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A live with no social media and phone, having more DIY, Punk, hacking style and stuff, how is that possible in current years?

My ideas are having so low or no use of social media, using Linux or BSDS, having a custom rom at phone (or dumphone) and using alternative sites like image boards, IRC, old/niche forums, going to punk gigs and raves, learn music instrument, learn about cybersec, download music and movies, piracy in general, dress alt, make a personal webpage, using less javascript and using alternative's to the GAFAM shit.

Any ideas?
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nta but Pixelfed is basically Instagram for activitypub, so no need to make a zuckerberg account for that.


Who gives a fuck of pixelfed is none of my city uses that


1) how do you know? it hooks up to other activitypub stuff so given you live in a city, statistically at least a few locals are using activitypub in some form or another.
2) if so, you could change that 0 to a 1 or more.


The idea of using instagram is just for the protest events or punk gig's, none of this things are announce on activitypub stuff


> lifestylism lifestylism lifestylism lifestylism lifestylism-

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Need it or keep it?
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Mao specifically outlawed corporal punishment in 1949. This demonic practice has no place outside Singapore




I want to lick her armpits.
T. >>543864


Men are not allowed to have their preferences without being pathologised.


Maybe because theyre mainly white?

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WOW Cyberpunk is so freaking COOOL AND AWESOMEEE, man those neon lights, those skyscrapers, those holograms and you get freaking COOOL superpowers from implants? WOOOOOW
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Aren't you excited to play this freaking cool game???? Booooo loser



>sarcasm is "shitposting"
Zoom zoom.


One thing I find interesting about the game and the genre as a whole is how it portrays class in its settings. From the lore and gameplay, it can be presumed that there exists a socioeconomic division within night city set about by someone’s place and time of birth that guarantees their status in society. However, because of the lack of—or really explicitly stated—any barriers to opportunities that aren’t tied to one’s wealth whether that’s familial status, religious/ethnic/sexual/gender identity, place of origin, and more all within night city would make most citizens in it easily capable of finding a chance at financial and political success in spite of the power the corporations yield.
In a sense, night city is arbitrarily violent and unequal. There isn’t anything past wealth in the lore that stops anyone from joining the capitalist class, entering politics to improve the state of the world, joining activist groups, or even directly fighting against the corporations themselves like what happens in the game. This contrasts the real world heavily where most of the barriers that exist to prevent people from taking action against the capitalist class are reliant on everything except a person’s economic status.
It’s quite funny really. Marxists and socialists worked to write a future where industrial capitalism has reached a known limit that exacerbates the suffering of millions to a level that could be comprehended by someone today, but in doing so, they indirectly also made a society that has just as many resources and willingness to put an end and prevent the suffering its members face quickly.

Food for thought


even sarcastically making a shitpost is still shitposting you total fucking retard


i am a pure-hearted aristocratic lady of much family wealth. in protest against father i will begrudgingly support u peasants in ur desire for food or cake or whatever
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Shut up





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your highness please pass the requisite funds for the construction of my project, which I call the goon-sphere


Actually I just want your cake. Let me eat your asshole madame.

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Bros…we won…
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The butthurt is a side effect that has made his imprisonment a giant spectacle. The value of his contribution is in exposing bourgeois state crimes and contributing to class consciousness. Liberal or not he is good.


Well his claim for fame was publishing "Collateral Murder".


Everything detrimental to the US is good for the world.


Im not supporting fascoids to own the americans.


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Do you agree with this?
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>posts youtube video instead of elaborating with his own argument
Typical sagefag, and anti-imageboard etiquette


Yeah pretty much, though I'd bend it in a pringle shape. Auth left is just a means to anarcho-left ends (communism being classless, stateless, etc…) while lib right is just a means to auth right ends.


marx's entire library is found online for free though


Yes but mega corporations still promote his work by proxy


No. It's meaningless nonsense.

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Did you have an alt right/nazi phase? Explain it.

I myself was never a nazi or alt right, but i was heavily into goobergate when it was a thing
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"cringing at your younger self" is kinda a meme.
Yea I get that we have thibgs we regret but if its due to adults around you setting up the atmosphere how can you really be mad about your younger self?
Also I see way more adult converts to alt rightidm


we had right wing talk radio which was fairly popular in the 1980s through 2000s.


idk i just feel like i could have at least been a little nicer
it's part of the regret, anyways


its easy to cribge at your younger self but nobody bothers to ask if their current adult self is cringe.

Theres alot of us whom would cringe at our current self as much as our youbger self.

Tbh, this life isnt meant for us. People are too obsessed with making the perfect society and sociobiological state.

And I think this moral obsession with evolutionary perfection is why we have reactionaryism.


really normal character arc


He's right and i'm tired of denying. Please God give humanity less fanatical nutjobs and more soyence vegan soyjaks who believe in esoteric hipster philosophy
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What 0 historical materialism does to a mf.


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>Science and spirituality


I hate how they pick some dusty ass European city (is that Berlin? I saw the Brandenburg gate at the back) that was probably rebuilt in the 90's by a bunch of investment brokers to soyjak over instead of like Manhattan or that one brutalist library in London that are more fitting symbol of 21st century industrial might


same, old evropa is really overrated by amerifats. the truth is that a lot of the old infrastructure and old styles are inconvenient


Don't mention Pakistan around him tho

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14 year old boy body, it's over.


whats so bad about it?
Id rather that than be overweight.


>male beauties as zero T or anti masculine
Essentially true, high T makes you bald, makes your skin more oily and wrinkly, gives you more body hair (generally considered ugly in excess), etc. Most "beautiful" males are at most mid-T


Idk man. Most old men are wrinkly, hairy, etc and testosterone levels drop in senescence.
Also I think theres three different types of testosterone.


Nothing is wrong with it, just doesn't look feminine.

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What does it feel like to (romantically) love someone? Nearly 2.5 decades on this rock and I haven't felt it once. Lust is common. Never love.
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Unrequited fondness makes for most romantic literature


Its not like a crush where you think anything she/he does is cute. Its more like an unhealthy obsession after spending +5 years with him/her.


>"Cradle to grave/womb to tomb" type romance is rare in modern times.
Real. The most stable couples I know tend to stretch far back. Of course it's survivorship bias to ignore the many youthful relations that don't work out, but I think it's a component of a long lasting romance. I suspect an aspect is not knowing anything else. If you've been single or have many experiences to compare to it can be easier to break up when things aren't so great.


The reason why many youth relationships dont work out is due to infantilisation.

People are getting married at later age in life and things still fall apart. Thats because youre meeting up with someone else for the first time after theyre already set in their ways and acquired baggage.

>I suspect an aspect is not knowing anything else. If you've been single or have many experiences to compare to it can be easier to break up when things aren't so great.

Idk man. "Not knowing anything else" can make things even more unstable.
Again, if you dont grow up with the person youre falling in love with, things arent gonna be so smooth.
Lets be honest: nobody wants used goods.
Women want men to accept them after theyve thrown themselves to the wind and end up sibgle moms.
Same with men.

This whole sympathy for sluts/manwhores has went from.simple forgiveness to glamorisation of trauma.

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