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File: 1693383505705-0.jpg (9.63 KB, 474x366, mc-th-4266714190.jpg)

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So, a couple of months ago we had a thread where people were talking about penis size and Shay posted a patent where a vasodilator was used in combination with other substances to enlarge one's penis permanently. I found that pretty intriguing so I wanted to give it a shot. I've read the patent and worked out how I could create an amateur version of the procedure at home with just the necessary parts. I'm one month in and that's not long enough (hehe) to say whether or not it has worked, but from my measurements I may have gained 2mm in length and circumference. Keep in mind that this is a treatment that takes around 3 to 6 months. So at one month time the results will be minuscule.

Anyway, feel free to ask me anything and I will give you monthly updates (if people are interested).
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up your ass? or is that the other thread


Mf really tried to make us jealous even though if it did work then there would be proof and massive bragging about.


Posting file version


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This thread reminded me of the old Penis Pill ads you'd get as spam mail from ages ago, usually shilled by Ron Jeremy


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

furry general

This board lacks a proper furry general, thus the reasonable existence for this one. and because /trash/ sucks

Anything included in this list can be here:
porn/porn dumping, murrsuiting, fiction/fanfiction, taboo fetishes should be tagged with a proper warning)
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hey fuck you, that game looks cool and i'll play it, how dare you insult leftypol



Sorry I will be honest today has been shit, I could really use someone here, I am falling apart at the seems and this nonsense cuda slop isn't helping


no need to apologize anon


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>supposed to be 6-part episodic
>only ep 1 released in 2021

so it's dead right? not much point playing it in that case


Considering that Furries are willing to spend thousands of bucks for a mediocre YCH…

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crocodilians thread
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related sorta


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This is what crocodilia looks like on hind legs. This crocodile is not your friend but alpha predator eating you.


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Someone sauce me this alligator, found it in my files and can't remember where its from.


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Did someone say Gators?


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Highlander: The Search For Vengeance
Made by the same man that animated Ninja Scroll.

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i use this board to post all my stupid, romantic, emotionally charged, faggy-homoerotic, mentally ill thoughts and to basically lovebomb anons when I am feeling happy and now people are starting recognize my posting style and i am worried because i cant hide my overly emotional sappy cringe writing style
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Nah it's cool keep doing it


pls don't do this. don't give up your humanity. Embrace what makes you unique and beautiful


why would you care about seeming cringe? it's an anonymous imageboard… i WANT to be cringe here, it makes me feel *free*


i was just giving OP an idea, i don't care how others perceive me.


Its over.

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it's because people are evil
it not society that made them do that it's because they wanted to
that is the failure in your thinking
humans cannot work together we are evil
we kill, rape murder and abuse eachother for no other reason then entertainment
you people need to stop telling me to go to therapy and accept that all people are just demons wrapped in flesh
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>be essentialist
>insist upon something
>refuse to define terms without further abstract terms


Thanks, I forgot to put that reason. Leftists are mostly spoiled spergs with no friends


they put us in a society where people kill each other just for fun then make us go to therapy when we dont like it


take meds schizo


hes right though

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Which group of people have the best/worst feet? The biggest/smallest, cleanest/nastiest. Whose feet would you personally smell and lick, whose toes would you want in your mouth? If you have feet, post them here. It can be your feet or someone else’s.

This is the official thread for feets.
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Asian girl feet post 1


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Which one of you is this?


that's dan schneider's car ie, OP


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Cute shit from a gameshow


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What went wrong?


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Seems like propaganda aimed at christian americans.




in other news, child sexual abuse has dropped by 437% in nicaragua

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Asshole thread.

post booty holes. male or female.
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yus :3


next time you should gape yourself and finger a bit~


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i mean i have fisted myself before


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Not an exposed hole but still


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Suddenly you go back in time and are enlisted in one of the world's greatest wars in history, the Napoleonic Wars, often called World War 0 by some historians

You now have to fight for either Napoleon or the Coalition forces, whom do you choose to enlist for and why, politically speaking??
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>whom do you choose to enlist for and why
You don't get to choose. You get drafted, which mean whichever county you are in send you to the battlefield at gunpoint.
Even if the draft don't apply to you, you can only enlist on the nation that control where you live.

If you want to choose, become a mercenary.



Liberals arent proto-marxists
Marxists are imitators of the liberals


imitators try to be just as good as the thing they try to imitate.
imitators don’t fully understand the ideas they’re talking about. Their knowledge is shallow. As a result, when you ask about details, first principles, or nonstandard cases, they don’t have good answers.
Imitators don’t know the limits of their expertise. Experts know what they know, and also know what they don’t know. They understand that their understanding has boundaries, and they’re able to tell you when they’re approaching the limits of their circle of competence. Imitators can’t. They can’t tell when they’re crossing the boundary into things they don’t understand.
Experts can tell you all the ways they’ve failed. They know and accept that some form of failure is often part of the learning process. Imitators, however, are less likely to own up to mistakes because they’re afraid it will tarnish the image they’re trying to project.

Marxists are not "imitators". They don't want to replicate the system of oppression and oppressed that existed for thousands of years. They want to eliminate completely class, they want communism, which is different from any form of structure that existed a priori. Not a imitation of "primitive communism" of the past, but something completely new.

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/leftypol/ btfo by orange man, how can /leftypol/ ever recover??
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Whoever wins, the collapse of the US will progress, the real difference is who will be the main victims of the inevitable lashing out and convulsions of the dying empire. With Biden, I'd argue there would be more imperialists war around the world whereas with Trump they would be fewer, but more intense plus with more unhinged violence turned inward.


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>Democracts rig the primary to have the less likable and most corrupt politician in recent history
>The only neutral thing to say about her is that she is a women
>It become the center of her campaign
>Mr Clown who do politic as a hobby win

>Democrats spend 4 years trying everything in the book to get rid of the clown

>Do everything that is materially possible except one: having a good candidate
>This guy win for reasons that are illegal to investigate

>4 years later, nobody can ignore that this guy is senile and why his son make millions working in Ukraine

>Still, the democrats rig the primary to make him the candidate
The best thing about American politic is that I am not American.


You're under the assumption the function of the democratic party is to win elections. They are not. They are here to prevent the left to get anywhere near to power.


Well I'm not an antisemite so cool I guess?


We need an obease billionaire to defeat him. Fighting fire with fire.

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