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Because they're the heroes the USA deserves, but not the ones it needs right now. So, we'll write conspiracy theory twitter threads about them. Because they can take it. Because they're not our heroes. Wraithes… They're silent guardians. Watchful protectors. Dark Knights.


>virgil was CIA
>amber frost gave matt a stroke so she could come back on the pod
>matt's wife amber is in on it
>matt's baby has psychic dune powers
>will menaker killed and ate virgil texas
>felix is muslim pretending to be jew
>Alex Nichols is the only funny member of the podcast and he isn't even officially a member


>bernie sold out for the final time over 4 years ago at this point
only reason these doofuses are still around is because of the residual patreon subscriptions


so what? they were following MLism exactly.


Forgot to finish this post. They were following MLism exactly. There are examples of successful revolutions emerging from the social democratic movement. Who were the first people to suggest that the DNC rigged the election? Who is constantly making jokes about the ideo of voting in 2024? This idea that they're "controlled opposition" is ridiculous, because newsflash:

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It can’t seriously be that addicting for most people to eat so much junk food. I’ve been overweight, but never fat. My peak weight (in pounds) was in the 160s and I’m back to the 140s. In contrast, there are people on this planet averaging 200-300+ and that’s just considered normal. How? How does one even shove so much processed junk constantly—especially considering that that shit isn’t even cheap these days anyways? Doesn’t that shit taste like ass anyways? Doesn’t it take years for someone to become obese? If so, how tf do most people on that path reject taking action for that long?
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why so mad? fat people don't really hurt anyone but themselves, there's 100000 other better groups of people to hate. besides people have mental conditions and stress and whatever, don't assume it's so easy for everyone


The real fatasses Ive seen go to sitdown diners like Dennys. Each dish there is like 1500 calories and the fat amerilards order like 2 plates and a milkshake thats like a 1000 calories to eat.

And thats just breakfast for them or something.


Dude I try to buy a nice bread to eat sandwiches with but then I see it has 6 grams of sugar added per slice. And that's the 100% whole grain stuff, the white bread is worse.


Christ… no wonder I’ve never been genuinely fucking fat. I think I’d throw up if I ever tried eating like that. What keeps people like that from fucking breaking, or from getting bored from how bland the taste of that shit is?


It's an addiction.

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You live in an apartment with a roomate but he just left and now you must find a new one. You put some ads and soon you receive 25 requests…

Who of these pretty ladies will be your new roomie and why?
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need more afro-latinas in this thread stat

not enough color


I would inseminate all of them!


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Enjoy your oral-pharyngeal-anal syphilis and your premature fecal incontinence, you damn faggot…


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On your favorite webcam site except ShiturBAIT…


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All revolutions were run by people who killed the people in power then the people who ran it took power. You can't protest your way out of slavery… you are all delusional. If you want change you have to fight for it, literally.


America is arguably the most successful terrorist state.
>le 2nd amendment
>le guns and bibles
>the CIA and NED (coups and massacres, paid protesters in HK and others, etc.)
>most of their food being highly processed
>all their people live in misery due to their heinous urban planning and social services
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I think a lot of people don't understand how bad the creationist propaganda really is. When I was growing up almost all my friends thought the earth was 6000 years old. There's a ton of churches that teach stuff like that and the schools don't do anything to counteract it


total burger death unironically


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>yeah it's like living in a never ending semaine sanglante. German and French and Polish socialists are constantly like "WTF just educate/agitate/organize"

>Bruh i'm not walking across a 10 verst mountain in the caucasus in 40 degree winter just to organize a bunch of workers who lack class consciousness and would sooner just quit and go scab at a new job than strike for 2 days. Motherfucker half the population literally thinks the world is 6000 years old. Going back and reading slavonic medieval chronicals from the 900s doesn't even feel like satire. John's apocalypse and the protocols make Georgia look tamer than it actually is. Motherfucker the run down city of sormolo in gorky's mother has more class consciousness and walkable infrastructure in the 1 square mile around the train station than the entirety of the caucasus mountains. Motherfucker the mensheviks and cadets are just liberal tailists and every other group is narodnik sickos, agent provocauters, and barely disguised imperialists.

>This place has to be centralized and handed over to the russians before it can be a real nation in even the westphalian bourgeois sense of the word. Only then can the socialist revolution even begin. Let Chavchavadze's descendants take power and deport one half of me back to whatever part of georgia my fathers' ancestors fled the famine and the other half of me back to whatever part of central asia they stole my mom's ancestors from.


>but the pockets of concentrated wealth are surrounded by a destitute hellscape of what is essentially human cattle
Just described every capitalist nation on the planet with no class consciousness. The entirety of the subcon and SEA are like this.


People are inclined to religion. No amount of education will eradicate this.

In fact, public education as we know it came from.reigious institution.

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Piracy bros….it's over….the torrents have fallen…


>feels entitled to steal media from hard working corporations
>defends stealing land from indigenous people
It adds up.


>petite bourgeois libertarian techie is retarded
Woao who couldbe thought


fitgirl is a repacker
a repacker that had a meltdown when some random suggested that theres bitcoin miners in their packs

fitgirl doesnt create cracks

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should i start beekeeping as a hobby? i don't even like honey, I just think it's cool, apparently it isn't even that time consuming, just a few hours per week
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If you don't like honey, you could keep native bees that aren't honey producers and help protect local biodiversity.


bee slavery and stolen honey


There used to be a poster here called Bee.



This, although you could make some friend s by giving away honey


>I think it's cool
Do you need more of a reason?

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>meanwhile on bizarro /siberia/……
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Don't you guys just that one time of the month you just bleed out of your urethra? I wish women could understand this pain!


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Ladies and Gentlemen, Theydies and Gentlethem, let's have a civilized discussion about the National Question - it's historical discourse and how we can bridge the gap between 20th century thought and contemporary geopolitics.


femdom is a coal and i hate itr


The workers of Palestine need to organize against their reactionary theocratic regime and unite with working class Israelis.


I will not allow this kind of slander against us keyed square-earthers


Is the intruder from the mandela catalogue, leftist? Are alternates communist?


Hes a based illegalist

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The nine most terrifying words in the English language are
>I'm an American Christian (possible inquiries into Eastern Orthodoxy)
Seriously why is every orthobro in the US a nazi of some kind
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- Essentialism is the root of both abrahamism and liberalism
- Conservatives are just spicy liberals
- Nazis are just spicy conservatixes
- Orthodoxes are just spicy christians
This is why even when conservatives go outside theiconfines of essentialist religion for the sake of appropriating stuff, they slowly theseus ship it back to just being spicy christianity again. Example: the black sun's 12 spokes.


This guy is still making comics and still has the same dogshit style as ever, amazing.


Honestly Islam ticks all their boxes but they don't want to adopt it because it's a 'brown' ppls religion.



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