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When's the next -zoic? I feel like the next -zoic might be the end of the capitalist mode of production and the end of the human-subhuman distinction of the forces of reaction, which are the subhumans.

According to your chart ot won't be for at least a million years.

the next zoic will be when robots correspond to 50% or more of the population

True, start killing luddites, start killing reactionaries, start killing conservatives, start killing reactionary socialists.

bullshit pic btw. life has existed on earth since pretty much the beginning


Got some fire artwork straight from the watchtower. Was going to post in the burgerpunk thread, but they have so many awesome paintings, they deserve their own thread. How have I never seen this shit memed before. It's fucking golden. An infinite number of memes ypu cpuld make from this sauce.
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Yea they look like they're gonna do a chunin/jonin battle

Well at the very least they don't seem to be crypto-white supremacists like the Mormons and EvangeliKKKals

Jehovah's Witnesses based their brand off of Mormonism

that art is nice, also i found some leftwing graphic art in the images thread https://slammermemes.wordpress.com/ watch it while high


How do vulgar marxists cope with communism being the highest consciousness of the universe realizing itself and dissolving the subject object distinction?

that's friggin crazy dawwg wow

noooooo haha
now *this* is crazy, comrade


𓂸: This hieroglyph represents a seated man with an arm extended forward. It can be associated with actions like calling, inviting, or making a gesture. Together, these symbols might convey a gesture or action involving a man, but their specific interpretation would depend on the context they are used in.Nov 14, 2023

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2 + 2 = 4
4 / 2 = 2
pure coincidence?
22 posts and 5 image replies omitted.

> He doesn't know about haskel

3+7= 10


Check mate

3 + 3 + 3 = 9
9/3 = 3
pure coincidence?

2 + 2 = 22

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Hot take I’m against Eugenics except for Narcissistic people, literal porky genetics.
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anti narcissism is a substitute moral panic for people who aren't religious

Narcissism is a real disorder but it's been dumbed down to a slur.

Just like "pedo" or "Nazi"

People think anyone, especially if they're young, having any sort of fun or bit of self-love is automatically bad.
Our society promotes self-negativity and self-hatred.
Men and young people are actively pathologised for wanting any sort of self-value.

If authoritarian personality was the reactionary condition of industrial era, in post-industrial economy it is narcissism.

Anyone who parties is a narcissist

That's a pretty narcissistic position actually.

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I saw this deworming shit while browsing 4cuck archives and it did interest me even though it sounds like cureall miracle schizobullshit
Has anyone ever tried it? I'll post the pdf I saw, but it's heavy on the schizobabble and /pol/shit

Please let me post man please you know me
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do westerners really not deworm themselves? maybe that pdf is right about worms turning you into transhumanists

Yeah but for humans

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No one can help you with the brain worms anon, im afraid you're just gonna have to live with being a bit retarded all the time.

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why would you think there's anything of value in any of this

I think dogs detecting some types of cancer actually was in the news a couple years ago.

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What the flags of the world would look like in the style of the Russian Federation's tricolor format (Donetsk - Luhansk - Novorossiya republics)

Taking requests!
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The unicorn and lion representing Britain are so weird it's almost cool.

Also worth mentioning
Czechia has a fuck ton of municipality flags & coats of arms

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Ziggafying flags some more because I'm bored
decided to try doing variants with the eagle and text instead

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here's one for the mercs


How common is this sentiment ?
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>so much cope in just two posts
hatred is hatred, champ. structuralized(like in your examples) or not.
>there is no racism against whites
>but there should be
pick one, chud.
I know you have some hidden beliefs/ulterior motives, just like most people, but they never admit.

Actually you're wrong. Not everyone is subject to the Anglo American style of discrimination.
If I recall whiteness is a modern concept. Alot of the ethnonationalities we consider white were oppressed. They were denied healthcare and right to parley.

If by white, you mean Angloids.
Greeks and Italians are also white but they're not standardised.

Eastern Europeans are also pathologised

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>Euroids spend centuries literally invading, raping, pillaging and plundering half the planet
<I sleep
>a byproduct of capitalism, imperialism, and climate change is that people tend to immigrate from the periphery to the core
<this is literally a heckin military invasion, billions of browns must die

Don't leave the Americans out of this. The US is to blame for most of the big mass migrations of the past few decades.
t. American

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ayo he's literally (you) and (me)
he love dick booba sexo jelqing goon edge butta, awooga hrrrng mommy daddy
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I wish my sex drive was ten times stronger, my little peepee was tripled in size, my tiny balls quadrupled in volume, and I was handsome enough that more people than just my mom would think so. Of course also the money to be hypersexual.

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this is not where the nipples are supposed to be. unacceptable

what top surgery does to a mf

only if it's the temu top surgery

Don't badmouth Temu, it's socialist.

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