flood detected


>le post le heckin' le discarded you chvd


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censor da book, remove any parts that don't align with your believes

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Need a meme thread now, I'm so fucking board.
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What are the materialist dialectics of jailscaper?
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That's 25 inmates per story, isn't that very few?


Someone with a cessna and and a supply of tannerite has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever


judging by america's crumbling infrastructure, declining safety standards, failing education system, etc. it will probably collapse on its own in an avoidable engineering disaster


it's so funny that porkies are bored enough to do funky variations on their monuments of pointless cruelty. at least the old ones would like fund a library or a new bridge or something to make themselves look good after they're dead


The guy is simply impeccable.
>and God forbid I end up in heaven
hahahaha never gets old
Bukele-ism going worldwide. ALL poor people put in jails.

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Is crystal pepsi leftist?


No but Crystal Meth is


>Is a bourgeois company leftist?
I mean, probably. Being to the left of capital is just as bad as being to the right of it.


Communism is leftist


Technically, not really.
>The German bourgeoisie, which had only just begun to establish its large-scale industry, had neither the strength nor the courage to win for itself unconditional domination in the state, nor was there any compelling necessity for it to do so. The proletariat, undeveloped to an equal degree, having grown up in complete intellectual enslavement, being unorganised and still not even capable of independent organisation, possessed only a vague feeling of the profound conflict of interests between it and the bourgeoisie. Hence, although in point of fact the mortal enemy of the latter, it remained, on the other hand, its political appendage. Terrified not by what the German proletariat was, but by what it threatened to become and what the French proletariat already was, the bourgeoisie saw its sole salvation in some compromise, even the most cowardly, with the monarchy and nobility; as the proletariat was still unaware of its own historical role, the bulk of it had, at the start, to take on the role of the forward-pressing, extreme left wing of the bourgeoisie. The German workers had above all to win those rights which were indispensable to their independent organisation as a class party: freedom of the press, association and assembly — rights which the bourgeoisie, in the interest of its own rule ought to have fought for, but which it itself in its fear now began to dispute when it came to the workers. The few hundred separate League members vanished in the enormous mass that had been suddenly hurled into the movement. Thus, the German proletariat at first appeared on the political stage as the extreme democratic party.
Engels | *Marx and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung (1848–49)* | 1884
Communism is not the left or right of the current state of things, it is the negation of the current state of things.
>Communism is for us not a *state of affairs* which is to be established, an *ideal* to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the *real* movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.
Marx | [5. Development of the Productive Forces as a Material Premise of Communism], A. Idealism and Materialism, I. Feuerbach: Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>coomers get told to touch grass
>this happens
it's coover
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The police ruled it suicide but the neighbors say she was murdered. The body was found 30 days after death and the downstairs neighbors said they heard some kind of altercation a month before they found her. The scene showed signs of struggle.



> say she was murdered.
even better


the anon iz baiting you



>Masturbate at the police


Why you don't cooperate with police: an exhibit

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Gay men who set their profile as female on dating apps piss me off. They should be publicly ridiculed for it.


Gays shouldn't be allowed to come onto hetero people period and if I cant tell em to just quit being gay. Cant have it both ways homos no pun intended


>dating apps
This shit simply cannot be as prevalent as ya'll make it out to be. Go join a MineCraft server, frequent a mall / library / park or do something in your community, that's how your parents met.


Data mining apps are trash, don't use them.


I didn't know this was a thing but would probably turn me on if they were sufficiently feminine lol


>Go join a MineCraft server, frequent a mall / library / park or do something in your community, that's how your parents met.
I've known of several people hooking up due to minecraft it's wild. That is actually a very real thing.


Acknowledge your tribal chief anons
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Wrong answers only


meds he would never say that


wrestling seems pretty cool. I would have loved it as a child.


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>it's 2024
>wrestlers are still not unionized, most of them will probably die under 50 with their retarded medical laws


Yo that industry is fucked. Shame too, the whole culture is super interesting even though I haven't been into it in a long time

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Pics showing the sterility of modernity.
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>autistic ADHD retard kid with abusive parents
i think you needed just one or 2 more qualifiers about this person being in an unfortunate situation to really drive your point home


fuck off Euronymous


I like moshing with women, it revolutionized moshing for me. Just a word of caution: do not make the first move.


Moshing is less about hurting others and more about giving up your right to complain when you get beat up in a social setting so that you can self harm in a socially accepted way.
t. Self harm enjoyer

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