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Dear China stop appeasing the cvud customers and make problematic male gazing games that sexual objectification of women and children.

Regards feminist
43 posts and 7 image replies omitted.

On this having been contemplating the issue, no I disagree.
I know industries with pretty much the same set of moats against organising as major logistics and industry that managed to organise well and the only difference between them and us is that they are more gender mixed or even woman dominated industries.

If it weren't for the physical demands of the labour involved Starbucks workers have similar pressures of producing a product that looks artisinal to the customer while working at an mass production industrial pace.

I was dreaming of importing a bunch because they'd make a good salting team having organised successfully under similar conditions.

The recruitment pool being alienated lumpen, or the more politically correct (in the strict theoretical sense, given the new term is solidarity building instead of alienating) precarious workers is only the first ditch in a fortress designed to promote a crabs in a bucket attitude at work.

I can't do it locally, my heart is still a bit broken seeing a young woman who was better at it than me, precise where I'm slack and still keeping the pace get crippled from the work while they're still young.

You burgroids though, you don't actually have major logistics, literally to the point where your ports simply can't dock full size container ships and there's I'm guessing a 70%/80% to 30%/20% gender split on the floor in warehousing from my view over here which means you can actually organise the logistic industry if my intuition on why major logistics is so difficult to organise is correct.

Key points
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Is this supposed to be a parody post?

Referring to → >>621986
Nope burgroid industry and logistics really is that pathetic, the last time a real container ship attempted to dock in burgeristan it took out a bridge.
For your information most of the workers on the bridge trying to patch it up and keep it standing as a route died.

Burgroid logistics and industry is the punchline to a bad joke.
This isn't news, just simple commonsense shit comrade.

Anyone else noticed how some communists who basically have the same motivations as any right winger try to legitimize their bullshit with contrived Marxist intellectualizing. Just say you are an incel dude.

What is he wrong about, though?

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Tell me, you fuck young twinks valdez?

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Remember when all those dumb ceos and investers thought this was the future even though from the very first moment everyone knew it will be a colossal failure? Why do people let these imbeciles handle so much money?
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

software as a service is very bad at generating profit. it's rentier shit. not even a proper commodity in the industrial sense of the term that marx used

I work in software and I remember our CEO eating it all up and telling us it's the software and we all need to start working on stuff related to it.

Maybe you should read a book written this century.

Meta is an advertising company.

Marx distinguished between profit and rent. The contemporary stock market does not.

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tag yourself in the class

i'm the guy in the back making a paper hornet aimed at uncle samuel when he turn around
2 posts omitted.

I'm the black guy washing the window in the upper left corner, staring at Uncle Sam's backside (especially his cute Anglo posterior)

The school shooter coming in late(I just shoot Uncle Sam and then leave)

I just pulled my pants and underwear all the way down.

I am Uncle Sam (I just want to be shot by >>621908).

When do we eat? I hate the school lunch i want to steal the filipino students food

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ITT we manifest things which we want to have or happen to us.
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hot choccy

I want sex with an orc lady

im manifesting the end of manifestation

i want to have a good week for once

c'mon talk to me you know you want to

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>turkish service workers seeing the british and russian pink tanned tourists being annoying and not being able to say anything to them because they are 200% of their current economy
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Dont u worry soon revenue of wood exports from Syria will arrive and Turkey will no longer need tourism

all tourists are annoying by virtue of being wealthy

How's coomin in Turkey?

I just don't like Russians.

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Blacku girlzu r cute i wish they existed 🥴
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Metal is also very popular with black people, only racists care about this distinction of "white" and "black" music unless it's purely historical context of who invented what. Without hip-hop we wouldn't have nu metal or beatdown hardcore.

>only racists care about this distinction of "white" and "black" music
yeah aka the metalheads I'm talking about bro

Jadey Anh

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>I'm sure the guys who do RAC or NSBM are big into rap
Anon I….

She's not black. Has she been blacked?

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(his body was too long and slippery)

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>>621711 hate those fuckers

1. they cant shut the fuck up cheep cheep cheep shut the fuck up
2. they poop everyehwereű
3. they become territorial if you approach their nest by accident

Én imádom őket, olyan aranyosak!


Jannies are Trying to Merge the Thread Edition.

The LGBT+ thread (in case you can't find it): >>618934

Seriously, jannies, don't merge the fucking threads, these are two different threads.

The rules are as before:
>homophobia is idpol
>heterophobia is idpol
>biphobia is idpol
>acephobia is idpol
>misogyny is idpol
>misandry is idpol
>transmisogyny is idpol
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21 posts and 6 image replies omitted.

Also, I'm asking anons once again to share a good thumbnail for a potential continuation of this thread.

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Honestyly, I appreciate your efforts to create a distinct thread from the LGBT General which is now nowadays full of headache-inducing echoes of "straight men are like this , like that"

Here's my suggestionè, a cool artwork of lingering thoughts of a soldier- most probably he was attracted to female body, but with an intricate whim, he now thought of an angelic male calling him onwards!
Amazig :D

>I appreciate your efforts to create a distinct thread from the LGBT General
Thank you, friend. I'm happy to help. Hopefully we can build a positive progressive alternative to modern politics together.
>a cool artwork of lingering thoughts of a soldier
That looks awesome! I might as well use it. Bi-curious artwork is welcome.

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My suggestion

This period fits the thread so well. Also, I love the artstyle, reminds me of Emperor's New Groove.

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is this the multipolarista meeting you guys keep talking about? looks comfy
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you could have asked in the lgbt thread instead, watch out though posters there don't like pubes

Some of my pubes are longer than my cock itself if I straighten them out.

Do you think Castro had a large bush from the Hispanic genes?

Yes. But his cock was so big it didn't matter

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if you come to our all day worship in Minneapolis on February the 22nd I'll suck your cock and balls and swallow the juice for a ten bucks


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