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I wish to spread leftism to the stars.
The world is not enough, but its such a perfect place to start…
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cuba is reasonably socialist

>billions must die

Cringe & reactionary.


Focus on spreading leftism in your workplace first dawg


Primitive alien species that still suffer from capitalism should be helped and uplifted to socialism.


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describe your last dream IMMEDIATELY UPON WAKING UP, so you don't forget it
i'll give you a score from 0 to 10 and an OFFICIAL and SPECIAL seal of approval or disapproval

and KEEP IT SHORT because my attention span is TINY
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Had a pretty long dream but I forgot most of it.

Started out playing elden ring but the misbegotten had too much health. Then I was sitting in folding chairs with a bunch of people and they were analyzing us and shit. Then I read a manga from 2019 (it's not real) about a guy with OP isekai abilities. He goes to challenge this skeleton guy and dies a bunch of times. They play a hand of cards, but the Isekai guy switches his hand with the skeleton's with his powers and wins. The skeleton says "you fool. did you really think that would stop me". The skeleton then decapitates him and the MC falls to the floor and dies and that's where it ends. I then was in a Special Ed school that abused us and I had a best friend that I escaped with to a boat. Except while running to the boat my legs kept giving out from under me and I kept falling down. Then I woke up.


I was in a huge room with a bed. I locked the door and started gooning. my dick grew to about three times the size, and it exploded like a waterfall, spraying stuff everywhere. then somebody walked in and I was embarrassed.
it was a bit like the scene in South Park when the internet goes down and randy gets caught and blames a ghost.


Ominous forecast


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had a nightmare today where i had a form of time machine and got to see humanity billions of years in the future. it was a conference about how the universe-wide war was over and everyone was clapping, all galaxies were now happy. but then i used the time machine again to skip a few more billions of years in the future and i saw another conference about a universe war ending, but this time it wasn't humans declaring victory, it was some fucked up evil looking demon aliens, and it was looking right at me, it was horrifying. i could feel the whole universe was suffering


I dreamt that my boss sent me out to investigate this new billiard like game where multiple teams played on a table and the balls belonged to teams and if they collided instead of following the laws of physics, the teams had to fight to determine the new trajectories.

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FUTA GENERAL #1 - "The Best of Both Worlds Edition"
>Details: Content to post about Women with an Extra Package
- NSFW & SFW images; porn, animations, videos / gifs & other pictures, 3D or 2D
- Writing like erotica fiction, greentext, captions, & lore discussion
- Manga, comics and hentai doujins of hung women
- Lewd games with Shmeat like Fenoxo's Trials in Tainted Space ( TiTs ) >>483372
- CYOA's https://chyoa.com/tag/futanari
- Other forms of media about or depicting chicks with fem-dicks like HMVs or memes
- Shemale, Futanari, Newhalf, Hermaphrodite & Gynomorph; She got cock? She rocks!
- Futa x male, female, and futa allowed
- Dickgirl Fics can be found at Literotica, Archive of Our Own, Hentai-Foundry, etc.
- Draw, Edit and Write anons encouraged & appreciated (also see >>>/draw/ )
- Posted AI gens should be high quality, no robot spam! Observe penis, hand, foot, etc. detail
- Beep-Boop use / make Chatbots: https://venus.chub.ai/tags/Futanari >>>/tech/20665

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No self-sucking?


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There's barely any 420Chan stuff as is, let alone futa and let alone autofellatio. Draw it yourself if you want.


It doesn't hit like it used to.


Bot asf ngl

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This is not bait. FUCK bourgeois laws and those that uphold them. The illegalist poster was right. This picture was right. I looked down on it, mockingly referring to it as 'Tumblr' and 'radlib', but they were right all along. They won't give me a house but they can decide to put me into forced psychiatric institution. Fuck that!
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What if I want to rescind from society, then what?


Robots #YangGang


Mark my words when I say this is going to be the new mass incarceration. Note how dialogue about the homelessness crisis is always shifted to mental health and drug addiction. They're going to "solve" the housing crisis in favor of real-estate investors and homeowners by locking up the Poors. The "Left" will go along with it for the same reasons they support their local social-liberal/social-democratic parties, the Afghanistan War and NATO - because they say it's "Progressive". I look forward to everybody's auto da fe when the inevitable abuse stories come out.
>We thought it was Progressive, just like Biden, Harris, Trudeau and Singh said it was!!!11


Sorry for being late, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

If there was one thing everybody in the clinic agreed, was that it was not completely their fault for being there. Like i said before, most people were there because of suicide attempts, many with families and kids, by ingesting large quantities of medicine. In the opinion of the doctors who stayed in the facility for years, they noticed that, even if the treatment created positive results in most cases, a lot of the patients would end up coming back, by having other episodes of suicide attempts. The explanation for that, is that locking the patient up, making him not interact with his life before containment, don't really make him prepared to deal with his trauma/mental disorder. Also, if you didn't have a good insurance, you would need to pay a lot back.

So basically, most people there were with severe cases of mental health problems, which were put in a mental health facility against their will, by the decision of their families, obliged to share the same room with other 3 to 4 people, share 1 tv between 20 other patients, stay there with basically nothing else to do in at least 1 month, only get visits by at maximum one person, by a week, and them pay a huge amount for that "treatment". No one was happy with that situation, but if you "misbehaved" or was too persistent with staff, that was accumulated in your profile, and they could extend your time in there for months. There was people in there that talked and acted like any other person, and should stayed at max for a month or two, but had their times extended for five to six months. And, of course, people would have different opinions on why their families put them in there. Some felt angst, some felt guilty, others felt indifference and tried not to think about it, etc. It was not a prison, but it felt like it for us. Like we committed a serious crime, especially with the depressed people. Not knowing how much time they would stay there, not have access to any personal objects except cloths given by their families, and other stuff made that place suck a lot. It could be worse, since the people there at least were nice.
Few people there were violent or extremely violent, with some exceptions: A fat, big guy, who talked a lot about protestant evangelical church, who destroyed our sink, our water driPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I didn't get to respond yesterday as this was posted very late for me, however I will again say thank you for sharing this. I am facinsated by things that happen to otehrs as they give a good insight into what the human condition is like.

I have more questions regarding your reason for being there, how did you end up in such a facility? Furthermore, what did the guards think of you, and what "mental conditions" do you have?

I am >>549104 but your story is making me reconsider things,

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>you arrive home
>there's a manila lrt 1 series 1200 lrv train on your bed
>they're looking at you in the eyes and smiling

what do you do 😳
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Thomas was cross. He had never seen such rubbish in his life.
"Cinders and ashes", he exclaimed amd puffed away.

(insert early 1980s synthpop soundtrack here)

We didnt kill God. God is just simply viewing us from a two-way mirror.
He kmew this was coming from a mile off and used SPF cream.

If anything, its Lucifer whose horrified.
He and the demonic beings are cringing amd amused at the humans they so dearly want to lead astray.
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Wonder how the nerves work for critters with 2 dicks, like does each dich have a full set of nerves or does it just fray in half to 2 dicks with half the sensitivity?


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there's a guy on leddit that has two penises and it seems like he feels both of them: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1u75hh/i_am_the_guy_with_two_penises_ama/?rdt=47780

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ITT: Post the image(s) you came to every time you jerk off
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>>548648 how do you think it feels like to fall on this hydro turbine


no gvvning


I don't like it when the penetrations are impossible


With you brother. Granted, my specific flavour isn't mechanical engineering related.

>waaaaaaaah if you would actually do this it would be bad
Yeah no shit retard. It's a sexual fantasy. Grow up.


Lumine wins her 50/50 again edition
Previous thread:
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Do you like porn?


could be genital dysphoria


I was like this when I had my sexual awakening, actual sex (or at least portrayals of it) looked weird and uncomfortable to me and so did vaginas, but non-sexual erotic stuff (like fetish content) still appealed strongly to me. I don't know what changed for me to actually like the idea of sex but I'd say you don't necessarily have some inherent dislike of it.


I get excited a lot by BDSM but find it hard not to be ashamed by the violence. I guess I can't really believe in the disconnect between "reality" and "roleplay"/"fantasy".


This is interesting. I enjoy the violence. I cut my self becuase of mental illness but I want to actually hurt others. Can you explain further?

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Chat is this real?
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stupid jew


Another 4D chess move by Trotskyists. Destroying the empire from within


this is what they meant by "long march through the institutions"


IDK who this guy is but he should've been arrested the moment he outed himself as a nazi


I'm just saying that these whignats are the same people who probably laughed at the Crack epidemic afflicting Blacks.

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Please guys help me. I have a dream and a fetish to give a stinkbug a bj, this intensified ever since I started playing grounded, what should I do?
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They're pretty hot tho


yea i too fucking hate bugs, specially cockroaches and mosquitos. They are everywhere, specially in summer.


I love shield bugs they are so cute!!!!

Then stay tuned for my upcoming philosophical sci-fi action romance horror epic Marxism novel called 'Song of the Bioforms', in which there are 3 intimate GAY sex scenes between GIANT ROBOT arthropod girls. Furthermore to reach that point in the story you have to read 3 HOT TENDER AND ROUGH GAY SEX scenes between the main character and his illegal robot bf who he has an unhealthy relationship with and makes him dominate him (this ain't your wholesome small business owner Pride 2024 sanitised Gay sex). And you also get to read the bits where it is literally an in universe reading group where I try to explain parts of Capital volume 1 to the reader.


Would you suck a stinkbug?


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You must honestly admit that everyone in this image is a bullshit artist except for the guy on the far left.


Arnold Ruge, the fat guy? I know nothing about him.


All of these philosophers have been mostly forgotten to history however only one of their ideologies has ever been taken seriously by the mainstream


>everyone in this image is a bullshit artist except for the guy on the far left.
ain't that always the truth

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