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me on the under
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Can these be 3d printed?


you could just buy them from the site


They sell an STL file as an option, which is cheaper than having them print it for you.


yeah that's the whole purpose of heroforge. it's a website for making figurines. which is why everything has to be attached to a base, and why the hands and props are so large and clunky (so they don't break off).

People use it to draft 3d models though. If you put a character in a neutral T-pose and screenshot from both the front and the side you can use that as a basis to start making your own mesh in blender or w/e


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>which is why everything has to be attached to a base
You can remove the base in the base options. Either click the trashcan here or click the highlighted option in the other panel to toggle it off. Lots of people prefer to attach a miniature to a separate base for various reasons.

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I like leftist thoughts.
I think you people are very academic, more so then the right.
You put thought into why the world is, what it should be and where it is headed.
I like most of you.
I am 26, and can't shake the thought that most leftists are man-hating harpies.
I don't want to be blamed for whatever happened to women.
I don't want to be accused of propagating patriarchy or whatever other nonsense, I don't want more hatred of me. Especially for things I didn't choose (my gender)
I just want to be left alone with my boyfriend, and to help others where I can.
How can I trust that most of you don't secretly want the worst for me?
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Don't believe all that anti halfu shit. I'll tell you I know this half Chinese half White guy who has never had trouble getting pussy. He's really sweet guy, he's soft boy and very naive with women because it all comes to him so easily. His last girlfriend was houndin him trying to get with him and he asked, "uh do you think she's into me?" He's rich too so there's that lol. Being a broke uygha and being a soft boy is the greatest sin. You can be one but not both.


Here anon comes to the rescue of the lighter (better) person with a shit anecdote of a bourgeois faggot that gets women easily.


I'm sorry life has been hard for you anon… I don't think my platatutes are going to make you feel better, but for what its worth I empathise with you. I am a soft idiot and small… I use to hate women, till I found out I was gay. But I feel you for what its worth, not being desired takes your soul from you and you end up in a horrid, dark and awful place.
I want to ask, do you seek to change yourself.?

Stop being mean, please.


>Here anon comes to the rescue of the lighter (better) person

>I'm sorry life has been hard for you anon… I don't think my platatutes are going to make you feel better, but for what its worth I empathise with you. I am a soft idiot and small… I use to hate women, till I found out I was gay. But I feel you for what its worth, not being desired takes your soul from you and you end up in a horrid, dark and awful place.
>I want to ask, do you seek to change yourself.?
I never tried to slit my wrists. I never hated myself. Stop projecting faggot.

Keep doing you anyways. I didn't say it was wrong to be soft I just tried to explain the mystery of why you get no female attention and it's not your race.


Did you reply to the right person? I was being nice to you, and I am not straight anyway… I can't tell if this is just a misreply or you are trying to hurt me.


Full support to Israel saar


You will respect India western dog betch 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 2030

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now that the dust has settled
who was in the wrong here
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>Star Wars is fascist
>Harry Potter is fascist neo-feudal dreck
>selfie-obsession is fascist
>British soap operas are fascist
never seen any so idk
>sci-fi is generally fascist
yes because a lot of it was influenced by 50s golden age AmeriKKKan sci-fi
>ironic detachment is fascist
arguably yes
>porn is fascist
>Masscult under imperialism is inherently fascistic
I think there are examples of capital accidentally giving a platform to interesting ideas/themes but it was more of a thing in the 20th century. mass culture in the 21st century has gradually become more fascistic because there's almost no room for anything in mass culture anymore besides bloated spectacles that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to make. it's no accident that the only mass culture left in the 21st century has largely ended up being superhero shit (which is the most fascist).


>when tankies were lolcows and not crypto-fascists?
tomayto tomahto


The original Star Wars trilogy was anti-imperialist.


George Lucas has surprisingly based opinions on Soviet film so I will give him that, but as far as I'm concerned Star Wars is effectively fascist propaganda even if it came out of a cultural context of New Hollywood and the Vietnam War being a recent thing. the reason why I'll defend this take is because Star Wars does the thing that ever other piece of Hollywood liberalism does where the Nazis are portrayed as being really cool and powerful when this is actually a completely ahistorical take on fascism that just ends up making it seem like something alluring if only for the moral problems with it. that's pretty much how the Empire is portrayed and anyone who doesn't like the Sith more than the Jedi is just a fucking loser nerd who missed the whole point.


I've been asking what a tankie is all over the place and I've never gotten the same answer twice, are the Yankees in the room with us now?
What do they look like? What do they say to you?


My boyfriend calls me imouto
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what about incest with mother or father


yeah i watched monogatari dude too


rare sensible post


i have siblings, i am in love w one of them but i know it probably wont happen so i got a bf


*nod* this is what they dont get. its like a childhood friends fantasy

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I can't say this to my leftist friend so please just put up with me leftypol
I know you far leftists like to psychoanalyse things, you are very smart and kind people.
Please don't ask if I have been diagnosed with borderline line, then when I refuse to answer say "its a yes then" I am sorry I didn't choose this and if I admit to it you will leave me, I am sorry I was clingy to you. I liked listening to you talk about Maoism, people like me are called bpdemons and I really don't want you to hate me. and leave me. Please for love and money lefty pol of you know your friend has borderline don't ask them i don't want to be abandoned for things i cant control. Just let them say they love you over and over dont call us out or else our friends will desert us
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I was also almost aborted bro. Dad basically raped my mum (forgot to mention to her that he removed the condom intentionally during coitus).


I am sorry for the late response, please forgive me… I think I should just seek physical therapy… You are right and have a better argument than me, so I will… I will go, I will try and not seek the high. I am afraid of being abandoned if I do this but its just a crazy thought.

I know you probably think I am a demon in a persons skin, I am sorry about what happened to you. I truly am, you didn't deserve that… Its cute you have a child, what is she called?


>I know you probably think I am a demon in a persons skin
Didn't say or imply that. Don't think that either. Take it easy.
>Its cute you have a child, what is she called?
I wouldn't share my own name on here, let alone my kid's


Oh, then for what its worth I hope you and your daughter are having a good day! You sould like a good dad,


Sorry, I was re-reading this, but I alrady replied are you mad at me? I didn't mean to cause issue with the things I said it just came into my head.

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did you guys just shut it down? i guess ill post questions here

is it safe to drink alcohol togheter with some ketamine?


>did you guys just shut it down?

Do you think anyone here knows how to shut an entire website? If we did that, would like, the original makers of 420chan comment on that? Who is saying that /leftypol/ has, or can, shut anything down?


Its against the whole constitution of the website, as said in
>6) Direct calls to maliciously raid other communities may be removed at the moderators' decision. This includes raiding other imageboards and calls to brigade live-streamers. Leftypol is not your personal army.


It's not safe to drink alcohol.


we have nothing to do with 420chan being down, fred brennan is planning to reopen it 'by 2025' but until then he redirected it here because he likes our board and thinks it's funny


Most people who do ketamine mix it with alcohol, so its not a death potion, but yes, mixing increases the toxicity.

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Esoteric wisdom is far more entertaining than science fiction.

Skip the Star Wars slop. Do a YouTube binge on schizo kino.
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I was blown away when I realized Ba’el the big bad boogie man that all the schizos were sissyfitting about, just meant lord. Which there are many, including YHWH and baelzebub.
Turns out Moses prayed to Baelzebub (the lord of the flies) to summon locusts.
And YHWH’s first mention in hieroglyphs was mocking the sound that the sacred Jewish pack mules made. Which lines up with the Hindu obsession with sacred cows and golden bulls.
Hebrews were bandits that lived by dried up river beds, that would jack merchants crossing the river system.
It makes sense that they would be resented and it makes sense that they could use that resentment as leverage.
Sort of like how Americans turned Yankee Doodle (redneck homo) into a battle cry.

IDGAF, this is the definition of a revelation to me. Even if I’m just hearing it from nerds on YouTube, it’s still far more interesting than corporate sponsored kid shows.

With that said, I don’t take these myths anymore seriously than I take sci-fi/fantasy. I do take the people that believe in it seriously.


Meant to post this.


Paranoia Agent is pretty boring.


You got pleb filtered.


I can't believe I watched both of them. really interesting

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me on the left


My Therapist: Clean Frank isn't real. He can't hurt you.




Recently, my stomach has started to hurt on the buildup to a fart. Like a squelching churning pain. Am I dying?
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>produce electricity and mine bitcoin
Will the bitcoin miner be on the cow?


Yeah but whats the dealwith the gaping hole


>A cannulated cow or fistulated cow refers to a cow that has been surgically fitted with a cannula.[1] A cannula acts as a porthole-like device that allows access to the rumen of a cow, to perform research and analysis of the digestive system and to allow veterinarians to transplant rumen contents from one cow to another.[1][2]


>fiber truther
eat at least one serving of vegetables and one serving of fruit a day and get back to me after 30-60 days


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Vegetables make me fart a lot.

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