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I think wanting an identity in something and using that identity to proclaim yourself superior is something separate. Both feel good but one is toxic. Just because something feels good doesn't mean that it's wrong or you have to let go of it. It's just stuff that's corrosive mentally for everyone that needs to go away

>Just because something feels good doesn't mean that it's wrong
we were put on this earth to suffer and worship god, not have fun. if you want to feel good wait until you die and go to heaven


This optimistic shithead still believes in miracles

You’re right to not value any form of pleasure, but don’t base your ascetism off the belief that it’ll be rewarded dumbass

>we were put on this earth to suffer and worship god, not have fun. if you want to feel good wait until you die and go to heaven

Irony is, that's exactly how superioriry complex comes about

You follow a zionist rabbi as a god

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I almost always browse imageboards drunk

why fight when you could unite. /420/ board

Grace does not deserve this.
Alunya would pick Grace anyday over 420 chan.

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Fuck yes. I'm ripping bong hits on top of my green dragon high.

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The plant they tell you to touch vs the plant you should be touching.

Turf lawns are bad for the environment, expensive and labor/resource-intensive to maintain, and contribute to the development of allergies (by reducing exposure to the allergens).

Native plant gardens require less maintenance (they are evolved for the environment).
They attract attract pollinators like bees and butterflies which are both lovely and important to our own survival.
They are good for your health psychologically, by filtering more air, by improving your immune system, and because many types of native plants can be harvested to be used for nutrition or mild supplemental health benefits.
They are much more stimulating to the senses in general; just look at them.
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But how do I walk on them?

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I'm gonna touch this

I do despise lawns but wild grass you don't need to water but if it grows tall it likely is taking up a lot of rain water but sometimes that is a good thing to prevent erosion so depends where it is growing. If I had the time and energy and knowhow I would grow all the native species that are at risk of going extinct.

There is some ground covers that are pretty easy to walk on like moss you can use instead of lawns. There also are certain species of grass that you do not have to mow such as Korean velvet grass and dwarf mondo grass

Remember to rub them on your penis

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All of leftypol would like to apologize to mr trump and admit we were all wrong

Lets all apologize to mr trump

I am sorry mr trump!
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I can't tell you what I think about jews and Israel

I understand #rapeMAGA now…


they are sooo rapeable though 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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you are amongst the first to be raped.

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I'm part of a furry discord and have been for years
When I was half asleep. I told a friend. That
>I own you, you belong to me
>You can talk to the people here, but you're mine. You will always be mine
I meant as a friend, but I didn't say that. I don't remember why I said it, am I fucked?

Only on one Discord server and barely check it, but aren't most discords full of people talking shit?
As in your post is nothing and you should just keep up contact with your discord friend without concern?

Appologize to them and claim that you were drunk, and worried you just fucked up. Letting that just stay in the air unexplained won't do you good.

Unless they're into that, but wait for them to establish that, for now assume not.

oh wait misread, that you were half asleep and didn't have your full mental factulties.

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this is actually existing #RapeMaga….
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siding with a guy comparing third world people to animals in a zoo

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I am Mexican and I like the fact that now Mexican industries are trying to tap in central American and Caribbean industries, because there isn't a USA welfare bureaucracy anymore. What now retard? Fuck bureaucracies; specially American bureaucracies.

Our government is too stupid to follow Michael Burry investment, and they are paying the price now.

>I am Mexican
famously woke and not white supremacist

Meanwhile Trump wants to use El Salvador as a prison colony, this is will surely be good for Central America

Please, type away how I am an ice monkey mayo whatever. I beg of you.
That doesnt make our government less retarded for not following Michael Burry plan for LATAM.


GanQing Impact edition
Previous thread:
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I was pointing out that mods do arbitrarily remove harmless drawings, while leaving others up, i would prefer they stop altogether.

Today I misgendered someone on accident and I'm feeling kinda bummed about it. I corrected myself immediately and no one seemed to care but still I feel like this is the kind of blunder I shouldn't be making. Fuck me

People mis-speak all the time. If you weren't saying it out of malice nobody should care including you.

That's clearly an adult. Have you never seen a twink before?

I KNOW its not a shoat, my point is mods would remove it ANYWAY because they often remove random things arbitrarily under false pretense!!!!1


Will you be her Valentine?

too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short
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One Grace thread already gone
BUT one NKVD-chan thread added >>628217
Also MANY TCC-chan pics in this thread >>627790


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So many dead Graces…
Alunya x Grace x 420:
Weird maoist cucking ancom porn:
Whatever happened to this one comic?:
I remember rightoids clutching pearls over it

The animal is in her.


You know something that really grinds my gears?

Why is it so hard for people who adapt novels to do straight adaptations? I'm aware that if you're adapting a book into a new medium, changes are necessary to make it work in the new medium, but there's always a bunch of stupid changes that cannot be explained by the needs of the new medium. They're just changing shit.
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>I would assume that's how most people visualize books
Not when talked with le empathetic visualizers.
Also assuming they even want to talk about it, which most don't, instead doing "Idk…..", or "Uhh?!! Is there a problem!?!!!!!", since they rather hoard it than share.

> modern "AI" has virtually nothing in common with how the human mind actually works on any level.

Pause on the "nothing", the grander point I was eluding to was that keeping a consistent mental image of a face is basically impossible – ai hallucinating constantly in creating the art is like that of imagining art.

>The reason they're afraid of AI is because it'll put them out of a job

Yeah and the reaction is double down on copyright.
They'll turn and argue that nightcore or clipping videos is "stealing" from the creators.
Ask them, "How is it stealing if they never provided for that market?". Instead they just grunt, "Not, uh, duhhh, fair use".
Or my favorite, "What's the difference between this and lets plays or even long plays?", nothing!
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

>Not when talked with le empathetic visualizers.
>Also assuming they even want to talk about it, which most don't, instead doing "Idk…..", or "Uhh?!! Is there a problem!?!!!!!", since they rather hoard it than share.
Okay, and please don't take this as an insult, because it isn't, but now I get the impression that there's some you-specific context at play that I'm unaware of. Because I've been an avid reader ever since I could read, and I have never in my life encountered the kind of people you're talking about

>are scratched libers; fascists.

I don't really agree. I'd say the better descriptor is "scratched demsocs; liberals". Because tripling down on existing legal systems in the face of a threat to ones business interests is the kind of thing Disney and Nintendo do, not ᴉuᴉlossnW and Hitler. Obviously there's a fine, somewhat blurry line between the two (and obviously different people use language differently!), but IMO there's enough of a difference that I think calling them "fascists" outright is too over the top.

> I have never in my life encountered the kind of people you're talking about
I've asked this of like 10 different people, spend hours googling, used ai, etc. – and It's those two responses, or silence since nothing was given back.
Even ask my own mom about how she does it, with her taking it as a challenge and instead talked the pattern of reading an author.

Even if they're personally good people, this trend has been a deeply frustrating situation that has plagued me for months.
Nothing to show, and the first step being the smug "empathetic" readers that think reading self help books are bad, and it's basically sexist to not think of women as anything the empathetic gender that we must serve and let rape.

Could you explain visualizing, or would you be too empathetic and refuse to answer?

> I'd say the better descriptor is "scratched demsocs; liberals

>tripling down on existing legal systems in the face of a threat to ones business interests
Pausing on social democrats being the moderate wing of fascism – shoutout to home girl Rosa Luxembourg – fascists reaction is a more aggressive attack on the proletariots in the name of protecting capital.

Ignoring their violent rhetoric XYZ random tweet – even if they aren't full blown fascists that advocate for terrorism to the civilians and hyper imperialism, (or even describe it as imperialism towards the citizens) – those online artists currently follow the historical path of the petite-bourgeosis (fascism's most loyal class), for they have no unity to workers, but mostly a disdain for them.

>Nothing to show, and the first step being the smug "empathetic" readers that think reading self help books are bad, and it's basically sexist to not think of women as anything the empathetic gender that we must serve and let rape.
Once again, I feel like there's context here that I'm missing.

>Could you explain visualizing


Try remembering what your room looks like. Note how you don't literally "see" your room in your head, but rather, that you instinctively "know" what it looks like; you know what kind of flooring you have, you know what color the walls are, you know where your bed is, etc. If someone asked you to draw your room, you'd probably end up with something around 80% accurate (artistic skill notwithstanding), because again, you don't have a literal image of it ready, but you do know broad-strokes what it looks like.

Visualization is doing this for things that don't actually exist. If you've ever remembered a dream, it's exactly like that.

It should be illegal to write more than two paragraphs on /siberia/

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The png that defeated ziggerim
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trutru oinkranians where only deserving of existance when they where still a band of pillagers and raiders that routinely decimated russian settlements and kidnapped all their women

Isnt it weird how the ukrainian pig memes suddenly popped up exactly one year before the invasion in 2022?
Ive never seen a pig ukraine meme before 2021.

Not an inter imperialist war by the way

I saw them on that Kazakh imageboard around 2012.

I feel like I have some memory of seeing them after 2014
Additional Information: None

pigs are associated with ukrainian national identity since at least the russo-turkish wars.

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