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I ask you this as one lefty-pol anonymous poster to another.
Do you feel emotions more intensely, more strongly than others?
Do you feel love and hate with more strength than others?
Can you play explain, why you said what you said?
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It isn't vague, it is personal in the literal sense, I'm not sure if you meant that. It's like asking what does the color blue look like? Similar to turquoise and green.


In hindsight; you are correct. I should reform the question to be "Do you THINK/BELIEVE this" I'll keep this in mind for next time, think its better to keep English short, sharp and sweet for maximum effect when talking. I find people who speak English are very passionate but if you ramble on their mind starts to wander.
I would still like an answer to the updated question however, do you FEEL like you feel emotions with more strength than others?


I think I burned out the anger cells in my brain pretty badly as a kid, but most of the rest of them still hit just fine, though sleep cycle instability messes it all up for anyone and my sleep cycle has been fucked for a long time.


>I would still like an answer to the updated question however, do you FEEL like you feel emotions with more strength than others?

This sounds like something a narcissist would say/believe.


>do you FEEL like you feel emotions with more strength than others
I'ma keep it real with you, chief. I don't think about that because there is no basis for it. At a guess, no, we are all built similarly enough, fundamentally.
I can compare myself with myself from x amount of time ago. That's the extent of comparison that is possible on this question.
I think there are certain patterns to emotions, which it makes sense to explore.
They are also controllable to an extent.
That is the relevant difference between people, not the intensity with which they feel, which, again, at a guess, is pretty much the same for everyone (at least potentially and in reasonably healthy individuals).

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so this is the power of yt-dlp
>download video after waiting one gorillion hours
>erm sorry we couldn't convert the video please use this shitty dependency next time
>file nowhere to be found
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


This never happened to me.


If you add
--compat-options multistreams
, it will convert everything with ffmpeg just like youtube-dl did.


Works on nixos


winget fucked up with ffmpeg path for some reason now it works.


Moved to >>>/tech/25620.

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Post more pictures of this chick. 420-chan or whatever the fuck her name is.
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Anyone know the artist? Love this artstyle and all the little details that went into it.
What the 🐑 doin


Sue Dunn Emm



Did you know that a big share of blue collar workers actually employs more advanced math in their day-to-day work than white color workers?
13 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Actually this makes sense since alot of heavy industry in the west has been exported overseas so most jobs are white collar service industry with the exception of a minority being scientists who'd use actual high level math


Perhaps but people focus more on STEM for the "businessman" aspect.
Ya know, wearing lab coats and looking like some TV show characters from "House" or "Suits"


>construction foremen, professional mechanics and advanced carpenters do more math than people tasked with filling out pdfs all day and calling people to sell them bullshit
Wow. Next you're going to tell me professional chefs know more about inventory management than receptionists.


Like half of all people with engineering degrees don't do engineering. They are what I would call 'techno-managers' or 'techno-bureaucrats'.


>robots will replace mathematicians
well calculators already exist but how is progress in math achieved, like the discovery of new theorems and such, ive never done math above high school level so wouldnt know, but I imagine it would require abstract thinking that computers can hardly still do other than a level of prediction.


>i'll give you access to my land and maybe some seeds and you can produce as much as you want but you have to pay dues to me and to the church and to the king
<ew that's hecking feudalism it's fucking disgusting
>i'll give you access to my tools and i keep everything you produce but i'll give you back a fixed amount that's just enough to keep you from leaving
<HOLY BASED!! now my success is solely based on how hard i work!!!! thank you boss
explain this
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>why some people perceive it as immorally exploitative but not capitalism
oh well those people are retarded. The history of society is the history of class struggle.


It was also because everyone fucking died during the Black Death

>i'll give you access to my land
OP serfs were tied to the land and were forbidden from moving, they weren't free workers with "access"


>you can produce as much as you want
You realize they had a quota right


Capitalism is more subtle, there is an illusion of freedom and free choice


>OP serfs were tied to the land and were forbidden from moving, they weren't free workers with "access"
Not every feudal laborer was a serf though?

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Deftones predicted gooning?? 😱
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>Again, people complain about society being hebecentric
You're the only one I've heard use this term newgene.
>yet theyre harsher towards juvenile misconduct than adult misconduct.
>They would never do this to adult criminals because "muh rights".
They have the same and much worse in real prison. They do all the same kind of stuff in SAFP.


I dont think anyone is denying that minors have less rights than adults since thats like a self-evident fact


society is only hebecentric to the degree that children are more easily convinced to consoom than adults


Yet adults do the most consuming with their social legal right to earn money.
Kids have to wait upon mom and dad to get what they want.

Look at the kind of toys kids consume vs adults.
Adults buy more trinkets than they use.
At least kids will use what they buy.


*knock knock*

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Is this rotini? Is this just linguini?
sauce in a pan fried, with capers and macaroni
Open your eyes, the Stalinist lies, you'll seeeeeee
I'm just a prole boy, I need no spaghetti
Because I'm cheesey come, cheesey go, griddle high, griddle low
Any way the wind blows, long live the butcher ᴉuᴉlossnWiiiiii

[Verse 1]
Pasta, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Pasta, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Pasta, ooh, didn't mean to eat you dry
If I still got no sauce this time tomorrow
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


He was right about lasagna though that shit is good

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Mary Mother of jesus, you are more powerful than god himself and we adore and praise you. Save us because jesus couldn't. Protect us cause jesus can't and tell god what to do because you're his Mother.


The scary part? This isn't 2054, this is today.
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I struggle to imagine what kind of shoes she would even wear


Christianity has a fair amount of symbolism about feet in general. About the imagery here, the Virgin Mary as a figure notably had to walk pretty far to give birth to Jesus. She's also supposed to be "innocent" in a spiritual sense, which fits with being barefoot, since bare feet are more tender an vulnerable. Stepping on the snake here is a reference to the Immaculate Conception, which is something that applies to Mary not Jesus. It's her being conceived untainted by Original Sin which made her suitable to be the mother of God. Jesus being born without a biological father is "virgin birth," which is a whole different concept that people confuse with this all the time. The step on snek image references that because through her the taint of Original Sin was overcome since (1) she did not have Original Sin herself and (2) she gave birth to Jesus whose sacrifice is supposed to provide humanity salvation from the "fallen" state due to Original Sin.

People had shoes back then lol. Jesus is often portrayed wearing sandals.


I met this Egyptian girl walking barefoot on hot asphalt. She said she could do it no problem because she's used to walking on hot sand in Egypt. She had big callouses.


>Virgin Mary as a figure notably had to walk pretty far to give birth to Jesus


foot fetish

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idk what half of these mean, like "mild", isn't that something you say about spicy food that is not very spicy?


Are you spicy though


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>cant stand gender roles
<10 min later




The thinking woman's candy.


The chocolate is nice but everything else is garbage


that's me


I don't think, that's why my candy is drywall

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