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>You think thats bad? Remember that time I overthrew capitalism?


most well read post in /leftypo/


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I just read the quran and it was objectively boring, repetitive and dogmatic.
The Bible at least has children's stories and stuff but the quran just beats you over the head with "believe, or you will go to hell".
At least it is one book though and not 66 like the bible, which is equally full of fluff and filler (especially in the first 5 books).
As i get older im starting to take the reddit atheist perspective that people only believe because they were born into it, they havent read their holy scriptures and/or a lack of education. This doesnt make atheists smarter btw, since plenty of dumb atheists also exist.
I recently heard a religious reactionary talk about how literacy is a privilege and most shouldnt be allowed to read or write. Just like the catholics before the reformation. And interestingly too, this revilement for educating the lower classes has persisted from ancient greece, and even til the renaissance humanism of people like rousseau, who likewise said that literacy should be preserved for elites.
So i think religion objectively keeps people dumb and subservient, where as kant says: "i must limit knowledge to preserve faith".
This isnt even really about whether God exists or not, but just that religion purposefully keeps people dumb and is inherently reactionary. I guess thats why the first sin is eating from the tree of knowledge?
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Stellar idea. Goodnight anonymous leftist poster whatever gender you are. (I think you are a girl but I am not sure) goodnight


Plot twist: Abrahamic religions are about political perfection not spiritual.

Most people in the Abrahamic faiths dont bkieve in God. They hope there is a God.

Most of them dont think of God or the Devil as sentient beings but as metaphors or psychosomatic effects.


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>I hope all of them get reincarnated into women next go around.
Do buddhists think souls have a gender? Do asexual organisms have a gendered soul too?


Buddhists believe souls transform into new people throughout one's life, which is probably more accurate than soul essentialism.


I'm generally sympathetic to religious people when they are born into it but converts are usually the most reactionary freaks of them all

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Real talk though am i being too naive when i see a problem and i instantly assume that class mobilization is going to solve that (and judge people for being too dumb to not realize that)
Like i see the absolute communal mess that is India with how the Hindutvas are dividing lower caste people from Muslims and i always think that "wow, a socialist prole mobilization could've prevented that". Same thing with shit like BLM, Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, etc. My default response is always "all of this could've been avoided had the working class of the fighting ethnicities/communities come together to fight with the real movement".
Sometimes i feel like i'm just being a Leftist equivalent of a rightoid just screaming "da blacks and da joos" at every single problem so they don't have to bother actually looking at intersectionality or all the fancy terms sociologists use nowadays to refer to social relations. Like we love to clown on those anthropology people as radlibs but you know admittedly they have poured hours upon hours on studying these things. Should we not listen to them?
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> come together to fight with the real movement
Which real movement?


Care to elaborate on proletarian mobilization? Sounds like Maoism.


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class reductionism is ordained by God
>For the love of money is the root of all evil


>socialist prole mobilization could've prevented that
And how do you achive this? By adressing the problems of all proles and exposing their common enemy and the illusory nature of many of their divisions. A nessecary part of the proletarian mobilization is to bring all the participants to equality before the cause. A prole is a prole is a prole, all deserving of the same rights and dignity as any other.
>Like we love to clown on those anthropology people as radlibs but you know admittedly they have poured hours upon hours on studying these things.
So? Hours studying does not a good idea make. We call many of them liberals because that's what they are. If they seek equality and social liberalism while maintaining capitalist class relations then all they are doing is helping the ruling class assimilate everything into this global imperialist monoculture.

Idpol is positioning the superstructure as primary, downplaying or ignoring it's economic roots.
"Class Reductionism" is ignoring the reciprocal relationship that the superstructure has with the base, positing that there is only class.
Marxism understands the relationship between base and superstructure. That is the anti-idpol position.

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They’ve been confirmed for astroturf, right?
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Don't care about this performative drama either way, but will you shut up already? Go outside, touch grass. These are not issues you're going to run into IRL 90% of the time.


Is there a single anarchist argument to being anti-abortion? Because I can’t think of one.


Fucking cringe


Cult shit.



You can tell they're wreckers because they seem to care more about doing moronic stunts for clout than real activism.

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lib thoughts: sometimes i wonder if borderline personality disorder isn't real and is just a way narcissists minimize their role in a failed relationship to distance themselves from their partner's perfectly normal response to their emotional abuse by neglect
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Genius is close to madness as many note - brilliant people are often easy to hate. But so what? Let them be and let me be.


>BPD isn't real unlike this other equally pseudoscientific DSM personality category


The DSM is literally just bullshit. Everything in the DSM can be moved around, manipulated, removed at will. But people treat it like some kind of immutable stone tablet sent down by god. Homosexuality was in the DSM and the "therapy" was electroshock or whatever until activists in the 70s bullied the APA into removing it. BPD is also just a less yikes-y way to say "female hysteria".


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Lol this fucking guy thinking that any mental illnesses are real lol :O

>>distance themselves from their partner's perfectly normal response to their emotional abuse by neglect

Maybe try realizing that some people are just labeled better than others.

Find me some signs of chemical imbalances that you can test in blood for a schizophrenic that would determine their illness and necessitate the use of a chemical intervention lol

You will only go to a mental institution if you have a low standing in society even compared to family members. Also some people are masons and their abuse of you needs to be covered up with made up mental illnesses.

If you're labeled with one try a contingency plan IE murder suicide .


retard shit. big surprise you think the only people who have real mental illness are the people whk loudly announce it to everyone when you talk about it like this, who would ever trust you to talk about their serious mental problems with them lmao. btw personality disorders are usually classified differently anyway and are basically the "bad person disorders", e.g. borderline, narcissism, etc. none of them, personality disorders or mental disorders, are fundamentally real anyway at least in terms of being a definitive description of the diagnosed person, but theyre helpful descriptive guidelines nonetheless. one of the biggest differences is that meds do help mentally ill people but are far less effective for personality disorders. in very general terms, whatever the actual social and biological mechanisms, mentally ill people generally feel like their illness is in contradiction with who they are, and people with personality disorders generally feel like their disorder is who they are. thats a quick and dirty description and there are 'recovered' depressives and 'recovered' narcissists, anybody who tells you they really understand the foundations of this shit or anything close to them is lying, but its not complete bullshit. its a new field that pretends to know everything so is quickly seized on by capital, as most new fields are.

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What do you think about commie-raptor?

He beats down the bourgeois and touches tiddys. I think he might be the left wing hero we need!


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Based fellow leftypol using animator


Animation reminds me of something. Maybe "grizzly tales for gruesome kids"? Definitely seems british in style.



Hey m-dawg

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Easiest way to go insane?


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try dissociatives. if you want to retvrn to reality, try mescaline (other psychs work too but mescaline makes you go outside and be a nuisance). if you want to have a scary trip try nutmeg. if you want to have mild or moderate psychosis but not super sever, try being high as a kite constantly on marijuana. if you want to get into the occult, try entheogens. if you want to be a super smart schizo, try creatine, adrafinil or modafinil.


also be sure to keep some anti-psychotics on hand. i can't prove it works but i take blue lotus for its anti-psychotic sedative and hypnotic effects.


huff gasoline


I did edibles and I went mad


After hitting meth once I couldn't stop, stop smoking it, looking at myself in the mirror, and getting fucked in the ass by old men.


>does the Cultural Revolution then does the complete opposite and normalizes relations with Nixon immediately after
What the fuck did he mean by that??
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oversimplifying, my impression is: Mao vacillated between "trying to actually move towards communism, which requires not falling into the trap of just becoming a bureaucratic planned state which, whatever its merits, has more in common with capitalism than not." and "trying to preserve a unified China under Communist rule, given the unprecedented scale and importance of those two achievements."
Cultural Revolution is the former, Meeting Nixon is the latter. Generally speaking, securing the latter requires abandoning the former, while continuing with the former puts the latter at huge risk.


Going from the GPCR to normalising relations with the US was just Mao travelling down the trot to neocon pipeline.


To keep power and save his face from the failures of great leap forward.


Mao created an FDR style "New Democracy" with a Communist coat of paint. The national bourgeoisie, particularly the petit bourgeoisie, were always intended to be part of the coalition, and only the comprador colonial bourgeoisie were rejected as traitors. This is the same developmental path as other bourgeois nations. Russia and China simply had proletarian revolutions while they were still majority peasant countries. Ironically what this resulted in was not socialism, but speedrunning the end of feudalism and the beginning of capitalism. Compressing 100 years of, for example, British history, into 25 years. The praxis of the "AES" countries has always been bourgeois-accelerationist. They are playing catchup with the imperial core. The theses of Marx and Engels are still correct, Communism will come to the imperial core first because it is a higher level of development than Capitalism. JDPON larpers will say otherwise. Now this still might end up being China first since the former imperial core (5 eyes, NATO, EU) is rapidly deindustrializing and sacrificing their productive forces on the altar of finance capital. They are de-developing themselves. China will be the new imperial core by 2050, and for that reason alone, SWCC might end up coming true, but it will have to come from the proles.


fair enough did it really achieve his goals when in the end he had to compromise with the PLA to stop it

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how whitetrash are you anon?


my white trash qualities with soy characteristics:
i love deathmetal and deathcore
i find sports boring
hate dancing
i treat my dogs like humans and let them lick me


I unironically enjoy malt liquor


Im white bit im n*gger rich


Dialectical materialism is very similar to the experience of ego death. It is like the ego death of philosophy. The famous last line of Theses on Feuerbach
<The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.
Is basically the renouncing of the self and the dissolving of the ego into the world of other people.

Wittgenstein came to a very similar conclusion as Marx but from the analytical school of philosophy (as opposed to Marx in the Continental school). Wittgenstein and Marx were both "last philosophers" in their own way.

I remember someone on Twitter said that Marxism is like a secular gnosticism and I am not sure if that's true but it sounds similar to what I'm realizing.


Sorry I'm high asf right now this might be totally incorrect


This is dumb

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