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The fact that Stavros Halkias is now a mainstream comedian and media partner of the Baltimore Ravens is turning me insane.

You used to be on the cum podcast! You used to giggle like a Bonobo at Nick Mullen doing "gay Michael Douglas" bits! How do you have mainstream success? How?!


He toned down his stuff and almost nobody is actually offended by Cum Town style comedy anyway, most of their audience was probably Bernie people lol


He is funny idk what you want people to say here.


Who is this?

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>I think most of you people have cat like qualities in your soul, the one I will focus on is easy distraction

Here is list of things that can be easily ran in your browser.

WebGL Fluid Simulation:

Worldwide Radio Channels

Little Alchemy Game:

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then you are spiritually kbitty


The alchemy game is fun. Minetest has a gamemode called nodecore, that is similar in spirit if completely different in kind, but frustrating even moreso.


What's fun about it? It's annoying.


>I'm not the only nodecore fan on /leftypol/
Holy shit, server when. It's the only autism blocks thats caught my attention since minecraft beta.


can i be invited to the wedding?

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Just saw this on 4/ck/

What would they serve?


99% of the menu is sauces for the one thing they serve, tendies


aint nothin wrong w tendies


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>I'll take a Double Triple Hyperborean Delvxe on a fuhrer, 14x88 aryan style, extra bbc with a day of the rope and a fifth reich, light great replacement; make it heil, -ack it, and let it LARP


one time on one of the halfchan boards I think it was /co/ a chinlet use eight buzzwords in a string and even the people who post on there thought it was surreal

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Waltir, why are my meth producers unionized waltir?
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You sound extremely autistic


Breaking Bad is just about midlife crisis from the viewpoint of Walter White.

And about idleness and despair in the boonies.


I feel ya.
Alot of live action is just excessive slapstick/snark.


That's not true I also watch camgirls.


it's part social realism of the suburbs and boonies, part over-the-top criminal melodrama
the last season's storyline gets pretty anime tier tho

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"Feminine men" get conflated with spineless soy beta nerds but in reality, some of the biggest chads in history were feminine. We need to reclaim male femininity. I am starting a movement
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>Prince was depressed because of height, it indirectly lead to his death
That's sad, he had a lot of sex appeal to women. Talk to any Gen X and they thought he was hot.


He wore lifts a lot and it led to pain killer addiction, no doubt he had sex appeal.


He was the man. The only one that could outdo Micheal Jackson in the 1980s.


nah, he had some injury and got put on painkillers and that led to the addiction
same as how most opioid addictions start



i know i am not the only person to ever find issue with the elderly public

and i will definitly say there are decent nice old people out there that mind there own business and water their flowers..

but what do we do about the old people that want to throw their beliefs and shit at us like oh in my day
bitch you can see how time works it'll never be your day ever again. over with. kill yourself and move on.

but no. they don't.. so whats the solution to them? poop at the door? cement globs in their driveway?

what? sorry kinda pissed that old people try running around telling kids to get off their phones and shit


Change the material conditions that made them like that, and make mockery of essentialist / whedonistic thought so those that do end up like that don't feel so bold about it.


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idpol thread no.8345547768356


Thats not elserly. Thats middle aged.
Elderly people usually are nice and are accepting of things changing even if they dont like it.

Its the middle aged whom are easily indignant about any slight cultural change.

I hear more people whine about feeling old in their tgirties tgan in their seventies.

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there's nothing more freeing than leaving a shit organization
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id just join a cult to get a cultist gf who sees me for my beliefs rather than for who i am.


socialism is on the ballot!


I knew a guy who used to go to jehevo witness, mormons, scientology meetings to go and try score pussy


That's what I'd do if I had no standards
Only with "Maoists" or whatever fringe leftists


ngl that's hilarious


Who /over90/ gang here?
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how is he holding onto the pistol if he's dead


That can happen, the hands eventually grip after death due to rigor mortis


This is so fucking pathetic


>belonging to the subordinate gender
>-50 points

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if you type before:2010-01-01 preceding your search term in youtube you can limit your search to videos from the 2000s, the first four years of youtube. I'll be ripping gems I find during my archaeological dig with yt-dlp and posting them here. I'll be focusing on things that interest me but I hope others join me. I'll avoid posting memes with high views like chocolate rain, etc. that people already know about. This is more for niche content that gets buried under the current search algorithm. A lot of this content will be "cringe" but nevertheless… there might be gems in the muck. Perhaps even some low video/audio quality content that might be worth revisiting with up-to-date editing software
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Any oldfolks remember this guy?




this is surreal to watch
like if western frontier settlers were able to make crunchy 240p videos about the injuns come to take their cattle
actual libs support this shit



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>call an Uber
>these two pull up
What would you do?
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I think I could match their wavelelengths without speaking their languages. We'd have a sort of brotherhood and shared mindspace. I imagine myself smiling at Putin, he nods, Kim laughs, we all laugh.


Convince them yo drop a nuke in Washington D.C.




juche is libertarian


>they say something in Korean/Russian I don't understand
>"y-you too"
>look back confused
>spaghetti starts falling out of my pockets
>start crying and duck and roll into the opposite lane on the freeway

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