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it's called presuppositional apologetics
I have also seen Muslims do it


Did Agent Kochinski make this thread?


Checkmate, Christoids…


Here's a new syllogism refuting B:
1. A is true
2. B does not imply A
3. Therefore, B is not true

I am very smart.


what if the donkey consents tho

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>make a coomer general so that we can have a fun thread without all the nofun people in the sex and relationshit general and to contain all the coomer posts

>People still fill up the board with their threads about gay sex and buttplugs


and now you added another thread.


Each post in the general had a chance to be it's own thread, it doesn't need to be total containment to be a noticable reduction.

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For so long now they've been asking me why I don't have a gf, why I don't have a family yet, etc. So I pulled out my phone and explained to them about the B.N.W.O. and how my genes don't deserve to continue on. I showed them pictures of my cock cage and said that I want a girlfriend/wife who is open to getting pregnant by a black man and me raising the children as my own. My mother was beside herself with tears and my father just sat there in quiet disappointment with furrowed eyebrows. I'm their only son and I just want them to accept this side of myself. I wish they would get over their bigotry


alien tech is crazy like.. you gotta t hink.. what if these dudes made the tech to be able to detach their body parts and have some type of bluetooth connectivity.. like imagine.. they could do that with their dicks. like here you are on a ship of aliens about to get probed.. they're all standing around you… its a alien gangbang bitch.. and zim zu has 15 connected devices and he's going to fuck you with each one… and that is why aliens are always naked when they show up..
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wow what a nice idea that MKULTRA is out there kidnapping people…


Aliens are clearly demons who harvest souls
You should know this being a christian


UFOs are actually aethereal vessels that are warped by squeezing into the third dimension.
Also the greys are the vessels of the Nephilic spirits.

Notice how encouters with little grey men always involve the stench of sulfur?


It was found out that UFO abduction encounters can be replicated with hypnosis


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>I love life

If you say this you're bourgeois
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And now think about which patterns of thought and behaviour are usefull in society. If around you see cruelty you are powerless to stop, indifference is addaptive. If rebelion is punished, conservativism is adaptive. If your consciousness wriths in agony from being forced to focus of meaningless repetitive work for the benefit of nobody but your boss, supressing all though and turning yourself into biological automaton is adaptive. If you want to crawl up socio-economic ladder, becoming immoral psychopath is adaptive. Becoming less human is an adaption to inhuman society.


Agreed, but with the foot note that conservativism is still a maladaptive response to being punished for rebellion, the adaptive, and probably way more common response is learning to not get caught.

Also multiple behaviors can be adaptive, but some behaviors are far more construcive and therefore more adaptive than others. We have a whole buffet of working theories and provably effective praxis based on them to choose from. While I agree that some people have been fully checkmated and can't do much–I have family in such circumstances–the vast majority still have a lot they can do if you just get the knowledge of those praxis(es? i? Idk the plural) in their heads.


Capital: A Glazing of Political Economy


I fucking hate it when white people say this


Doomer retards are just inverted idealists.

Theres no such thing as cynics.
Most "cynics" are just negative idealists.

I used to go on 8chan /doomer/ board.
All hey do is whine and bich and moan about unfullfilled childhood misadventures and how life sucks because they didnt get the pure waifu they want.

Politics is just mommy amd daddy issues nowadays.

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maleness under patriarchy is inherently oppressive. it's my intention to achieve gender abolitionism by means of removing gender's framework for all except feminine genders, restoring the liberation of primitive socialist matriarchy by with slow assimiliation. gender as something as which exists to secure reproduction by tying together functions shall under post-scarcity become even less meaningful than under matriarchy. I'm anti-transmasculinity because I'm maleness is an inherently violent role within gender.


fuck off to siberia



So I am just going to be honest with you
I go to a socialist org in my town in Germany
there was this boy who was very quiet and reserved so I started talking to him, anyway we became good friends anyway skip two weeks he wanted to show me something
he plunged a 7 inch blade into his stomach and dragged it across, black marks appeared on his face as blood dripped from his eyes and two (what I can only assume) to be demons crawled out of the ground by him. Hid eyes turned yellow

so can most you leftists blood sacrifice and summon demons or is that just a party trick for some of you? Because now this person is threatening to kill anyone who i am friends with and he has basically demon powers, also found out his dads name is baal




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I mean most of us can, but it is usually the vanguardists that summon demons, other tendencies have different favourite spells, like anarchists like fireballs and leftcoms just read grimoires without ever casting a spell.


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I have a spirit eating leftist build but my summoning abilities are level 5 and I can only summon Skibidi Toilet demons so far.


This is scary as fuck seeing lefties fling peoppe around the too with their mind. This person keeps saying I make the hohl feelings go away. Whilst his eyes are yellow and glowing. I am scared as i write this, his head is on my shoulder but fuck me.



does anyone else "brainrot" herself every so often? like no cap summer makes this brainrot moment 10x more intense. like i've smoked 2 fat ones and have an exam tmrrw lol but w/e i like to brainrot myself and watch movies hihg think i'll go get macass later and then pull an all nighter

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They found you.
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wtf literally me


the c in crystal.cafe stands for china


> no looks
> widespread existing phenomenon
Maybe in China.



no such thing like a 3.14 chinese femcel/femNEET exist. it's brutal really

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Good to know huh.


Nice argument. However I have already portrayed myself as the Good Kind of Asian,


>now the Japs are le good guys


I have potrayed myself as the rosy cheeks Asian and yourself as the flat nose Asian


The top says "never has rosy cheeks" while the bottom has "sometimes rosy cheeks".


top: chad
bottom: virgin

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