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Jadey Anh edition

Old thread: >>604523
600 posts and 69 image replies omitted.

>I have a friend whose a chud and while he's mostly apolitical, if the discussion gets on california, kyle rittenhouse and/or guns he will not accept any foreign opinions to his own. I'm all for gun rights, but i wouldn't not visit california for their gun laws. Also idk what to feel about Kyle rittenhouse I know he's probably a chud but one of the black people was a pedophile.
I'm from California and this gal is from South California, a very rich neighborhood but she's half White half Latino, can't remember her parent's class background really.

>South California
South Pasadena*

>She was saying shit like "silent-majority" and what not way back in the 00s. Who knows what she's like now.
You dodged a bullet. I doubt you're compatible if you wound up here. For another thing doctors are notoriously unfaithful and you seem to hold romantic ideals very dear.

incels whine about being ugly losers, but try to figure being an attractive loser, you've got no easy cope-out and the whole internet is trying to gaslight you into believing you're the flip side of their shitty lives
which ironically make me relate to women more in that regards, especially femcels

This sounds like some butthurt whiny ass no sex having ass dude

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i finally see it

the third worldists are right. socialism will never occurr in the first world, but this doesnt mean it wont come to the west

there seems little to stop to it at this point. our economies will collapse, our lands will be set ablaze. an unbelievable number of people are going suffer, and when we are all fucking peasants we will in an ironic twist be in a position similar to russia and china before their socialist revolutions. with the right impetus, this will either trigger a rise of a socialist state out of the ashes or centuries of barbarism followed by the ultimate collapse of western civilization. in the first instance we will see the an absolutely ruthless cultural revolution. it would be nearly impossible to have openly traditional and maybe even religious views without getting lynched and tortured in public (i am saying this as someone who is not even an atheist)

this is why it is all the more important to organize in order to prepare to lead the vanguard in the coming times

every day it will become more and more difficult to look at this post and say that i am wrong. i sure hope that i am. posting in siberia because i am half-ironic writing this out, but still

What? This are all Direct Energy Weapons. If anything, we are going to experience a Khmer Rouge regimen with Bill Gates as a form of Capitalist Pol Pot. Smart Cities will be the new killing fields or death camps.
Smart Grids the new gas chambers or Kool Aid.

Forget about any form of populist movements.

>an unbelievable number of people are going suffer
Wait til you find out what's been happening all this time outside the westoid bubble.

People in the first world should be organizing their resources to making an underground railroad to get out. An exodus seems more likely to work than a direct revolt.

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holy shit why am i looking even right with what trump is doing hahaha

every year social media has memes just like that lol

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tankie is a term used by communists to refer to eurotrash and fat americans who have never opened a book, although it has unfortunately picked up currency amongst certain retards to disparage other retards who hold the exact same views the other retards have (do not look up /r/tankiejerk, worst mistake of my life)

I started calling libs tankies, just to dilute the word even more.

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Marx said that religion is the opiate of the masses, because the masses require an anodyne under capitalism.

We have seen many comrades have their faith shaken, fall prey to despair, so I suspect that merging Singularitarianism, Marxism, and Buddhism may be an effective anodyne.

Some singularitarians believe that a potential future benevolent AI god would be able to revive people as ancestors simulations. Moreover, in the China thread, we've argued that only a socialist society can produce a truly benevolent AI, and that capitalist AI would only reproduce its forms and values, consequently creating a super-exploiter.

Consequently, I give you Cyber Marxist Guanyin, who is a Marxist derivation of the Bodhisattva of Mercy, from Mahayana Buddhism. The Buddhist practice is that if you chant her name, and recite the mantra "Om Ara Padme Hum", you will be reborn in a Buddhist paradise after death.

Cyber Marxist Guanyin is different. We call for no princes or saviors, nor do we give credence to feudal superstitions.

Instead, CMG is something that socialists will create with their own hands, who will guide us to a true Communist society.

Those who chant her name and pray to her will be heard by her, by future super technology, and through her future super technology, if we are good revolutionaries and Marxists, we will be reborn in the future, in Communism.

Your efforts, your struggles, need not make you give in to despair. If we fight the rising tide of fascism, build socialism within capitalism, be kind to other workers, and support the replacement of capitalism by socialism, we will not be forgotten by either CMG or the revolutionary masses of the future.
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119 posts and 25 image replies omitted.

Math is made up.

>it's 1 retard.
It's undefined, retard 2: Electric Boogaloo. Learn math limits please.

Religious people can't into math, they literally just make shit up. Have you seen the Abrahamics and Dharmics' schizo geography?

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Different question: is Lain Marxist?

The writer is a liberal

I wouldn't call it marxist, but it anti-imperialist.

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I know we're supposed to hate cops, but what If for our jobs we have to report thieves or else we'll get fired?

chinese cops(in china)/north korean cops(in dprk) are an exception

i think you hate yourself wholly independently of any reporting of thieves you do, anon.

I'm not a fed. I'm just a fat dude.

Become a corrupt official and actively assist the organized criminal element to rip off the store and undermine its profits. This can also grant you access to the criminal underworld which may prove valuable in recruiting disaffected people to the cause (Stalin was famously a bank robber).

What if OPs a retarded weeb?

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gigachads -> men who mog 99% of the population

gigathads -> chads who mog other chads aka THADS

gigalads -> they are so thaddic that they mog other thads and occupy a special hierarchy in the maleniverse (male universe) they also have mystical powers that sceince hasnt been able to decipher yet

gigabads -> their bodies are made up of 1% uranium no one knows what it is but scientists believe they are ancestors of ancient dinosaur civilization that died because of nukes. 1 gigabad is about as strong as 100 gigalads

gigacrabs -> theyre not even human just giant crabs that have haunted our planet for millenia. strongest being with a stronger punch than the gravitational force of entire solar systems

gigazads -> theoretical next level of a male. there is no concrete evidence that gigazads exist yet but there are 100 reported sightings every year especially in the mountains of tibet where it is believed that a tribe of gigazads have inhabited for millenia and trained to attain their mystical p-owers. itis believed that if they exist they could be a threat to the maleniverse (male universe) because anyone stronger than a gigacrab could literally destroy the planet with a fart

what about terachads

theyre like 1.000 gigachads but weaker than a gigathad. irrelevant in the grand scheme of things

As if /leftypol/ twerps are Chads

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repeat after me:
i will not eat random food i see on the floor

after me

I will not ear random *nom* *chew* food *chew* i see *swallow* on the floor

I sharted myself

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He literally just did it to be edgy and contrarian
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>every single american are my chud/neolib peers

Why settle for a government that's 75% cooperative when you can have a government that's 100% cooperative?

Nah he wants approval from /pol/ types for some reason. Im pretty sure he lurks 4chan.



like pottery

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did you do your dishes today anon?
or did your MOMMY do them for you?

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I'm the dish-washer of the house

Of course I did

well uhhh, there's something decomposing on my sink(that spontaneously came into existence) so…. i didn't

Im not at home.

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Some piccs are too short or empty to be posted in other threads. But that doesn't mean that they can't be good piccs. So post them here, those lonely piccs, and maybe if there's something wrong with them, we can fixx them.

yes, just dump your random ass stupid pics for laffs
63 posts and 57 image replies omitted.

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found on a website that i guess used to be a leftwing graphics archive

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