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What is 6 - 4?

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Irrigation is the future.

The body was too short or empanada.
17 posts and 3 image replies omitted.

There's no evidence that the biotic pump effect is strong enough for that.

You can see the bio pump effects if you plant hard enough

On God, I was going to post that image with my original post but couldn't find it, thank you

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How does posadism combine with PSH (psychosocial hypothesis)? Can UFOs rescue humanity even if they are imaginary? Are the UFOs psychic impersonation of class consciousness?

UFO sightings are older than class society

so what you are saying is that an intelligent civilization somehow mastered FTL and came here to look at us?

We speaking about psychosocial hypothesis tho. There is no extraterrestials, the greys are internal psychic creatures living in people's imagination. What I am speculating, is that when the time is due, these beings will escape from the collective subconscious and save the working class.

UFOs/aliens are interdimensional beings native to earth

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Kids who didn’t grow up being told everyone online is out to get you are way too lax about posting their personal info that they will not ever escape from if they got slightly too much attention.

Unironically I think clothing that obfusates biometrics (the face) should be mandatory, aside from in your home or in nsfw online content. Platforms should use face detection to deny posting photos / videos of human faces if the post isn't marked as sensitive.

I think a lot of the oversharing that happens online is a direct result of the work of Mark Zuckerberg (et al, but mostly him) in normaling selfie culture, confusing people on the concepts of anonymity and psudonymity, vilifying anonymity with doubiously conducted pop psychology, and deeming anything less than full biometrics as anonymous. Don't even think they teach online safety in schools anymore, or it's been heavily gutted / injected with contradictions like in picrel2.

was picrel a real episode of that show?

Yeah it's from one of the shorts.

Sounds like projection.
Kids are told that everyone online and offline is out to get them, that everything is recorded and preserved for antiquity.

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>What is 6 - 4?
Why do you keep asking me these difficult questions?
1 post omitted.

No mistake

still more probably than FTL

some people actually don't know basic math

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are you still upset about the space dust thread??

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What da Bodega doin???

Also why tf did they have Nechayev on their banner (3rd pic)? Are nazi subhumans that retarded that they take an anarchist-nihilist SR that's been given the stamp of approval by Bakunin, Lenin and Stalin themselves to be their "ourguy"? Where Lenin himself said "read Nechayev" and where was rehabilitated during Stalin?

i vaguely remember stumbling onto ironmarch via google images by accident long before i knew anything about politics and was very confused about what i was reading.

as for appropation of necheyev, i think fascists just like things they see as edgy, there is not ideological consistancy to fascism. (also i love bordiga and necheyev.)

Despite the Bordiga idolizing he was probably a leftoid trying to convince literal nazis to "join communism".

yeah it seems to be a result of the fascists prioritizing aesthetics and sentimentality over material analysis. The core of there worldview is just feels over reals so nothing has to actually be consistent with the external world or even internally consistent.

I remember going on there and at least half the people were not white. even the guy running it was half Uzbek or something

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History repeats itself


Is this the darkest reaction? Is magacommunism cooked?


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Separation of powers is an illusion, a spook as you would put it, and it doesn't work.

IT'S OVER, do you understand me?? It's all over now. Like that black dude said about companies in Deus Ex, you also don't know who rules you as far as democratic governments go.
3 posts omitted.

It's ultraterrestials actually

im pretty sure marx supported fusion of powers, i think the seperation of them has the same roots as the division of labour and class antagonism.

They're interdimensionals. They're lying about being from outer space.

Mfw proletarians be dealing with being one firing away from homelessness while middle-classers' biggest concern is aliens and the deep state, lol.

The solution is an absolute monarchy

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Post your fav Grace pics.
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Grace haters are out in full force.


Now that we finally got rid of Lynch, which old pedo genius kinomeister is next? Could it be Herzog (age 82)? Or will it be Polanski (91)?

Please let us discuss this topic together, my little chickens.
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I think Chomsky's secret is that even when he was young he talked like an old man on the verge of dozing off.

I understand that you like Mad God, but it's a bad artsy fartsy movie.

Coppola is 85 years old. His latest movie Megalopolis shows early signs of dementia. Never likes his movies, btw. I'm supposed to be blown away by Apocalypse Now, but it's just hippy atmospheric vietnam GI Joe - the movie. Completely overrated, imo.

How does a movie show signs of dementia of its director?

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it's such bullshit, for us humans taking a lQ test takes 30 minutes and you have to solve shitty math questions like "rotate this cubicle in your head 90 degrees to the left now how it done look like?" and finish sentences and enter the capital of Wyoming into the empty field and in the end you get some disappointing result like "you are 105 lQ points, goodbye" but for dolphins they do the tests for THEM.

>here, Mr. Dolphin, lemme throw these tunas 90 degree to the left and let's see if you can catch them!

Yup, he caught it, that's +5 lQ points right there!
>please clap your fins, Mr. Dolphin, if you want another tuna and know that the capital of Romania is Bukarest
Yup, he clapped, that's another +5 lQ points.

Seriously, if they did the lQ tests on us like they do it on dolphins we would be so much intelligent in the end. Imagine being fed your favorite food and then they give you good boy points.

Man, I wish I could have sex with a dolphin.
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The main limitation to unlocking the dolphinoid intelligence potential is their oceanic environment that hinders them from using tools of any sort. Without proper monke limbs to interact with the environment and shape it to your needs you will never become monke tier intelligent.

Also, dolphins lack delicious parasites that can be groomed off via social bonding, plus they lack complex hunting skills, further decreasing social intelligence.

it's a dumb sushi

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>big brain better brain
this is like the porn understanding of peni

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>thinly veiled dolphin porn begging thread
>l*ftypol takes it on face value

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