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Lenin lived on my childhood block and old people say he cheated on his wife with local girls


There is nothing old people love more then just sitting outside and spreading rumours.


No one alive ever met lenin.


Lenin died over a century ago.

Those old people didn't actually know Lenin.


they knew people who knew him though


Did they ever suspect


I politically Identify as an Attackism-Helicopterist. Ever since I was a teen I wrote essays of soaring over the third world liberating helpless foreigners. People say to me that an ideology being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm dialectical. I'm having my comrades install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on our headquarters. From now on I want you guys to call me "Huey" and respect my right to utilize lethal firepower during debate. If you can't accept me you're a anti-helicoptist and are violating my right to political association. Thank you for being so understanding.


reactoids have just one joke


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>too thick to understand satire of political labeling
Why do you browse Leftist Politically Incorrect?


Fuck off. This is the off-topic board. This OP belongs on /leftypol/. /edu/ is the board for serious business.





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I can't stand bipolar people. I know it's mean and ableist to think like this but fuck, they're insufferable most of the time. I hate people who weaponize their insecurities into megalomania and this is bipolar disorder 101. The only bipolar person I ever got along with long-term is always medicated, all the other ones were travesties that got too invested in me and, when I made the mistake of reciprocating out of fear of being ableist, they put effort in trying to hurt me (deliberate cruelty is another trait I deeply resent in others). I wouldn't say I'm traumatized but everytime I make friends with another bipolar person it mostly goes like this.
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I have explicit but they aren't as many because i still feel this is kinda wrong and i didn't posted them because i thought this was a sfw board, is the site fully nsfw?
Anyway here's explicit, spoilered so they are fully displayed to everyone.


so they are NOT displayed to everyone*



mgs2 was better than 3. Its story is remembered, people only remember 3 for snake eater and certain parts.
men are the kinder gender
life is a simulation and none of you are real


I'm a serial cheater, and I do it cause it's fun and I get a thrill from the possibility of being caught. Used to fuck girls in their boyfriend's houses, outside my girlfriend's houses, etc.

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It's late but happy father's day Siberia
Have you said something nice to your commie papa?


Fuck, there is another thread about this.
Janitors, you know what to do

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Why yes.
My spirituality consists of listening to the epiphanies given to me and the voices that talk to me during mushroom trips. How could you tell?


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Same. I've never been on any mushroom trips.


only based form of spirituality


Been trying to get into animism. I feel like trees would have interesting insight. Also it's philisopically anti-essentialist and I wanna learn about various forms of anti-essentialism.


Youtube is automatically AI upscaling videos, including old videos, and it makes pixelated games look weird as fuck


compare with this one


>have infamously poor video quality
>hmm let's try upscaling videos
How about don't compress them to potato quality in the first place?


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it reminds me of when various game studios started "remastering" old games and the corporate dipshits push tight deadlines so the dev team ends up using AI upscaling to "remaster" the old textures and it just makes the game look blurry and weird and take up 50x more space on a hard drive than it should


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lmao they smoothed the nut, which is literally supposed to be a hexagon, defeating the purpose of it


420chan was an ancap website
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What are the best alternatives to 420chan?


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Dude I don't know, lainchan is pretty chill and has a decent drug board. I spend most of my chan time here now, but I wouldn't call this an alternative to 420chan, apples and oranges really.




Seize the means of hallucination ⚒️🌿🔥🌈

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i miss 420chan so much
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Me too. Wish it had a few more posters. It should be coming back next year, but I fear it will be shit.


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actual picture of >>543472


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I blame Kirt.
If he spent less time larping as the founder of anonymous ( as if that makes any sense). And more time actually running his site and not letting it go to shit maybe it would still be around.


Don't let that pedo ever moderate the site again

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If right-wingers believe everyone should be able to say the N word and left-wingers believe only black people should be able to, what do center-wingers believe?
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I love you too bro <3


Everybody should be able to say it because there is little bit of uyghur in all of us.


>what do center-wingers believe?
Everyone can say it without the hard r



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imagine how great the world could've been
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Don't worry anon, I got your back. We're still getting you for all those PDFs you illegally downloaded though.


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erm what?


Meaning pedophiles typically have some kind of arrested development syndrome. They see themselves as children, act like children, leads to them trying to fuck children.


self inserting as shota is different tho


I dont think thats the case in general.

Same here.
I also wish to be a hot ara figure with a shota bf

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